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Encrypt Magazine Vol.1 #6
Breath of Fire Supplement
Published By Jay McGavren
E-mail: TheSpook1@aol.com
By The Spook
Contributions by:
Chaos: peltona@ucsu.Colorado.EDU
Donald Yee: dyee1@gl.umbc.edu
Todd Manookin: dmanook@peruvian.utah.edu
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Boy, did I go overboard! Virtually every secret and every bit
of the plot is revealed in this FAQ. I recommend referring to these pages
only once you have beaten the game, are really, really stuck, or want to save
70 bucks and skip buying the game altogether.
Game Genie codes:
35BF-CFD9 + D7BF-CF09: Create new character with 999 maximum HP
EEBF-C7D9 + EEBF-C709 + 66BF-C769: Start with millions of EP; fully
powered up after first battle
-The Dark Dragon clan set fire to Drogen, your village, in an attempt to
destroy you and the other Light Dragons. A brave mage named Sara turned
you and your people to stone to protect you from the flames and
sacrificed herself to lead the enemy troops away from you. Now you go to
seek revenge.
-Buy a few Antidotes and perhaps a few Herbs before leaving Drogen.
You'll need them until your level increases.
-Don't bother buying better weapons or armor; you'll find a BronzSD, a
SuedeCP, a Gauntlet, and a Visor in chests in the castle basement.
-Head to the castle of Camlon in the northeast. Refugees from the
occupied town of Nanai sought shelter in the castle but have been forced
to take shelter in the town ruins by monsters.
-You'll find several springs inside which will heal you and purge you of
poison. Hover near one of these, fighting monsters and building up your
level, and return to it each time you are injured.
-The leader of the monsters is a giant frog. Go into the battle with
several Herbs, and don't hesitate to use one if your HP drops below 25.
Aside from that attack steadily and you'll defeat him easily.
-As you emerge victorious from the castle an earthquake rattles the
walls. The King of Nanai realizes this means the Dark Dragons have the
Quake Controller and asks you to stop them from using it.
-Before leaving for Nanai you should stock up on Antidotes in your home
town if you've run low.
-Any attempt to enter the town during the day is useless; soldiers block
the entrance. Wait outside the town for nightfall and many of the
soldiers will go to sleep.
-Once inside the town you find some soldiers are still awake, so sneak
behind their backs or stay a respectful distance away. If you're seen
you'll be kicked out but can go right back in. Wander about for a bit.
The soldiers aren't very good at pillaging; some houses contain chests
with gold and Herbs. You may want to buy a better sword. It's the best
weapon you'll be offered for a while.
-Once you're prepared enter the castle (which is empty since the King
has been exiled) and head into the fiery dungeon.
-You'll meet a lot of PBugs. Run from them when possible to conserve
Antidotes, but if they poison you just stay and fight.
-You'll find an ArmPd in a chest near the stairs leading to the control
-A knight will be at the Quake Controller. He's tough and you'll need
several Herbs and the BStone and FStone you found in the dungeon to beat
-When the knight is defeated you will find a key in the Quake
Controller. Take it and the terrible quake that results will crush the
town and all the soldiers inside.
-This E-Key can be used in battle repeatedly to do 30 damage to each
-With Nanai out of the way you can travel east over its ruins to Winlan.
-Once you enter the palace and speak to the minister, she will confer
with Princess Nina and tell you to wait for an audience with the King of
the Wing Clan. What she doesn't tell you is that the King has been
poisoned and needs the Remedy. You are given a room and bed and promptly
go to sleep.
-You must now play the part of Princess Nina and seek out the Remedy for
her father. Since Nina has access to almost all areas of the castle, you
should walk around and collect Herbs and Antidotes from the various
-Don't worry about buying armor or weapons. The armor you find in the
castle and early in the cave and the weapon you start with are as good
as anything you'll find in the shop.
-When Nina leaves town a cave, your destination, will appear to the
southwest. When Nina enters the cave two Wing Clan soldiers will appear
and insist on going with her. Since Nina is by far the weakest of the
three be sure to place her in the back row and between the two soldiers.
-Be sure to check all chests in the cave; one contains the I-Ore which
you will need later.
-After passing through the cave they will come upon the town of Romero.
-The villagers tell them of zombies that roam the town at night. If they
wait outside the town until nightfall and reenter they will be able to
talk to some of these zombies. The villagers retreat inside their houses
at night.
-Nina should consider getting the SilkGN in the weapons shop.
-There is an uncovered trap door in one of the cottages. If they drop
into it you will find a hideout for some of the villagers. Push the pots
and barrel aside to find the world Map.
Twin Towers:
-When the party is prepared they should leave by the west path
(preferably during the day) and continue walking into the forest where
they will find a trail.
-If they eat the red mushrooms along the trail (they can be picked as
often as needed) they'll regain 10 HP, but the yellow mushrooms are
-At the other end of the trail are twin towers. The party will find
springs right inside the door of the first.
-A nasty specter guards the second floor. If the soldiers attack it
while Nina heals them, they'll make relatively short work of it.
-After defeating the first specter and gathering most of the treasure,
they might want to return to town and save before continuing.
-They must dive into the right (not left) hole on the third floor to get
to a second specter, who guards the bridge to the other tower. Before
fighting him they should be sure to take the stairs down and get the
Life2 Potion; they may need it.
-The second specter is even worse than the first. Nina should know Fort
and Atk-Up by now; have her use them on the two soldiers (who should
still be in the front row). The specter hits hard so she will also need
to keep casting CurA on the soldiers (and herself if the specter breaks
through their guard).
-At the gap between the towers they can step on the switch to form a
bridge. First they should head up a floor to refill your life and save,
then work their way down the second tower.
