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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
155.2200 +A.A.A. Ambulance Svc. Aiken Cty. Ch.1
155.1600 +Abbeville County E.M.S. Abbeville Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Abbeville County E.M.S. Abbeville Cty. Ch.2
155.1600 +Abbeville County Rescue Abbeville Cty Ch.1
155.2350 +Abbeville County Rescue Abbeville Cty Ch.2
155.2200 +Aiken County E.M.S. Aiken Cty Ch.1
155.3400 +Aiken County E.M.S. Aiken Cty Ch.2
155.4000 +Aiken County E.M.S. Aiken Cty Ch.3
155.2200 +Aiken County Rescue SQ. Aiken Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Allendale County E.M.S. Allendale Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Allendale County Rescue SQ. Allendale Cty. Ch.1
155.3850 +Ambu-Care Ambulance SVC. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Anderson County E.M.S. Anderson Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +Anderson County Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.2650 +Anderson County Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.2
155.2050 +Arcadia Rescue SQ. Spartanburg Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Atkinson Ambulance Svc. Greenville Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Atkinson Ambulance Svc. Greenville Cty. Ch.2
155.2350 +Bamberg County Rescue SQ. Bamberg Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Bamberg County Rescue SQ. Bamberg Cty. Ch.2
155.2050 +Barnwell County E.M.S. Barnwell Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Barnwell County E.M.S. Barnwell Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Barnwell County E.M.S. Barnwell Cty. Ch.3
155.1600 +Beaufort County E.M.S. Beaufort Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Beaufort County E.M.S. Beaufort Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Beaufort County E.M.S. Beaufort Cty. Ch.3
155.2800 +Beaufort-Jasper Health Beaufort-Jasper Ch.1
155.2950 +Beaufort-Jasper Health Beaufort-Jasper Ch.2
155.3400 +Beaufort-Jasper Health Beaufort-Jasper Ch.3
155.2200 +Belton Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Belvedere Rescue SQ. Aiken Cty Ch.1
155.2200 +Berkeley County E.M.S. Berkeley Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Berkeley County E.M.S. Berkeley Cty. Ch.2
155.2650 +Buffalo & Mt Pisgah Rescue Lancaster Cty. Ch.1
155.2800 +C. Emergency Medical Svc. Aiken Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Capitol Ambulance Svc. Richland Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Capitol Ambulance Svc. Richland Cty. Ch.2
155.1750 +Carolina Ambulance Svc. Richland Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Central E.M.S. Pickens Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Central Rescue SQ. Pickens Cty. Ch.2
173.5625 +Charleston A.F.B. Medical Net Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Charleston County E.M.S. Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Charleston County E.M.S. Charleston Cty. Ch.2
155.3850 +Charleston County E.M.S. Charleston Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +Charleston County Vol. Resc. Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Cherokee County E.M.S. Cherokee Cty. Ch.1
155.2800 +Cherokee County E.M.S. Cherokee Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Cherokee County E.M.S. Cherokee Cty. Ch.3
155.1750 +Chester County E.M.S. Chester Cty Ch.1
155.3400 +Chester County E.M.S. Chester Cty Ch.2
463.1750 +Chester County E.M.S. Chester Cty Med-8
468.1750 +Chester County E.M.S. Chester Cty Med-8
155.2200 +Chesterfield County E.M.S. Chesterfield Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Chesterfield County E.M.S. Chesterfield Cty. Ch.2
155.4000 +Clarendon County E.M.S. Clarendon Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Clarendon County E.M.S. Clarendon Cty. Ch.2
155.2050 +Clemson University E.M.S. Oconee Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Clemson University E.M.S. Oconee Cty. Ch.2
155.1750 +Collenton County E.M.S. Collenton Cty. Ch.1
155.2800 +Collenton County E.M.S. Collenton Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Collenton County E.M.S. Collenton Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +Darlington County E.M.S. Darlington Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Darlington County E.M.S. Darlington Cty. Ch.2
463.1750 +Darlington County E.M.S. Darlington Cty. Med-8
468.1750 +Darlington County E.M.S. Darlington Cty. Med-8
