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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
A p
P --------------------- a
a Packet Assembler/Disasselmbler, Gateway, And Server P
H ------------------------------------- h
p Written By Doctor Dissector P/H/A-BOD A
A h
P h
a Written On March 23, 1990 - (c) 1990 Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists A
H p
Lamer's Disclaimer:
Neither the author nor the representative group(s) will not be responsible
for the readers actions prior to, during, and after exposure to this document.
The author assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the information
contained herin, as well as the consequences from any of knowledge gained from
this file. This file's ONLY purpose was to educate. Enjoy.
Terms Of Distribution:
BBS's, users, and sysops may distribute this document freely AS LONG as
the document remains UNaltered in EVERY way. Thank You!
Glossary Of Terms Herin:
LAN: Local Area Network
NPA: Number Planning Area (Area Code)
NUA: Network User Address
NUI: Network User Id
PAD: Packet Assembl(er/y)/Disassebl(er/y)
PCP: PC-Pursuit
PSN: Packet Switching System
UUCP: Unix to Unix CoPy
WAN: Wide Area Network
I wouldn't consider myself the best of all hackers or phreakers, but I am
learning. During one of my learning endeavors on Telenet and other PSNs, I
discovered (for my first time), the GS/1 system. Being inexperienced at the
time, I knew about the great value of any private PAD, and began experimenting
with the system, determined that this system was some type of PAD and that I
would figure out how to gain full network access with a simple command.
I was right. And today, I'll welcome you to the world of power
communications. In this file, I hope you will learn a bit on the uses and
potential abuses of the GS/1 system; this is in no way, shape, or form, a
complete manual on the GS/1 system, but a compilation of my experimentation
on my first GS/1 system. So, just kick back and enjoy the file...
What Is The GS/1 System?
The GS/1 system is a combination of three major packet switching functions
bundled into one. The GS/1 system can operate as a private PAD, a X.25+
gateway, and/or a network (WAN) server. It is this combination that makes
this system so versitile. However, you should also note that NOT ALL GS/1
systems may have all three features "set up" for use; oh well, just make do
with what you have right now... scan tommorrow for more!
Logging Onto A GS/1 System:
As of today, I have not encountered a GS/1 PAD which had any type of logon
security whatsoever to gain access to its network "utilities." I don't know
if it's the software or the system operaters that are lagging or what, but it
sure makes it a helluvalot easier on my (and I'm sure) and your end.
When you logon from Telenet or whatever PSN you are originating from,
you will probably see a short welcome or warning about the system you are
gaining access to, and then a default prompt of "GS/1> " (This prompt can be
changed by the system operator, but usually isn't...). Well now, you're in.
Now, that was the easy part.
Inside The GS/1:
Once inside the GS/1 system, there are many options you can do, similar
to most PADs, gateways, and servers. The following was captured & edited from
a GS/1 system after hitting "?" at the "GS/1> " prompt.
Connect <address>[,<address>] [ ECM ] [ Q ]
DEQueue ???
DisConnect <session>
DO <macro name>
Echo <string>
Pause [<seconds>]
REMoteSET ???
REMoteSHow ???
RESume <session>
SET <param-name> = <value> ...
SHow <argument> ...
SWitch <session>
Transmit ???
N... Privileged Command
U... Privileged Command
Z... Privileged Command
As you can see, the commands are quite simple. I don't know if I listed all
of the commands above, but if you type in a single letter at the prompt, and
there are more commands present on the system that start with that letter,
GS/1 will show you the commands that begin with that letter to clear any user
confusion up.
GS/1 Command Summary:
Letters in CAPS are the only letters necessary to execute the given
command in GS/1! Also note that appending a '?' to the end of any FULL or
PARTIAL command will USUALLY prompt GS/1 to offer you some assistance in
summarizing the command/argument you are attempting to use.
