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Volume 2, Issue #13
(Released: 12/24/98)
"Ignorance is not bliss."
email: damage_inc@mailcity.com
C O N T E N T S :
<EFBFBD> INTRODUCTION - An Introduction to the Damage, INC. Newsletter.
<EFBFBD> ADVISORIES - The state of the h/p scene.
<20> Search String: {ADVISORIES}
<EFBFBD> BIG BROTHER BASHING - Blue Ribbons and Big Brother.
<20> Search String: {BIG BROTHER}
<EFBFBD> BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - Seven stupid h/p tips and tricks.
<20> Search String: {BLACKENED}
<EFBFBD> BREAKER'S REVIEWS - Not available in this issue.
<20> Search String: {REVIEWS}
<EFBFBD> CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - Examining Operation Garden Plot.
<20> Search String: {COVERUPS}
<EFBFBD> CORRUPTION AND GREED - Saddam "insane" Hussein vs Billy "bad ass" Gates.
<20> Search String: {GREED}
<EFBFBD> CROSSED WIRES - Advertisement for Deliberate Meltdown.
<20> Search String: {WIRES}
<EFBFBD> DRUGS DISCUSSION - The Hitman's Practical Guide to Marijuana.
<20> Search String: {DRUGS}
<EFBFBD> H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - Social Engineering AT&T Ops and List of Acronyms.
<20> Search String: {H/P}
<20> Search String: {INTERVIEWS}
<EFBFBD> OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - Society. Crop Circles.
<20> Search String: {OPINIONS}
<EFBFBD> REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - Various enlightening articles.
<20> Search String: {REPORTS}
<EFBFBD> THC PHREAK'S TOP TEN LIST - Ignorant comments.
<20> Search String: {TOP TEN}
<20> Search String: {WRITING}
<20> Search String: {CLOSING}
All articles contained in the Damage, INC. Newsletter are for informational
purposes only. Damage, INC. is not responsible for how any of the information
presented is used. It is not intended to be a manual with instructions to be
followed. We won't be held responsible for any damages caused, illegal acts
committed etc. by our readers. If/how you use the information given is entirely
up to you.
All articles and source code contained within this file are (C) Copyright by
Damage, INC. (unless stated otherwise). No part of this work can be modified,
reproduced or changed in any way without the expressed written consent of
Damage, INC. That means, electronically or otherwise, in part or in whole
this file must not be altered. It cannot be included with any other releases.
You cannot claim that you wrote it, or alter any articles and source code that
has been written and Copyrighted by us. Also, do *not* distribute any
Damage, INC. releases in "packages" with other text files or utilities. They
must only be distributed alone in their present, original form. You are
permitted to read and distribute the Damage, INC. Newsletter freely to quality
h/p boards only.
Copyright 1998 by Damage, INC.
All Rights Reserved.
INTRODUCTION: Wait a second... Shouldn't that quote be "Ignorance is bliss"?
Was there some sort of mistake made? No, there wasn't. You
read the quote correctly. Living in ignorance is definitely
*not* bliss. To be ignorant is to be unaware and lack knowledge.
To be an ignorant person is to be an ignoramus. And ignorance
is defined as being a lack of knowledge. Yes, to an extent we
all are ignorant. That is, we aren't all knowing beings and we
are all guilty of ignoring the truth at times. But, we don't
have to remain ignorant. We don't have to be idiots and fools.
We can strive to learn, gain knowledge and become enlightened in
areas that we had previously been ignorant about. Ignorant or
informed. It is still our choice to make.
Ignorance is a disease, capable of spreading like a plague.
It drives fears and preys upon the weak minded. It's not
easily contained, nor is it always easy to detect. It can be
used as a weapon to make scapegoats out of people, groups and
start witchhunts. Ignorance is a destructive force that grows
exponentially. That is, ignorance has the ability to breed
more ignorance. It builds upon itself, becoming larger and
stronger. The problem of ignorance is an old one, and a vast
one that spans all human divisions. As in, all nations, races
and cultures have ignorance... and always have.
Although I've heard the saying "Ignorance is bliss" used many
times, I have never believed it to be truth. It simply cannot
be, since it defies all logic. Fairly recently, I was surprised
when someone that I know used that very saying in a relatively
serious discussion. I had previously thought that the person
was intelligent and somewhat enlightened. But, by saying that,
he disproved the latter. At least in my opinion, you can't be
ignorant *and* enlightened. The two simply cannot co-exist.
So, I admit, my view of that person drastically changed after
they made that one particular statement. It might seem like a
small, rather insignificant thing... that shouldn't change
someone's opinion of another person. However, in truth, it did
just that. I simply couldn't ignore or forget about them using
those words... in the context that they were used and I kept
thinking that if that's their belief, then they must want to
remain ignorant. Meaning, if they support ignorance in that they
believe it's a good way to live, then they must be against
knowledge. And if that's true, then they can be classified as an
ignorant person that's anti-knowledge, which is obviously
something that I can't respect. Basically, with one stupid,
thoughtless remark they managed to shatter the "mental image"
of them that I had previously held. In an instant, my view of
that person was forever altered. In fact, it would be impossible
for me to think of them and respect them in the same way as
before. Even if I wanted to go back to viewing them as I had
previously, I wouldn't be able to do that. I don't think that
a person is capable of permanently "forgetting" and reversing
things. If that can be done, I don't know how it's accomplished
as that's not how my mind works. For me, memories just aren't
erased and eliminated from ever existing by comments such as
"forget it." Things, at least important ones, cannot be
forgotten at will. It isn't that simple or easy to forget
anything of consequence and importance. If it were, then I'm
sure agencies like the CIA would arm their spies with that
knowledge/technique, to ensure that covert operations couldn't
fail. In other words, if a spy were captured, they could forget
all sensitive information before being interrogated, hypnotized,
and tortured, etc. The human brain just isn't designed to
work that way. Some people claim to have a selective memory,
but that's just an excuse that they use as a crutch. But I've
ranted long enough. The main point is, ignorance is all around
you. Instead of trying to ignore or forget about it, why not
attempt to do something about it? Help stop the ignorance
infestation. Oh yeah. Welcome to the new, improved, better
Damage, INC. Newsletter. ;)
The state of the h/p scene:
First, I'd like to introduce this new section to everyone. The name
"ADVISORIES" might be misleading at first, since it's normally used to notify
people about security flaws, make them aware of possible exploits, bugs, holes,
and general problems with software etc. However, that's not what this section
is limited to. Nor is it just about how to gain root on a particular system or
how to prevent system violations and security breaches. It's more than that.
In essence, there aren't any restrictions of that sort put on the topic. The
advisories are not limited to one particular aspect of computers, such as
security. And we will accept article submissions that advise people about
almost anything that's worthwhile. As long as there's a reason to publish it,
thus advising people about it, send it in.
Now that I've properly introduced the section to you, I'd like to rant a
little about the h/p scene and its current state. Due to some recent events,
I decided it was time to write an article about this topic... and share some
of my views.
Somewhere along the line... the pursuit of knowledge and the common practice of
sharing knowledge/information with others was somehow diminished in importance.
That is, in the h/p scene now there are many newbies that are just out to
get exploits, scripts and codes. Their goal isn't to learn... as much as it is
to become "l33t" (or what they think is elite)... call ld for free (using
codes of course)... and use the exploits they download from web sites. Some
of them are lost causes, but the others in that group have just gone in the
wrong direction. Perhaps they could change and actually learn something if
given the proper guidance. It's possible, but it's not easy trying to convince
them that their approach is wrong and won't benefit them in the end.
As much as I hate to admit it, the BBS h/p scene is dying. Sure, there are
still some quality h/p boards left out there. But, it's blatantly obvious
that it's not what it once was. In fact, it's a mere shadow of its former self.
It definitely isn't what it was like years ago. And that even includes the
established h/p boards that are located in large area codes. Basically, they're
not what I'd deem "thriving" by any means. A lot of their users have migrated
elsewhere or just moved on entirely. As in, they simply 'retired' from the
scene. With them gone, there's not as many users left to discuss things with...
and the quality and quantity of posts continue to degrade over time. It's sad,
but it's true.
As for busts, they still occur. It's almost rare now to hear of a h/p board
being busted, compared to the late 80s to early 90s. These days, busts are
usually related to internet sites. As in, the cops target a web site that
carried h/p information. They get a search warrant, do a search and seizure
raid to take the server that the site is on... and they take it from there.
So, where is what's left of the h/p scene then? Well, it's here... there
and everywhere. ;) Actually, that's true to an extent. In a way, it's
somewhat fragmented... for lack of a better term. Obviously, it still exists.
There are still h/p groups, zines, web sites, boards, IRC channels, cons, etc.
So, it's still out there... and not dead yet. It's not really dying either.
And it's not difficult to find. But it is a little divided and unorganized.
What can/should be done about it? Co-operation and better organization are
two of the keys in my opinion. I believe that groups and individuals in
the scene should work together more. I think that's one way of building
and strengthening the h/p scene. Forget about the wannabes that are out
there in almost every area code... and concentrate on supporting the ones
that are actually doing something productive. There are some quality
h/p groups and zines out there... which can always use contributions from
knowledgable people. Submitting an article that's written about an area of
h/p that you know well is always a good idea... and is beneficial to newbies.
It helps build the scene. Just as, scanning, learning about your local
telco, etc. and then sharing that knowledge with others is helpful to those
that want to learn about the scene in other NPAs.
In conclusion, the exchange of information is what it's all about. It's also
a quest for knowledge, an odyssey or a journey. It isn't a competition.
So, to those that share the knowledge... and are willing to take the time to
write text files, teach others, etc. you are the people that deserve credit
for your efforts in trying to keep the h/p scene alive.
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Blue Ribbons and Big Brother:
I'm sure you've heard of the blue ribbon campaign for free speech on the
internet. And, you've probably seen the blue ribbon banners displayed on
countless web sites. The question is, do they serve a purpose? Are they
any "protection" against Big Brother or are they merely a show of support for
the internet based freedom speach movement? Do they actually discourage or
prevent Big Brother from performing search and seizures on people, confiscating
their equipment... without any evidence of illegal activity, but rather
'investigations' based solely on suspicion? Or does the presence of a blue
ribbon on a site provoke suspicion leading to a raid and confiscation of
servers etc? Are said ribbons really a show of unity, or nothing more than
"the trendy thing" to add to your web site? In other words, do they carry any
meaning... any power... any real substance? Or are they nothing more than
another meaningless graphic that's proudly shown but doesn't actually do
anything? I'll attempt to answer some of the more important questions in this
article... and give my opinions on the relevance of them. I'll also try to
show Big Brother's perspective and explain how they view things such as this.
First, ribbons aren't new. People have been using them to express their
grief, their support, their distain and objections to policies, etc. for
many years. They've been tacked on trees, car antennas, worn on shirts,
and basically used as a symbol for almost any cause that you can imagine.
In fact, almost every colour in the fucking rainbow has been used already
for something or other. However, I'm not against that. People can do what
they want, and have a right to use them for whatever they believe in. I
support that. But, their overuse is starting to become a little annoying.
Since they're used for almost everything now, people are beginning to
realize that they aren't quite as effective as they thought. The ribbons
are almost like bandaids for problems, instead of solutions. They can be
stuck anywhere, but they don't actually solve anything. Just like a bandaid,
they are an inanimate object. Thus, not much should be expect from them.
Personally, I feel that they do serve a small purpose if used properly. That
is, if they aren't misused and abused by everyone. As in, it's fine to
use them to show your support for something. But if you truly support
something, then you should try to do more than just using or wearing a ribbon.
And I feel it's no different on the internet. Putting a blue ribbon on a
web site doesn't make you a hero. It doesn't make you a freedom fighter.
Nor does it offer any protection against infringements and violations of
civil rights, in my opinion. It does publicly show what you support, and
does a good job of stating that in one small graphic. ;) Just don't rely
on it for more and expect it to be some type of "deterrent" because Big
Brother isn't afraid of blue ribbons. In fact, it could backfire and do
the exact opposite... by making them suspicious of what materials may be
stored on the server hosting the site. I'm not saying that you should become
paranoid and avoid using them for that reason. Use whatever ribbons you
choose. Hopefully you won't use them to get a false sense of security though.
As for Big Brother and blue ribbons, they obviously won't stop them from
deciding to perform a search and seizure. Basically, their presence is
just ignored. They don't "fear the ribbon". They don't take its existence
into consideration at all. If they are suspicious, they will raid and
bust you... regardless of what you support and how you show your support
for it. The simple fact is, ribbons don't stop Big Brother. Why would they
when Constitutional rights and freedoms that are supposedly guaranteed to
those living in "free countries" and under the United Nations... are just
ignored without a second thought? It happens all of the time. Think about
how many sites that've gone down... with their servers confiscated. The
rights to freedom of speach and freedom of expression don't mean too much
if you're distributing say... certain h/p material for example on a web site.
