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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
<20> <20> A ް
<20> D E A T H <20>
<20> A <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>߰
<20> An Anthology of Ancient Texts, Songs, Prayers, Tfile ް
<20> and Stories. Distribution ް
<20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Edited by: David Melitzer Centere ް
<20>? <20> Typed and added extras by: Doctor Murdock - RoR - ް
<20> A <20>_____________________________________________________________________ް
<20><><EFBFBD>The HQ of SDBP, Inc - 510/237/8563<36><33>PolySpock Project - 510/524/3649<34><39><EFBFBD>
<20>Drop Sites<65><73><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Hollow's Renaissance - 510/669/9432<33><32><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Drop Sites<65><73><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
.... NO! ...................... MNO! ...
..... MNO!! ...................... MNNOO! ...
..... MMNO! ...........................MNOO!! .
....... MMMMM.. OPPMMP .,OMI! ....
...... MMMM:: O .,OPMP,. o ::I!! ...
.... NNM:::.,,OOPM!P,.::::!! ....
...... MMMONNMMNNNIIIOO!..........
....... MN MOMMMM/MIIIIIO! OO ..........
......... MNO! Ii/ ! ! \iI OOOO ...........
...... NNN.MNO! . O!^ ^!O . OONO NO! ........
.... MNNNNNO. ...OOOO^^^OOOO . 666\NN!........
...... MNNNNO! .. PPPPPPPPP .. MMNON!........
...... OO! ................. ON! .......
....... .......
- How To Make A Zombi Out Of A Dying Man -
Take a white pot, fill it with 21 seeds of pois congo* and
a length of string knotted 21 times, and slip it under his
pillow. After his death, leave the pot in a small dark room.
The string will turn into a spider, and the spider is the zombi.
You must treat it carefully, feeding it with just enough food
and water, but no salt, and when you are in need of it's
services you must practise another magic: you knock three times
on the door and unlock it behind your back, to give the zombi
time to assume human form. As you enter the room it will rise
from it's chair and bow. But speak harshly as you give your
orders, and beat it to make it afraid, or it will do you harm.
[* pois congo (or gate sang, range sang): Cajanus indicus, Leguminosae.
Vulnerary, pulmonary, for jaundice, colic, sprains, and bruises,
itchings, smallpox, coughs, madness. Exorcise of evil spirits,
cures impotence, used to wash corpses and the newly born, and to
make zombis. ]
People who are dying reach out to grasp another hand.
People unfold their hands when dying.
A door or window is often opened just before a death to allow the soul
egress; otherwise, death will not ~come easy~, for the soul sees no way of
getting into the open.
Pillows are still removed from under the head of the dying, "to make them
die easier." The pillow may have "with wreaths" in it, for witches can knot
feathers in a pillow and make wreaths of them, and these trouble the dying and
hold back the soul. Besides this, the feathers of certain birds are harmful
and disturb the dying and there is a chance that some of these may be in the
Coins are places on the eyes to keep them closed.
It was a custom often to receive into ones own mouth the last breath of
the dying.
Some people cover the looking glasses in a room where a dead person lies.
Sometimes all the water in a house is emptied from pitchers, buckets, and
After a death in a house, clocks are stopped, mirrors covered, bells
With the invention of Death comes the invention of continuous Life.
We all go somewhere else, that's all. That's it. We move on.
Do the dead fear birth as much as the living fear death?
I see fate as a kick from a blind mule:
if it is a hit, you are dead;
if a miss, you live until you are senile.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
When I'm dead and in my grave and all my bones are rotten
This little book will tell my name when I am quite forgotten.
Those who cling to life die, and those who defy death live. The essential
thing is the mind. Look into this mind and firmly take hold of it, and you
will understand that there is something in you which is above birth-and-death
and which is neither drowned in water nor burned in fire. I have myself
gained an insight into this samadhi and know what I am telling you. Those who
are reluctant to give up their lives and embrace death are nor true warriors.
So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men,
And Death once dead, there's no more dying then.
It was a hot, sultry summer afternoon, and Eros, tired with play and faint
from the heat, took shelter in a cool, dark cave. It happened to be the cave
of Death himself.