-Once they reach the basement and go to collect the remedy, the evil
wizard will appear behind them. He releases a gas which drains the life
of bird creatures. Fighting him is futile, so they should run
immediately. Only one of the soldiers will be able to escape, though, so
Nina and the other soldier must try to buy him some time. They can fight
as hard as they like but shouldn't waste any magic on healing or use any
herbs, as they will fall in the end anyway. Nina and the soldier are
captured but the other soldier escapes and hurries to Winlan to seek the
help of you, the stranger in the castle.
-You agree to join the rescue party and fly with the Wing Clan soldiers
to the twin towers. The soldier birds are ambushed by dragons, however,
and only you and one wizened soldier make it to the towers.
-You land on the second tower, so fight your way down as you did before.
The soldier will leave you once you reach the room filled with poison
gas, as it would kill him.
-Cross to the opposite side of the room before approaching the cauldron.
There you will find a chest with the Rang weapon. A trap on the chest
will refill your life.
-With the Rang to aid you defeating the wizard should be easy. Just
attack him repeatedly and use an Herb if you need it.
-With the wizard defeated you carry Nina to safety. The fresh air
quickly revives her. Together you return to Winlan on birdback. Nina
rushes to her father with the Remedy and he is soon well. At your
request he opens the passage to the eastern bridge. Nina asks to go with
you and he allows it.
-After crossing the bridge head to the southeast to the twin villages of
Tantar and Tuntar, where the Forest Clan lives. The river that these
villages depend on for water has been dammed up by the Dark Dragons.
They demand that the villagers give up their magic Ring in exchange for
the water. Strangely enough the Chief of Tuntar seems to be cooperating
with the Dark Dragons...
-You should have with you the I.Ore, which you retrieved from a chest
earlier. Talk to the blacksmith in one of the houses and he will make a
Saw for you.
-Head back to the forest near the bridge and you'll be able to use the
Saw on a giant tree which blocks the path into the forest.
-Go to the northeast part of the forest to find a dungeon where the true
Chief of Tuntar is being held.
-Three sets of guards block the way at various points. Keep your Rang
equipped for the first two battles. Have Nina concentrate on the pikeman
as he wears down much more quickly.
-In the basement near the entrance you will find a group of chests, one
of which contains the LongSD. Although it is stronger than the Rang
don't equip it immediately as it only damages one enemy at a time.
-Watch out for bats hanging in archways; pitfalls lie under them. There
are also a few pitfalls in empty corridors. Keep in mind that the long
way around is usually safest.
-In the basement of the second area you'll find a chest containing a
WolfHT. It has a Fire trap on it which will do 50 damage but it's well
worth it once Bo joins you.
-Once you defeat the guards the freed chief will offer to take you to
the weapon stores. If you follow him (you can refuse and skip to the
General) he tricks you and traps you in a cage with a two-headed Pog,
which you must fight. After you defeat the Pog Bo will open the cage for
you and join you in a battle against the fake Chief who has revealed
himself as a Dark Dragon General.
-Nina should use Fort and Atk-Up on you as you will take most of the
hits, and heal as necessary. You and Bo should attack steadily.
-After the battle Bo will join the party. Be sure to equip him with the
WolfHT you found earlier and to place him at the front of the party and
in the front row.
-With Bo in the lead you can travel through any forest. He can also
shoot down deer for Antlers and wild boar for Meat. If you should see a
rare white stag drop everything, use a Mrbl3, and hunt it. You'll need
the W-Ant you get from it later.
-Rumors in the twin villages lead you back to Romero in search of a way
to Agua, which holds the key to the mysterious stone robot to the north.
-Enter Romero at night and speak to the old woman in the graveyard. She
and her husband, who is now a zombie, will give you the WaterJr. You
must take this jar to the southwest cave and retrieve the Cleansing
Water to purify the soil in Romero.
-Work your way downwards. The spring is in the lowest level of the cave,
but before you retrieve the water be sure to head up the nearby stairs
and collect the BronzeHT.
-Step into the lake and press a button to collect the water. You can
return here and refill the WaterJr later, then use it in battle to bring
all your party members back to full HP and AP, even if they've
-You will be returned to Romero where you pour out the water. The soil
is immediately revived. In gratitude the Chief of Romero gives you the
Tablet, which you can use to enter the floating city of Agua to the
-The floating platforms aren't too difficult to negotiate, but you may
need to make several trips over them to collect the various pieces of
-Approach the pedestal at the top of the tower and a spirit will appear
to test your strength before giving you the key. He's not that
difficult; just be sure you and Bo are in the front row and Nina is in
back, and have her cast spells to strengthen you as before.
-Once the spirit is defeated you will receive the KngKey.
-Head back to Tuntar and rest up, then proceed north to the stone robot.
Enter its left leg and head upwards.
-The Dark Dragons will be waiting at the heart of the robot. Equip
yourself with the Rang to take out the two pikemen easily, then
concentrate on the General.
-Once they are out of the way you are free to use your key to start the
robot up. Use the telepads to reach the control room and collect a few
treasures along the way. From the control room you command the robot to
take you to the dam and destroy it. The water rushes forward into the
dry stream bed, reviving the twin villages.
Cave of the Ring:
-Talk to the Chief of Tantar on your return. He'll tell you where the
Ring is located and give you a key to the cave that contains it.
-When the dam was broken the water that had flooded the cave north of
Tuntar drained out, so you will be able to pass through and get to the
second cave.
-Be sure to collect the SkySH for Nina in the second cave.
-When you collect the ring a transporter that can take you back to the
entrance will be activated.
-The Ring can be equipped to add to your attack power.
-When you return to Tuntar you will find it empty, as everyone is in
Tantar preparing for a wedding. Go to Tantar and congratulate the
newlyweds. The Chief will inform you that you can use the stone robot to
reach the port town.
-You exit Tantar to find the stone robot standing before Tuntar, with a
Dark Dragon at its controls. At the General's command it destroys the
empty village of Tuntar. The General tries to destroy Tantar as well,
but the robot hesitates. Take your chance and board the robot.