Connect <address>[,<address>] [ ECM ] [ Q ]
The Connect command is by far the most useful utility on GS/1 that
I am aware of. Through proper formatting and usage, this command
will allow you to access ANY NUA accessible through Telenet, as if
you had entered an NUI. I will discuss a bit more on connecting
to NUAs later. Also, GS/1 allows the use of "ClearingHouseNames"
in the place of NUAs; sort of like how you can enter things on
Telenet at the "@" prompt, like "PORTAL," "TELEMAIL," and the such.
More on ClearingHouseNames later!
DEQueue ???
I have no idea what this command does.
DisConnect <session>
This command will disconnect the PAD from a session. The GS/1 PAD
allows multiple connections (probably a max of 10-20) during the
read-time. Each session is numbered from 1-x where x is the last
session connected to. DC x will disconnect from session x, thus
hang-up from the system which was connected to at session x.
DO <macro name>
This command will allow you to execute a macro file on-line. On the
GS/1, this could mean auto-logon to a private outdial system, a
LAN, another WAN, or who knows. More on macros later.
Echo <string>
This command re-prints whatever is placed in the <string> parameter.
I believe this is for parity and data transmission verification, most
similar to Telenet's ECHO CHAR and such...
Although this command says 'Listen,' it really is 'Logoff.' Hitting
L will disconnect ALL current sessions under the port number you
logged onto under, and disconnect you from the GS/1 PAD.
Pause [<seconds>]
This command will pause your terminal for the specified number of
REMoteSET ???
Sorry, I have no information on this command.
REMoteSHow ???
Sorry, I have no information on this command.
RESume <session>
If you have connected onto 1 or more systems and "broken" out of them,
in likeness to breaking out of a system in Telenet by typing '@,' and
you would like to RESume a session that is still currently connected,
this command will allow you to do just that.
SET <param-name> = <value> ...
The SET command allows you to change terminal and PAD characteristics,
the following is a PARTIAL list of options one could change when under
BAud BSDelay BSPad CRDelay
CRPad DataBits DeVice DUplex
FFDelay FFPad InterAction LFDelay
LFPad PARIty PRIvilege StopBits
TabDelay TabPad
Most of those parameters should be obvious. Again, if you want to know
more paramters available, just type SET x, where x is the first
character to any parameter, and if that charachter is the first
character to 2 or more parameters, those paramters will be listed to
help "solve" any user confusion.
SHow <argument> ...
This command will display the parameters under effect (similar to
the SET parameters), and will also show you other prominent information
you just might be interested in. Here are the SHow arguments available:
SHow ADDRess
SHow ClearingHouseNames [ <name> [ @ <domain> [@ <organ.> ] ] ]
SHow DefaultParameters [<param-name> ...]
SHow GLobalPARameters
SHow NetMAP [ Short | Long ]
SHow PARAmeterS [<param-name> ...]
SHow <param-name> ...
SHow SESsions [ P ]
SHow VERSion
Most of the arguments should be obvious except the ClearingHouseNames
argument, which will show you the ClearingHouseNames to several systems
which are either defaulted to a connect macro to the specified system,
or within a WAN. The format of the names are:
Where SYSTEMNAME is the name/description of the destination system, the
LOCATION is the city of the SYSTEMNAME, and the ACCOUNT is usually the
owner/operator of the GS/1 PAD. To connect directly to a
ClearingHouseName, all you have to do is:
And the GS/1 PAD will search the ClearingHouseNames database for the
system and other pertinent network info for you, and connect you up to
that system.
SWitch <session>
SWitch will allow you to change to a different system if you are
connected to multiple sessions (more than 1 system at a time).
Transmit ???
Sorry, no information concerning this command; however, it appears
to be some sort of utility similar to either 'UUCP' or the Telenet
bulk data transfer ready command (DTAPE).
N... Privileged Command
U... Privileged Command
Z... Privileged Command
The above are Privileged account commands; sorry, I haven't been
able to secure any privileged passwords as of yet... but I'll be
working on it.
Connecting To NUAs:
One feature I really like about the GS/1 system (and it was not fun hacking
out the format to this one), is the -almost- unlimited network access this
PAD has. So, you wanna connect to some long distance NUAs, eh? Or you wanna
dial PC-Pursuit's outdial system direct and save yourself a few bux by
bypassing Telenet-PCP security? This is the one for you then.