Once you're a target, there's not much that can be done to prevent Big Bro
from attacking you and eliminating your rights in one motion. I've seen
it happen, so I know.
I think that ribbons have become a little too popular and trendy. They're
literally everywhere. It'd be alright, in a perfect world, if they were
only used appropriately, in situations that they were meant for... such
as to show unity or support for free speach. But they're not. I mean,
what the hell are blue ribbons doing on warez sites? Haha. Doesn't that
degrade their meaning? And once their meaning has been lost, it can't be
replaced and brought back again. I don't think they have any real power.
Nor do I think that they're meaningless... yet. They still serve a purpose.
Although it might not always remain the original, intended purpose as
designated during their creation.
Perhaps someday this will all be a mute point. I hope that it is. But
until then, we have to find real solutions... and real ways of fighting
against Big Brother. We have to try to preserve our right to speak and
express ourselves freely. Once it has been taken from us, we won't be
able to get it back. And you can be sure that Big Brother is taking as much
as he can... as fast as possible. That's nothing new either.
So, what can/should be done? Well, people *should* unite. Ribbons definitely
aren't enough and they don't represent true unity. Putting up a ribbon
on a web site shouldn't really make you feel a sense of unity with others.
If it does, there's something wrong. True unity means a lot more than just
that... and takes a lot more than that to achieve. ;) Honestly, blue
ribbons are a start, but there's more that should be done to fight Big
Brother's senseless, vicious attacks. Publicly voicing your objections
is one non-violent way. Organizing protests is another. Writing articles
is yet another method of expressing your views. At least it's something. In
the end, doing something is better than sitting idly by and doing nothing.
Afterall, complacency and indifference are common but they never achieve
anything. Besides, words and actions are much more powerful than ribbons are
anyway. So strive to become active and fight against what you oppose.
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Seven stupid h/p tips and tricks.
I was going to call this month's article "Stupid phone tricks." but decided
that wouldn't be appropriate for certain types of info that will be included.
So, instead of naming it that, I opted for a more generic title. Anyways,
here's a small list of simple things that work almost anywhere. Of course,
whether you use them or not is entirely your choice. ;)
Shoulder surfing - This is an old trick, but it still works today and can be
applied to almost anything (systems, phones, etc.) that requires a login,
password or a passcode. In order to shoulder surf with any measure of success,
you must be able to stand behind the person in a manner that's not noticeable.
In other words, if the mark detects what you're trying to do... it's very
likely that they won't continue to enter their information while you are
standing there watching them. So, be discrete and stealthful. It takes some
practice and a small amount of skill to pull off.
Key trapping - Key trappers/grabbers/recorders are available for basically
every operating system. The only thing that's required to make it work is
to use one that's compatible with the OS the target system has installed.
If it's say Win95, find and use one for that OS. If you have physical access
to the system, reboot it, boot up from a bootable floppy, install the key
trapper in memory. Obviously it's a good idea to read the docs first so
that you know how to install it, can use the options properly and know where
the output log file storing the account info will be. It's just a quick way
to get logins and passwords on systems that lack physical security.
Using *67 - Here's a little tip... You can fill the CID buffer with *67 by
entering it multiple times. As in, just adding *67 ten times to your dialing
string makes it more difficult to trace the call back to you. Basically,
it's better than nothing if you're somewhere and don't have diverters or
anything else handy to use.
Phones tricks at Box stores - There are many tricks that can be used at the
big "Box stores". Some of the phone tricks can be a lot of fun too. ;)
Stores such as Wal-Mart have phones in various departments that are readily
accessible to customers. Pick up the phone, select a free line by pressing
a button that's not flashing, try dialing '9' to get a dial tone... and then
dial out. Most of the big Box stores also have an internal intercom system.
And, out of stupidity, the code to use it is usually marked right on the
phone's directory listing. Hehe. Memorize some employee's names (look at
their name tags) and page them. Or, find and document the extensions by
experimenting at various Box stores and then use that information to play
tricks on their employees and customers. The possibilities are endless. So,
use your imagination and have phun while you're in stores such as Wal-Mart,
Office Depot, Target, Future Shop, etc. ;)
Trojans - There are obviously many varieties of trojans. Some of them
do damage, nuke data, etc. However, there are others that create backdoors
on systems or exploit existing flaws in security. So, if you're a newbie that
can't program, those are ones that you should look for as they'd be useful to
you. Just make sure you know something about the system before using them...
As in, how to cover your tracks after gaining access. (editing the logs,
removal of the trojan, etc.)
1-800s/888s - Third party billing, teleconferencing tricks, social engineering
the operators for information, diverting, defeating ANI, operator assisted
calls, scanning tips/tricks, owning your own 1-800, etc. There are too many
1-800 "tricks" to list and mention in one small section. So, I'll cover them
separately in a future article that's dedicated to describing their usage.
It'll explain in detail the various techniques and tricks that I know of.
Hax0ring (or scamming) Taco Bell - This technique can be applied to other
fast food "restaurants" as well, but I've chosen to use Taco Bell as the
example since they are a great, naive, willing mark. ;) It works best
if you're with a group of friends, have a car, use the Drive-Thru and order
a lot of food. (the food at Taco Bell is relatively cheap anyways). After
ordering whatever you want (tacos, burritos, nachos, drinks, combos)...
drive home and eat your meal. Then call the Taco Bell on the phone and
tell the loser that answers that you were just there and got ripped off.
Explain to them how you were missing 2 tacos, 1 coke, 1 nacho supreme and
an order of fries. Then start bitching about how the ground beef wasn't
fully cooked, the drinks were watered down, etc. Sound angry and convincing.
Make sure you keep the bill/receipt. They'll probably say "We've very sorry.
If you return tonight/tomorrow with the receipt, we'll refund you sir. Again,
we apologize for any inconvenience." Reply with "Yeah. I definitely will."
Unless you try the same trick and try to scam the same Taco Bell every week,
they won't catch on. Afterall, most of the managers are complete idiots.
Why else would they be working full-time at Taco Bell? ;)
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Examining Operation Garden Plot.
Did you know that the United States government considers tax protesters,
militia groups, and people that publicly stand against the government as
"Disruptive Elements" in which deadly force must be used against if they engage
in "civil disorder?" That is what is stated in Annex A, Section (b) of the U.S.
Government's "Civil Disturbance Plan" codenamed Operation Garden Plot.
In very basic terms, Operation Garden Plot is a plan devised by the U.S.
Government to use the U.S. Armed Forces against U.S. citizens for the purpose
of "assisting civil authorities in the restoration of law and order" during a
"civil disturbance". In honest terms, it is using a country's standing army
against its own citizens. That is one thing the Founding Fathers fought against
during the American War of Independence.
In this article, I will tell how Operation Garden Plot will be implemented, and
what powers the Feds will have when they take over from local and state law
enforcement. Operation Garden Plot is one more bit of evidence to prove that
the U.S. Government acts in direct contradiction to the thoughts and beliefs of
the brave people that founded the United States.
Under Appendix 3 to Annex B of Plan 55-2 (Operation Garden Plot), all Federal
forces would maintain *total* control over a situation that local and state law
enforcement are unable to stop. Disruptive Elements like those I mentioned in
the first paragraph of this article can be dealt with with deadly force. In the
same breath, Operation Garden Plot claims that its purpose is only to support
civil law enforcement "authorities." It brings to my mind the example of a pimp
that claims he only "supports" his hookers. An active pimp could eventually be
charged and imprisoned. The Feds shouldn't be able to give themselves power
over the situation, and in the same breath wash their hands by saying "We're not
involved directly... we're only taking a supporting role." Ah well, that's just
my opinion.
In any situation that activates Operation Garden Plot, it will require the
Secretary of Defense giving any "civil disturbance situation" a classification
of CIDCON-1 (which stands for CIvil Disruption CONdition, code 1). The plan
states that under this condition, the U.S. Armed Forces and Reserves (Army,
Air Force, Navy, Marine Corp., National Guard, etc.) to be called into action.
Under Annex A, Section D, the Secretary of Defense requires the President to
issue an Executive Order to utilize the U.S. Armed Forces against citizens in
order to establish "peace" and "law and order." Operation Garden Plot allows
the President to mobilize the armed forces without declaring a National
The majority of the text contained in Operation Garden Plot deals with very
dry and cryptic procedures dealing with command structures, CIDCON levels,
procedures for airlifting military units to the civil disturbance, intelligence
and counterintelligence, etc. In my opinion, the greatest conspiracy is what
was not in the copies of Operation Garden plot that I obtained. There is no
information dealing with the conduct of the military once they engage
"disruptive elements" at the disturbance site. All I could find is that lethal
force could be used by the U.S. military in order to "restore peace."
Basically, all rules and laws applying to the government and the military seem
to be out the window after Operation Garden Plot is activated via the
Presidential Executive Order I mentioned above.
I'll give you some examples by showing you portions of Operation Garden Plot:
a. Civil disturbances will normally develop over a period of time,
permitting a progressive state of alert and accomplishment of preliminary
and precautionary measures. However, situations may arise which could
require the immediate dispatch of military forces without progressive
b. Simultaneous civil disturbances requiring commitment of Federal forces
may occur in any of the 50 states, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, US possessions and territories.
c. No level of mobilization in response to contingency operations will be
in effect.
Above are the key assumptions that the USAF will make once CIDCON-1 is achieved
and the President issues the Executive Order that enacts Operation Garden Plot.
Leave it to the government to make assumptions about a situation before it has
even occurred. There are various sections of Operation Garden Plot that are
entitled "Assumptions." Hopefully their assumptions come back to haunt them if
a civil disturbance doesn't conform to their lame assumptions.
a. Public Affairs Objectives:
(1) Develop procedures for the public release of appropriate information
regarding Air Force airlift and base support operations and the role of ANG
and USAFR forces in fulfilling Air Force support responsibilities in civil
disturbance control operations.
This is part of the USAF's public release policy during an Operation Garden Plot
operation. Notice the careful use of wording so that they are totally free to
withhold information, lie, or slant the truth in their favour. Between the USAF
and the biased pro-government media, any public information releases from a
Garden Plot information will be misinformation at best. :-(
(2) Communications Intelligence (COMINT) has the unique feature of being
real-time information. It is often possible for COMINT information to be
available to a user/decision maker within minutes. Some communications
factors to be considered are:
(e) The use of unauthorized crypto materials such as homemade codes and
grid reference systems.
How do you like that? What they forbid American citizens to use, they will use
themselves. If they feel free to use unauthorized cryptography, what is to stop
Garden Plot forces from using other "unauthorized" or illegal weapons, devices,
and actions? Absolutely nothing. That is the danger when the Armed Forces are
allowed to step their bounds and participate in domestic operations like a riot.
On the surface, the few Americans that would take the time to investigate
Operation Garden Plot would probably support it. Of course they support the
very "system" that their "society" uses to prey upon their individual freedoms.
The use of a nation's standing army against its own people is something that the
globalists in the UN call "barbaric" and an abuse of power. Well, the U.S.
Government didn't even try too hard to coverup the fact that they are ready to
wield the same abuse of power. Operation Garden Plot is designated
"UNCLASSIFIED" by the USAF, although I have two different copies... both of
which are censored in different areas (sections of text were missing, etc.).
There is much more to Operation Garden Plot than what is on the surface. What
happens after the "disruptive elements" are eliminated? What will stop the
military from invading your home to search for weapons or devices that could be
"fuelling" the civil disturbance? What would stop the military from rounding up
people and putting them in a work or concentration camp? Nothing in my opinion.
When local and state cops in riot gear plus the USAF are patrolling the streets
of your hometown, there are only two choices if they surround your home; submit
or die fighting for your freedom.
Operation Garden Plot could be used as a first step in the globalists plan
should they decide to throw the U.S. into physical slavery. Several Garden Plot
missions could be activated to eliminate urban centres where they foresee heavy
resistance. Then a national state of emergency would be called when those
"riots" never seem to be quelled. Then the events of my article in the last
issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter could be initiated.
Written by Shatazar <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Saddam "insane" Hussein vs Billy "bad ass" Gates:
We've included articles written on Saddam Hussein and Bill Gates before.
However, I felt that a comparison of the two greedy bastards was in order.
Therefore, I've decided to write an article that lists various "points
of greed". At the end, they'll be tallied and the one with the greatest
score will be given the title of "King of Greed". I will try to remain
as impartial as possible and allow for the greediest of the two to claim
their title, based solely on merit. So, if you think that I've been unfair
to either party after having read this article in its entirety, please send
me Email and express your disagreement. But just make sure you explain why
by giving clear reasons and supporting your point for why the "victor" was
undeserving of being named the greediest.
Okay, Saddam Hussein vs Bill Gates. Obviously both are extremely greedy.
But which one is greedier? Which one has demonstrated that they put their
own greed above all else? Which one has proven themselves to be the
undisputed "King of Greed"? Which is more deserving of such an anointment?
That's what is so vexing. At any rate, let the comparisons begin...
