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1399 lines
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(C) Copyright 1990, 1991 by Martech Software, Inc.
Another quality on-line game brought to you by
Martech Software, Inc.
and the game development team at
Castle RavenLoft
Lawrence, KS
(913) 842-0300
WWIVnet @9354
You peer out the window of your private quarters onto the
vast unknown. You ponder the possibilities of expanding
your one-ship trading company. You've become comfortable
with your regular route; the familiar ports, the familiar
traders, no hassles, no dangers. Maybe you've become too
comfortable. Lately you've been hearing a nagging voice
in the back of your mind urging you to be more, do more
and experience more. You feel there has to be more to
life than this easy, peaceful yet unfulfilling existence
your life has become.
You put your feet up, sip your drink and resolve to
become the best trader the universe will allow you to be.
Trade Wars 2002 combines adventure and exploration with strategy
and cooperative play in an entertaining and exciting on-line game.
You compete against other BBSers to be the most powerful trader (or
corporation of traders) in the universe. Independent traders can
compete quite effectively against large corporations. Corporate
members can perform specific duties (as directed by their C.E.O.)
in specialized ships. Traders can be "good guys" or "bad guys"
with different avenues for advancement. The universe can be
different with each new game. There is no right or wrong way to
play and the possible strategies are limited only by one's
When you enter the game, you will be piloting a Merchant Cruiser.
This is considered the most versatile ship in the Trade Wars
armada. In it, new players have a chance to try out all aspects of
the game.
Upon entering, you will be asked what alias you would like to use
in the game and what name you would like to christen your ship.
The alias you choose will display in the player and corporate
rankings and in several corporate listings. Your ship name will be
used in the docking logs at the ports. You can use these names to
be as conspicuous or as inconspicuous as you want.
The equipment in your initial ship will include 20 holds to store
the cargo that you can trade at the ports found throughout the
universe. Trading is the basic way to advance in the game. By
good trading, you can gain experience as well as gain credits. The
credits you earn can fund your military and can provide the capital
you will need to expand your trading expeditions.
The game will differ with each different group of players.
Individual traders are ranked by their experience. You gain
experience simply by playing the game. The more things you do, the
more experience you will get. Good and Evil are represented by the
titles each player receives. Your experience combined with your
alignment will determine whether you are a Lieutenant or a Dread
Pirate. When you do something that affects your alignment, you
will get a message saying your alignment went up or down and by how
There are benefits and drawbacks whether you choose to play the
game as a good trader or an evil trader. Traders who follow the
FedLaws are offered protection in FedSpace until they are
experienced enough to protect themselves. Traders who aspire to be
very good can be awarded a Federal Commission. This allows them to
purchase an Imperial Starship. This is one of the most powerful
ships in the universe. On the other hand, the evil traders are
offered some options in the Underground. Traders who have proved
that they are truly evil can steal product or money from the ports.
You will be traveling in a 1000 sector universe. Sectors may have
planets, ports, other players, aliens, Ferrengi, Federation
Starships, mines, message beacons, fighters (belonging to you,
other players, rogue mercenaries, or the Ferrengi) or the sectors
may contain nothing at all. If in your travels you come across
something undesirable, your initial ship comes equipped with 30
fighters with which you can defend yourself.
Many players find it useful to have a home sector or group of
sectors. Players, especially those just joining a game, need an
out-of-the-way place to stay so they can build up their assets.
You can explore the universe and look for dead end sectors to use
as a hiding place. Corporate bases built in traffic lanes don't
fare too well and those in the major thoroughfares (in the paths
between the class 0 and class 9 ports) just don't stand much of a
Planets play a key part in your success as a trader. Terra, the
first planet you encounter as you enter the game, is where the
people can be found to colonize all other planets. The other
planets in the game will, if inhabited, produce Fuel Ore, Organics,
Equipment and Fighters. You and the other traders decide where the
planets will be. You can purchase a Genesis Torpedo and use it in
almost any sector in the galaxy. If the planet has enough of the
required commodities and enough people to supply the labor to build
it, you can begin construction of a Citadel. The Citadel can
provide you and the other members of your corporation with a secure
place to dock your ships and deposit the credits you've earned. As
you progress in the game, your Citadel can be upgraded to provide
additional protection to you and your corporation. If you decide
to build a planet in your home sector, be sure you can defend it.
A planets is very vulnerable until it has a Combat Control Computer
(level 2 Citadel) to safeguard it.
There are ten different types of ports scattered about the
universe. The ports are classified by the products they buy and/or
sell. Port classes 1 through 8 trade the three basic commodities:
Fuel Ore, Organics and Equipment. The universe also contains
specialty ports for the other items you will need to advance in the
game. There are three Class 0 ports where you can purchase holds
(beneficial for moving colonists to your planets as well as
transporting goods for trade), fighters (to help protect your
territory), or shields (to protect your ship from the traps laid by
your enemies). There is one Class 9 port that contains not only a
Trading Port, but also a StarDock. The StarDock houses the Stellar
Hardware Emporium, the Federation Shipyards, the Lost Trader's
Tavern, the 2nd National Galactic Bank, the Videon Cineplex and the
Interstellar Space Police Headquarters. There are other places of
interest located in the StarDock. These places you will have to
discover on your own. Some are not advertised because they are
establishments of questionable repute. Others are Federation
buildings that house top secret government information.
A large part of playing is interacting with others in the game.
You can mingle with other players in the Lost Traders Tavern,
gambling against them, conversing with them, leaving announcements
at the door or writing a message on the bathroom wall. You can
combine your assets with other players of the same alignment to
form a Corporation. Just be aware that more than one Corporation
has been brought down by a con man who wormed his way into the
Corporate structure. You can have a chance encounter with other
creatures of the universe, both real (other users) and Non-Player
Characters (the Federals, Alien traders and the Ferrengi). Chance
encounters offer many possibilities and can advance you in your
chosen career path. Your alignment and experience and the
alignment and experience of the creature you encounter will
determine just how that advancement if affected.
