72 lines
3.4 KiB
72 lines
3.4 KiB
` U.S. Secret Service
Channel I.D. Frequency Usage
------------ --------- -----
Able 32.230 WHCA vans
Alpha 166.5125 Escort & Security
Baker 165.7875 Pres./VP/VIP escorts
Charlie 165.375 Nationwide primary, Command post coordination
Delta 169.925 WHCA vans, phone patches
Echo 407.850 Phone patch uplink, paired with 415.700
in aircraft
Foxtrot 415.700 Phone patch downlink, paired with 407.850
on ground
Golf 165.7625 Input to 165.375 rptr
Hotel 166.2125 Pres/VP protection
India 407.925 Treasury Security Force(Pres/VP protecion)
Juliet 170.000 Camp David pager
Kilo 167.825 WHCA Staff
Lima 168.7875 WHCA Staff
Mike 165.2125 Foreign/Domestic dignitaries protection
November 167.025 WHCA Staff
Oscar 164.8875 Pres limo & Executive family
Papa 164.400 Counterfeit division, Pres/VP protection
Quebec 166.700 WHCA Staff
Romeo 166.400 Input to 166.4625 rptr
Sierra 166.5125 Pres/VP protection; Pagers
Tango 164.650 Pres/VP protection
Victor 164.100 Pres/VP protection
Whiskey 167.025 Pagers
X-Ray 166.4625 Treasury Common channel (S.S./ATF/Customs/IRS)
Yankee 162.6875 Phone patch uplink, paired with 171.2875
in Aircraft
Zulu 171.2875 Phone patch downlink, paired with 162.7875
Misc info on Secret Service &
Presidential related Frequencies
White House Communications Agency (WHCA)
5 channel configuration
Simplex F-1 165.7875, "Baker"
Simplex F-2 165.375, "Charlie"
Simplex F-3 166.2125, "Mike"
Simplex F-4 164.650, "Tango"
Simplex F-5 164.8875, "Oscar", White House Staff
F-1 thru F-4 handle 90% of Secret Service radio traffic throughout
the country.
3 Channel configuration
F-1 166.5125, "Sierra", Usually a staff/command post, Primary
F-2 167.025, "Whiskey", Mostly paging & some 2 way traffic for support
F-3 166.700, "November", Used usually in advance of a VIP's arrival
"Suitcase repeater", (portable setup), packed in large suitcases
the B/C/M/T configuration, in the "C" frequency uses a rptr with 166.400
providing the usual input
"Y/Z" configuration: These were part of a still used system providing
telephone system from aircraft near the arrival site or from limousines.
This system utilizes the frequency pair 162.6875 & 171.2875. Formerly it
was always a duplex system but occasionally heard as a repeater
to the civilan mobilephone systems). The system is known by both names
"Y/Z" or "Yankee/Zulu"