155.2350 +Denmark Rescue SQ. Bamberg Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Denmark Rescue SQ. Bamberg Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Dillon County E.M.S. Dillon Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Dillon County E.M.S. Dillon Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Dorchester County E.M.S. Dorchester Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Dorchester County E.M.S. Dorchester Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Easley Rescue SQ. Pickens Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Easley Rescue SQ. Pickens Cty. Ch.2
155.1600 +Edgefield County E.M.S. Edgefield Cty. Ch.1
155.2800 +Edgefield County E.M.S. Edgefield Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Edgefield County E.M.S. Edgefield Cty. Ch.3
155.2950 +Edgefield County Emer. SQ. Edgefield Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Fairfield County E.M.S. Fairfield Cty. Ch.1
468.1750 +Fairfield County E.M.S. Fairfield Cty. Med-8
155.2050 +Florence County E.M.S. Florence Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Florence County E.M.S. Florence Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Florence County E.M.S. Florence Cty. Ch.3
463.1750 +Florence County E.M.S. Florence Cty. Med-8
468.1750 +Florence County E.M.S. Florence Cty. Med-8
155.2050 +Florence County Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Fork Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
150.5250 +Fort Jackson E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Gantt Rescue SQ. Greenville Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Georgetown County E.M.S. Georgetown Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Georgetown County E.M.S. Georgetown Cty. Ch.2
462.9500 +Georgetown County E.M.S. Georgetown Cty. Med-9
467.9500 +Georgetown County E.M.S. Georgetown Cty. Med-9
155.2200 +Goose Creek Rescue SQ. Berkeley Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Goose Creek Rescue SQ. Berkeley Cty. Ch.2
463.1250 +Greenville County E.M.S. Greenville Cty. Med-6
463.1750 +Greenville County E.M.S. Greenville Cty. Med-8
468.1750 +Greenville County E.M.S. Greenville Cty. Med-8
462.9500 +Greenville County E.M.S. Greenville Cty. Med-9
467.9500 +Greenville County E.M.S. Greenville Cty. Med-9
155.1600 +Greenwood County E.M.S. Greenwood Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Greenwood County E.M.S. Greenwood Cty. Ch.2
155.1750 +Hampton County E.M.S. Hampton Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Hampton County E.M.S. Hampton Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Hampton County E.M.S. Hampton Cty. Ch.2
047.6200 +Herberts Ambulance Svc. Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Herberts Ambulance Svc. Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Herberts Ambulance Svc. Charleston Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Herberts Ambulance Svc. Charleston Cty. Ch.3
155.2350 +Hilton Head Island Rescue Beaufort Cty. Ch.1
155.2350 +Holly Hill Comm. Rescue Orangeburg Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Holly Hill Comm. Rescue Orangeburg Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Holly Hill Comm. Rescue Orangeburg Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +Honea Path Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.4000 +Horry County Ambulance Comm. Horry Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Horry County E.M.S. Horry Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Horry County E.M.S. Horry Cty. Ch.3
155.2350 +Horry County Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Iva Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Jasper County E.M.S. Jasper Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Jasper County E.M.S. Jasper Cty Ch.2
155.2050 +Johnsonville Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Johnsonville Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Johnsonville Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.3
155.4000 +Kershaw County E.M.S. Kershaw Cty Ch.1
155.3400 +Kershaw County E.M.S. Kershaw Cty. Ch.2
463.1750 +Kershaw County E.M.S. Kershaw Cty. Med-8
468.1750 +Kershaw County E.M.S. Kershaw Cty. Med-8
155.1750 +Lamar Rescue SQ. Darlington Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Lancaster County E.M.S. Lancaster Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Lancaster County E.M.S. Lancaster Cty. Ch.2
155.2050 +Lancaster Rescue SQ. Lancaster Cty. Ch.1
155.1600 +Laurens County E.M.S. Laurens Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Laurens County E.M.S. Laurens Cty. Ch.2
155.4000 +Lee County E.M.S. Lee Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Lee County E.M.S. Lee Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Lexington County E.M.S. Lexington Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Lexington County E.M.S. Lexington Cty. Ch.2
