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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Police Codes
Ever wonder what those codes you here are when you are scanning the police
band with your home-scanner? Well for those that are interested here they are.
Code A - No rain expected
Code B - Rain expected
Code 1 - Answer on radio
Code 2 - Proceed immediately w/o siren
Code 3 - Proceed w/ siren and red lights
Code 4 - No futher assistance neccesary
Code 4A - No futher assistance is neccesary, but suspect is not in custody
Code 5 - Uniformed officers stay away
Code 6 - Out of car to investigate
Code 6A - Out of car to investigate, assistance may be needed
Code 6C - Suspect is wanted and may be dangerous
Code 7 - Out for lunch
Code 8 - Fire alarm
Code 9 - Jail break
Code 10 - Request clear frequency
Code 12 - False alarm
Code 13 - Major disaster activation
Code 14 - Resume normal operations
Code 20 - Notify news media to respond
Code 30 - Burglar alarm ringing
Code 33 - Emergency! All units stand by
Code 99 - Emergency!
Code 100 - In position to intercept
187 - Homicide
207 - Kidnapping
207A - Kidnapping attempt
211 - Armed robbery
217 - Assault w/ intent to murder
220 - Attempted rape
240 - Assault
242 - Battery
245 - Assault w/ a deadly weapon
261 - Rape
261A - Attempted rape
288 - Lewd conduct
311 - Indecent exposure
314 - Indecent exposure
390 - Drunk
390D - Drunk unconcious
415 - Disturbance
415C - Disturbance, children invovled
415E - Disturbance, loud music or party
415F - Disturbance, family
415G - Disturbance, gang
417 - Person w/ a gun
459 - Burglary
459A - Burglar alarm ringing
470 - Forgery
480 - Hit-and-run (Felony)
481 - Hit-and-run (Misdemeanor)
484 - Petty theft
484PS - Purse snatch
487 - Grand theft
488 - Petty theft
502 - Drunk Driving
503 - Auto theft
504 - Tampering w/ vehicle
505 - Reckless driving
507 - Public nuisance
586 - Illegal parking
586E - Vehicle blocking driveway
594 - Malicious mischief
595 - Runaway car
647 - Lewd conduct
901 - Ambulance call/accident, injuries unk.
901A - Ambulance call - attempted suicide
901H - Ambulance call - dead body
901K - Ambulance has been dispatched
901L - Ambulance call - narcotics overdose
901N - Ambulance requested
901S - Ambulance call - shooting
901T - Ambulance call - trafic accident
901Y - Request ambulance if needed
902 - Accident
902H - Enroute to hospital
902M - Medical aid requested
902T - Trafic accident - non-injury
903 - Aircraft crash
903L - Low flying aircraft
904A - Fire alarm
904B - Brush fire/Boat fire
904C - Car fire
904F - Forest fire
904G - Grass fire
904I - Illegal burning
904S - Structure fire
905B - Animal bite
905N - Noisy animal
905S - Stray animal
905V - Vicious animal
906K - Rescue dispatched
906N - Rescue requested
907 - Minor disturbance
907A - Loud radio or TV
907B - Ball game in street
907K - Paramedics dispatched
907N - Paramedics requested
907Y - Are paramedics needed?
908 - Begging
909 - Trafic congestion
909B - Road blockade
909F - Flares needed
909T - Trafic hazard
910 - Can you handle?
911 - Advise party
911B - Contact informant/Contact officer
912 - Are we clear?
913 - You are clear
914 - Request detectives
914A - Attempted suicide
914C - Request coroner
914D - Request doctor
914F - Request fire dept.
914H - Heart attack
914N - Concerned party notified
914S - Suicide
915 - Dumping rubbish
916 - Holding suspect
917A - Abandoned vehicle
917P - Hold vehicle for fingerprints
918A - Escaped mental patient
918V - Violent mental patient
919 - Keep the peace
920 - Missing adult
920A - Found adult/Missing adult
920C - Missing child
920F - Found child
920J - Missing juvenile
921 - Prowler
921P - Peeping Tom
922 - Illegal peddling
924 - Station detail
925 - Suspicious person
926 - Request tow truck
926A - Tow truck dispatched
927 - Investigate unknown trouble
927A - Person pulled from telephone
927D - Investigate posible dead body
928 - Found property
929 - Investigate person down
930 - See man regarding a complaint
931 - See woman regarding a complaint
932 - Woman or child abuse/Open door
933 - Open window
949 - Gasoline spill
950 - Burning permit
951 - Request fire investigator
952 - Report condititions
953 - Check smoke report
954 - Arrived at scene
955 - Fire under control
956 - Availble for assignment
957 - Fire under control
960X - Car stop - dangerous suspects
961 - Take a report/Car stop
962 - Subject is armed and dangerous
966 - Sniper
967 - Outlaw motorcyclists
975 - Can your suspect hear your radio?