Other traders are users just like you. They have alignment and
experience points. You can see all the others by Listing Traders
from your ships computer. By using the listing, you can see which
players are good and which are evil. You can estimate whether the
other player would better serve your needs as an ally or adversary.
The Federation is the main governing body of the cosmos. You will
meet the Feds if you go to the Police Station. You might run into
them as you roam around space. The Feds don't look kindly on
players who break FedLaws, so if you're not careful, they might
visit you when you least want their company.
Alien traders are visitors from another universe who are looking
for better ports. You can get a listing of the Aliens similar to
the one you get for other traders. Aliens also have experience and
alignment, but you cannot form a Corporation with them.
The Ferrengi are a greedy, cowardly group. Their primary purpose
is the speedy acquisition of money. They will steal from anyone no
matter what the person's or corporation's alignment. They seldom
engage in face-to-face combat because they prefer the advantage of
surprise when ambushing their opponent. They often travel in
groups and will spy on promising territory. After targeting an
area, they will raid the sector when it is least defended. If they
are attacked, that group will hold a grudge against the attacker
and they will not rest until they feel the score has been settled.
Explore the universe and take part in the adventure. You can just
look around or you can become a dominant factor. Most of the
displays are fully explained. When you are asked to make a
selection, anything displayed in brackets [], will be the default.
Most displays can be aborted by hitting the space bar.
Good Trading and Good Luck.
<D> Re-display Sector. This will re-display the information
about the sector where you are currently located.
Information includes sector number and nebulae name,
marker beacons, port name and class, mines, fighters,
planets and any other ships.
<P> Port and Trade. This will allow you to dock at the port
in your current sector. This is the only way to trade
your commodities. You will have some choices for what
action you would like to take at the port. Most of the
choices are self-explanatory. When you dock at the port,
you will be able to see the docking log. This will show
you the name of the last ship to do business there. If
there is a planet in the sector with this port, you will
be able to negotiate a Planetary Trade Agreement. This
is a trade contract that will allow you to trade off all
your excess commodities to the port without wasting your
turns hauling one shipload at a time. If you want to
build a new Starport and the universe is full or if you
decide that your adversaries have too big an advantage
and you need to get rid of that port they have been
using, you can attack and destroy a starport. This is
never an easy task. The starports are very heavily armed
and will retaliate, so you will need to have plenty of
military forces with you if you decide to proceed with
this selection.
<M> Move to a Sector. The sectors adjacent to your current
location will be listed as warp lanes in the sector
display. You can move to one of them, or you can choose
any other sector in the universe. If you designate a
sector that doesn't have a direct warp lane, your ship's
computer will plot your course and ask you if you want to
engage your AutoPilot. You will be able to use the
Autopilot in three different modes. The default is Alert
mode. This will suspend your travel in any sector where
there is a planet, port or other trader. The second mode
is Express. This speeds you to your destination provided
there are no enemy forces in your path. The third mode
is Single Step. This was developed by an enterprising
group of pioneers. Their group was getting smaller due
to bold exploration of sectors filled with mines, so the
survivors manufactured an Autopilot that would stop in
each sector. This allowed them to scan the next sector
for hazards before proceeding into it. Select this
option if you feel the need for caution. To move through
the AutoPilot course after choosing this option, you will
need to select M, then re-confirm your destination and
<L> Land on a Planet. This option will enable you to
colonize your planets, build a Citadel and do business
there, pick up the fighters built by your colonists or
pick up the production of Fuel Ore, Organics and/or
Equipment. If you have purchased a Planet Scanner at the
Hardware Emporium, it will automatically provide you with
additional information about the planet. The Planet
Scanner will also allow you to abort the landing
procedure if, after looking at the defenses, you feel you
may not be able to land successfully.
<S> Long Range Scan. If you have purchased a scanner from
the Hardware Emporium, you can use it to view adjacent
sectors. All things in the Trade Wars universe have a
density value and you can use your Density Scanner to
display the relative density of the neighboring sectors.
You can then use that information to determine what's
next door. If you have a Holographic Scanner, you will
be able to see ports, planets, hazards and other players
all for just the cost of one turn.
<R> Release Beacon. Choose this when you want to launch one
of the Marker Beacons you purchased at the Hardware
Emporium. You will need to decide what message your
beacon will send when you launch it.
<W> Tow SpaceCraft. This option lets you toggle your tractor
beam on and off. The computer will ask you which trader
in your current sector you wish to tow. The computer
will then calculate (using the size difference between
the two ships) the number of turns you will use for each
sector you tow this trader and his/her ship. You can
then use the Move option to go to an adjacent sector or
you can engage your AutoPilot to move you and your
"passenger". TransWarp drives were not made to be used
in conjunction with tractor beams, so if you use your
TransWarp, the tractor beam will automatically shut down.
The person you are towing will not enter a sector until
you have safely entered. The tractor beam will act as a
protective shield and will safeguard the towee from any
damage from mines, offensive fighters or Quasar cannons.
If your ship is destroyed, the tractor beam will also be
destroyed and the person you are towing will be left
stranded. To disengage the beam at any point, use this
option again.
Computer and Information
<C> Engage Crai XXV. This command will activate your on-
board computer.
<I> Ship Info. This will display all your current
Trader Name......Your alias in the game
Rank and Exp.....The number of experience points you have
accumulated, the number of alignment
points you have accumulated and the
title you have received
Times Blown Up...The number of times your ship has been
Ship Name........The name of the ship you are now using
Ship Info........Manufacturer and model
Ported = The number of times this ship
has docked at a Trading Port
Kills = Number of other player's ships
destroyed by this ship
Date Built.......The date this ship was purchased
Current Sector...Your current location
Turns Left.......Number of turns remaining for this ship
Total Holds......Number of holds this ship is carrying
(This display also shows the breakdown
of the cargo in the holds)
Additional information includes all the special equipment
your ship has and the number of credits you have on your
<T> Corporate Menu. This will give you information about all
the corporations in the game.
<U> Use Genesis Torpedo. If you are carrying a Genesis
Torpedo, you will be able to detonate it using this
command. Have your planet name ready because these will
create your new world quickly.