-Teleport to the control room as you did before. The General confronts
you and reveals himself to be a giant gremlin. Have Bo use the Frost
spell on him as many times as possible and have Nina use Fort and Atk-
Up. The gremlin keeps attacking long after his HP runs out. Keep Nina
using Cura or Cura2 steadily or he'll get the better of you. Using the
C-Stn, B-Stn, and F-Stn will help wear him down.
-With his last strength, the gremlin tries again to get the robot to
destroy the village, but again fails and dies. The robot moves southward
to an active volcano and you climb out. It casts itself into the crater,
perhaps to avoid being used for evil purposes again. The resulting
eruption sends lava flowing into the river which cools, forming a bridge
for you to cross.
Dragon Training Shrine I:
-South of the lava crossing is the first Training Shrine. You must enter
alone and test with a dragon spirit to gain new powers.
-Be sure you're equipped with the LongSD, lots of healing items (Herbs
will work if you use them frequently), and maybe even some Mrbl1s.
-Watch your HP closely in the battle and heal when you drop below 30,
otherwise just attack. It will take some patience but you'll steadily
wear the spirit down.
-Your reward is your first set of spells which will enable you to
transform into Snow, Flame, and Thunder dragons.
-The cave south of the Shrine is a passage to the port town of Auria.
-The city guards are highly suspicious of any strangers and arrest you
the moment you enter the town. You'll be thrown into the jail.
Fortunately the thief in the cell with you is a master lockpick and will
open the door for you. Strangely enough he goes right back to bed! Home
sweet jail...
-You can pick up some PrisonCL from the basin in the corner, which
increase your Luck.
-Once back on the street you should avoid the guards' notice or you'll
be thrown back in jail and will have to get the thief to let you back
-Head straight for the shop to the left of the jail. You'll need to buy
one of the Gold Bars for later, which means collecting quite a bit of
-In the item shop buy some Vitamins and take them to the hiccup-stricken
man in the tavern upstairs. He'll give you a handsome reward of 5000 GP.
-Push the chest of drawers in the tavern aside to reveal a secret room.
-If you place Nina in the lead and talk to the old man upstairs in the
house to the right of the large mansion, he'll ask you to heal his sore
back. If you do so he'll give you a still more handsome reward of 20000
-Talk to the woman whose son is missing then return to the forest near
the Training Shrine. Walk into the small clearing full of flowers. The
faeries there will agree to release the boy from the spell they have
placed him under if he will stop cutting trees. Head for the small
circle of flowers where they trapped the boy in the open area southeast
of the clearing. They will release the boy, who returns home. His
grateful mother will give you 20000 GP when you return.
-Sell off your unneeded weapons and armor, especially the GTiara, to
raise a little more cash.
-You'll find some excellent weapons in the weapon shop, so be sure to
outfit all your party members. Also be sure to buy a Rod1, a Worm or two
as bait, a Pouch, and lots of Acorns from the item shop.
-The wealthy owner of the ship will give you passage to Scande if you
free his daughter, who has locked herself in a vault in the basement.
You'll need the help of a thief to pick the locks, though, so continue
through the cave to the town of Bleak, which is teeming with thieves.
-Beware the fortune teller and magician, since the value of their
services is questionable.
-If you stay at the Inn the innkeeper will try to steal your money. If
you have the pouch, which has a string attached to deter thieves, you'll
catch him and the Innkeeper will pay you 5000 GP to keep quiet.
-The good citizens of Bleak inform you that the master thief Karn has
left for Krypt in the southern desert.
-Take the gold bar to the old man in the large house, and he'll give you
the Icicle, which you need to cross the desert.
-Once you have the Icicle you can pass through the cave southwest of
Bleak to the desert.
-You'll need the Fife to form a bridge over the quicksand and get to
Krypt. The mayor of Arad promises to give it to you if you rid the
village of a giant sand worm that appears at night. You wait in his tent
until dark. Head for the goat pen and the sand worm will appear.
-You should transform into the Thunder Dragon. Have Bo cast Fry as many
times as he can. Nina should as usual back you up with Fort and Atk-Up.
-Stand on the platform and you will play the Fife, forming a bridge.
-Bypass most of the treasure for now, but be sure to get the HeadGear
near the floating eyes. It should probably be given to Nina.
-An EyeSpy will confront you early on. Transform into a Snow Dragon and
have Bo cast Flame. Be warned that once the floating eyes that surround
the EyeSpy are all destroyed it will begin casting a lightning spell
that will hit every member of your party.
-When you reach the treasure room be sure to collect the various
helmets. The blue chest will activate a trap, but Karn appears and
disables it. He'll go downstairs and if you talk to him he'll join you.
You'll need to continue downstairs after a book which will teach Karn
how to pick the locks on the safe.
-Be sure to give him one of the SkullHTs as his other armor is very poor
quality. You may want place him in the back row.
-Once Karn joins you backtrack to retrieve the other treasures with him
in the lead. He can avoid traps on the chests and trap doors easily.
-Now would also be a good time to return to the places that had locked
doors you couldn't open before (see below).
-A couple floors further down you will find a large room with 8 caskets.
Open all 8 to find the Book, which will teach Karn a valuable lesson.
-Return to Auria and open the vault in the mansion basement. The old
man's daughter will be free, but won't budge because her father wants to
give the LtKey to the Dark Dragons. She says that if her mother were
still alive she might talk some sense into her father. You'll need the
magic Mirror to arrange a meeting between the couple, so head for the
Dark Tower.
With Karn in the lead go back for:
-In the hideout in Romero there is a man waiting behind a locked door.
He knows an old mage who may be in Bleak.
-The top floor of Agua has a locked door which hides a chest with the
FlameSD, and higher up a shrine to the goddess Tyr. Search the bases of
the two statues to the left and right to find the powerful IcyDR and the
incredibly strong LifeAR.
-In the passage to the bridge in Winlan a locked door guards a treasure
room with a FlameRP and Turban.