Bill Gates resides in a multi-million dollar ($100+ million) mansion in Seattle
that's equipped with an indoor pool, mini-golf course, trampoline room, digital
"paintings" on the walls, underground parking, etc. But of course, the cost of
his massive retreat didn't even make a small dent in his personal net worth.
Afterall, Gates is the world's richest man, worth over $50 billion (and growing
steadily at an enormous rate of approximately $100 million/day). That's not
too much money, is it? He has to live somewhere though, doesn't he? Gates
might as well impress the public, his neighbours and business associates while
he's still the big, greedy geek on the block. So, perhaps Gates' Xanadu is
somehow justified. It's not that ridiculous to spend that much and he deserves
to have a semi-fancy shack to call home, right? I mean, lest we forget, he did
give the world Windows. You decide if that's a fair exchange.
Saddam Hussein shuttles from palace to palace. Each of them is enough to
impress the most corrupt fat cat visitors that he invites from any nation
in the world. They include lavish furnishings, expensive art work, marble
floors, and of course, as many self-portraits that he can commission to be
painted. Needless to say, Hussein doesn't stay in any one palace long enough
to get to know the floor plan by memory. Hussein also owns a fleet of taxi
cabs, limousines, planes, helicopters and has his own personal train. All of
those vehicles help to transport him, thus making him an evasive target.
Saddam and his son have a large collection of luxury cars as well. It's been
said that together they possess well over a thousand vehicles. But maybe they
just don't like driving the same car every day, month or year. So, I guess
that's excusable. Afterall, rich dictators can't drive Ladas or Yugos. :)
Bill Gates has acquired many other companies, through buy outs and scrupulous
business tactics. He attacks the competition and takes no prisoners. He's
also been known to bribe and blackmail other companies that sell Microsoft
products into not selling competitor's software. I guess that could be viewed
as unethical behaviour. He's put a few people out of work as well. Some might
even describe him as being a greedy, uncaring, ruthless dictator. Let's just
say that some believe Gates doesn't have a heart or a soul and leave it at that.
Saddam Hussein tried to 'acquire' Kuwait to expand his territory and increase
his profits in the oil business. Or perhaps he just needed more real estate
for new palaces? Regardless of that, the Gulf War resulted due to Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait. Damage was done and lives were lost during the war.
Hussein hasn't apologized, shown any remorse, or given much of a reason for
his aggressive actions. However, he has personally profited from them.
The sanctions and oil embargo haven't stopped Saddam from exporting oil to
fund the construction of new palaces. His son devised a way of sneaking
the oil tankers past the guards sort of speak, by flying Iranian flags on
their ships. Ingenious isn't it? That's just the tip of the iceberg though.
Then again, it's not of much benefit to the Iraqi people since the money gained
from smuggling oil out of the country isn't distributed to them. The term
"sharing the wealth" isn't in Hussein's vocabulary. But what can be expected
from a dictator? We can't be too harsh on him for acting the part, can we?
Should he be faulted for doing what every other dictator would do in his
position? On the same note, we should be able to forgive his methods...
(threatening, killing, torturing citizens, using chemical and biological
weapons, etc.) since afterall, he is a dictator. So, we'll let those minor
character flaws slide for now.
Bill Gates and his company, Microsoft, release overpriced, poorly programmed,
bug ridden, inefficient software. They're a monopoly by choice and want
to keep it that way. But other than Microsoft customers, who suffers? Does
Gates' greed affect anyone besides them? The answer is, yes. The competition
suffers, therefore the software consumers suffer. And, hardware manufacturers
have adopted Windows. So, it's now difficult to buy any computer hardware
that isn't designed specifically for Windows. In other words, compatibility
is an issue. Winmodems are just one example. The greed of one man and his
corporation can indeed directly affect those that don't support it. Choices
are taken right out of our hands. That's exactly the way Gates wants it too.
Saddam Hussein's greed directly affects the citizens of Iraq. They suffer
and live in poverty while he pilfers billions of dollars from the oil rich
desert. But if you watch CNN, read newspapers or listen to the news on the
radio, then that's already clear. The black market has been very good to
him in recent years. The profits made from selling oil are used to fund the
construction of more palaces, supplies and imported luxury goods. Hussein
flaunts his wealth and blatantly defies the United Nations. It's obvious that
he isn't worried about Iraq being bombed for not complying with allowing UNSCOM
weapon's inspections. He also poses a danger to the rest of the world and it's
all due to his own greed, his defiance, and his ego. Hussein even has the
ability to drive up crude oil prices. He loves showing and exerting his power
and control of the Iraqi people. Basically, everything that he does is done to
benefit himself. He thinks of no other before making decisions.
Gates recently donated $100 million to charity, to be used for vaccinating
children in third world countries. That charitable deed won't go unnoticed,
especially since Bill Gates isn't known for his generosity. It's still
nothing compared to his net worth, or compared to Ted Turner's donation
of $1 billion. It could even be a ploy by Gates to gain positive publicity.
Afterall, there is that nagging anti-trust suit still looming over Microsoft.
But at least it's something, even though it's a huge tax writeoff for him.
To my knowledge, Saddam Hussein hasn't made any charitable donations, in
any amount, ever. I could be wrong, but I don't think he's famous for
giving vast sums of money to charity. Again, I could be mistaken and
Hussein could very well be the first generous dictator in history. If so,
I must be misinformed about him as I've yet to hear any words to that affect.
Those are just some points about both greed mongers. I could go on and on
and continue listing reasons as to why they are greedy. But those should be
sufficient to get the message across. They are by no means the only greedy
individuals on the planet. But they do stand out in my mind and I believe
I've established the fact that they're in the upper echelon of the greedy
elite. They're corruption and greed are almost unmatched by any other. Due to
Gates' recent charitable donation, he has regretfully dropped down to second
greediest. It was a very close race though. That's difficult to say since I
despise him greatly, but I have to be fair, impartial and unbiased. Therefore,
as a result, Saddam Hussein wins. He is the new undisputed "King of Greed" and
will hold that prestigious title until such time as it's usurped. I feel that
he's proven himself to be more than deserving. Forever greedy. Forever
defiant. Relish in your victory Saddam. Cherish it. Savour it. Brag about
it. Shine and polish the non-existent award that we've so generously bestowed
upon you. Don't feel honored by it though, for you are without honor. Indeed,
you are the greediest of the greedy. Hopefully Operation Desert Fox (or
Operation Fat Cat) will punish you for your obsessive greed by destroying some
of your precious presidential palaces. Your corrupt allies; China, Russia and
to a lesser extent France, can't help prevent any damage from occurring. They
can't save you now. Just make sure you remember to hide in your bunker like a
fucking coward when our cruise missiles are let loose on you yet again! :)
"Greed... is good. Greed is right. Greed works." - Gordon Gekko
I don't agree with the above quote. In fact, I strongly disagree with
that. Greed isn't good. It isn't right. And it doesn't work. Please,
don't get me wrong. I'm an American, born and raised on Capitalism. By
no means am I attempting to espouse the virtues of Communism. But, on the
other hand, greed and capitalism aren't necessarily one in the same. At
least not in my view they aren't. Capitalism works. Creating open markets
that allow people to start their own businesses and prosper is a good thing.
A free economy can, in many cases, benefit the poor, working class and middle
class. It's not perfect, but it's a better system than Communism. However,
greed is something different. It doesn't work towards the common good. By
its very nature, greed is individualistic. It's about amassing wealth,
hoarding, lusting for more than you'll ever need. In fact, it is illogical.
And in many ways, the greedy don't contribute towards society as a whole,
including the economy of capitalistic nations. The reason is that their
great wealth isn't distributed or in circulation. Eventually, the greedy
stagnate (or their funds become stagnant). Basically, the money is wasted
and could be put to a better use. So, I am against greed and those that
are greedy. They are greedy not for need, but for their own perverted
desire of wealth and more wealth. It's a neverending cycle of greed that
overwhelms them. In the end, it doesn't benefit them either.
In conclusion, greed obviously isn't a good thing. To an extent, everyone
is greedy but there are many levels of greed. Each individual person is
just at one part of the scale. The problem is that the greediest people
affect all of the others. Their greed makes less fortunate people suffer
economically. It also drives them to accumulate more and more in a feeble
attempt to validate themselves. They become addicted as they lust for more
wealth. Their only concern is increasing their own fortune. And eventually
their expensive material possessions don't mean anything. Only the numbers
carry any meaning. So, they try to push the numbers higher, profit more,
go up the scale and become the richest of the rich. Greed is a trap that
they fall into. It doesn't represent happiness. That cannot be bought.
But the greediest of the greedy can't recognize that, so they continue to
press on... all the while trying to impress others with their wealth. At
a certain point, their net worth of billions seems less than impressive to
them. They're like an anorexic person that looks at themselves in the mirror
and thinks they're fat. The greedy never think they have enough though.
They're fat cats that are starving for more. They can't even begin to
comprehend their own immense wealth. Don't pity them though as much of what
they have has been paid for in part by us. Many greed driven Fortune 500
companies receive millions in tax breaks yearly. The tax payers unwillingly
fund huge corporations due to the deals they make with the government. Always
remember that the rich profit off the backs of the poor. What the working
class has is of no consequence to them, but rather only what they can make.
Wealth isn't everything, nor does it guarantee you any happiness.
Written by Blackie Lawless <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
If you'd like to advertise your h/p board, group, zine or network, contact us
at damage_inc@mailcity.com and attach an ascii advertisement to the message.
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% Sysop : The Hitman / PMA Inc. % since 1994 %
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The Hitman's Practical Guide to Marijuana.
We were going to just include some bong plans in this issue, but instead of
that, The Hitman has provided us with some excellent material on MJ that he
wrote and released approximately a year ago. We've been given permission to
publish it. So, read it, enjoy it, and all of the credit goes to him. ;)
Due to the size and nature (a guide, rather than just an article or bong plans)
of this file, it's been included as a separate file, rather than as an article
in this section. So, read the text file POTGUIDE.PMA that has been included
with this issue.
I also want to extend a warm welcome to all of our European readers, especially
those in Belgium that call Deliberate Meltdown. ;) Thanks go out to The Hitman
for allowing us to distribute a quality PMA release.
An Introduction to
Social Engineering
AT&T Ops
The social engineering techniques described in this article can be applied
to operators other than just AT&T. However, I've chosen to focus my attention
on them in particular since they're gullible, very willing to provide phreaks
with information and offer a nice teleconferencing system. At least that's
been my experience with them. Basically, AT&T Ops are usually easy to social
engineer and thus it's a good place to start. Just remember, not everything
is fool proof. If they're not foolish and you're a fool, then no method that
you try to use will work. :) But, you do have to be confident in your ability
to social engineer for information/services before attempting anything. And
you should practice and know what you're doing well enough to be convincing.
Sounding convincing is one thing, actually being convincing to an AT&T Op is
another altogether. So, don't just read this and think that you're an expert
"l33t" social engineer. Practice until you become proficient.
Choosing an identity:
This is very important as it directly affects your believability. You must
establish an identity that fits the situation in order to be successful at
social engineering the Op. If you don't, you'll sound fake and they'll
immediately catch on. In other words, shit like "Hi, I'm Joe the lineman.
Can you give me the AT&T 1-800 Maintenance number?" won't work. They'll
know you're not a lineman, since a lineman wouldn't have to ask for that
info. Or, "Hi, I'm Tim... one of the technicians at Blah Blah remote office,
can you do me a favour and put me through to the local CN/A office? I need
the CN/A for 555-1234. Thanks." That won't work either, since there aren't
too many circumstances in which a technician would require Customer Name and
Address info on someone. Plus, they wouldn't have to ask to be put through
or need to be given the number, etc. Unless they had a reasonable excuse for
not having the number to the CN/A office.
Now that I've explained what not to say, I'll discuss some techniques and give
examples of conversations. Typically, the AT&T Ops answer the phone the same
way. Apparently, they're either all clones of each other or morons that can't
think for themselves. They have to rely on using memorized answers taken from
a script in their official handbook. It's too bad they don't have their own
unique personality, like some of the ld carrier Ops do. They're a little more
'interesting' to social engineer, in that sometimes they get pissed off with
you and start swearing, etc. And that's always phun. :)
Social Engineering for CN/A:
Okay, so you need to get your local CN/A (Customer Name and Address) number
and can't find it listed in any text files. You've scanned local exchanges
for hours and haven't found it. Don't panic! There's an easy solution to
your problem. If you don't want to obtain telco info (like CN/A numbers)
by trashing, then you'll have to social engineer it. Call your local billing
office, or one of the 1-800 AT&T numbers (not the AT&T Easy Reach 800s or
Teleconferencing) that are listed following this article. Or, try using the
U.S. West 1-800. Use the option to speak to an Operator, or with some you
simply need to wait through the automated menu options for a minute or so for
them to handle your call. They'll identify themselves and ask if you need any
assistance. That's when your newly acquired identity as technician begins.