<J> Jettison Cargo. If your holds are full of some cargo you
just can't unload on any nearby port or planet, you may
use this selection to unceremoniously dump your holds
into space. Remember that FedLaw prohibits littering in
FedSpace. Dumping holds filled with colonists will leave
a negative impression on your alignment.
<A> Attack Enemy Spacecraft. When you encounter an opponent
(or other creature) in a sector you have the option of
going on the offense and attacking. The controller will
ask you how many of your fighters you want to use in the
attack. Attacking others can (and probably will) affect
your alignment. If you attack a pirate or known terror
you will get good points. On the other hand, if you
decide to pick on some good soul you will go down the
ladder of righteousness.
<E> Ethereal Probe. Launch the Probe you purchased at the
Hardware Emporium. Send the unmanned spy off to its
destination sending information back to you from every
sector it passes through. Remember that this device has
no defensive capabilities so if it encounters any enemy
fighters, it will be destroyed.
<F> Take or Leave Fighters. This enables you to deploy your
fighters. You will have several options so you can
customize your defenses. You can leave fighters as
either Personal so they recognize only you as an ally or
you can leave them as Corporate so any member of your
corporation will be treated with respect. Fighters can
be Offensive, Defensive or Toll. Defensive fighters
defend your territory. They bar opponents from entering
a sector and will fight when attacked. Offensive
fighters will send out an attack group on any poor soul
who happens into their sector. The size of the attack
group depends on the fighter support escorting the
intruder. After the initial attack, offensive fighters
fall back to defend their territory. Toll fighters
simply stop the casual passers-by and ask them for money
to help with your cause. The number of Toll Fighters
deployed will determine the amount of the toll charged.
Toll fighters, as all other fighters, will fight back if
<G> Show Deployed Fighters. This display can be a very
useful tool as you plan your military strategies. The
information shown contains the sector number where the
fighters are located, the quantity of fighters there,
whether the fighters are Personal or Corporate, the
strategic mode they are in (Offensive, Defensive or Toll)
and any tolls they have collected.
<H> Handle Space Mines. Mines can be a very convincing way
of marking your territory. This selection will let you
place or pick up the mines. You will be able to choose
whether to set the mines as Personal or Corporate.
Personal mines will recognize only you and Corporate
mines will recognize any member of your corporation.
Mines don't always go off, but it stands to reason that
the more mines there are in a sector, the more likely one
is to detonate.
<K> Show Deployed Mines. This display is similar to the Show
Deployed Fighters. You get information about the sectors
containing your Personal and/or Corporate mines and how
many mines are located in each of those sectors.
<O> Starport Construction. If there is not a Starport in the
sector, this menu selection will display the Starport
Construction Menu. Starports are available throughout
the universe. You may decide that you want your own
customized commerce center in a place you specify instead
of using the ones built by others. You will see a
detailed graph of the different port classes, the
products they can import/export and the initial
construction costs. The license bureau will check to see
that there is a planet in the sector to provide materials
for the construction. They will also check for
sufficient funding to support the undertaking. Be sure
to leave the specified amount of materials on the planet
every day during the construction phase or the building
will not progress. If there is already a Starport in the
sector, the Upgrade Starport Menu will be displayed.
This allows you to increase the trading levels of any or
all of the commodities. The universe can support only so
many ports. If the Starport Construction request tells
you that the universe is full, then you have to destroy
an existing port before you can begin construction on
your new one. (See PORT AND TRADE)
<Q> Quit and Exit. This exits you from the game and returns
you to the BBS.
<!> Main Menu Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Main Menu functions.
<Z> Trade Wars Docs. Display this entire document. Useful
menus are available anytime a ? appears in the prompt.
Specific help files are available wherever an ! appears
in the menus.
<V> View Game Status. Trade Wars 2002 can be configured in
a variety of ways by your SysOp. This display will show
you the static information about the game as well as the
current information. Static information includes the
version number, maximum number of sector, players, etc.,
whether or not the local display is on, and if this is a
registered version of the game. The StarDock location
may also appear on this screen (SysOp option). The
current information will show how many players are now in
the game with the percentage of good, how many planets
have been built, how many corporations are registered,
the amount of credits accumulated at the ports, the total
fighters and mines in the universe and how long the game
has been running.
<Y> Yes, stop here. This will disengage the Autopilot and
will stop you in the current sector.
<N> No, continue on. Continues on the pre-defined route.
<E> Express Non-stop. This will speed you through the
sectors without pausing to ask if you want to stop in the
sectors with planets or ports. Hitting the space bar
while in Express mode will put you into warp speed. If
you encounter enemy forces you will have to react. If
you retreat, the computer will re-plot your course
avoiding that sector from which you retreated.
<I> Ship Information. This displays all your current
statistics. The display is the same as option <I> from
the Main Menu.
<R> Port Report. This will display the port report
information as if you chose <R> from your on-board
<S> Long Range Scan. If you have purchased a Long Range
Scanner from the Hardware Emporium, you can use it during
your AutoPilot voyage without having to stop in the
<D> Re-Display Sector. This is the same sector display that
can be accessed by choosing option <D> from the Main
<P> Port and Trade. This will allow you to dock at a Trading
Port and conduct your business without having to
recalculate your Autopilot course when you're done. You
will be selecting the same options as you would if you
chose the <P> selection from the Main Menu.
<!> Autopilot Help. Displays this file.
<F> Course Plotter. This will show the number of moves it
will take to get from any sector in the universe to
another. You can use this tool to avoid any surprise as
you travel between sectors. You know the universe is
full of unexplained phenomenon and just because you got
from your home sector to this sector with a great port in
five moves doesn't mean you'll get back in five moves.
<I> Inter-Sector Warps. This selection will show you the
warps lanes connected to any sector in the universe that
you have explored. You just enter the sector number and
the computer will show you every sector directly linked
to that sector. The computer will not have data to
display for those sectors you have yet to explore.
<K> Your Known Universe. As you travel through space, you
will be creating your personal travelogue. This will
store information about the sectors you've explored.