-The cave east of Auria contains a G-Bar, which you can sell at the
price you bought one at, or keep it since you'll need it later.
-You can get into the Dark Tower, where you'll find various bits of
Dark Tower:
-The old man on the second floor promises to give you his treasure if
you prove yourself worthy by defeating the spirit at the top of the
-The spirit is much the same in terms of difficulty as the one you
fought in Agua. Transform into a Snow Dragon and have Bo cast Frost.
Nina should use Atk-Up on Karn and Fort on everyone.
-Your reward is the DkKey. When the old man sees you have beaten the
spirit he will give you the Mirror.
Light Tower:
-Go to the old man in Auria with the Mirror and you will be able to show
him the spirit of his wife. The old man reveals that the Dark Dragons
have threatened to kill his daughter unless he gives them the LtKey. But
his wife's spirit reminds him that with the LtKey in the hands of the
Dark Dragons their daughter would not be safe anyway. The old man
realizes his mistake, and his wife's spirit returns to the netherworld.
-Return to the basement and tell his daughter of her father's change of
heart and she will ask you to take the LtKey and guard it from the Dark
Dragons. She will step back from the entrance to the Light Tower at the
back of the vault, allowing you in.
-Surprisingly there are no monsters in the Light Tower, so you are free
to retrieve the LtKey and leave.
-At last, you head for the dock and your hard-earned passage to Scande.
But the captain meets you at the edge of the dock and warns you of Dark
Dragons by the ship. Fortunately, it's only a Knight and his archer
henchman, which can be easily defeated by a Thunder Dragon and a few Fry
-Unfortunately, when they are defeated they signal their main forces,
who destroy the old man's ship.
-The captain suggests you surprise the enemy by going through the
western passage in the cave to the north.
-One of the fish merchants offers to give you some GnPwdr, which can be
used to blast away the rocks blocking the passage, in exchange for a G-
Bar. Retrieve the G-Bar from the cave to Bleak if you haven't yet, or
buy one if necessary.
Enemy ship:
-When you board the ship you'll face three battles with small groups of
pikemen and bowmen. Attack the weaker pikemen first. Don't bother
wasting AP on these easy battles.
-Enter the cabin and you'll meet again with the knight, who will
transform into a squid. Again, the Thunder Dragon will make short work
of him. Have Bo help out with his Fry spell.
-Return to Auria for a rest at the Inn and to save, then talk to the
captain when ready to sail for Scande on the stolen Dark Dragon ship.
Gobi, the merchant who sold you the GnPwdr, will ask to come along.
-Once out to sea you will be attacked and boarded by Dark Dragon ships.
The commander of this small fleet is the brother of the knight you
defeated earlier, out for revenge.
-The battles are similar to those you faced before; pikemen and archers
at first which you should use the Snow Dragon on, followed by the
captain himself who turns into a squid like his brother. And like his
brother, the Thunder Dragon will defeat him easily.
-The captain sets fire to the huge store of gunpowder on the ship in an
attempt to take you down with him. You jump overboard, however, and
watch as the gigantic explosion destroys your ship and the entire enemy
fleet as well. You manage to swim to a nearby island, where Gobi tells
you and the others to wait while he goes to the undersea town of Prima
after Gills so you can breathe underwater. Though he asks for all your
cash in return it's nothing to worry about; you'll have control of it
again once he joins your party. You take control of Gobi as he sets out
-If Gobi walks off the beach and into the sea, he'll descend to the sea
bed. Head west to Prima.
-Gobi doesn't stand a chance against the powerful sea creatures alone,
so run whenever possible.
-Prima consists of almost nothing but shops, and it can be a bit
overwhelming at first. Gobi's first destination should be the weapon
shops to buy a PowerSD for you and a PoisonBW for Bo.
-Be sure to check the coral chests for the TideHT, and the EchoHT which
reflects enemy spells back at them.
-If Gobi steps behind the empty counter at the market he can open up
shop. Traders will approach and either sell or buy from him. If you know
the value of various goods you'll make a good profit by reselling them.
You can also obtain rare items in.
-If Gobi talks to the Guild owner he'll send him south to get Goods from
the town of Gant before he'll hand over the Gills.
-Go south from Prima on the ocean floor and search for a break in the
cliffs, which indicates a beach Gobi can climb onto land from. Once on
land follow the winding mountain path west to Gant.
-Talk to the man in one of the northernmost houses in Gant to receive
the Goods. Return to Prima and take them to the Guild owner and he'll
give Gobi the Gills.
-After Gobi talks to the Guild owner the sound of explosions is heard on
the surface, and a commotion outside. A ship has been attacked by the
Dark Dragons and its occupant has been pulled to safety by a rescue
team. But they seem to be too late, because the man is dying and a
spirit has come to take his soul away. After negotiating a price for the
service, Gobi heads back to the surface to bring the others to drive the
spirit away.
-Gobi should go back east the way he originally came to meet up with the
party. When wearing the Gills you can travel underwater.
-Since only 4 characters can be in the fighting party at one time, you
must decide whether Gobi should replace one of the others or stay on the
sidelines. Replacing anyone but Karn in a major battle is not
recommended for now.
-Once the party is safely back in Prima and has been to the dragon
shrine, go to the second floor of the Inn and confront the spirit. The
Flame Dragon and flame spells are most effective against it.
-With the spirit gone, Ox awakens, and tells you of the invasion of his
town. The Dark Dragons have captured all the young men and are forcing
them to build a secret weapon in a fortress to the west. You agree to go
save them and he joins your party.
-Ox is extremely strong and can break walls and rocks that were in your
way before. You may want to head back to some of the places outlined
below to collect the items.
With Ox in the lead go back for:
-Behind a breakable wall in Agua you'll find the SilverBR and 5000 GP.
-In the cave east of Auria an A-Ptn and W-Ptn lie behind a breakable
-In Krypt you can go back for the B-Rang which was trapped in a rock.