Eros, wanting only to rest, threw himself down carelessly--so carelessly
that all his arrows fell out of his quiver.
When he woke he found they had mingled with the arrows of Death, which lay
scattered about the floor of the cave. They were so alike Eros could not tell
the difference. He knew, however, how many had been in his quiver, and
eventually he gathered up the right amount.
Of course, Eros took some that belonged to Death and left some of his own
And so it is today that we often see the hearts of the old and the dying
struck by bolts of Love; and sometimes we see the hearts of the young captured
by Death.
The serpent had rudely thrust Eve against the Tree of Knowledge, saying:
"You have not died after touching this tree; neither will you die after eating
this fruit!" He also said: "All former beings are ruled by the latest beings.
You and Adam, created last of all, rule the world; eat therefore and be wise,
lest God send new beings to usurp your rule!" As Eve's shoulders touched the
tree, she saw Death approaching. "Now I must die," she groaned, "and God will
give Adam a new wife! Let me persuade him to eat as I do, so that if we must
both die, we shall die together; but if not we shall live together." She
plucked a fruit and ate, then tearfully agreed with Adam until he agreed to
share it.
Eve later persuaded all beasts and birds to taste the fruit--or all except
the prudent pheonix, which has remained immortal ever since.
Mortals are immortals and immortals are mortals--one lives the others death
and dies the others life.
Whenever you see the hearse go by
And think to yourself that you're gonna die
Be merry, my friends, be merry.
They put you in a big white shirt
And cover you up with tons of dirt
Be merry, my friends, be merry.
They put you in a long shaped box
And cover you with tons of rocks
Be merry, my friends, be merry.
The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Be merry, my friends, be merry.
Your eyes fall in and your hair falls out
And your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry, my friends, be merry.
A chinese angel visited Hell. He saw many people seated around a table with
delicious food of every description. Beside each person was a pair of yard-
long chopsticks. But everyone there was wasting away with starvation, because
no one was able to manipulate the clumsy chopsticks adequately to feed
Then the angel went to visit Heaven. There he saw another table piled with
all kinds of wholesome, delicious food. Each person seated around the table
was also provided with yard-long chopsticks. These people were happy and
contented. They were feeding each other across the table with their yard-long
Moral: The difference between Heaven and Hell is the people.
The angle of death was once visible to all men but now is seen only by
those who are dying. It also appears in dreams announcing the death of a sick
person. It look like a Tatar, is thin and so tall that it's head reaches the
roof. According to a folk tale it was once taken prisoner and at that time no
one died. Sometimes the angel of death is also called Azren Kuba and Azren
Kuguza, azren; old woman and azren; old man.
The angel of death carried a long knife with which it kills people by
cutting their throats. If it cuts a persons neck from behind, the person dies
a year later. Sometimes it strangles a person with a wire or stabs him with a
chisel. If it cuts you with a scythe or an ax, the person dies quickly. If
it hits the person's head with a mallet, he loses consciousness. If Azren
pricks the soles of a person's feet with an awl or strikes them with a shovel,
or cuts his neck with a sickle or dull knife, the person dies a slow painful
death. Children are sometimes said to be crushed to death between boards.
I will tell you the greatest secret.....Mirrors are the doors by
which Death comes and goes. Besides, take a look at yourself in
a mirror throughout your lifetime and you will see Death at work
like bees in a glass hive.
RoR - Alucard
(Note: Most of these excerpts are taken from the book of Death*. There are
many more where these came from. I just don't have the time to type
them all up [because I have a life...]. It's a GREAT book and I
highly suggest reading it. It's in the top ten of my personal
library. Yes....I have a personal library. Hahaha. Ok, anyways...
here the info. Hope you've enjoyed it... RoR, man... )
* Call your local bookstore and ask for the book by title, as shown in the
introduction of this file. If you live in the Bay Area, you can find a
copy at either Cody's Books or Moes. I know one of them has a copy for
sure. It's worth it....
* Call your local bookstore and ask for the book by title, as shown in the
introduction of this file. If you live in the Bay Area, you can find a
copy at either Cody's Books or Moes. I know one of them has a copy for
sure. It's worth it....