If anything goes wrong and they ask for your ID code, say that your supervisor
told you to call but didn't give you that info. Apologize profusely, be polite
and blame your mistake (or the entire situation) on your supervisor. Explain
that you were told to call and just doing your job, following orders, etc.
They'll understand. :) If you don't want to be a telco tech, then you can
always pretend to be from the repair office, and pick a city/location. You'll
have to make up a name (or trash to get one from an employee list, get a name
from the telco's VMS). And, you'll have to know a valid station number. Well,
actually, you don't have to know one, but it helps. Check the section that
lists carriers and look at the AT&T Station ID format... and figure the rest
out on your own. Here's a sample conversation of how to get the number for
a CN/A office.
Dialing 1-800-222-0300
(waits for operator to answer.)
Op: AT&T. How many I help you?
You: Hello. This is Bill Jones, repair station 32 here. The local CN/A
number in my listing seems to be incorrect, or out of service and I need
to find out a customer's address. Can you please tell me the correct number?
Op: Hold please... Okay, I don't seem to have it.
You: It should be listed in your handbook. Can you please check that for me?
Op: Yes, it's listed. Okay, the number is 800-222-2222.
You: To confirm, it's 800-222-2222?
Op: Yes, that's it.
You: Okay, thanks for you help. It's been a long day.
Op: Hehe. You're welcome. Goodbye.
You: Okay. Bye bye.
In the above example, you have to pretend to be working for repair. If
you don't want to use that one, just say you're a tech (City/State)...
Choose a place for your location that isn't a major city. If the Op gets
confused or thinks it's too much of a hassle, tell them that the number
should be right in their handbook and ask them to look it up for you.
Once you get the CN/A number out of them, dial up the office and the
conversation should go something like this...
Dialing 1-800-222-2222
CN/A Op: Hello, how may I help you today?
You: Hi. CN/A? This is Bill Jones, repair station 32 here. I need to
get the CN/A for (NPA) 555-3450.
CN/A Op: (click, click...typing) Yes, the customer's name is Phil Hackman.
You: Address?
CN/A Op: Boston, MA.
You: I need the customer's full address please.
CN/A Op: Okay, it's 123 Strange Street, Apt. #200.
You: Thanks.
CN/A Op: Your welcome. Goodbye.
Unfortunately, some Ops are really arrogant and won't always give you the
info that you request. It's the same thing when you call the CN/A office
and request info on a number. Sometimes they'll give you the full name and
address, and other times they'll only give you the customer's name, city
and state. Or, if the CN/A Op becomes suspicious, they won't give you any
info at all. So, if the number you need info on is unlisted (if it's not,
then why would you want to CN/A them?) and you can't get it through any of the
Internet Reverse-Search Engines, CD-ROMs, etc. then you'll have to find another
way. There are quite a few ways to social engineer them over the phone for it,
but that's an entire article in itself. Therefore, I won't go into all of the
different ways that can be done. If you're really desperate for the CN/A info
for a number, try calling the local Bell billing office, customer service or
repair and say you're line is dead. Explain to them that you're calling from
a neighbour's house, a pay phone or something. They'll ask for the number of
the problem line, and give them the person's number that you want to CN/A.
You should hear them typing it in. Then Bell will probably ask you if you're
"Phil Hackman". They might give the address to you as well. It doesn't
always work though. If their number is unlisted it'll most likely be flagged
so they don't give that info out, or have a password on it. So, if they ask
you for the password, say you don't remember and hang up. Then try calling
it back an hour later and hope you get a really stupid Bell Op answering your
call. :) Again, it doesn't always work so it's a last resort method.
Setting up AT&T Conferences:
Alright, I've already explained how to setup conferences in a previous
article. However, I didn't include a sample conversation... and it seems
as though some people need to one to read and learn from. So, here it is.
Use a COCOT phone, another line using a beige box, go to a junction box or
use your own home phone line if you want. Make sure you get the number of
the phone first using an ANI. If you're not paranoid and want to setup the
conference from home, make sure you divert and don't call into it using the
host pin or else you might just get billed for the entire conference. And
you definitely don't want that to happen, do you? :)
Dialing 1-800-255-5500.
AT&T Op: Hello. AT&T Teleconferencing. Karen speaking. How may I help you?
You: Hi. I want to setup a dial-in teleconference.
AT&T Op: Your name please.
You: Eric Johnson.
AT&T Op: How many participants will be involved in the conference sir?
You: 8 (that's the number of ports it'll support)
AT&T Op: What time do you need this for?
You: 9:30pm Mountain.
AT&T Op: Duration?
You: 5 hours.
AT&T Op: I'll need the number for your location sir.
You: NPA-555-5555 (the number ANI gave you)
AT&T Op: Okay. I will call you back and give you the host and participant
pins once the conference has been setup.
You: Okay, goodbye.
Wait around for 10 minutes or so for the Op to call you back.
RING...RING. Pickup the phone and answer.
You: Vivid Imaginations Corp. Eric speaking. (make up a more realistic
company name and sound confident)
AT&T Op: Hi Eric. This is Karen with AT&T. The conference that you request
has been setup. Your 800 number is 800-555-2001. Your host pin is 666 666.
Your user pin is 333 333.
You: Thanks. (write down the pins!)
AT&T Op: Have a good evening. Thank you for using AT&T.
You: Goodbye.
If you can't hear them well enough, ask them to repeat the pins so that
you can confirm. Also, you can setup more than one conference with a single
phone call, days ahead of time if you wish. The biggest thing is to sound
business-like and act like you setup business conferences all of the time.
It also helps to have a fake name and business name ready to use. :)
Basically, there's no need to worry if you've never done it before. Trust me,
it's really easy to setup conferences as that's how the conversation usually
goes. So, get out there and have some phun. :)
Using Ops to divert:
Let's say you don't have a diverter and need to be able to divert a call.
Here's a well known trick to use. First, dial '0' and wait for an Operator.
Explain to them that you're at a pay phone and trying to reach (NPA) 555-5755
(or a 1-800) but the '7' button isn't working. If they ask you to try
pressing it, just fake it and say "It's still not working." Ask the Op to
dial the number for you and most of the time they will. If you want to red
box the tone for a quarter dropping, that's your option. Some people use
Ops to divert when making calls from home as well. Of course, it's your
choice whether you want to use this method of diverting.
Scamming AT&T Customers:
Here's a quick and easy scam involving calling cards. Just remember, I'm
not encouraging you to do this, or participate in any illegal, fraudulent
activities. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm just warning our readers
about it so that they don't get social engineered by someone that wants
their CC # to use on a carding spree. :)
It's kind of lame and only works on naive people. The scam goes something
like this...
(the person pretending to be an AT&T fraud squad employee picks a local number
in which they have the customer's name and address... then dials.)
Customer: Hello?
Scammer: Hello Mr. Scamelino. This is Kevin of AT&T. Sir, I'm calling to
notify you about an ongoing investigation involving the fraudulent use of
calling cards. We've noticed an increase in the number of long distance calls
billed to your CC in the last week, many of which were made to (NPA) 555-1234...
and since the calls were so frequent and long in duration, we thought we'd call
and ask about it. We were suspicious only because this type of thing has been
happening a lot in (insert your NPA) lately. Please let us know if you were
responsible for making those calls using your calling card.
Customer: No, I wasn't! <shocked> That's very strange. How could someone
else use my card? I mean, how could they get my calling card number?
Scammer: Well sir, we still need to verify that your card was used. May I
have your calling card number so that we can confirm that we are indeed speaking
about the right card and calls in question? For security reasons, I ask kindly
that you call us back at (NPA) 555-2222 (the number you're beige boxing from)
and an AT&T representative will take your call. Please call that number,
identify yourself to them and give them your calling card number so that they
can run a check on it. The whole process will only take a few minutes of your
time, but can save a lot of hassles later on with billing.
Customer: Sure. I'll call them right away. Goodbye.
Scammer: Good night sir and thanks for your co-operation in this matter.
Customer: (dials 555-2222)
Scammer2: (plays taped AT&T greeting on pickup) AT&T. Robert speaking. How
may I be of assistance to you?
Customer: I was instructed to call by another AT&T employee. It's regarding
the use of my calling card.
Scammer2: Your name please?
Customer: Rick Scamelino.
Scammer2: Your calling card number?
Customer: It's blah blah. (obediently reads off the digits)
Scammer2: I'll check it for you. (Click, click, click - typing sound) Have
you made any LD calls to (NPA) 555-1234 in the past 48 hours using your calling
card sir? A number of calls to that number show up on my terminal.
Customer: Duh. (dumbfounded) No, I've never called that number.
Scammer2: We'll cancel them from your bill then.
Customer: Thanks! (sigh of relief)
Scammer2: You're welcome. I'm glad I could help and we're sorry for any
inconvenience this may have caused you sir. Thank you for using (ahem, abusing)
AT&T. Goodbye.
Customer: Bye! (said gleefully as the gullible customer smiles)
(Sometimes the conversation is a lot more brief and the scammer won't even ask
you to call the telco back. They'll say there's been calling card fraud going
on and ask for the card number to "verify" it right away on the first call.
In that scenario, only one person is needed to do the scam. Also, Bell can
be substituted for AT&T as the telco calling.)
The moral of the story is, don't get social engineered into giving out your
calling card number and guard it safely. Or, don't get/use a calling card.
If you already have one and notice that you've been billed for calls on it
that you didn't make, call them up right away and start complaining. :)
This article's main focus was to show how to social engineer AT&T Ops for
services. However, don't neglect social engineering for information as it's
just as useful (perhaps even more useful/important) and a lot of phun too. :)
Written by Blackie Lawless <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Here's a list of numbers for the K0d3z Kiddeez to play around with. A
few notes: Lucent Technologies is part of Bell Labs. I only included
the AT&T numbers that apply to my article in some way. Obviously, there are
many other AT&T 1-800s for maintenance, support and such. A few numbers for
MCI, Sprint, Bell, Carriers and VMBs, etc. are also listed for you to call and
have phun with. Some of these are from old Damage, INC. scans, but before
including them I checked to make sure they're still active and identified
properly as once in a while the ownership of 1-800 numbers changes. (not
ownership of the actual exchange). If I misidentified one or made some other
error, let me know. Hopefully this list is of some use to you. If you happen
to do any scanning and find something interesting/useful, we'd appreciate it if
you sent it to us. Submissions of incomplete/partial/complete scans are all
acceptable. We're not looking for 1-800 PBXs, extenders, ANIs etc. or any
other codes that you use and don't want to be abused by others. Basically,
we're interested in telco #s, carriers (UNIX systems, dialups for packet
switched networks, etc.) and anything else that might be phun to explore.
--- The following 1-800s were verified by Blackie Lawless (11/05/98).
1-800-221-1120 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4371 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4437 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4487 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4493 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4514 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4521 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4533 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4546 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4554 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4599 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4654 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4665 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-221-4681 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-222-0300 AT&T Main Number.
1-800-222-0400 AT&T Business Office.
1-800-222-3000 AT&T Customer Service.
1-800-225-5288 AT&T 1-800-CALL-ATT. Operator assisted, collect, credit card
calls, customer service and information.
1-800-225-5624 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-232-1234 AT&T Teleconferencing.
1-800-255-1242 AT&T Customer Information Center (Canada)
1-800-255-5100 AT&T Teleconferencing.
1-800-255-5500 AT&T Teleconferencing.
1-800-308-6245 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-323-6245 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-324-2255 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-331-3449 AT&T Employee Line (Lists AT&T Job openings)
1-800-432-6600 AT&T Customer Information Center (USA)
1-800-526-6245 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-555-1213 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-555-4420 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-562-2255 AT&T 1-800 Directory Advertising
1-800-562-6275 AT&T Message Sender (Send an automated message to any number in
the world with your voice. Accepts calling cards & credit cards)
1-800-588-6245 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-662-7759 AT&T Universal Card.
1-800-666-2255 AT&T Easy Reach 800.
1-800-670-2255 AT&T Canada Long Distance Services.
1-800-673-7286 AT&T 1-800-OPERATOR. Specializes in collect calls. Automated.
1-800-790-2255 AT&T Canada Long Distance Services.
1-800-830-2255 AT&T Canada Long Distance Services.
1-800-855-1155 AT&T Directory Assistance.
1-800-858-9857 AT&T True Rewards (option 1)
1-800-889-4408 AT&T NCC (Network Control Center) and TCC.
1-800-967-5363 AT&T Worldnet Service.
1-800-970-2255 AT&T Canada Long Distance Services.
1-800-GIFT-ATT AT&T Gift Certificates (extension 410) (Mon-Fri, 9-5)
Bell, MCI, Sprint:
1-800-221-4393 Bell Atlantic VMB.
1-800-242-2121 Lucent Technologies (PBX systems info, VMS info on Audix, etc.)
1-800-255-2255 Bell Atlantic 1-800-255-CALL.
1-800-265-5328 MCI's 1-800-COLLECT. Automated collect calls.
1-800-267-7640 Bell Canada's Ident-a-call demonstration line.