Before you can use it you must take it to the old weapon smith in Gant
to be repaired.
Mountain Fortress:
-Place Ox in the lead whenever you need to smash a rock or wall, but Bo
should lead the rest of the time since Ox tends to run into a lot of
-Early on you'll find the GiantHR, which Ox can use.
-Several pikemen with strong armor guard the main room. You may want to
transform into a Snow Dragon for each of these battles.
-The knight who guards the prisoners transforms into a giant frog. Use
the Thunder Dragon and Fry spells.
-When you defeat him and free the prisoners you find out that the main
group of prisoners has been taken to a castle north of the fortress.
It's strongly fortified so you'll need to find a way in.
-Search all the chests of drawers in the town. You'll find the HrGlas,
which can be used as often as you like to reverse night and day. Use it
to make traveling safer, since you encounter fewer enemies during the
-The weapon shop sells the extremely powerful and extremely expensive
-Push aside a chest of drawers in the old weapon smith's house. In the
secret room you find, have Ox break the rocks, and have Karn talk to the
wizard. He will teach Karn how to fuse Gobi and Bo into Shin, whose
arrows when used for hunting fly faster than Bo's.
-As the metal smith suggests head east of Gant's beach to seek the
advice of an old dragon knight.
-While you're at the knight's tent be sure to have Ox punch one of the
palm trees a few times until you get the C-nut. You'll need it later.
-The old knight tells you of a strange bird called the GrimFowl which
flies into a rage when its eggs are disturbed. He suggests you use these
birds as a weapon.
Mountain Castle:
-Pass through the fortress and head north. Woods block the pass. When
you enter you will find a clearing with several GrimFowl.
-Go up and touch the egg in one of the nests. A GrimFowl will attack
you. Use the Thunder Dragon and Fry spells. Ox and a SpineHR will be of
help as well.
-When the bird is defeated the others draw close but are too frightened
to attack you. Take the egg and slowly move out of the clearing. the
birds will follow. Don't exit unless the birds are directly behind you.
-Slowly approach the castle. The birds should be right behind you.
You'll toss the egg over the castle wall and the birds will rush in to
regain it. The guards at the gate will be too busy running from the
furious birds to stop you.
-The general escapes but leaves three of his soldiers as company for
you. They transform into giant slimes and attack. Use the Flame Dragon.
When the three slimes are defeated they'll meld into one gigantic slime.
The huge slime does a lot of damage so Nina will need to heal each
person that's hit, but it only hits one person at a time so it should be
easy to beat.
-You free the prisoners, including Ox's wife, then try to catch up to
the general, but fail.
-The general leaves by ship with the secret weapon to destroy Prima. You
hurry to the Guild owner to consult with him on how to stop the Torpedo.
He sends you to talk to the sleeping man upstairs. The man will let you
take a statue which allows entrance to Wisdon, where you can find a
sorceress who may be able to help.
-Return to the castle before continuing to find several power-up items,
including a Clog you can find by searching at the end of the Dock.
-Warp to Arad and head for the moving town of Wisdon just north of it.
You'll have to travel through a dungeon to get to the temple, then fight
three spirits who guard the sleeping sorceress to prove your worth.
-The spirits will attack in three consecutive battles. Use the Thunder
-Once you have proven your worth the spirits will give Bleu a rude
awakening. She'll give you the Old Egg, which should be able to drive
the Dark Dragon ships away. It must incubate in a warm place before it
can hatch, however, so take it to the volcano north of Prima.
-In the volcano, follow the currents (indicated by the way the bubbles
and seaweed are moving) to get to the lava pool. Move onto the small
rock platform that juts out over the lava and drop the Old Egg in.
-You'll return to Wisdon and ask for further help from the sorceress.
She'll join you and you'll go to Prima to help the defense forces.
-You'll ride on fishback to the surface, where Bleu will summon the
typhoon bug from the Old Egg. The bugs destroy half the ships, but you
must fight the remaining forces, who have traveled to the sea bottom.
-Prima's army fights off the enemy troops, but your party must take on
the General, who has transformed into a crab. Place yourself, Bleu, Ox,
and Nina in the party.
-You should transform into the Thunder Dragon. Have Bleu use Boom or
Fry. Nina should Shield the party and use Atk-Up on Ox, who should
attack. The crab is surprisingly easy to beat.
-Return to Prima and talk to the Guild Master and he will give you the
Sphere, which will allow Gobi to turn into a fish.
-Place Gobi in the lead and press a button when underwater to transform
into a giant fish. This will let you swim over the northern chasm to
several beaches, including one near Gust.
Dragon Training Shrine II:
-Stop at the first beach you come across and climb onto land.
-You'll be at Tunlan. You can do little here now, but if you enter the
palace and head past the group of flutists, downstairs, and approach the
left chest in the treasure room, one of the stone guardians will push
you into a trap door.
-Push the lower right box aside to find the Rod5.
-Then push the lower left box aside to reveal an escape hatch.
-Once outside the city warp to Romero, then travel west until you come
across a crumbling stone well.
-Place yourself in the lead and equip yourself with the Rod5 and some
type of bait.
-After fishing for a bit you will reel in the powerful DragonSD.
-Warp to Gant, travel through the mountain fortress, and take the
southern pass to find the shrine.
-Equip the DragonSD. Place yourself in the lead and speak to the sage,
and he will allow you to enter alone.
-The dragon spirit will transform into a type of phoenix. Transform
yourself into a Thunder Dragon. Enter Auto Battle mode if you like and
attack repeatedly until your life drops near 50. Use a Cure or two on
yourself then continue attacking until the bird is finished.
-Once the firebird is defeated you gain the ability to transform into
the Ice, Fire, Bolt, and Gold dragons.
-To say the people of Gust are acting strangely is an understatement.
Fortunately the weapon and item shop owners seem all right, so be sure
to equip yourself.