Your computer will use this information to give you your
Port Reports and Inter-Sector Warps. You may wish to see
what sectors you have (or don't have) in your travelogue.
This option will tell you. You will see what percentage
of the universe you have visited and the computer will
ask if you want the list of Explored or Unexplored
sectors. When you reply, you will get a list of sector
<R> Port Report. This report gives you relatively up-to-date
information about any port located in a sector which you
have explored. All you have to do is enter the sector
number in which the port is located. You will see items
being traded at the port, the status of each of those
items (whether the port is buying them or selling them),
the number of units the port is willing to trade (and
what percentage of maximum that number represents) and
how many of each of the commodities you have in your
holds. If for some reason you get the message that the
computer has no information on that port and you are sure
there is a port in the sector you indicated, there may be
enemy forces in that sector interfering with your
computer's scan.
<V> Avoid Sectors. You will sometimes find sectors
containing things that are detrimental to your success in
the game. This function will avoid those sectors when
doing any course plotting. You just have to enter the
sector or sectors to be by-passed before you use the
computer to plot a course or to establish a route for
your AutoPilot. If the computer encounters a situation
where there is not possible route between the sectors you
requested, then all voids will be cleared and will have
to be re-entered before any future course calculations.
<W> Use Mine Disrupter. You are exploring a new region of
the universe and as you single-step your way along, your
scanner shows a number of mines in the next sector. Send
one of the Mine Disrupters you purchased at the Hardware
Emporium into this mined sector so you don't have to take
the damage to your ship. If the first Disrupter doesn't
disarm all the mines, you can send in another.
<X> List Current Avoids. When you want to see just what
sectors are being avoided when the computer charts your
course, use this selection. You can use this information
to determine if you want to make any changes. Due to the
limited functionality of this module of the computer, if
you want to remove one or more avoided sectors from the
list, you must clear the entire list and re-enter the
sector numbers you still want to bypass.
<P> Fire Photon Missile. You can fire your Photon Missile
into the adjacent sector and run in to do your damage.
Remember that the timer is running as soon as the missile
is launched so be quick!
<B> Begin Self-destruct Sequence. If you have managed to
make a real mess of things and the only way to continue
is to start from scratch, then go ahead and use this
command. You will escape from your ship moments before
it self-destructs. Think it over carefully before you
hit the button. This will not only destroy your ship and
all its inventory, but it will also affect your rank and
alignment. Your spirit takes two days to migrate back to
Sector 1, so you won't have any turns the day after you
<!> Computer Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Computer functions.
<Q> Exit Computer. This option will return you to the bridge
of your ship.
<A> Make Announcement. Do you have something you want to
tell everyone in the game? If so, prepare your
proclamation and enter it. You will have 160 characters
for your announcement and it will be displayed in the
Daily Log for everyone to read as they enter the game.
<C> View Ship Catalog. This tool lets you view the
specifications for all the available ships in the game.
You can get a list of the ships and choose which ever one
strikes your fancy. The display will show the following
information -
Basic Hold Cost
Main Drive Cost
Computer Cost
Ship Hull Cost
Base Cost
Minimum and Maximum Holds
Maximum Fighters
Maximum Shields
Number of Moves per Day
Maximum Number of Mines
Maximum Number of Genesis Torpedoes
Offensive Odds for Combat
Maximum Number of Marker Beacons
TransWarp Drive Capability
Long Range Scanner Capability
Planet Scanner Capability
In addition to all this information, there is a brief
narrative about the capabilities and shortcomings of each
<D> Read Daily Log. This will re-display the Daily Journal
that you see when you enter the game.
<E> Display Evil Ranks. This is a display of the titles to
which you can aspire if you are of negative alignment.
It shows the levels, titles and the number of experience
points needed to attain that level.
<G> Display Good Ranks. This is a display of the titles to
which you can aspire if you are of positive alignment.
It shows the levels, titles and the number of experience
points needed to attain that level.
<H> List Aliens. You will encounter traders from other
galaxies as you make your way through the universe. You
can interact with these creatures the same as you do with
the Traders native to your 1000 sectors. Of course,
aliens are either good or bad. Their alignment (good or
evil) can make a big difference in how you want to
associate (or not associate) with them. When you use
this selection, your computer will tell you everything
you need to know.
<L> List Traders. This choice will show you all the players
in the game in order of experience. Your prompt will ask
if you would like the list to show the Titles of the
players or their Values in Experience points. Each
trader will be displayed with his or her title or value,
the number of the Corporation to which he/she belongs,
and the type of ship currently being used.
<M> Re-Read Your Mail. This gives you a chance to review the
messages that were sent to you since the last time you
were in the game.
<N> Toggle ANSI On/Off. That just about says it all.
<S> Send Mail. When you need to get a message to one of the
other players, this will serve your need. You will have
160 characters to get your message through. You do not
need to know the player's entire name. If you have part
of it, your computer will search the player file and
prompt you when it finds a match.
<T> Current Ship Time. This will display the time and date
stored in your ship's computer. (Remember, the game
began in the year 2002.)
<Y> List Your Planets. If you have planets that you want to
keep as personal, you can view them using this option just
as you can view Corporate Planets using the <L> option in
the Corporation Menu.
<A> Take All Products. This will load your empty holds with
the products available on the planet. The dock workers
will load your ship to the brim with as much of each of
the products that is available beginning with the cargo
of greatest value (Equipment) to the least value (Fuel
<E> Enter Citadel. You enter the Citadel (and display the
Citadel Menu). If there is no citadel on this planet,
you will have the option to build one. The necessary
products and labor force needed in the construction will
display. You will not be issued a building permit if you
don't have the necessary people and commodities.
<D> Display Planet. This will show the planet number, type,
name and the alias of the player who created it. There
is also an informative chart showing how many colonists
are working in each production area, how many units of
each product are being produced daily, the quantity of
each product currently available on the planet, and how
many of each you have on your ship. Citadel information
including level, construction underway and credits in the
vault is also available.