1-800-336-0149 MCI Worldcom Global Product Support.
1-800-451-2100 Lucent Technologies Main number (get product info by FAX).
1-800-521-2673 BellCore.
1-800-555-1111 Bell LD. 3 way calling, calling card and many other features.
1-800-555-2800 Sprint (Spanish)
1-800-570-2255 Sprint Business Service Center.
1-800-575-2255 Sprint Canada's Automated Voice Mail.
1-800-647-6397 Bell Atlantic Employee News line. (Daily recorded messages of
news, events, fraud, etc.) I've called it recently and there
were some interesting messages regarding the FCC cracking down
on LD carriers for ripping off customers, "slamming", etc.
1-800-674-7000 Sprint.
1-800-876-8581 Network MCI.
1-800-877-4646 Sprint.
1-800-877-8000 MCI.
1-800-950-1022 MCI Worldcom Customer Service.
1-800-234-1998 Digital Equipment Corp. Electronic Store. (Online Shopping)
1-800-234-6245 MCI (USA)
1-800-283-5474 Okidata (inside joke!)
1-800-368-7244 AT&T Information Access Services SignOn/Pwd (USA)
1-800-368-7247 AT&T Information Access Services SignOn/Pwd (USA)
1-800-444-8697 RTK-NET
1-800-604-6245 Digital Equipment Corporation.
1-800-624-5123 AT&T STATION ID - C2/34.11 Canada 2 Datakit.
1-800-668-4968 (1-800-NOT-4YOU) :)
1-800-692-8872 (1-800-MY-ATT-PC) NCR Global Support Center BBS. (3 lines)
1-803-939-8207 NCR Global Support Center BBS. (9 lines)
(Use the N-8-1 setting to connect to the carriers above.)
VMBs and other miscellaneous numbers:
1-800-225-2255 ATM Communications. Collect, calling & credit card calls.
1-800-244-1111 U.S. West Communications.
1-800-336-6000 VMB (Audix)
1-800-426-4968 IBM Customer Service.
1-800-460-2255 Pager Service.
1-800-555-1313 VMB (Skytel)
1-800-555-2255 NOS. Collect, credit card calls, operator assisted, etc.
1-800-555-4000 "Mike's" Skytel Direct Dial VMB. Press "*" to access.
1-800-555-6620 VMB (Meridian Mail)
1-800-669-1800 Burger King's VMB. (4 digit BNs)
1-800-685-3968 (1-800-NUKE-YOU) is VoiceComm.
1-800-949-6245 VMB (Phone Mail)
1-800-954-6245 VMB (OcTel)
There's also a Damage, INC. List of Acronyms included with this issue. They
are contained in the text file that's appropriately named ACRONYMS.TXT.
...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL is officially down, after being online for approximately
a decade. Over the years the board underwent many changes including: 1 name
change, 5 types of software, and countless hardware upgrades (systems, hard
drives, modems, etc.) It began as a public board and eventually became a
private h/p board. I have no plans of running it again as a dialup board.
However, I won't rule out putting it up as a Telnet board.
Netscape and AOL merge - There's not much to say about this one. I don't
even want to offer any predictions since I don't know how it'll affect the
vast majority of our readers or what changes will happen due to a merger of
this scale. But, I do think it'll give the AOL kiddies something to talk
about. ;) More information about this, including Gates' reaction is included
in the REPORTS FROM THE FRONT section.
AT&T buys out IBM's Global Network services for a sum of $5 billion. Their
goal is to become bigger in the global telecommunications market and compete
with MCI. Read the AT&T article in the REPORTS FROM THE FRONT section for
more details about the deal.
Information on a new Damage, INC. Distribution Site:
board name : Deliberate Meltdown
sysop : The Hitman
running : ProBoard
number : +32-2-6478532
country : Belgium
nets : CCi and InsanityNet
files : h/p and modules
An interview with Err418.
Err418's answers and comments are underneath what I wrote.
<B> - Introduce yourself to the readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter...
Hello readers of Damage, INC. I'm the editor of Total Control magazine and
i'm really happy to get interviewed by the Damage, INC. Newsletter. I'm
a h/p guy from the province of Quebec and TC Magazine is a frech magazine.
I have some problems to speak and write english so maybe you'll don't
understand a fucking word of this interview :)
Total Control is a one and a half year-old magazine and we now have
16 issues. We are getting bigger and bigger. We got some problems with the
RCMP in the past... but now it's ok and we are back !
<B> - How long have you been involved in the h/p scene?
Hummm... around 2 years and a half that i'm in the "scene" but i'm hacking
since 1993.
<B> - When was Total Control started? What's the zine about and is there
anything in particular that you hope it'll achieve?
Total Control started in Septembre 1997. I was writting a lame-ass e-zine
for one of my friend because he asked me to "teach" him. Then
i started to make a webpage... and people started to read us and...
now we are one of the most read magazine in the province.
This is stupid history but i love it :)
<B> - How has Total Control changed since the first issue was released?
We changed a lot.. at the beggining Total Control was more a PHREAKING e-zine
but we slowly changed to a HACKING e-zine. We still have some articles
about Phreaking but they are most about the Nortel's Millenium Payphone
because we know it's a pain in the ass for anyone who wanna try to
phreak it... I think we are the only one group that is trying to get
somethin' from this beautiful machine and we don't want to publish
the same old shit that every Phreaking e-zine is publishing...
I'm getting confused now... too many beers :)
<B> - As the editor of Total Control, do you find that it's difficult to get
other people to write articles and contribute?
At the beggining it was.. then we got so much articles that i was only
editing it and i was not writing anymore... :) so lazy !
But, then, RCMP got in touch with me and tells me to stop my e-zine right
now. I did it because on of my friend just got busted and i didn't want
to put every members of Total Control in shit.
Then i got back and i'm still trying to get some interesting stuff from
people.. it's slow but it works... BACK TO STAND-ALONE.
<B> - Can anyone write articles and submit them to Total Control? Where
should they be sent? How should people that are interested in contributing
contact you and/or Total Control? Is there a web site where issues are
Yeah, no problem... we accept every kind of "underground" article,
french or english, that IS NOT a copy of somethin' that you read in another
e-zine. We are publishing ORIGINAL stuff and we don't want our reputation
killed for a ripped article.
Send it to err418@hotmail.com
We never published english texts but we are interested of doing it.
Total Control web site : http://members.xoom.com/tctrl/
We also need graphx-guys to make some logos... mail me for infos.
<B> - Are you still actively involved in h/p? What do you think of the
local h/p scene in your area of Quebec and how has it changed since you began?
I'm still involved in h/p and i think i'll always :)
Here in the Province of Quebec, we have some goods hackers but we have
a lot of problems with RCMPs and the Provincial Police. When you're talking
too loud... they knock at your door to shut you up so we just have a few
e-zines (maybe 3 or 4).
We (TC, IGA and NevrSee : the 3 e-zines i was talking about) are now
trying to do a h/p Convention this summer at Quebec City. It will help
people to get in touch and learn from each other.
<B> - Do you read any h/p related zines? If so, please list a few of them.
Current and known : Phrack, Sysfail, THTJ.
Current but not well known : NevrSee, IGA (both from Quebec)
No longer released : PLA (so funny to read) and NPC
<B> - Which h/p groups, if any, do you respect?
1) wQ Industries (for their variety : hack, phreak, carding, fraud, ect...),
2) Corruption Addicts (busted by RCMP),
3) L0pht Industries.
<B> - Have you ever written any h/p related articles for another zine? If
so, which one(s)?
<B> - Which web sites do you usually frequent?
<B> - Do you want to share any memorable hacking/phreaking experiences?
In 1994, when the police came to my house to tell my mother i was a
"computer hacker" (i was 15 years old.. so newbie :] ) and that
she asked them what was a HACKER.... they told her : "a computer genius".
My mom was proud of my. Have you ever seen your mom proud of being a
criminal ? i've only see it one time... thanx mom :)
<B> - Have you ever been busted? Or, do you know anyone that's been busted?
If so, would you like to describe the event, the circumstances of the bust
and the conclusion?
I've never faced the justice but some of my friends did (Corruption Addicts).
I only got some warnings from RCMPs and i'm happy like that.
<B> - Do you want to mention any boards that you call or people in the scene
that you know?
Boards :
911 :) don't try it
Greets :
Funky, Phaust, MindUser, my grilfriend, NightMare, Psykaos, lab, acxel,
maniak, Cubic, Dgi, Hexa00, __X, Blink-182 (for being a good punkrock band),
s4m-, any persons who ever write for TC, my dog, my cat and everyone
i forgot.
<B> - Are there any other interesting h/p experiences or general comments
that you have and wish to share?
Political Shits:
Fuck Section :
FUCK DICTATORS (Augusto Pinochet must die),
FUCK WARS (help "food not bombs"),
Free Section :
<B> - Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed Err418. I'm sure that our
readers will enjoy reading this interview and gain some insight about you
and your zine, Total Control.
That was a real pleasure... cya everybody !
What is it in the human psyche? What is it that makes us form groups? What
is it that makes us form rules and regulations? It's possible that it is some
sort of chemical imbalance, or possibly we need to have these things.
Society as we call it is the one form of control with no ruler. Even though
there is no ruler, we are still ruled. Be it by the morals and expectations
that society forces upon us, or by even yourself.
In today's modern society everyone is equal... but how can this be true when
I stand at a bus stop and wait for the bus, while people are driving by me
in cars worth as much as a small house? They say there is equal opportunity
for all people in society. This is also a lie they tell us to keep us calm
and feeble. The governments, dictatorships, and society as a whole sell these
lies in mass quantity to those without enough intelligence to question these
things. Those of us that do question these great and magnificent lies are
branded as outcasts, vigilantes, and are thought to have criminal deluded
mislead minds.
Who is the real fool, the fool, or the man following the fool?
We as a human race have been moulded into what the great schemers would like us
to be. They are great because they have tricked so many into believing what
they say is true. The real truth is the one that people call ludicrous.
In the past year I have lived many lifestyles, from the trailer-trash to the
posh and comfortable lifestyle. I have learned a great deal about society
during these past months. If society is so equal why then are there such
divisions in the distribution of wealth? It's not because the rich man works
harder than the poor man. In fact, quite the opposite is true.
Being a "poor" person myself I can honestly say that when I work, I work my ass
off, and for what? A few dollars a day to keep food in my stomach and a roof
over my head. Slaving away at manual labour jobs, busting my ass, while on
the opposite end of this there is management. They sit in their offices all
day making phone calls and going to meetings or $100 dinners, while making
triple what I am making.
Society as a whole is the one great fallacy that the governors and politicians
and even the corporations sell to us en masse to keep us paying our taxes and
spending our money on their products.
You be the judge, is it really all worth it? Or will there be some sort of
change coming in the future?
--- Written by Asprin Man.
Crop Circles:
Crop Circles? Why write an article on Crop Circles? The answer is simple.
I happen to think they're interesting, and I have a few theories about
them that I'd like to share. I realize that this topic isn't a new one,
nor have there been any lack of articles written about Crop Circles. However,
after having read many articles on the topic, watched programs and done
some 'research' into it, I found that the mass media's perspective isn't
the same as mine. It's not surprising that their views differ from mine.
But since they do, I thought it'd be a good idea to give my opinions, theories
and beliefs. Admittedly, I don't have any concrete evidence or hard facts
to support much of what this article contains. Then again, it's not like
we have a team of scientific researches, UFOlogists, historians, linguists,
conspiracy debunkers, physicists and 'Croptologists' working for us. Indeed,
our resources are at best, limited. So, excuse any incorrect 'facts' that
you might find in this article. In reality though, I don't think there are
any so-called 'facts' yet concerning this topic.
First, I want to share some of my theories, of which, a few are commonly held
by others that've written articles on this topic. If UFOs exist, it would
be logical to surmise that they could be responsible for creating Crop Circles.
They could be messages that are written in an alien language. To us, they
aren't understandable and resemble nothing except for familiar geographical
shapes. They've been described as being cryptographic symbols. That simply
means that some believe the symbols carry a hidden meaning that's obscure
to us. In other words, they were created by an alien race using their own
symbols or language and we can't understand it. That's one theory. It's
one possibility of many.
Another theory is that Crop Circles are man-made. That'd mean that they
were all created by humans, in different countries of the world, as a
well constructed hoax. Some people in England and Australia have admitted
making Crop Circles in field, and said that it was done as a joke. But are
they nothing more than that? Are Crop Circles just an elaborate scheme
that people have enjoyed partaking in for over a decade? Are they meaningless
and only made for the amusement of fooling others? Are the complex shapes
and designs used right out of someone's imagination? Were they made solely
for something to do, a harmless activity or past-time? Sure, it's possible.
However, why do they continue to exist? Why are there Crop Circles popping
up in fields in almost every nation of the world? How many people are
involved? Is there some sort of conspiracy, agenda or partnership between
the "Crop Circle Creators" (CCCs)? That's possible as well in my opinion.