-Check the chest of drawers in the Inn for the Sash, which can be
equipped to increase attack power.
-In the house of the flutemaker check under the bed for the Maestro
flute, which will enable you to talk to the people of Tunlan.
-Also push one of the crates aside to reveal a trap door. Dive in and
place Karn in the lead. Push the barrels aside and talk to the man you
find there and he will teach Karn to form Debo.
-When you're ready head through the northern gate to the pass. You won't
go far before you encounter a strange flower. The pollen makes you feel
giddy, and you realize that this flower is driving the villagers mad.
Head into the dungeon just beyond it to find out how to stop it.
Gallery of Rogues:
-Each of the treasure chests is guarded by a troll. They're really not
worth the effort, so avoid the rooms to either side of the main passage.
-Once you head up the stairs you are confronted by a strange wizard. He
tosses a shrinking potion on you, and you slowly shrink to the size of a
-You're too small now to climb down the steps, so hurry for cover in a
nearby mousehole. One of the mice will let you rest there and recover.
-The furry inhabitants are being tormented by hostile (shudder) roaches.
You'll find the leaders of these roaches north of the mice. The three
King Roaches attack at once, but fortunately your new found dragon
powers can injure all enemies at once. Transform into a Fire Dragon.
Have Nina cast FortX to defend everyone, and of course heal where
needed. You may want Ox and Bleu as the other party members.
-Once the roaches are defeated the mice will in gratitude give you a
cure for the shrinking potion. You hurry out of the mouse hole and use
the potion, and grow back to full size.
-A little farther on you'll encounter the same wizard, with a strong
troll guarding him. He'll leave the troll to deal with you while he
-Transform into an Ice Dragon. Nina should FortX everyone. The other
members are up to you.
-When the troll falls it turns back into Nicholie, the boy who went
searching for the cause of the people's madness and was transformed by
the flower. He is seriously wounded and Nina's spells are unable to heal
him. Bleu knows a remedy, though, and being an all-powerful sorceress
used to giving orders she sends you after frog oil from the Frog Cave.
She stays behind.
-First stop into the cave at the west side of Gust to get the G-Fly.
Past experience may tell you that flies require more than a swatter, and
this is the worst of its kind. Transform into a Fire Dragon and use fire
spells on the fly.
-Take the fly's body underwater and have Gobi transform and carry you
south to the beach by the Frog Cave. Give the lead frog the fly and
he'll give you the Oil in exchange. Take this back to Gust and give it
to Bleu.
-Nicholie recovers enough to warn you that the flower could spread its
seeds all over the world if allowed to. Bleu stays behind again to speed
his recovery, and you head north to take on the flower. Use the Bolt
Dragon and you won't have too rough a time. Be prepared to heal poisoned
party members.
-When you return to town and enter his house you find Nicholie has
reverted to a troll, and must fight him again. Use the same technique as
last time.
-Nicholie comes to his senses again when you defeat him. He goes to
repair the bridge while you stay in town and rest. Bleu rejoins you. The
next day you head for Scande only to find Nicholie lying wounded on the
bridge with the same wizard standing over him. The wizard transforms
into a horned toad and attacks you.
-Use the Thunder Dragon and Fry spells. The toad will try to stomp on
your characters one at a time, doing heavy but manageable damage. Once
you wear his HP down to 0 he will start doing a quake attack which
damages each party member. Ox and Nina can help with their Cura3 spells
at this point.
-When the villagers regain their sanity be sure to stop by the
flutemaker's house and get the Maestro flute.
-As you pass through the desert west of the bridge you spot a strange
creature beckoning you towards a hole in the ground. You follow it to an
underground town of mole people.
-In one of the dwellings you'll find a comatose mole and his worried
family standing around him. You'll need the Bolster to enter the young
mole's dream and save him from the spell the Dark dragons have him
-Get the Cowl from the woman and warp to Tunlan. (See below)
-Now that you have the Maestro flute and Cowl you can understand the
-Another empty counter where Gobi can open up shop can be found in the
-In one of the houses you'll meet a girl who looks surprisingly like
Nina. Though you can't do anything for her amnesia now remember where
she is for later.
-You learn that the princess is in love with the leader of the Dark
Dragons and has been promised eternal youth if she gives them her Key.
-The old woman you meet in the palace realizes the danger in this and
asks you to talk the princess out of giving up the key. The princess
won't hear of it, so the old woman asks you to help her get the key
-Leave town and re-enter at night (use the HrGlas). There is a crack in
the wall you can slip through by the stairs leading to the vault. From
behind the potted plants you can observe the princess bathing. You take
note of the marks on her back and head for the vault.
-The marks on the princess' back are the combination needed to open the
vault. Unfortunately you enter it incorrectly and are trapped by the
stone guardians. The princess and her guards come for you, and she
orders them to capture you, but Bleu despite Nina's warning uses a spell
to blast open the vault. This allows Cerl, one of the Dark Dragon Jade's
henchmen, to sneak in and steal the key. Nina, Bleu, and the Princess
fall to quibbling over whose fault this is and in the ensuing cat fight
everyone is knocked cold. You'll wake up in the palace bedroom. The old
woman directs you back to the vault to get the Bolster.
-Fill the WaterJr and buy plenty of supplies before returning to
Mogu's Nightmare:
-Talk to the old woman and she will ask if you are ready to enter Mogu's
dream. Be sure before you answer Yes because once in there is no return.
-You will awaken in a small town complete with Inn and Dragon Shrine.
Mogu's personality traits are in distress because Mogu's Courage is
gone. They point you to the northern tower.
-Head east then north to reach the tower. Finding your way through the
dream tower is tougher than you might expect because switches in the
floor can turn the walls invisible. Once you near the man in the center
start pressing against the walls and find a passage to get to him.
