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$ $
% Hacking the Compuserve Infomation Service %
$ with various Tricks and Ideas ... $
% By Shadow Lord, Esq. %
$ $
Compuserve is a multiuser networked Pay by Hour service. But this can
be beat. At current rates, CIS (Compuserve) charges $6.50 for 300 baud
and $12.75 for 1200/2400 baud, 9600 can only be accessed by Hardwired
clients. Thus you see the need for this file. At the time this was
written, all information in this file was correct. Enough of this, on
to the file.
Logging on to Compuserve
In order to logon to CIS you need one of the following.
1) A Telenet, Tymnet, Or CIS Port
2) A Credit Card
3) Above the IQ of a houseplant
That is all you need, I know for some of you the 3rd one is tough, but
try. Ok, you have all this, call your local port, logon to CIS, then
you should get a [User ID:] Prompt, type [177000,5000], this is the Ziff
PCMagnet User Id. Now, if you entered it correctly, then you should get
the [Password:] Prompt, at This type [Pc*Magnet]. You will next be given
a Welcome Message, then, you will get yet another Prompt. It should ask
you for your Agreement Number, type [Z10D8810]. That is the end of the
prompts. Here's where the IQ of above a houseplant comes into play.
You now have to think. It will ask you various questions, ranging from
your country to your Social Security number. Answer them however you
want, but I wouldn't use your real info. If you want the second password
(Needed to access some things), you will have to give an address where
you can drop by and pick it up. Some ideas are sending to your neighbors,
but use your last name, it will end up at your house. This is safe, I
have used it. Or you can rent a Post Office box for about 6 months.
Once you have done all this, and answer the questions, and read the
propoganda, you will see [Entering PCMagnet]. You are done.
So what do I do Now?
Ok, if you get this far, you have the IQ of above your fern. You can
go one of two places, CIS or PCMagnet (Where you are now). You can
stay in PCMagnet, but there isn't much there. So, I would type [Go Cis]
This will bring you to Compuserve. Once on CIS, you can do many thing,
ranging from downloading files, to real time chat on forums to online
games. Next, I will list some interesting places to go.
Where do I go?
There are alot on interesting places to go on Compuserve. There are
some places that you can't access without a second password, so that
must be attained to get on CB. But you can goto the forums, the
games, and alot of other things. I will list some places that I like
to go.
[Go Rocknet] will bring you to a rather nice forum that is populated
by some very nice people. It has confrences at 7am till
9am (Breakfast Club), at 12pm till 1pm (Lunch Bunch),
and from around 10pm till 1am. I can be found in this
forum alot.
[Go Hsx100] will bring you to the Human Sexuality Forum, but it's
not what you think, they are very interesting people
that hang around here. The Confrence's there are from
around 10pm till about 4am. They last along time.
These are just my favorites, but if you type [Go Forums], it will
give you a list of forums that you can Hang around on. There are
some things to look out for on CIS.
Some sights you will see
There are some things to look out for on CIS. You must be careful
when you see one of these things. They are on the look out for US.
If you see a [70000,xxxx] id, that is a Security Officer, they will
deleate you if you are not careful. If you see a [70006,xxxx] that
is a Wizard, he can also deleate you. They some times do not deleate
you they just /gag you, that means you can't be seen, you are not in
the userlist. This only applys to Confrence and CB. *LooLoo* is a
person to be careful not to see, she is a mother fucker. She is a
powerful person, she can /gag you on any forum, but SHE CAN NOT
deleate you, only a security account can. Her user id is [70006,522]
so if you see that ID, be careful. I have talked to her voice on
several occassions, she is fun to call and bother about CIS, if you
want her number, it is [614/764-2302] Her real name is Patricia
Phelps. There is also another not so nice person on Compuserve , he
is Dan Piskur, he is the Head of Security. He uses the Handles,
[Dan'l or Ghost] he CAN deleate you on sight.
Misc Info.
Here's come info on Project Numbers. (User Id's)
70000,xxxx = CIS Security 70003,xxxx = CIS Employe
70004,xxxx = CIS Employe 70005,xxxx = Radio Shack Demo
70006,xxxx = Wizard 70007,xxxx = Complementary Account
76701,xxxx = Forum Sysop 76703,xxxx = Forum Sysop
76704,xxxx = Forum Sysop 72251,xxxx = Ziff Account (You)
72261,xxxx = Ziff Account 72271,xxxx = Ziff Account
72301,xxxx = Ziff Account
Some things, a Wizard is a very powerful person, they have access
to /gag you. A Ziff account is an account created by this method.
Some of this information was taken from a Phrack File, but 98% of
it is mine. So please keep it as it is. I would like to thanx the
following people for help.
Rigor Mortis - For his help with Compuserve when I started out.
Matt E. - (A CIS Forum Sysop) for his explaination of the project
numbers, and security flags.
Scan Man - For giving me a chance to prove myself.
I am looking to join a text file writing group, any help would
be appreaciated. I can be found on P-80, Osuny, or RipCo.
P-80 Systems - [304/744-2253]
RipCo - [312/528-5020]
Osuny - [914/725-4060]