981 - Frequency is clear/Need radiological
982 - Are we being received/Bomb threat
983 - Explosion
995 - Labor trouble
996 - Explosion
996A - Unexploded bomb
998 - Officer involved in shooting
999 - Officer needs help - urgent!
10-1 - [BOTH] You are being received poorly, [MISS] Change location
10-2 - [BOTH] You are being received ok
10-3 - [BOTH] Stop transmitting/Change channels
10-4 - [BOTH] Ok, Acknowledgement
10-5 - [BOTH] Relay
10-6 - [BOTH] Station is busy, standby unless urgent
10-7 - [BOTH] Out of service - radio off
10-8 - [BOTH] In service
10-9 - [BOTH] Repeat last message
10-10 - [CA] Out of service - radio on
10-10 - [MISS] Fight in progress
10-11 - [CA] Give FCC call sign/Transmitting too fast
10-11 - [MISS] Dog case
10-12 - [CA] Visitors present
10-12 - [MISS] Stand by, remain alert, stop
10-13 - [BOTH] [Advise weather and road conditions
10-14 - [CA] Convoy or escort detail
10-14 - [MISS] Report of Prowler
10-15 - [CA] Enroute to jail w/ prisoner
10-15 - [MISS] Civil Disturbance
10-16 - [CA] Pick up prisoner
10-16 - [MISS] Domestic trouble
10-17 - [CA] Pick up papers
10-17 - [MISS] Meet complainant
10-18 - [BOTH] Complete assignment quickly
10-19 - [CA] Go to your station/I am enroute to my station
10-19 - [MISS] Return to __________
10-20 - [BOTH] What is your location?/My location is...
10-21 - [CA] Telephone your station
10-21 - [MISS] Call __________ by telephone
10-22 - [BOTH] Disregard, Cancel last message
10-23 - [CA] Stand by
10-23 - [MISS] Arrived at scene
10-24 - [CA] Trouble at station
10-24 - [MISS] Assignment completed
10-25 - [MISS] Report in person to meet __________
10-26 - [MISS] Detaining subject, expedite __________
10-27 - [CA] Check computer for warrants
10-27 - [MISS] Driver's license information
10-28 - [CA] Check for full information on vehicle or suspect
10-28 - [MISS] Vehicle registration information
10-29 - [BOTH] Check and advise if vehicle or subject is wanted
10-30 - [CA] Subject has no record, no wants
10-30 - [MISS] Illegal use of radio
10-31 - [CA] Subject has records, no wants
10-31 - [MISS] Crime in progress
10-32 - [CA] Subject is wanted
10-32 - [MISS] Man with gun
10-33 - [BOTH] Emergency traffic in the air
10-34 - [CA] Clearance for emergency messge/Resume normal traffic
10-34 - [MISS] Riot
10-35 - [CA] Confidential information/Backup needed
10-35 - [MISS] Major crime alert
10-36 - [BOTH] Correct time
10-36 - [CA] Correct time/Confidential info
10-37 - [CA] Correct time
10-37 - [MISS] Investigate suspicious auto
10-38 - [MISS] Stopping suspicious auto
10-39 - [CA] Message delivered
10-39 - [MISS] Urgent---use light/siren
10-40 - [MISS] Silent run---no light/siren
10-41 - [MISS] Ending tour of duty
10-42 - [MISS] Ending tour of duty
10-43 - [MISS] Information (J1 = confidential)
10-44 - [MISS] Request permission to leave patrol car
10-45 - [MISS] Animal carcass at __________
10-46 - [MISS] Assist motorist
10-47 - [MISS] Emergency road repairs needed
10-48 - [MISS] Trafic standard needs repair
10-49 - [MISS] Traffic light out
10-50 - [MISS] Accident
10-51 - [MISS] Wrecker needed
10-52 - [MISS] Ambulance needed
10-53 - [MISS] Road blocked
10-54 - [MISS] Livestock on Highway
10-55 - [MISS] Intoxicated driver
10-56 - [MISS] Intoxicated pedestrian
10-57 - [MISS] Hit & Run
10-59 - [MISS] Direct traffic
10-60 - [MISS] Squad in vicinity