-If you talk to him he will ask if you want to fight. He warns that he
is unbeatable while Mogu's personality is divided, and he's right. Agree
to fight if you want to get an idea what you'll be up against later,
since you can run anytime you wish.
-You'll have to return south to look for Mogu's Courage. The southern
bridge will be repaired, so head west then south of the town to the
southern cave.
-A geyser field full of dangerous enemies lies before the cave. If you
try to cross any of the hidden geysers it will erupt, injuring you. Try
to guess where the walls of these geysers are and work your way around
-Most of the skeletons mark a geyser, but near the entrance a few of
those indented slightly from the others will be safe to pass over. You
can get to the treasure chests from these.
-If you get to the cave Mogu's Courage will join with his other traits
and Mogu himself will appear and join the party. Now you must head back
to the northern tower and face the giant moth.
-This is the first battle where switching characters will be really
necessary. Start out with yourself, Nina, Bo, and Mogu. Transform into a
Fire Dragon. Have Nina cast protection and powerup spells on everyone.
Then switch Nina with Bleu, and have Bleu do her worst. As Bo and Mogu
wear down switch them with Gobi and Ox.
-Once you defeat the moth Mogu's nightmare will fade and he will awaken.
Hmmm... scenes stolen from Scarface and now the Wizard of Oz... Mogu
will ask to join you in your quest. His digging abilities will come in
With Mogu in the lead backtrack for:
-Dragon mark north of Nanai. Once inside place Karn in the lead and talk
to the wizard to learn a spell to fuse Bo and Ox into the superstrong
As Doof backtrack for:
-Heavy boxes which can be pushed in the Bleak fortune teller's house.
Under one you find stairs to get the ClearCL, and under the other a trap
door. Have Karn talk to the wizard you find there and learn to fuse into
As Puka backtrack for:
-The cave north of Auria, which holds the DarkBR. Karn can equip it to
increase his ACT and MAG.
-The cave west of Gust, which holds the LoveBR.
-The Spire south of the town of Spring influences the seasons. It has
gone out of control, however, casting Spring into eternal winter.
-Stock up on Mrbl1s before entering.
-Place Mogu in the lead and dig at the dragon mark by the tower to find
your way into the basement.
-Lots of ability-enhancing items lie in the basement, be sure to collect
and equip them. You'll find two items hidden behind pillars near the
-Once in the tower itself you will find yourself in vast rooms with
nothing in them but the stairs to the next floor. The stairs usually lie
within view of one of the walls, so walk around the edges.
-At last you will reach the weather control. The pillar next to it holds
the SkyKey. Unfortunately Mote, the Dark Dragon henchman responsible for
Mogu's nightmare, is waiting for you at the pillar. He transports you to
the World of Dreams, which he controls.
World of Dreams:
-You appear in a small town filled with other people Mote has captured.
Be sure to stop by the Inn and to save.
-Head south to find a pass to the northern cave.
-You'll find more ability-enhancing items in the cave, though one has a
trap on it which Karn can't avoid. (It's an L-Ptn so it's worth it.)
-You will encounter Mote's conscience, who will point you to Mote. Be
sure to refill your party's HP and AP at the spring and save before
-In the area of crystal bridges it's extremely easy to get lost, since
every time you step on a mark the whole area spins around. Keep in mind
that you yourself do not spin and will be facing the same way once you
-On the second floor of the area with the pads that injure you there is
a hidden trap door you must dive into.
-Only the bottom right stairs on the third floor lead to Mote. The
others will transport you back to the first floor.
-Have Karn fuse into Puka and place Mogu, Nina, and yourself in the
party. You should remain in human form.
-When you first fight Mote you will be unable to damage him, so place it
on Auto Battle. Eventually Mote's conscience will appear and drain
Mote's resolve so you can attack.
-At first Mote is invulnerable to magic, so have everyone attack. You
and Karn (Puka) should use Mrbl1s. As you wear him down he will begin to
solidify. Once he is totally solid normal attacks will do little damage,
so move Bleu into the party and have her use her worst (probably NovaX).
His magic shield will form again and he will again be susceptible to
weapons, but not magic.
-When Mote is defeated his world will dissolve. You are free to get the
SkyKey from the pillar and use it on the weather control.
-With the weather control back to normal Spring will unfreeze.
-Equip the Rod5 and fish from the pier in Spring to find the DragonAR.
Equip it and sell the LifeAR.
Tower of Tock:
-Pass through the cave behind the waterfall in Spring to Carmen.
-The entire town is frozen in time, except for one man who has returned
from traveling. He mentions the tower of Tock to the east.
-Check the chest of drawers at the Inn and under the barrel in the
windmill with people in it.
-Before going to the tower head farther east to find a dragon mark and
dragon tile.
-You'll find a spring near the entrance.
-Stepping on the arrow tiles can warp you through a wall.
-Search an area thoroughly before stepping on a tile if there is no way
-The EvilCN lies on the first floor.
-In the area covered with arrow tiles you'll find the WolfSkin and
GuardSH in chests. Work your way in from the top to collect these, then
go back to the top to get to the stairs.
-At the top of the stairs waits Cerl, who is in control of the tower.
Cerl distorts space to show you Carmen, which is frozen in time. But
then she sees Alan, the man who isn't frozen, who she apparently knows.
She is so upset that she loses control of the spell and you are pulled
into the space distortion.
-Most of the party falls to earth near Carmen, but you are dropped by
the great tree south of the tower. You must work your way back to Carmen
alone. Though the journey isn't long there are many strong enemies, and
you may want to run from most.
-You meet back up with the party in Carmen. They have been talking to
Alan and have learned that he's known Cerl since childhood. Alan is
concerned about Cerl and goes to Tock to see her. Hurry to the tower to
catch up.