Connect !xxx#DNICyyyzzzzz
Where xxx is the port that will make the dial, (usually anywhere from
00-99 or more), DNIC is the DNIC of the address without any
leading 0's, yyy is the NPA or Prefix (if applicable), and zzzz
is the suffix (if applicable).
We want to connect to 0311021200032, through port number 33:
Connect !33#311021200032
What The Hell Is A PORT?
A port on the GS/1 PAD is the address you have logged onto on the current
GS/1 system as well as addresses GS/1 uses to "call out" when you use any type
of Connect command. To find out what port number you are currently on, type:
SHow ADDRess
This will give some sort of a cryptic number with %'s and other symbols in
it, but we're looking for the PORT number here... Aha! The port number is the
NUMERICAL amount following the '!' in the string. There, you now have YOUR port
number (and like Telenet with local dialins, that port number may change if you
call back at a later date and someone/noone is on the system at the same time
as you).
Big deal. You have your port number... Now what? Now you have a location
to work with. Suppose your port number is 55. GS/1 has ports numbered in
increasing order, so if you have port 55, you can try the "Connect" command
through port 56,54,57,53 or similarly numbered ports. Understand?
What GS/1 does when you execute a Connect command to another NUA, GS/1
utilizes one of its ports to make the "call." Thus, when you enter:
Connect !xxx#DNICyyyzzzzz
The xxx (PORT number) you choose MUST be an open port. If a user is on
it, or you are on it, or it doesn't exist, you will either receive an error
message or a message stating that the port/address was busy. Try another port.
Other GS/1 Notes:
Some comments on the GS/1 PAD, Gateway, Server:
1) The PAD Delay when connected to MOST system through the GS/1 system
is increased (pretty drastically), and might cause input from your
terminal to appear sluggish and slow. However, incomming data is
not hindered in that fashion.
2) To access PRIvileged commands, type:
SET PRIvilege
You will be prompted for a password. If you get it right, good job. If
not, I do not know whether or not the GS/1 system records any such hack
attempts, but don't press your luck in hacking out the password if
the GS/1 PAD you are hacking in is the only PAD you have access to!
3) The GS/1 system usually does not send linefeeds and does not recognize
destructive backspaces when connected at 8,N,1; however, linefeeds and
destructive backspaces are compensated for at connections with E,7,1.
4) A trick on some GS/1 systems is to type:
SHow Macros
Which will show you a bunch of macros for the DO command; however,
on most GS/1 systems, this command has been edged out, EXCEPT to
the privileged (of course).
5) I don't know the charachter/control key that will "break" out of a
session and place you back on the GS/1 prompt. I know this is possible,
but... oh well... time to experiment some more.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this file on the GS/1 PAD, Gateway,
and Server as much as I enjoyed typing it (hahahaha...). Anyway, I am sick of
typing, I just want to say one thing: Future Transcendent Saga WINS....
(READ PHRACK Newsletters 20-30! NOW!) Watch for more GREAT and ORIGINAL philes
by Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists in the Phuture...
Doctor Dissector
cDc - Wassup... I always did like your group...
NYC, INC, FiRM, THG, and all other crackers - STOP WARRING... No one
gives a shit about wars between crack groups, just turn your warez
out and everyone will like you. That is what you want, isn't it?
Ex-Phortune 500 Members - 'sup dudes... Just wanted to say hello...
PHRACK Editors - OH SHIT...
To Lamers:
Wizdom - CCOPS... haha.. you suck.
LAMERS - At least you could try to learn, that's all we need, a handful of
crybabies who think they know everything but don't even want to learn!
General Statement To All Phreaks/Hacks:
Phreakers and Hackers have enough worries about the Pheds getting on their
asses, so bitching at each other won't help anything...
=[ eof ]===============================================================[ eof ]=
I said EOF!
Why the fuck are you still reading this text phile! Stop now dammit! What are
you, BLIND?
(c) 1990 p/h/a, phile 2