Of course, some Crop Circles are made by people and because of that, they
don't carry any real meaning... other than what the person(s) responsible
for making them intend. What if some of them aren't created by people
though? What if some of them cannot yet be explained. Nobody has or can
claim responsibility for creating them all. No group of people could ever
do that and be thought of as credible since there are simply too many
Crop Circles in too many places. So, who is responsible for making the
ones that mysteriously appear and no ones comes forward to say "Yeah, we
got drunk last night and decided it'd be a blast to make a Crop Circle in
Joe Farmer's wheat field..."? In the minds of some people, blaming it on
alien beings is an improbable and implausible explanation. Could various
governments be involved somehow though? Could they be trying to frighten
the citizens of their respective countries through the use of Crop Circles?
Couldn't they create such a conspiracy? Yes, they definitely could do just
that. In fact, they can do almost anything if they have a motive. They
have the necessary resources to accomplish it. Therefore, it's possible
that they're involved somehow or have the knowledge as to what Crop Circles
really are, what their purpose is, etc.
If Crop Circles are some type of language, would it have to be an alien one?
No, not necessarily. It wouldn't have to be an alien language at all. It
could very well be a lost language of the human race, one that we've forgotten
over time. If that's the case, they could be trying to communicate with us
in a language that we no longer understand. Exactly what they are trying
to express could be almost anything. As in, they might be trying to convey
messages that are meant to warn us about something, give us information or
just make contact with us. None of these things can be ruled out. At least
not yet...
Do Crop Circles hold the key to the Universe? Personally, I think that's
very unlikely. I just don't believe that the symbols contain all of
the great secrets of the Universe. Why not? It wouldn't be logical for
an alien race to share all of their knowledge with us. Nor would it be
logical to assume that they know everything that there is to know about the
Universe that we live in. Also, if they were all-knowing beings, then I'm
sure they'd find a better way than Crop Circles to explain it to us. ;)
My theory is that they are a combination of many things. Some of the
Crop Circles were definitely created as a hoax, by humans. However, I
don't think that they all were. I'm also suspicious of the various
governments and think that they could be involved, either in the creation
of Crop Circles, covering up the truth, or just knowing who's responsible
for creating them, why they continue to appear and what they mean. I think
they do have a purpose and carry a meaning. I don't know what it is though.
I do think that the possibility of alien involvement exists and don't
care how I'm viewed for thinking that. ;)
In conclusion, I could be foolish for believing in some of these theories.
Perhaps my willingness to believe and want to believe is somehow greater
than the part of me that relies on logic. Maybe I've been fooled into
believing in nothing more than a hoax. That's very possible, and I realize
that. However, sometimes the logical portion of a person's mind can become
'temporarily disabled' and restricted by fantasy. It's not logical to
believe in things that are unproven, but it's often the case. And just
because something hasn't been proven as fact, doesn't mean that it's not
true. Our scientists *definitely* don't know everything. But the truth
is, I don't know if there's some kind of alien connection, government
connection/conspiracy, or if it's all just a man-made hoax created by
individuals that aren't connected to each other in any way. That's why
what I've written is just speculation, theories, my opinions and beliefs.
So, take what I've written with a grain of salt and decide for yourself what
you believe. Basically, it's up to you to think and form your own opinions
on Crop Circles.
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Timothy Leary came up with this theory- or I guess model or map would
be better terms- for human consciousness. I get the impression he started
working on it early in his LSD involvement, though I haven't yet been able
to find where he first started talking about the ideas ( I suspect there may
be a reference in 'High Priest', but I haven't waded all the way through yet).
His book on the subject was called 'Exo-Psychology', and has been
republished with additional material in recent years under the title
'Info-Psychology' (New Falcon Publishing). This is a good book, and it's
especially valuable because it's original source material on the whole idea,
but it really is out there- it's hard to make sense of it unless you already
know what he's talking about.
There are, however, two excellent books that introduce, explain, and
develop these ideas. Before describing their strong & weak points, let me
give a thumbnail sketch of the big picture:
The 8-circuit model describes eight levels of function of human
consciousness. Different books call these by different names- 'circuits'
(like different circuits in a computer), 'gears' (like shifting gears on a
bicycle), 'grades' (like in elementary school)- you could call them 'burritos'
if you want- I like 'circuits'.
Anyhow, there are eight circuits. The lower four deal with normal
psychology, while the upper four deal with 'psychic', 'mystical',
'enlightened', or perhaps even 'tripped-out' consciousness. The strong point
of this system is that it integrates the two so well. Most theories deal with
one or the other, but not both- mundane psychology with no consideration of
transcendant experience, or mystical foo-fa-ra with octaves and rays and
spiritual this or that but no grounding in nitty-gritty down-to-earth
surviving in the human jungle.
The first four 'normal' circuits are influenced very much by modern
psychology, especially Adlerian developmental stuff. Part of the idea is that
as you grow up from infancy, the various circuits are activated and begin to
function, and you take an 'imprint' from the conditions at the time.
The most obvious example is when the sexual/social circuit kicks on
in adolesence, the imprint is taken when you have your first sexual experience.
Sometimes, if this happens in the back seat of a car, with the panic of
wondering whether Mom or Dad will appear, later in life the same person will
discover that nothing turns them on quite as much as doing it in the back seat
of a car, and especially if they feel a bit panicked.
Here's a rundown of the first four circuits:
1st circuit: Survival/security. Things are okay or they're not, or somewhere
in between. This is connected to the first source of these things:
nursing at Mom's nipple. People who take an imprint that things aren't
safe all the time may compensate by eating, especially sweet things,
pudding, 'nursery food' that makes them feel better for a while.
This imprint is taken very early, in nursing. It's what's
known in developmental psychology as 'oral'. Putting things in your
mouth is always fun!
2nd circuit: Territorial/Emotional. This is a very particular definition of
'emotional'- are you feeling up or down? Are you on top of the
world or down in the dumps? This is related to basic primate pecking
order stuff- who's the big tough dog and who's the little submissive
dog? Later, when you get your own turf where you can be a little
king, you can defend it against others by throwing shit at each other
(in the form of words, lawsuits, horn honking, or however you prefer
to 'dump on' people).
This one is full of stereotypes- all the examples I gave were
kinda male, yet every female knows there's just as much game-playing
between women. Women traditionally have been made submissive to men,
but in many cases that's not the case, and in any case there's a lot
of passive-agressive ways the tables are turned in each direction.
This corresponds to the 'anal' stage, and the first imprints
are taken during toilet training- this develops greatly when the kid
starts playing with other kids and finding out where they stand- big
kids are always telling little kids what to do.
3rd circuit: Conceptual. This kicks in even before school- kids are hungry
to learn. This circuit is the ability to make mental models of
things, which help you 'figure things out' and 'be clever'. The
imprint you take is whether you feel smart or stupid (which is
different from BEING smart or stupid!)
Sometimes people who have a bad time in other circuits
compensate in 3rd circuit- actually, that can happen with any of
them. Note also that there are different KINDS of intelligence-
verbal, mathematical, visual/spatial, musical, etc, etc... but as
Robert Anton Wilson says, "...the people with the verbal intelligence
have control of the language, so they call themselves THE
intellectuals." My father, who is a clinical psychologist, always
mentions a particular basketball player (I forget who) whom he
claims is a genius in spatial/motor intelligence, regardless of the
fact that the guy probably reads on a 7th grade level.
4th circuit: Social/Sexual. Whereas 2nd circuit deals with who bosses who,
4th deals with who is cool. What this comes down to is that depending
on whether someone is cool or not, you'd let them get close to you or
not, running a spectrum from not talking to someone at all (the snub)
to having sex with them, with many subtle shades in between.
It goes both ways- how cool are you? Are there people that
you aren't cool enough to talk to? "Oh, I could never ask HER/HIM
The imprint you take here is how cool you feel, and how hard
you have to work to feel that way.
Everyone has these circuits, but some people get stuck on one or
another of them, usually because they've got some problem to work out in
that area. Often one circuit gets to be a surrogate for another (especially
if the other is underdeveloped)- the classic example is the pathetic (i.e.
poor 2nd circuit imprint) nerd who tries to out-talk his buddies to show how
smart he is (3rd circuit), in order to be an authority to them (2nd circuit
One of the ideas that came up in LSD research was the idea that you
reach a state of flux in which new imprints can be taken. This is very much
in agreement with ideas about set and setting, but as most people who have
taken LSD agree, while everything seems to change after the experience,
after a while you slip back into the old patterns (witness all the flower
children who, unlike the few with real dedication, slipped back to become
businessmen of the 80's).
Whether this slipback is really inherent in the function of the LSD
trip is not certain, though- it may be caused by going back into one's
regular environment, which has been shaped by everything one was before.
Under the pressure of conformity to the old status quo, one slips back. That's
my theory- the way to really find out would be to try the imprint process, and
then afterwards, step into an entirely new life in another place with different
people and things, and see whether the same slipback process happened. (I
haven't tried such a radical experiment myself- I'm too attached to my current
situation to change it just to try out a theory... rationalize, rationalize...)
I think the people who have been changed for the better by their
psychedelic experiences are those who don't just get high all the time, but
who follow up their realizations with action to improve themselves and their
environment accordingly.
Leary felt that the goal was to work out the circuits so that one had
imprints that led to a happy, healthy life, but without having to always have
things one way- people who have to always be on top never learn about service,
those who always have to feel secure never learn to take risks, etc.
Ultimately, the circuits would be there to plug into and out of at
Will, while one navigated through the upper circuits:
The upper circuits deal with mystical, psychic, or paranormal
consciousness. They are built on the foundation of the lower circuits, almost
as 'overdriven' versions of them. Interestingly, they correspond well with
ideas from many spritual traditions- I was reading a description by a woman
who was initiated into a Native American sweat lodge. She described a vision
in which the Great Spirit appeared and told her of the 'four gifts to mankind'.
These four corresponded exactly to the upper four circuits.
It doesn't always work out so neatly, but the parallels are intersting.
5th circuit: Bliss/Healing, Neurosomatic Feedback. When 1st circuit security
gets great enough, it becomes bliss, as one becomes aware of one's
sensation of pleasure and learns to generate those sensations at
the source. This is the SF brainbox that directly stimulates one's
pleasure centers, only the box is also your brain! This feedback loop
gets going, and one may remain in the state until kicked out for
some reason (the world makes demands, or the chemical that boosted
you into the state wears off).
Ever seen a picture of a meditating yogi in bliss? In this
state, you realize you can make yourself feel bliss just as easily
as you can move your muscles or keep still.
When this awareness is applied to others, the 5th circuit
energy works to help their 1st circuit state- this is the principle
of healing. Alli believes charisma is connected to 5th circuit,
though I suspect it has to do with the others as well.
6th circuit: Psychic. This is awareness of the great information network
in which we swim.
The connection to 2nd circuit is not so obvious-
I became aware of the connection following a series of dreams, in
which certain traumatic events of my youth were replayed, but in
ways that made it obvious that the real issues were current things
that had nothing to do with the old stuff. The old stuff was stuff
I'd worked to uncover and work out, and I'm pretty certain there
wasn't much undealt trauma left. Why was I dreaming about it?
I realized that the current situation provided the flow
of anxious energy, but when that flow arose, it followed the same
channel cut by the old trauma, just like a flash flood will
follow an old dry riverbed.
Emotions seem to run in channels in the mind, metaphorically
speaking, and in the same way psychics speak of 'channeling'
material from outside. This is as far as I can put it into words-
I'm no master of any of these upper four, I just offer this in
case it will help someone else's insight.
7th circuit: Mythical Intelligence. This is the realm of the shaman, of
spirit animals, Gods and Goddesses. It is the Dreamtime.
3rd circuit draws models of specifics in the conscious
world. 7th circuits draws models of the patterns of archetype that
make up the unconscious world. It does this by telling stories
that illustrate the patterns that arise from these archetypes. When
7th circuit awareness is working, one realizes how these patterns are
being played out, and instead of just acting in the world, one is at
the same time coming into direct contact with the archetypal.
8th circuit: Out-of-Body Experiences, Factor X, and ???? This is the far
reaches, and not much is really understood about it. Since 4th
circuit has to do with letting others get close and even (especially
in the case of sexuality) merging with them, it makes sense that 8th
might have to do with overcoming the obtacle of one's physical
Wilson suggests how certain drugs may activate the various circuits,
something like the following:
1st circuit: Comfort foods- sugar, dairy products. Sedatives may deaden
alarm sensations and produce a sense of security- alcohol, for
2nd circuit: Stimulants in general, as well as alcohol in large amounts (the
classic aggressive drunk)
3rd circuit: Stimulants, possibly, and no doubt 'Smart drugs' would fit here.
4th circuit: Ecstasy, as well as many others- generally any drug which
defeats social inadequacy programming.
5th circuit: Sex is the big one, when it goes from being mere satisfaction
of physical drives and becomes oceanlike ecstasy.
Otherwise, marijuana, and most hallucinogens in moderate doses.