<M> Change Military Levels. You will want to move your
fighters around to protect your territory. This option
will allow you to take fighters currently on the planet
or to leave fighters you have escorting you. The
fighters on the planet are controlled by the Combat
Control Computer (level 2) in the Citadel. If there is
no Combat Control Computer there, the fighters would
better serve you patrolling the sector outside the
planet. Leaving fighters on a planet will designate the
planet as yours.
<O> Claim Ownership. Let the entire universe know who
controls the planet. Use this option to set the planet
as either Personal or Corporate. This is a must when
you've gone to all the trouble to capture one of your
opponent's planets.
<P> Change Population Levels. Throughout the course of the
game you may wish to change the distribution of your
workforce among the commodities. This selection provides
you with an easy, efficient way to order your workers to
the job you need done.
<S> Load/Unload Colonists. Colonizing your planets can
contribute greatly to your trading profits. This will
enable you to leave the colonists you've brought from
Terra or pack everyone up and move them to another
planet. Keep a close watch on your planet's population
because many planets experience a growth/death cycle. If
your planet has too many people to support, the raw
materials needed to produce your commodities will be used
up by the surplus population and your production rates
will be adversely affected.
<T> Take or Leave Product. This will let you specify to the
dock workers which type of products you want to leave and
which ones you want loaded on your ship.
<Z> Try to Destroy Planet. First you purchase Atomic
Detonators from the Hardware Emporium. That is the easy
part. You then have to fight your way into the sector
containing the planet. After battling the fighters,
Quasar Cannons, and any other military defenses that may
be there, you have the ability to lay your Atomic
Detonators. Colonists have been trained in the disarming
of detonators. Most of the training was rushed and
provided by inexperienced teachers, so they aren't very
good at it. Most of their attempts literally go up in
smoke, and if you are still on the planet when their
attempt goes awry, you go awry with it. You have the
option of suing your conventional weapons to kill off the
colonists before you lay the detonators so you don't run
the risk of getting killed by their lack of skill. If
you're willing to risk the bad Karma to be a little
safer, this might be the correct option for you.
<L> Leave This Planet. Take off from the planet.
<!> Planetary Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Planetary functions.
<C> Engage Ship's Computer. Use this function to use all
your Crai's power just as you would by choosing <C> from
the Main Menu.
<D> Display Traders Here. This will show you the guest
register of the other players who are parked in the
Citadel. The register gives you the name of the player,
their ship type and how many fighters, shields and holds
they have. This information could prove very useful if
you have just captured the planet from one of your
<E> Exchange Trader Ships. If the other players parked in
the Citadel have specified their vehicle as available for
trade, then you have the option of exchanging your ship
for theirs. Be sure to coordinate this carefully with
the other members of your corporation. Only C.E.O.'s can
use Corporate Flagships so they are not available for
trade. If you have seized this planet from an opponent
still parked in the Citadel, you may want to commandeer
his ship for your own use.
<G> Shield Generator Control. If you have your level 5
Citadel completed, you can use this option to store your
shields. You transfer your Ship's shields to the
Planetary Shielding System using this option (10 ship
shields = 1 planetary shield). Stored shields will be
used in the defense of your planet. The Planetary
Shielding System will protect your planet from your
enemies. You will thwart your rivals' attempts to
incapacitate your defenses with Photon Missiles. Your
opponents will even be unable to scan your planet.
<I> Personal Info. This selection will enable you to see all
of your current statistics. The information will display
same as it does when you choose option <I> from the Main
<M> Military Reaction Level. Another method of customizing
your protection, this will let you set the percentage of
fighters stationed there to be used as offensive or
defensive in case of an attack on the planet. You must
have a Combat Control Computer (Level Two Citadel or
higher) to use this option. The value you enter will be
the percentage of fighters that will attack offensively
as someone attempts to land on your planet. The balance
of your fighters will fall back for defense of the planet
and Citadel.
<P> Planetary TransWarp. The instructions for this feature
are in your Level Four Citadel. Provided you have enough
Fuel Ore to power the mammoth engine, you can move your
planet to any sector where you currently have fighters
<Q> Quasar Cannon R-level. Use this option to set both the
Atmospheric and Sector reaction levels. The Quasar
Cannon in your Level Three Citadel uses massive amounts
of Fuel Ore. Use this option to adjust the percentage of
Ore on the planet used in this weapon's capability.
PLEASE NOTE: The Quasar Cannon will use the entered
percentage of Fuel Ore remaining on the planet for EACH
SHOT it fires. If you set the Sector value to 100% and
a Scout Marauder with 5 fighters wanders into your
sector, the Cannon will use all the Fuel Ore on your
planet to blow the intruder into space dust. If another
player later tramps into your sector in a well-armed
BattleShip your Cannon will sit idle due to lack of
ammunition. Another consideration when setting your
percentages is that the accuracy of the Cannon is much
better and the damage caused by the blast is greater when
the target is in the planet's atmosphere.
<R> Remain Here Overnight. You can sleep feeling safe and
secure if you bed down inside the Citadel, out of the rat
race. You will have the protection of your planetary
forces to guard you. When you leave your ship, the valet
will ask if you want others who enter the Citadel to have
the privilege of exchanging ships with you. It's
perfectly within your rights to keep your ship for
personal use only.
<S> Scan This Sector. This option will let you see
everything in the sector around this planet. The display
will be the same as you get from option <D> in the Main
<T> Treasury Fund Transfers. If you don't like to carry a
lot of credits on you when you're out exploring the
universe, you can deposit your excess in the Citadel.
You can withdraw the credits whenever you need them. Be
advised that the Treasury workers are quite lax in their
security measures and anyone who enters the Citadel can
withdraw any and all of the credits.
<U> Upgrade Citadel. Once your Citadel construction is
complete, you may find you wish to upgrade. Very few
people are content with a Level One Citadel. You will
need more colonists and materials for each level of
improvements. Level Two has a Combat Control System
which enables you to set the fighters deployed on the
planet as offensive or defensive. Level Three contains
a Quasar Cannon which is a very powerful weapon, but uses
a considerable amount of Fuel Ore to operate. Level Four
encloses the massive engine used for the TransWarp Drive.