155.3550 +Lexington County E.M.S. Lexington Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +Liberty Rescue SQ. Pickens Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +LIFEREACH Helicopter Statewide Ch.1
155.2200 +Marion County E.M.S. Marion Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Marion County E.M.S. Marion Cty. Ch.2
155.2350 +Marlboro County Rescue SQ. Marlboro Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Marlboro County Rescue SQ. Marlboro Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Marlboro County Rescue SQ. Marlboro Cty. Ch.3
155.1600 +McBee Rescue SQ. Chesterfield Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +McBee Rescue SQ. Chesterfield Cty. Ch.2
155.1600 +McCormick County E.M.S. McCormick Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +McCormick County E.M.S. McCormick Cty. Ch.2
155.2950 +Medical Coll. of Georgia Aiken/Richmond Ch.1
155.3400 +Medical Coll. of Georgia Aiken/Richmond Ch.2
463.1750 +Medical Coll. of Georgia Aiken/Richmond Med-8
468.1750 +Medical Coll. of Georgia Aiken/Richmond Med-8
155.2950 +Medical Transport Svc. Spartanburg Cty. Ch.1
155.2050 +Medical University of S.C. Charleston Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Medical University of S.C. Charleston Cty. Ch.2
155.1600 +Morris Ambulance Svc. Greenville Cty. Ch.1
173.5625 +Myrtle Beach A.F.B. Medical Net Horry Cty. Ch.1
155.1600 +Myrtle Beach Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Myrtle Beach Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Newberry County E.M.S. Newberry Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Newberry County E.M.S. Newberry Cty. Ch.2
155.2800 +Oconee County E.M.S. Oconee Cty Ch.1
155.3400 +Oconee County E.M.S. Oconee Cty. Ch.2
155.2350 +Orangeburg County E.M.S. Orangeburg Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Orangeburg County E.M.S. Orangeburg Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Orangeburg County E.M.S. Orangeburg Cty. Ch.3
047.6200 +Orangeburg Medical Radio Net Orangeburg Cty. Ch.1
155.2050 +Pamplico Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Pamplico Rescue SQ. Florence Cty. Ch.2
046.0000 +Pelion Rescue SQ. Lexington Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Pelzer Rescue SQ. Anderson Cty. Ch.1
155.1750 +Pickens County E.M.S. Pickens Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Pickens County E.M.S. Pickens Cty. Ch.2
155.2200 +Pickens County Rescue SQ. Pickens Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Richland County E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.3
155.4000 +Richland County E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.4
156.0150 +Richland County E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.1
158.8050 +Richland County E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Richland County E.M.S. Richland Cty. Ch.5
155.1600 +Saluda County E.M.S. Saluda Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Saluda County E.M.S. Saluda Cty. Ch.2
173.5625 +Shaw A.F.B. Medical Net Sumter Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +South Berkeley E.M.S. Berkeley Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +South Berkeley E.M.S. Berkeley Cty. Ch.2
155.2050 +Spartan Ambulance Svc. Spartanburg Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Spartanburg County E.M.S. Spartanburg Cty. Ch.2
155.8950 +Spartanburg County E.M.S. Spartanburg Cty. Ch.1
155.2650 +Star Ambulance Svc. Richland Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Sumter County E.M.S. Sumter Cty. Ch.3
463.1750 +Sumter County E.M.S. Sumter Cty. Med-8
468.1750 +Sumter County E.M.S. Sumter Cty. Med-8
155.2650 +Surfside Beach Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Surfside Beach Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.2
155.4000 +Surfside Beach Rescue SQ. Horry Cty. Ch.3
155.1600 +Trans-Medic Ambulance Svc. Greenville Cty. Ch.1
463.4250 +Trans-Medic Ambulance Svc. Greenville Cty. Ch.1
037.9000 +Tri-City Rescue SQ. Oconee Cty. Ch.1
155.2200 +Wagener Rescue SQ. Aiken Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Wagener Rescue SQ. Aiken Cty. Ch.2
155.4000 +Wagener Rescue SQ. Aiken Cty. Ch.3
155.1750 +Williamsburg County E.M.S. Williamsburg Cty. Ch.1
155.3400 +Williamsburg County E.M.S. Williamsburg Cty. Ch.2
155.2350 +Winyah Rescue SQ. Georgetown Cty. Ch.1
155.2950 +Winyah Rescue SQ. Georgetown Cty. Ch.2
155.3400 +Winyah Rescue SQ. Georgetown Cty. Ch.3
155.2200 +York County E.M.S. York Cty. Ch.1
155.3850 +York County E.M.S. York Cty. Ch.3
039.1000 +York County Rescue York Cty. Ch.1