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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Over-extended op-codes
BNR - Branch for no reason DPW - Don't let player win
EDR - Emit deadly radiation FLR - Flash lights at random
GMD - Generate meaningless data ICR - Incur costly repair
JIL - Jump to inaccessable location LLI - Lose last instruction
RIS - Remain in subroutine IPC - Increment pizza counter
TEC - Take extra time for calculation UAB - User abort
POP - Push or pop DWIW- Do what I want
GCR - Generate confusing result CMS - Clear memory and save
PCS - Push to center of stack PUO - Perform unknown operation
SOC - Spill operator's coffee TOW - Take over world
PII - Perform invalid instruction ROM - Read operator's mind
EPD - Explode peripheral device TET - Triple execution time
ZMJ - Zero memory and jump JI - Jump indefinite
ECF - Explode and catch fire POP - Punch out programmer
WOR - Write on ROM RRR - Read random record
GRO - Generate random opcode BF - Blow fuse
ETR - Erase tree root BNL - Become a neo-Luddite
RCD - Read card and destroy DCW - Destroy card and write
REQ - Remove from empty queue MUG - Make ugly graphics
BPM - Become Psych major GRE - Generate Random Error
SUP - Shread user printout BTB - Branch to bus
BSO - Branch on sleepy operator BD - Backspace disk
BTI - Blow trumpet immediately BTL - Blow trumpet later
CM - Circulate memory CRN - Convert to Roman numerals
DAC - Divide and conquer DD - Destroy disk
DIA - Develop ineffective address ECP - Erase card punch
DO - Divide and overflow ED - Eject disk
EIO - Execute invalid opcode EROS- Erase read-only storage
IA - Illogical AND IOR - Illogical OR
LCC - Load and clear core MWC - Move and warp core
PPSW- Pack program status word RBT - Read blank tape
RCR - Rewind card reader RCS - Read card and scramble data
RD - Remove disk RDI - Reverse drum immediately
RID - Read invalid data RIG - Read inter-record gap
RT - Reduce thruput SC - Scramble channels
SD - Slip disk SP - Scatter print
SLP - Sharpen light pencil (or light pen) SRSD- Seek record and scar disk
SPSW- Scramble program status word SSC - Select reader and chew cards
SSJ - Select stacker and jam TAB - Throw away byte
TPN - Turn power on TPO - Turn power off
UCB - Uncouple CPU and branch XNH - Execute no-op and hang
RBT - Rewind and break tape RRR - Read record and run away
OPI - Order pizza immediately PCS - Pop from center of stack
BCF - Branch on chip box full BPO - Branch on power off
II - Inquire and ignore IRB - Invert record and branch
NPN - No program necessary PS - Print and smear
HCF - Halt and catch fire FSG - Fill screen with garbage
OMC - Overheat memory chip PPC - Purge Pascal compiler
OU - Offend User SSD - Stop and scratch disk
DHI - Destroy hacker interface MTE - Mangle tape on exit
(d) 1984 RH@SF@TRW (The Real World)
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