Level Five provides the power for the Planetary Shielding
System. The PSS will provide a sturdy shield for your
planet which your enemies will have a hard time
penetrating with fighters or photon missiles.
<V> Evict Other Traders. Now that you've survived all the
defenses your opponent placed to keep you out, you should
be able to come in and take over, right? Occasionally
you go into a newly captured Citadel only to find the
trader (or traders) who previously controlled the planet.
No need to have them in your way. Simply select this
option to activate the Emergency Warning System in the
Citadel. It will alert these unwanted guests to some
impending doom and their ships will blast off into orbit
around the planet. The system will list the traders as
they escape. You then may either stay in the Citadel out
of harm's way or you can go out into the sector to
inflict more damage on your enemy.
<X> Corporation Menu. This option is the same as option <T>
from the Main Menu.
<!> Citadel Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Citadel functions.
<L> Leave the Citadel. Exit the Citadel and return to the
<D> Display Corporations. If you want to see how you and
your corporation compare with others in the game or if
you want to see who the members are of a specific
corporation, use this selection. You will asked if you
want to List Corporations or Rank Corporations. L will
give you a listing of all corporations registered at
Federation Hall showing the corporation's registration
number and the date of incorporation and all corporate
members with the C.E.O. labeled. R will display a list
of all corporations ranked by experience. The list shows
the rank, the corporate registration number and name, the
C.E.O.'s name, the corporate alignment and the corporate
<J> Join a Corporation. When you want to join forces with a
corporation of the other traders, you will need to make
arrangements to get your corporate security pass. When
a member of that corporation has approved your
membership, use this option to join. You will need to be
of the same alignment as the C.E.O. If at any time
during your tenure with the corporation, your alignment
is opposite that of the Chairman, you will be
automatically ousted from the Corporation.
<M> Make a New Corporation. When you are prepared to make to
move from independent trader to Corporate C.E.O., this
option will file your Corporate Charter in the
Federation's Hall of Records. As C.E.O. you will have
privileges that other players don't have such as owning
an Corporate Flagship and sending Corporate Memos to all
members of your Corporation. You will be the one to
determine whether your Corporation is good or evil. As
you go, so goes the Corporation. A prospective member
will have to be of the same alignment as you to join.
<!> Corporation Help. Display the portion of the
documentation describing the Corporation functions.
<Q> Quit Corporation Menu. Return to the game.
Corporations Only
<C> Credit Transfer. Use this option to transfer credits to
or from your corporate associate. You have to be in the
same sector as the corporation member with whom you want
to exchange credits.
<F> Fighter Transfer. Use this option to transfer fighters
to or from your corporate associate. You have to be in
the same sector as the corporation member with whom you
want to exchange fighters.
<H> Mines Transfer. Use this option to transfer mines to or
from your corporate associate. You have to be in the
same sector as the corporation member with whom you want
to exchange mines.
<S> Shields Transfer. Use this option to transfer shields to
or from your corporate associate. You have to be in the
same sector as the corporation member with whom you want
to exchange shields.
<X> Leave Your Corporation. There may come a time when you
feel you have to make a break with your current
corporation. You may want to form your own new
corporation. You may want to play the game with an
alignment different from that of your corporation's
members. This will allow you to vacate your position in
your corporation. Remember that you will no longer have
access to any of the corporation's assets. If you are
the C.E.O. the corporation will be dissolved and all
corporate fighters will become rogue mercenaries.
<L> List Corporate Planets. This will display a detailed
graph of your corporation's planets. The information
-the sector where the planet is located
-the planet's name
-the current population
-the production rate for Fuel Ore, Organics and Equipment
-the current inventories of the commodities
-the number of fighters stationed there
-the level of the Citadel (if any)
-the amount of credits in the Citadel (if any)
<A> Show corporate Assets and Member Locations. This is a
very handy tool to use in organizing your strategy with
that of the others in your Corporation. The information
shown on this display is
-the Corporation member's name
-the sector where that member is located
-whether or not the member is on a planet in that sector
-the number of fighters, shields, mines and credits on him/her
C.E.O.'s Only
<T> Send Corporate Memo. When you want to give information
to all those in your organization, use this option.
Whether it is instructions on where you want to establish
a new colony or a congratulatory dispatch for a job well
done, you can send your message quickly and efficiently.
<P> Corporate Security. In a world where instances of
computer crime run rampant, a C.E.O. can never be too
careful. Be sure you trust a player before you let him
or her in your organization. And just as with your BBS
account, you can better maintain security if you change
passwords occasionally.
<R> Drop Corporate Member. Do you have a problem with a
member of your Corporation? Is that member showing signs
of insubordination? You don't have to put up with the
stress. Simply drop this trouble maker. Remember that
the member can take any corporate assets on his/her ship
when kicked out.
<C> The CinePlex Videon Theatres. You can smell the popcorn
from the Hardware Emporium. Come right in to see the
latest releases from HollyWorld. You can choose from
several first-run offerings or you can opt for one of the
classics. Don't take too long to make up your mind
because there are others waiting in line behind you.
<G> The 2nd National Galactic Bank. Here is the place to
engage in matters of high finance. You will be able to
put credits into your or another trader's account. You
can take credits out of your account. You can examine
the balance in your account. The bank allows only
personal accounts. Corporate funds should be stored in
secured Citadels.
<H> The Stellar Hardware Emporium. This is the General Store
of the Trade Wars Universe. If you want it, they have it
and if you have enough money, they'll sell it to you.
<P> The Federal Space Police HQ. The home of law enforcement
in the galaxy. Here you can register complaints against
other players, collect rewards or see the wanted posters.
<S> The Federation Shipyards. This is the place where you
can trade your ship in for a newer model. You can see
all the models available and all the specifications for
each style.
<T> The Lost Trader's Tavern. Traders come here for more
than just a drink and a meal. Some of the more
interesting features of this game can be found here if
you ask the right questions.
<!> StarDock Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the StarDock functions.
