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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
OINKs one income, no kids
DINKs double income, no kids
PINKs private income, no kids
LINCs low income, nine cats
NINKs no income, nine kids
DUDs demographically undesirable divorcee
PODs punks on dope
YAMs young assholes on mopeds
SLIFs still living in the fifties
SLITS still living in the sixties
SHITs suburban heterosexuals in town to swing
CANTs corporate animals, no talent
SIMPs sexually inactive male professionals
MIDGETs mentally inferior divorced guys expecting terrific sex
TOADs tennis-obsessed advanced-degree holders
RUGs rich ugly guys
DRUGs dumb rich ugly guys
SACs sixties acid casualties
SIPs single-income pot smokers
DORKs damned overpaid Republican know-it-alls
FDAs former drug abusers
YANKs young assholes, no kids
NERDs nervous evangelicals, recently defrocked
SOBs son of the boss
CPAs car phone assholes
WIGGs women into gay guys
BICEPs bisexual college-educated professionals
AWOLs always working-out at lunch time
SLIMEs single lawyers into money and exercise
RAMBOs right-wingers afraid of Mexicans, blacks and Orientals