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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
04/01/88 #38
[Added more supporting references.]
Original posting 04/01/87
Does any one have any ideas one how to make a omni-
directional longitudinal scalar wave Receiver & Transmitter?
In contrast to the common Hertzian transverse vector waves,
scalar waves travel, or rather materialize at the receiving end,
at superluminal velocities. Scalar waves also quite effectively
penetrate trough objects, such as a Faraday Shield, which would
stop a ordinary electromagnetic (Hertzian type) wave.
Shown below is a simple directional, (If there is such a
thing as being 'to' directional, this system is it!), scalar wave
What I'am looking for is a system that doesn't require
LASER like beam alignment. Any one have any ideas?
Caduceus or "Tensor" Coil
/ / <-- Ferrite rod
[ This ASCII drawing does . / .. /
not do the Caduceus . .' . Ordinary insulated copper
justice.] * . /. wire is wound in a double
. / ./ . helix configuration around
. ./ . . a ferrite core.
. /. /*
'' . . / .' This coil has a canceling
.' ' ./ .' effect of the magnetic
. * / ' . .' fields at the "*" nodes,
. . '/*' due to the opposing magnetic
./ . /. fields summing to zero. The
/ ./ nodes MUST lie along a
/ . ' straight line.
. / /. ' Once the magnetic field is
. . / / . ' canceled, you are left with a
. . /'.* field of pure potential. This
'*/. /. field will have a longitudinal
' / . / scalar wave pattern.
' / .
' /. This field will be a narrow threadlike
. / ' / . beam parallel to the cylindrical axis.
. . '/ .
. . /* By precise physical alignment of two
'/ ./ ' Caduceus coils, one as transmitter and the
/ ' '/'' other as a receiver, you can send signals that
/____/ . can't be detected on a standard Hertzian
' . type radio receiver.
' .
' . This receiver/transmitter combination is limited
' . to line-of-sight, I.E., until the curvature of
' . the planet causes the transmitted signal to
' . 'over-shoot' the receiver.
\ /
\ /
See Popular Electronics August 1980, PG 94 & 95, for a
simple PFM Modulator/Demodulator. Tune the carrier frequency
so that it falls in the "Experimenters band" of 160 to 180
Kilo-Cycles. [Note: By definition Hertzian type waves are
transverse vector waves. So the units used when referring to
scalar waves should be given in the old form of Cycles-Per-Second
(Kilocycles, KC or Mega-Cycles, MC), to prevent confusion.]
Just for the fun of it, try to measure the impedance, and
inductance, of the Caduceus coil, and find its natural resonate
1) "Toward A New Electromagnetic Reality (Part 2 of 3)"
By Donald Reed. Energy Unlimited #15.
(The Smith-Killick Tensor Coil pg 10 & 11)
2) "Energy Unlimited's Coil Research"
By Walter P. Baumgartner. Energy Unlimited #22
(Pg 35)
3) "Gravity Field Simulator"
By Walter P. Baumgartner. Energy Unlimited #22
(Pg 13-16)
4) "OP-AMP Circuit Detects Gravity Signal"
By G. Hodowanec. Radio-Electronics, April 1986
5) "Rhysmonic Cosmology"
By G. Hodowanec. Self-published
6) "The Awesome Life Force"
By Joseph H. Cater. Health Research
(Chapter 21)
7) "STAR WARS NOW! The Bohm-Aharonov Effect, Scalar
Interferometry, and Soviet Weaponization"
By T. E. Bearden. Tesla Book Company
8) Experimenter's Corner: "The Digital Phase-Locked Loop (Part
2)" By Forrest M. Mims. Popular Electronics. (Pg 94 & 95)
"Electrons And Conduction: Not So Simple After All": pg 21;
"Lorentz No Longer Gives Answers Ampere's Theory Holds Clues to
Current Problem": pg 22, by Chappell Brown, Electronic
Engineering Times, Monday, December 28, 1987
"Soviet Research On Unified Field Theories, False Vacuum States,
and Antigravity (U)" -- Capt. Robert M. Collins (TQTR),
"Soviet Research On The A-Vector Potential and Scalar Waves (U)"
-- Capt. Robert M. Collins (TQTR), 12/8/1986
"The Manual Of Free Energy Devices and Systems" by D. A. Kelly,
contains "Scalar Electromagnetics: A Quick Overview" by T. E.
"Tesla's Secret and The Soviet Tesla Weapons (Part I of II)" by
T. E. Bearden, in Energy Unlimited Fall 1981, #11.
"Tesla's Secret and The Soviet Tesla Weapons (Part II of II)" by
T. E. Bearden, in Energy Unlimited Winter 1981, #12.
"How To Build A Flying Saucer And Other Proposals in Speculative
Engineering" by T. B. Pawlicki
US Paten #4,204,212 "Conformal Spiral Antenna", patent rights
have been assigned to the US Army. [One of these suckers looks a
lot like what I just described!]
NASA Tech Brief July 1968: "Mo''bius Resistor Is Noninductive and
Nonreactive" and US Patent 3,267,406 8/16/1966 by Richard L.
Davis: "Non-Inductive Electrical Resistor"
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