<L> Return to Your Ship and Leave. Leave the Stardock and
return to the sector.
<A> Atomic Detonators. These detonators are used in the
destruction of planets. If you don't have enough
military to take out a planet, you can set Atomic
Detonators and run like hell. Warning: colonists have
been trained to disarm these detonators. These units are
as unstable as they are powerful. They can react like
Corbomite Devices when an enemy attacks your ship, and
they can also detonate by hitting mines or offensive
fighters as you journey through the galaxy.
<B> Marker Beacons. Marker Beacons are the billboards of the
Trade Wars universe. They are an inexpensive way to make
a statement. They stay in the sector where they are
launched until they are destroyed. They have absolutely
no defensive capability. They are so fragile that if two
are launched in the same sector, they both explode.
<C> Corbomite Devices. Corbomite devices are weapons to
avenge the destruction of your ship. If one of your
opponents succeeds in obliterating your craft, that
person may suffer substantial damage as well when your
ship is equipped with one or more of these. Corbomite
devices can also be viewed as protection. Your enemies
may think twice about attacking you if you are armed with
these. With each additional device you add to your
vessel, you increase your protection level. You can have
up to a Level 1500 Corbomite Device on some ships and the
nice part is, your foe has no way to detect the device's
presence on your ship.
<D> Cloaking Device. Cloaking devices can hide you from your
rivals when you are away from your home sector. If you
feel you will be vulnerable, use your Cloaking Device to
conceal your ship. Your location will be unknown to even
your Corporate associates who view the Member Location
display. Remember that the Cloaking Device will use a
lot of your energy reserves and its effectiveness
decreases the longer it's used. A well-known consumer
group has tested these devices and found that on the
average, after 72 hours of use, you stand a 50% chance of
being detected. Cloaking Devices are relatively
inexpensive, but because some of the components decompose
quickly, they are a one-time use item.
<E> SubSpace Ether Probes. Ethereal Probes are quite useful
when you want to know what wonders lie on the other side
of the universe, but you don't want to use up your turns
to explore. You can launch the unmanned probes with a
preset destination. As they maneuver their way across
the cosmos, they report back sector by sector. They are
quite inexpensive for the amount of information that can
be obtained, but they are not sturdy. They contain a
self-destruct mechanism that is triggered when the probe
reaches its destination. The designers of the probe
thought this would provide anonymity for anyone using the
gadget. This mechanism is so sensitive that it detonates
when the probe encounters any enemy fighters. Since it
has no shielding capabilities, any ship it passes will be
able to detect its presence.
<F> Planet Scanners. If you are planning an invasion of
another player's planet, this scanner can show you the
military system on the planet without landing. Once you
are in the sector, scan the planet. You can see who
created the planet, who currently controls the planet,
and the military defenses installed there. You won't
find out the hard way that you don't have enough weapons
to take over the enemy forces.
<M> Space Mines. This weapon can be a very effective way of
establishing your territory. Space mines can cause
serious damage to smaller craft and can be a real
nuisance to larger vessels. The latest technology has
provided mines with sensors capable of recognizing the
Federal I.D. codes. This will keep the mines from
detonating by your ship or your Corporation's ships (most
of the time).
<P> Photon Missiles. Only owners of Missile Frigates or
Imperial Starships can use these powerful weapons.
Shields, both Ship and Planetary, are excellent
protection from the impact of this weapon. However,
once shields have been destroyed, Photon Missiles can be
used to disable all Combat Control Computers (Level 2
Citadels) and Quasar Cannons (Level 3 Citadels) on
planets. It neutralizes all mines and fighters stationed
in a sector. Be advised that the effect of these
missiles is short-lived. Get in, take care of your
business and get out before the effect wears off. You
don't want to still be in the sector when the Quasar
Cannons regain their strength. Great care should be used
in transporting these volatile weapons of destruction.
<R> Long Range Scanners. These scanners can provide the
explorer with multi-sector vision. Your two options are
a Density Scanner or a Holographic Scanner. The Density
Scanner is the cheaper and it provides the user with the
relative density of the surrounding sectors. You can use
that information to determine what may be in the
neighborhood. If you have sufficient funds, you can
purchase a Holographic Scanner which has both Density and
Holographic capabilities. Using the Holographic mode,
you can see what and who is in the sectors adjacent to
the one you are currently occupying. The scanner in
Holographic mode uses a small amount of your ship's fuel
(one turn's worth) but that is a small price to pay when
you consider the information and security it can provide.
<S> Mine Disrupters. If you run across a heavily mined
sector but you really need to go in there, send in a Mine
Sweeper to clear your path. They can absorb the damage
so you don't have to.
<T> Genesis Torpedoes. Much improved since the first models,
these torpedoes can provide the foundation for the
production of your trading commodities. The planets
generated from the torpedo's explosion will be able to
support a large number of colonists. The colonists can
provide the labor needed to mine the Fuel Ore, grow the
Organics and manufacture the Equipment and Fighters you
will use in your trading company.
<W> TransWarp Drives. Only Imperial Starships, Corporate
Flagships and Havoc Gunstars have hulls sturdy enough to
withstand TransWarp flight. These drives use a massive
amount of Fuel Ore so make sure you have a source of Ore
for your return trip, too. The TransWarp Drive uses a
homing device, so you should have at least one fighter in
your destination sector.
<Y> Psychic Probes. Bartering at the ports is one of the
main elements of this game. You get experience points
for making a good deal. The better the deal, the more
points you get. Psychic Probes are the next best thing
to insider trading, and they're legal. If you want to
see exactly where your offer is compared to what they
would have accepted, you need one of these probes. It
will not only show you where you went wrong, but it will
also help you improve your trading skills.
<!> Hardware Emporium Help. Display the portion of the
documentation describing the Hardware Emporium functions.