6th circuit: LSD
7th circuit: Psilocybin, Peyote, possibly LSD, many of the natural
8th circuit: Ketamine? Excessive doses of many drugs may produce this, as
well as those which produce near-death experiences.
Note that no drug is so narrow as to only affect one circuit, and
there are probably much better techniques of activating and developing the
various parts of the Self. Some people, however, suggest that they became
aware of these capacities in themselves through use of them.
Since the upper circuits are built on the foundation of the lower
ones, you have to have your shit together to deal with the high stuff. If
you don't, you can have what Alli calls 'Short Circuit', in which the energy
of the higher circuit over-amps and burns out the lower circuit. This can be
either a temporary or a permanent condition, apparently, depending on how
far you overdo it.
For instance, someone who has 2nd circuit aggression/submission
problems may, if they take a large dose of LSD, may feel overwhelmed
by the influx of 6th circuit awareness- hearing voices in their head,
feeling wide open to the flow of information and unable to turn it off.
This may result in over-amping of the second circuit, in which they feel
greatly threatened or even victimized by the Universe. Too much. If this
goes too far, they may continue to feel this even after the drug has worn
Okay, on to the reviews, in the order I suggest reading them:
Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson. (New Falcon Publishing).
This is a great introduction to the lower four circuits. Wilson
uses cool literature (Joyce, Dickens) to illustrate them, and his
sections on 2nd circuit (or Human Primate Psychology) is witty and
insightful. When he gets to the upper circuits, though, he kind of
peters out, although he offers some interesting ideas.
RAW uses the 8-circuit model extensively in his novels,
especially the Illuminatus Trilogy & Schroedinger's cat. If you
liked them before, try reading them after you have this model
figured out.
Angel Tech, a modern shaman's guide to reality selection, by Antero Alli.
(New Falcon Publishing) This is by far the very best handbook on the
8-circuit model. He gives very lucid descriptions of the lower
circuits, what can go wrong with them, and what to do about it. If you
lost the owner's manual that originally came with your Human Form,
this aftermarket manual is a good maintainance guide.
The upper circuits are dealt with tolerably well- I don't
know if anyone could really do them justice. He suggests some
exercises and techniques, but hey! We're all experimenting.
Info Psychology, by Timothy Leary (New Falcon Publishing). As mentioned
above, this is the source material, but it's not the best
introduction. Leary added astrological correspondances which seem
fairly off-base, he agrees. Otherwise, there is much depth to be
dug out of this. It's not written really to be read linearly, either,
but to be connected up with at whichever points are relevant to
the user at the time. A classic for every bookcase!
The 8-circuit model is just another map, and the map is not the
territory, just as the menu is not the meal (as many Falcon authors are fond
of quipping). I've found this particular theory to be one of the more useful
ones when you are trying to figure out your head.
I asked Leary about the 8-circuit model during a lecture once, and he
picked up on it, but obviously he wasn't as interested in talking theory as he
was working the crowd like a sideshow huckster. He did a great job of that, by
the way, and I enjoyed him greatly. Too bad he gave up research for
marketing, though.
. . . . . . . . . . .
-Paul Clark a-paulc@microsoft.com
<< To All WFSA Members and CILA Participating Organizations;
As discussed in our last meeting, the Canadian Government is planning on
sharing all firearms registration information with the BATF and other
international police agencies. This includes information gained as
visitors to Canada "temporarily" register their firearms for the purposes
of hunting vacations or target shooting.
The following is a reprint from the official publication of the Canadian
Firearms Centre, the government body set up for the purposes of
implementing the Firearms Act Bill C-68.
Please note the references to the maintenance of a firearms registry
maintained by the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit (PWEU), a coalition
of various police agencies trained in firearms operations BY THE BATF IN
ROCHESTER, N.Y. This registry is completely illegal and it's maintenance
is not even known of by the Government of Ontario.
Also interesting is the quote attributed to Chairman Mao, perhaps the most
evil monster in human history.
Tony Bernardo
Executive Director
Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA)
INSIGHT, the Newsletter of the Canadian Firearms Center, Issue 4-fall 1998.
The illegal trafficking of firearms has become a major concern in Countries
around the world. In Canada, the problem is particularly Serious in large
urban centres such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. As a key source of
firearms used in organized crime, underground trafficking networks give
drug dealers, bikers, street gangs and the Mob an advantage over both
citizens and police.
In 1994, a special firearms smuggling work group was set up to examine the
problem and suggest ways of dealing with it. The group's recommendations
led to greater controls over importing and exporting in the Firearms Act,
and to new and separate penalties for smuggling and trafficking in the
To support these legislative initiatives, a core group consisting of
representatives from the Department of Justice, Revenue Canada Customs, the
RCMP and the provinces, was set-up in 1997. A major goal of this group has
been to develop the strategy to target criminals by exchanging information
and co-operating with enforcement agencies in Canada and the United
"Themake, model, serial number and other information on a gun found at a
crime scene can help catch the criminal who used it" Says Bob Holmes, the
manager of the core group. "If Police officers want to make the most of
this information, they have to be able to share it across national and
provincial borders."
In Holmes' view, the new requirement for the registration of common rifles
and shotguns combined with a new, fully automated registration system,
can't help but be a valuable tool for helping police track the illegal
movement of firearms.
"Studies show that half of all the handguns and other restricted firearms
recovered at crime scenes are registered and can be traced back to their
original owner. Now it will be much easier to trace the source of
non-restricted rifles and shotguns as well," says Holmes, noting that these
make up the majority of firearms used in crime. Moreover, under the new
law, criminals who use firearms to commit 1 of 10 of the most serious
crimes now get heavier sentences. "Heavier sentences with clearly defined
prohibitions give of the core group police the tools and incentives to
interrupt the flow of guns to the underworld," says Holmes. "This balance
of enforcement action with legitimate controls is paramount for public
Thisis especially important now that illegally acquired firearms are being
used more quickly for crimes. Whereas it used to take about five years for
such a weapon to be used in a crime, Holmes estimates that this time has
fallen to just a few months. Worse still, many of these weapons are
either inexpensive "throwaways" or very sophisticated, even military,
The initiative is already showing results in British Columbia, says Staff
Sergeant Bill Carver, who represents the B.C. Association of Chiefs of
Police at the core group. He says that the new enforcement policies and
strategies have led to a "significant increase" over the past year in the
ability of B.C. police to trace crime guns back to their source, even
when that source is out of the country.
"Our focus is crime gun enforcement so this is clearly a valuable
investigative tool for us," says Carver. "Anything that gets crime guns off
the streets will win support from us."
Inspector Bob Frolic represents Ontario at the core group. "The criminals
who are trafficking in illegal firearms do not recognize borders," says
Frolic. "As such, the sharing of information is of the utmost importance
in the enforcement of our firearms legislation. We cannot operate in a
In Ontario, the police must report all firearms that come into their
possession. As a result, the Ontario Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit
now has more than 83,000 handguns, rifles and shotguns in its firearms
database, which it can use for analysis.
For Holmes, knowledge is power, and sharing information keeps another kind
of power out of the hands of criminals. "Mao used to say that power comes
from the barrel of a gun. Criminals shouldn't have that power over the
rest of us."
Recognizing the significance of illicit trafficking and its connections to
increased levels of violent crime, other countries are beginning to follow
Canada's example. They agree that the key to combating the problem is more
co-operation among the various government agencies to support law
enforcement. Through several different international fora, such as the
Organization of American States (OAS), the G8 Economic Summit and the
United Nations, initiatives are being developed to foster high levels of
co-operation to successfully investigate, detain and prosecute criminal
traffickers. Canada's experience has enabled us to play a strong role in
the development of these initiatives.
For more information contact:
Canadian Institute for Legislative Action
P.O.Box 82578, 285 Taunton Rd. E.
Oshawa, ON. L1G 7E6
Ph: (905) 571-2150 Fax: (905) 436-7721
e-mail: teebee@sprint.ca
Home: <http://www.cila.org/>www.cila.org
A proud member of the
World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities >>
Microsoft Wants AOL-Netscape Merger Documents
(12/07/98, 5:29 p.m. ET)
By Mary Mosquera, TechWeb
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Microsoft on Monday asked the judge in its antitrust for
permission to subpoena documents from America Online, Netscape, and Sun
Microsystems related to their recently announced merger and marketing deal.
Microsoft said it also wants to subpoena documents from the investment banks
that advised the three companies on the deal, in which AOL will acquire Netscape
and jointly market enterprise software with Sun.
The trial was in recess Monday, but the Microsoft legal team and CEO Bill Gates
took the opportunity to bash the government's case. "The government is
trying to turn this case into a public relations spectacle because it has a weak
case," said Charles "Rick" Rule, an antitrust attorney with Covington & Burling
and legal adviser to Microsoft. "If you look at the complaint, the government
has utterly failed in proving the essential elements needed in an antitrust
AOL's $4.2 billion acquisition of Netscape and the promotional agreement with
Sun "will fundamentally change the landscape of the software industry in general
and the Internet in particular, and thus they are highly relevant to this
action," Microsoft lead attorney John Warden said in the court filing.
The parties to the merger are all witnesses for the government in this case,
and will now work collectively against Microsoft on Internet-browsing software,
which goes to the heart of government claims.
Now, Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft wants to know how the merger was progressing
when witnesses from the three companies were testifying in the antitrust trial,
Warden told reporters, adding that the government's case "bears little
resemblance to the one they filed in May."
The government and 20 states say Microsoft illegally maintains its monopoly in
the computer operating system and has tried to extend its dominance to the
browser market.
Warden said an earlier appellate court decision supporting Microsoft's right to
integrate new features, such as its Internet Explorer browser, torpedoes the
Justice case.
"As we approach the end of the government's case, we feel very good,"
Warden said. "From our standpoint, the government may think they're proving
points in the public relations realm, but they're striking out in court, and we
haven't even called any witnesses yet."
Also Monday, the attorney general for South Carolina, Charlie Condon, said his
state was pulling out of the antitrust suit. He cited the AOL-Netscape merger as
proof that innovation was thriving in the Internet sector. "Further government
intervention or regulation is unnecessary and, in my judgment, unwise," Condon
Public relations is an important part of Microsoft's trial because it is so
significant, said Mike Pettit, executive director of ProComp, an industry group
championing the government's case. "This trial will decide whether there will be
choice and competition as the economy evolves more to the Internet," Pettit
Subpoenaing the documents may result in additional witnesses being called to
testify, Warden said. If U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson lets
Microsoft introduce the merger documents, "it is part and parcel of what
Microsoft has been doing all along -- putting the spotlight on other people's
conduct," said Kevin Arquit, ProComp legal adviser and former director of the
Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Competition.
Pettit said the trial, now in its eighth week, probably will not end until about
the end of March. The trial will recess for two weeks for the holidays starting
Dec. 17. [TW]
Gates, Microsoft Go On Counterattack
(12/07/98, 3:26 p.m. ET)
By Darryl K. Taft, Computer Reseller News
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Claiming a need to "set the record straight," Microsoft CEO
Bill Gates launched a counterattack against what he called an effort by the
government to hurt the company's good name.
Speaking at a news conference here in Washington Monday afternoon, John Warden,
Microsoft's lead trial attorney in the landmark antitrust case, said he thinks
"the government is trying this case in two separate venues." One is the
courtroom, "but the real focus is an intent to influence public opinion against
Microsoft" and particularly against Bill Gates, Warden said.
In addition to waging its own public relations campaign, Redmond, Wash.-based
Microsoft said it has filed a motion to seek evidence related to America
Online's recently announced acquisition of Netscape and its strategic alliance
with Sun Microsystems.
Also Monday, Charlie Condon, South Carolina's attorney general, said that
state "is withdrawing from the Microsoft antitrust action," according to a
statement from Condon's office.
Microsoft took advantage of a break in the trial to address several issues
related to the case, claim victory thus far in the proceedings, and allow Gates
to offer a defense for his poor showing in videotaped excerpts from his pretrial
In fact, Gates appeared at Monday's news conference via satellite connection and
responded to only a few questions. However, his appearance and demeanor offered
a stark contrast to his appearance in the video excerpts shown in court.
"This company cannot and will not stand idly by while competitors attack the
company's credibility," said William Neukom, Microsoft's general counsel and
senior vice president of law and corporate affairs.
Neukom said the government "has not begun to meet the evidentiary burden" of
proving an antitrust case as defined by the statutes laid out in the Sherman
Antitrust Act. Neukom and Warden cited a favorable ruling the U.S. Court of
Appeals issued last summer as the linchpin in this case. That court ruled
Microsoft's Windows operating system and its browser amounted to a single,
integrated product, thus eliminating the government's claim that Microsoft
illegally tied its browser to its OS.
"After the Court of Appeals opinion came down, the government tried to switch
tactics," Neukom said.
"The case being presented in court by the government bears little resemblance to the
case filed in May," Warden said. "They realized their court case got torpedoed
by the Court of Appeals ruling earlier this year, and they feel the need to
sling as much mud as they can and [hope] some will stick."