10-61 - [MISS] Personal in area
10-62 - [MISS] Reply to message
10-63 - [MISS] Prepare to make written copy
10-64 - [MISS] Message for local delivery
10-65 - [MISS] Net message assignment
10-66 - [MISS] Message cancellation
10-67 - [MISS] Clear to read net message
10-68 - [MISS] Dispatch information
10-69 - [MISS] Message received
10-70 - [MISS] Fire Alarm
10-71 - [MISS] Advise nature of fire (size, type, contents of building)
10-72 - [MISS] Report on progress of fire
10-73 - [MISS] Smoke report
10-74 - [MISS] Negative
10-75 - [MISS] In contact with
10-76 - [MISS] En route (J1 = prisoner, J2 = female)
10-77 - [MISS] Estimated time of arrival
10-78 - [MISS] Need assistance
10-79 - [MISS] Notify coroner
10-80 - [MISS] Vacation check
10-81 - [MISS] School stops
10-82 - [MISS] Reserve loging
10-83 - [MISS] Door check
10-84 - [MISS] If meeting __________, advise
10-85 - [MISS] Will be late
10-86 - [CA] Traffic check
10-86 - [MISS] Report to station
10-87 - [CA] Meet an officer
10-87 - [MISS] Pick up checks for distribution
10-88 - [MISS] Advise present phone number
10-89 - [MISS] Car to car
10-90 - [MISS] Bank alarm
10-91 - [MISS] Unnecessary use of radio
10-92 - [MISS] Frequence check
10-93 - [MISS] Blockade
10-94 - [MISS] Drag racing
10-95 - [MISS] Give radio test
10-96 - [MISS] Mental subject
10-97 - [CA] Arriving at assigned detail
10-97 - [MISS] Minor detail (J1 = Station-report, J2 = Station-lunch, J3 =
10-98 - [CA] Assigned detail complete
10-98 - [MISS] Prison or jail break
10-99 - [CA] Emergency - all units and stations!
10-99 - [MISS] Records indicate wanted or stolen
11-6 - Illegal discharge of firearms
11-7 - Prowler
11-8 - Person down
11-10 - Take a report
11-12 - Dead animal/Loose livestock
11-13 - Injured animal
11-14 - Animal bite
11-15 - Ball game in street
11-17 - Wires down
11-24 - Abandoned vehicle
11-25X - Female motorist needs assistance
11-27 - Subject has record, no wants/Drivers license check
11-28 - Rush vehicle information information
11-29 - Subject has no record, no wants
11-30 - Incomplete phone call
11-31 - Person calling for help
11-40 - Advise if ambulance needed
11-41 - Request ambulance
11-42 - Ambulance not required/Paramedics needed
11-43 - Doctor required
11-44 - Possible fatality
11-45 - Attempted suicide
11-46 - Death report
11-47 - Injured person
11-48 - Provide transportation
11-50 - Field interrogation
11-51 - Security check
11-70 - Fire alarm
11-71 - Fire report
11-78 - Paramedics dispatched
11-79 - Traffic accident - ambulance dispatched
11-80 - Traffic accident - serious injury
11-81 - Traffic accident - minor injury
11-82 - Traffic accident - property damaged
11-83 - Traffic accident - no details
11-84 - Direct traffic
11-85 - Send tow truck
11-86 - Special detail/Bomb threat
11-87 - Assist other unit/Bomb found
11-88 - Assist motorist
11-98 - Meet an officer
11-99 - Officer needs help - Urgent!
5150 - Mental case
10851 - Grand theft, auto
10852 - Tampering w/ Vehicle
20001 - Hit-and-run (felony)
20002 - Hit-and-run (misdemeanor)
20007 - Hit-and-run - unattended vehichle
21958 - Drunk pedestrian on roadway
22350 - Speeding
22500 - Illegal parking
23101 - Drunk driving - injury involved
23102 - Drunk driver
23105 - Driver under influence of narcotics
23109 - Cars racing
23110 - Persons throwing objects at vehicles