<L> Leave the Emporium. Return to the main area of the
<B> Buy a New Ship. When you are ready to upgrade, or if you
need a specialized ship, come to the Shipyards and talk
to Cal Worthington XXI about a trade-in. You will be
offered a fair price for your current ship. They will
take anything in your trade such as fighters,
accessories, mines, etc. so if you're trying to get a lot
on your trade-in, load your ship up before you talk to
them. If you don't want to use all your extras in the
trade, you might want to leave as much as you can in a
secure place and pick it up after you purchase your new
ship. New ships are very basic models. The extras are
available at the Hardware Emporium and the Class 0 ports.
<E> Examine Ship Specs. This is the same information
available to you from your ship's on-board computer, but
in includes (for ANSI users only) a picture of each ship,
both top and front view. You may want to review the ship
specifications one last time before you make your
<P> Buy Class 0 Items. After you purchase your ship, you may
need to equip it with a few of the items normally
purchased at the Class 0 ports. You wouldn't want to
take that brand new beauty out unprotected, would you?
The merchants in the shipyards have obtained fighters,
shields and holds from "trade-ins" so they are offering
them right here where you buy your ship as a convenience
to you. Be forewarned that you will be paying a premium
price for this convenience.
<R> Change Ship Registration. It's not paranoia when they're
really out to get you. If your foes are tracking you
down by reading the logs at the StarPorts or they've
received information on your ship from a loose-tongued
fool at the tavern, go to this back room in the offices
of the Shipyards. For a hefty fee, you can get revised
registration papers on your ship and christen it with a
new, untraceable name.
<!> Shipyards Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Shipyards functions.
<L> Leave the Shipyards. Return to the main area of the
<A> Make an Announcement. Do you have something of interest
for all the patrons of the tavern? If so, pay the fee
and post your announcement. It will stay there until the
next announcement is posted.
<B> Buy Something from the Bar. Had a trying day? Want a
little something to soothe your nerves? Order up
whatever your heart desires. You might even get it in a
clean glass. Remember FedLaw says, don't drink and fly.
<C> Eavesdrop on Conversations. See that group of
individuals gathered at the table in the darkest corner
of the tavern? They seem to be engaged in some very
engrossing dialogue. If you would care to listen in and
maybe even add some remarks of your own, use this option.
<E> Order Some Food. You really need to keep your strength
up so you can take on the challenges of the cosmos.
Order up the Blue Plate Special (the food is blue, not
the plate) and nourish yourself with some of the most
memorable edibles this side of Barlaam.
<G> Try Your Hand at Tri-Cron. Do you feel lucky, Punk? Put
your money down and see if you can beat the odds. A
simple game of chance might relax you and you never know,
you might come away a big winner. The game is easy - the
detailed instructions are available in the Tavern. The
cost of playing is based on the size of the Top Winner's
Jackpot. You'll have 10 rounds against the house. If
you win, the payback is 2 to 1. If you're the top
winner, you receive the accumulated jackpot.
<T> Talk to the Grimy Trader in Back. Not much to look at,
but he can be a wealth of information. Depending on how
many drinks he's had, his facts may be a bit suspect.
Just ask him about a specific topic, give him a little
inducement and he'll tell you what he knows. If you
speak to him respectfully, he'll be fair to you.
Otherwise he might try to take advantage of your need for
information. You'll have to pay dearly for it, but he
can sometimes get you information on specific Traders.
<U> Use the Facilities. When Mother Nature calls, this
option will allow you to answer. Feel free to read the
graffiti to keep yourself entertained. You can even add
some of your own prose or poetry but beware of what may
be lurking in the next stall.
<!> Tavern Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Tavern functions.
<L> Leave the Tavern. Exit back to the main area of the
<A> Apply for a Federal Commission. The Federation awards
commissions to those individuals who have shown
themselves to be highly experienced and law abiding. If
you believe yourself to qualify, apply at the Police
Headquarters. If the Feds grant you a commission, you
will be able to procure an Imperial Starship. This is a
very powerful ship but with it comes a lot of
responsibility. The Federation may call upon you to aid
their cause of maintaining law and order throughout the
universe. There are a limited number of Starships
available, so apply for your commission as soon as you
<C> Claim a Federation Reward. After you have done your duty
as a good FedLaw abiding citizen, you will want to claim
the reward that is rightfully yours. March right into
the Police HQ and tell the sergeant that he no longer has
to worry about the scumbag you terminated. Be sure to
put the reward money to good use.
<E> Examine the Ten Most Wanted List. There is a listing
available in the FedPolice building of the most corrupt
players in the game. This list shows the level of evil
the player has achieved, the corporation to which he/she
belongs, the number of bounties posted on that player and
the total reward for that player's demise.
<P> Post a Reward on Someone. Would you like to make it a
little more rewarding for someone to get one of the
players on the Most Wanted list? You can offer as small
or as large a payment as you would like. Just see the
officer on duty and tell him you want to post a reward.
You will be shown the list of the Most Wanted criminals.
Tell the nice officer which one you would most like to
see brought to justice and how much you want to give to
help in the cause.
<!> FedPolice Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the FedPolice functions.
<L> Leave the Police Station. Exit the building and return
to the main area of the StarDock.
<D> Make a Deposit. You can inform the TellBorg that you
wish to deposit some or all of the credits you have with
you. The transaction is recorded instantly so you don't
have to wait three days for your deposit to be reflected
in your account.
<E> Examine Balance. You might want to see if that other
trader who promised you a reward for helping out with the
Ferrengi has come through with the credits. You might
only want to check your funds to see if you can go on a
spending spree at the Hardware Emporium. This selection
can put the answer at your fingertips.
<T> Transfer Funds. If you need to get funds to a Trader who
is not in your corporation, this option will authorize
you to make a deposit in that other Trader's account.
Naturally, you must have the credits to be able to
transfer them.
<W> Withdraw Funds. Saving can really pay off. If your ship
has been destroyed and you don't want to start from
scratch in a Scout, a nest egg in the Galactic Bank can
allow you to come right back with the ship of your
choice. Use this option to take your savings and spend
them any way you choose. You and only you have the
authorization to withdraw credits from your account.
<!> Bank Help. Display the portion of the documentation
describing the Bank functions.
<L> Leave the Bank. Return to the main area of the StarDock.