Warden said there has been no evidence presented in the case that Netscape has
been unable to distribute its browser. He also said Sun's Java technology has
not been harmed, but has been helped by Microsoft, which offers the best and
fastest Java virtual machine available, according to Microsoft and independent
But some at the news conference wanted to know why, if Microsoft objects to the
use of Gates' video excerpts, the company hadn't called Gates as a witness.
Gates said testifying probably wouldn't stop the government from using his
deposition excerpts, but added that he would appear a witness without
hesitation. Microsoft has chosen to call the executives most closely
associated with the areas of focus in the case, he said.
"The fact that the government is using videotaped excerpts rather than calling
Bill Gates as a witness is an indication of the government's strategy" to
discredit Microsoft and Gates, Warden said.
Warden added that he believes "the deposition of Gates was designed by the
government" as a way of turning the case into a personal attack against Gates.
"What relevance does this have in an antitrust lawsuit?" Warden asked.
"I don't blame the government from trying to do this because any lawyer with as
weak a case as the government has would be doing the same thing," Warden said.
Gates said he was disappointed by how the government used his deposition, taken
over three days. He said the government's lead attorney, David Boies, would
"present a piece of mail to me ... I get 10,000 mails a year -- and he'd ask me
what this person meant." Gates said he could not possibly remember all the
e-mail messages he receives.
"I answered truthfully every single question put to me," Gates said. "I stand
by everything in that deposition."
Gates also said he might have tried to come across somewhat differently had he
known the deposition would be used in the way it has. "Boies is out to destroy
Microsoft. ... He's out to make us look bad. Would I have smiled a little bit
if I knew the deposition would be used differently? Absolutely."
Gates received criticism for his appearance in the video excerpts, but
Charles "Rick" Rule, Microsoft's Washington, D.C.-based legal adviser, said
the role of a witness is not to help the other side in litigation. Of Gates'
performance, Rule said: "It's not so much the answers, but the questions. It's
how the questions were asked."
On Monday, Microsoft also released a lengthy document detailing its position
and reviewing the testimony to date in its antitrust lawsuit. The document,
called "A Case Of Trial In Error -- The Microsoft Antitrust Lawsuit," can be
found on Microsoft's website.
The trial is set to resume Tuesday morning. [TW]
AT&T Buys IBM's Global Network For $5 Billion
(12/08/98, 11:21 a.m. ET)
By Mary Mosquera, TechWeb
AT&T is buying IBM's Global Network services unit for $5 billion in cash,
expanding the carrier's long distance phone services to include networking
services for large corporate customers, the companies said Tuesday.
Additionally, both companies will outsource contracts to each other. IBM
will contract out a major portion of its global networking needs to AT&T for
$5 billion over five years, and in return, IBM will manage some of AT&T's
processing and data-center managment operations. That contract is worth
$4 billion over the next 10 years.
AT&T, the largest U.S. long distance carrier, said the multifaceted deal could
add up to $2.5 billion in revenue in the first full year of operation.
The acquisition increases AT&T's expansion into global services, data
networking, IP technology, and network outsourcing, said AT&T CEO
C. Michael Armstrong. "It will give us a sophisticated new platform for
revenue growth," he said.
In a news briefing with reporters, Armstrong said the deal takes AT&T "from
being way back in the pack and gives us the ability to serve global customers,
to compete where we couldn't before." He said, however, there could be more
acquisitions or alliances. "This doesn't give us the presence every place we
want to be or the last mile," Armstrong said, referring to local phone service.
He cited AT&T's merger with cable giant Tele-Communications Inc. (TCI),
including the high-speed Internet cable company @Home. "We still are not as big
as we want to be," he said.
The deal with IBM is a smart move, said Scott Cleland, telecom analyst with
Legg Mason Precursor Group, in Washington, D.C. "It shores up AT&T's
international strategy, which had some gaps compared with the MCI-WorldCom
strategy," he said.
IBM's Global Network encompasses more than 850 cities in 59 countries and offers
business services, including native-language support personnel. It will
also support the 100-city, IP-based network created by the AT&T and British
Telecommunications joint venture announced in July.
About 2,000 AT&T managers will be offerred positions with IBM, while about 5,000
employees from IBM, the world's largest computer maker, will join the phone
carrier when the sale is completed. Federal regulators will review the
acquisition, but the two companies said they expect the deal to close in
mid-1999. AT&T is already under merger review for its proposed acquisition of
cable giant TCI. That deal, announced in June, is worth $68 billion in stock.
In late-afternoon trading, AT&T [T] was up 2 3/16 to 66 15/16 and IBM [IBM] was
up 7/16 to 167 5/8 on the New York Stock Exchange. [TW]
Ignorant comments:
1. "I probably know more than you do about..."
- Using the word probably means they're guessing. Another word
that could be substituted in most instances is "assume".
They assume they know more about something, but most likely
they don't. It's not only ignorant, but it's also a very
childish comment to make to someone. Pre-schoolers often say
similar things to each other. You will impress no one by
stating that you "probably know more" than someone else. How
can you know the extent of what someone else knows about any
given topic? You can't. So, it's ignorant to think you can.
2. "I just assumed that you are/were/would/did/knew..."
- The word "assumed" is a dead giveaway. The very use of that
word in the sentence should tell you that they don't know
anything. Therefore, they're ignorant. But, they want to
use it as an excuse to cover up their own mistake. People
that frequently say they "just assumed" are the true ignorant
of the world. They don't want to know. Instead, they just
want to continue making their own assumptions.
3. "I know all about you."
- To state that you know all about another person is ignorant
and naive. It's also a huge assumption, even if the other
individual is a friend that you've known for a long time.
You can't possibly know all about anyone else, so to make a
claim like that is pure ignorance. Usually cops make statements
like "I know all about you and people like you." All it proves
is that they stereotype people and group them together based
on first impressions, what they've been taught, petty biases
and split-second observations that aren't at all objective.
They tend to form opinions of people very quickly, but that
definitely doesn't mean that they know all about anyone.
4. "You're stupid because you don't agree with me (or don't have the
same opinion as I do/everyone else does.)"
- Obviously, it's ignorant to think that everyone will agree
with you. We don't all share the same opinions and shouldn't
automatically agree with others. So, saying that someone
should do that or else they're stupid, makes absolutely no
sense and only shows your own stupidity. Attitudes like that
are also very arrogant and the people that have them generally
don't have many friends. :)
5. "I'm more intelligent than you are because I graduated from
college/university with a degree in..."
- Saying you're more intelligent is one thing, but actually
being intelligent is another. It's ignorant to assume that
because you have a formal education that you're any more
intelligent than anyone else. Also, nobody likes listening
to people that go around boasting about how intelligent they
are, or what degrees they have.
6. "I hate you because..."
- Hating without reason is extremely ignorant. People that
are always saying they hate others is really lame. Really,
how many hate mongers can be called intelligent or enlightened?
If you legitimately hate someone, have a valid reason for it.
Base your hatred on something real and tangible instead of
being petty and superficial.
7. "You're wrong and I'm right. I'm always right. I'm better than
you. I know everything. I rule!"
- Nobody likes ignorant people that go around saying that they're
always right and claim to know everything. Only the truely
ignorant do that. Having the attitude that you're better than
everyone else won't get you anywhere and a lot of people will
dislike/hate you for constantly saying shit like that. If
you want to fool yourself into thinking that you're always right,
that's one thing. You can believe whatever you want, but don't
try to push that egotistical, false, ignorant shit on others
around you. If you do, then don't wonder why nobody talks to you.
8. "You suck/Nobody likes you/You're lame/You're gay/You're a fag."
- Not only are comments such as those ignorant and immature, but
they make you look foolish. Especially when you don't know
the person at all. Insulting someone else to make yourself
feel better just shows that you're insecure and most likely
fear not being liked. Or, you are in reality what you are
labelling the other person as being.
9. "Hey, I know you're there."
- Making a statement like that while paging someone, leaving a
message on an answering machine, knocking on a door or
whatever when you don't know if they're actually there just
shows how ignorant you are. Assuming they're around without
knowing won't make them answer even if they actually are there.
And if they aren't, then your wrong assumption will either
annoy them or make them laugh at you.
10. "Fuck off lamer/pussy/asshole/jew/nigger/wetback/pakkie/spic/..."
- Stupid insults prove nothing, other than the ignorance of
the person that's making them. But using racist remarks
is a sure sign that you are ignorant and lack intelligence.
You can't be a racist and enlightened. Insulting someone
based on their race or religion without first hearing what
they have to say shows prejudice as well. And calling someone
something that they clearly aren't won't strengthen your
argument any. In fact, it usually does the exact opposite.
Using racial slurs and thinking they're kewl is really ignorant
and reveals how lame you are.
Written by THC Phreak <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
An ode to Damage, INC.
Damage Incorporated.
Masters of destruction.
Exposing government conspiracies, lies and corruption.
Masters of deception.
Speaking the truth and fighting Big Brother.
Battling against ignorance and arrogance like no other.
Opening minds for a different view.
Just trying to show the world things from a perspective that's new.
Living and adapting to the unknown.
Roaming free, moving forward and standing apart from the rest. Alone.
Shifting gears, discovering and exploring new territories.
Wild and strong without looking back on everything we've seen.
The quest is perpetual and it continues with volume two.
Seeking and sharing knowledge is something that we must always do.
It's not about popularity or profit. And it's not about fame.
Yes, we're armed and dangerous. But that's not our only claim.
We are just lighting the fuel that's already on the fire.
The torch is burning bright and the truth is all that we really desire.
Damage, INC. can't be bought and it can't be sold.
We do what we want and not whatever we're fucking told.
We have the freedom to speak our minds anywhere.
And it should be damn straight that we'll do that everywhere.
Nobody owns us and nobody owns you.
If nothing else, you should believe that to be true.
We follow no one. We blaze our own trails and make no deals.
That's why whatever we do will always be real.
In our sanctuary there's no govspeak, propaganda and useless chatter.
Information is the ultimate equalizer. Mind over matter.
There are no conditions. Trust is earned and trust is gained.
With no reason to lie, no one pulling our strings, to intentionally
release false information without any motive we'd have to be insane.
No one speaks for us. There's nobody that we're trying to impress.
Our words are our own. That's something that I want to stress.
We're just gonna take things as far as we can go.
For and by Damage, INC. this is my ode.
What will be accomplished through these written words cannot be known.
But I hope people learn from what they've read and been shown.
To me though, the group represents honour, truth and it's a brotherhood.
That's regardless of how else the group is viewed, thought of, or misunderstood.
Written by THC Phreak <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
BLACKENED's Boring Closing Comments:
Now that we've released thirteen issues and have started Volume 2, it is safe
to say that the Damage, INC. Newsletter is officially "here to stay". That is,
as long as it's worthwhile doing, we'll continue putting this zine out.
Actually, I don't know how long it'll last and don't have any predictions. At
this point in time though, there aren't any plans to quit. So, for all those
that had some questions about whether or not it'd continue to be published and
for how long, there's your answer. ;)
Perhaps you've noticed that this issue looks different from the previous ones.
The reason is that I felt it was the perfect time to change some of the
aesthetics of the newsletter and the way that certain information is presented.
Sure, they aren't major changes. But they were necessary in order to
distinguish this issue from the rest and begin Volume 2. However, the format
is virtually the same. As is the content, what we support and the various
sections, etc. So, it's not really *that* different from the past issues.
Credit and thanks go to Greent and Waste for drawing the cool new Damage, INC.
ascii logos for us.
Hopefully you've managed to gather an understanding of why ignorance isn't
bliss. It's slavery. And slavery, in any form, is hell. Indeed, knowledge
and enlightenment are what can be described as true states of bliss. But true,
real, total enlightenment is unachievable. At least, that's what I've recently
concluded. I don't believe that we're 'wired' to be completely enlightened
individuals. If I'm wrong and we are, then it would be amazing to meet and
converse with someone that has achieved that so elusive state. For they would
be a truely unique and special person. ;)
As for this issue, some articles in particular won't interest everyone. Then
again, not every aspect of the Damage, INC. Newsletter will ever do that.
That's not what we're attempting to do anyways. If you only want to read
certain articles, that's fine. We don't expect everyone to have the same
interests. Just as, we don't all read the same things and it's all good. In
fact, nothing else matters.
Check out DAM-BELL.JPG. It's Damage, INC.'s version of Bell Canada's new
calling card. ;) We've also included M$OFT.JPG. View it, distribute it, use
it as a banner, lick it, drool over it, cry over it, admire it, love it, etc.
Oh yeah, have a happy fucking new year and Damage, INC. in '99.
Until further notice, don't send Email to damage_inc@dope.org. Use the
damage_inc@mailcity.com or blackened@disinfo.net address instead. Thanks.
The information that was previously included at the end of each issue is now
available in the DAMAGE.NFO file. It will be updated whenever there are any
changes with Dist. Sites, contact information etc.