-When you return to the top you find Alan talking to Cerl. Though she
remembers him it does no good; she wounds him and goes after you. Use
the Bolt Dragon, Puka and Bleu's BoltX and after a bit she'll break off
-She opens another portal and again you see Carmen. At Cerl's will the
people begin aging before your eyes. She threatens to speed up time
until they die, and you are forced to back off. You are again pulled
into the portal, and again most of the party lands in Carmen, but you,
Nina, and Cerl fall by a castle in the southeast. Cerl retreats into the
castle and seals the door with her will.
-You can return to Tock one more time and get the MystSD at the top of
the tower. It's light not as strong as the DragonSD.
Cerl's Castle:
-Since Nina is with you this time returning to Carmen is a simple matter
of using the Warp spell.
-Return to Alan's house. Cerl injured him badly and he is bedridden, but
he forgives her. He suggests you take the Fruit of the tree near the
town where they grew up to remind her of old times so that she will let
you talk to her.
-Go to the ruins south of Tock and have Ox punch the tree to get the
Fruit. Then head east to the castle.
-Cerl will open the door when she smells the Fruit. Go upstairs (there
are no enemies) and talk to her. She feels terribly sorry for hurting
Alan and thinks he will never forgive her. She gives up the TmKey
without a fight and asks you to restore time in Carmen. Sadly Goda, one
of the Dark Dragon henchmen, is watching and when he sees Cerl has
betrayed them, attacks her. Cerl holds Goda off and warps you outside of
the castle with the TmKey. Alan limps up to the castle and rushes in the
door before you can stop him. A time distortion swallows the castle with
Cerl and Alan inside.
-You carry out Cerl's wish and return to Tock to restore time in Carmen.
Nina takes the TmKey to the controls and brings time back to normal. But
when she tries to take the key out she accidentally opens a second time
portal and is pulled in. You dive in after her and land in Tunlan in the
-This explains the appearance of the girl who looks like Nina; it IS
Nina. She lost her memory when she fell from the portal. A dark (and
vaguely familiar) figure tells you to to seek the help of a doctor in
-You'll appreciate how essential Nina was as a party member when you
have to return to Carmen on foot and without defense spells.
-On the way stop by one of the strange plants in the southern part of
Gramor Desert and have Mogu dig for the Root.
-When you get back you'll see the same dark figure standing well apart
from the others. Talk to him and he'll tell you to search where he's
standing, and disappears. You'll find the Pass where he stood.
-The doctor can easily make a potion to cure Nina's amnesia, but he
needs the C-Nut, W-Ant, and Root, which you should already have, and the
P-Fish which you'll need to go to the red water near Scande to get.
-Head east to the place where Cerl's castle stood, and you'll be able to
pass through.
-To the south lies a broken bridge which you can fish from. Get the
P-Fish and return to Carmen.
-When you have all the ingredients talk to the doctor and he'll make the
potion. Take this back to Nina in Tunlan and she'll drink it, restoring
her memory.
-The time warp seems to have had strange effects on Nina, and she seems
considerably older. Best of all, she now has the ability to fly that
members of her clan gain when they come of age. Place her in the lead
while in the overworld and press a button and she will transform into a
giant bird.
Places accessible only by flying:
-A little northeast of Romero you'll find a dragon mark where Mogu can
dig to find two powerup potions and a Sash.
-On an island with two towers directly north of Agua search behind the
taller one to find the Tri-Rang, which is more powerful than the
DragonSD. Also, if you walk around for a bit you'll find the giant
MSlime. It's easy to defeat and you gain 9999 EP and 9999 GP.
Unfortunately you can only fight a limited number.
-Directly east of Gramora is a well you can fish in to find the
-Another well southwest of Arad holds the DragonHT.
-On an island a little southeast of Tantar lives an old woman who
collects weapons. She has an item she needs identified and would like to
talk to another weapons collector. Take several messages back and forth
between her and the old dragon knight (he advised you to use the
GrimFowl) who lives due south of her and eventually the knight will give
you the I-Claw.
-Far southeast of Scande is a dragon mark where Mogu will find the
powerful one-handed MystCW and several other items.
Dragon Training Shrine III and IV:
-With the DragonAR and flying ability you can enter the Training Shrine
north of Gust.
-The dragon spirit will take the form of an Avian. Transform into a Bolt
Dragon and enter Auto Battle if you like until your HP drops below 100,
then heal yourself (a Cure potion will do).
-Once the bird is defeated you'll be given the ability to transform into
the mighty dragon Rudra.
-Fly east to the cave of the spring near Romero. Now that you have the
Gills you can enter the spring. You'll find another Dragon Shrine at the
bottom. With the DragonHT and all the shrines completed you can enter
and learn to transform into the fearsome Agni.
-Once you are prepared fly south of Tock to the final step of your long
journey, the tower of Scande.
-With the Pass the dark figure gave you in Carmen the guards at the
bridge will let you enter. After talking to a few people in Carmen you
learn that the tower climber you met in Mote's dream world scaled the
tower a while back and stole the Parts to the elevator.
-Return to Spring and talk to this man and he'll give you the Parts.
They're broken, but he old weapon smith in Gust can repair them for you.
-Return to Scande with the repaired Parts and place them in the wall
panel by the elevator. Then climb on and ride to the top.
-You meet the dark figure again at the top. He tells you of a legendary
weapon found in Tunlan.
-Return to Tunlan and talk to the flutemaster near the steps into town.
Though she doesn't know it, she possesses the legendary weapon, a song
known as the D'Hrt which keeps dragons at bay. The song will injure any
member of the Dragon Clan who hears it. The flutemaster places the song
in a bottle and gives it to you for use against the Dark Dragons.
-When the flutemaster plays the D'Hrt you are badly injured, so be sure
to stop by the Inn or the healer to recuperate before leaving. When you
use the D'Hrt later remember that it will have the same effect.
-Return to the tower and you will find the way open. Though you travel
through the same room, the trap doors require that you take the left
path on the first floor to get to the stairs to the throne room.
To avoid spoiling the ending, the remaining bosses are not referred to
by name, but as Bosses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Battle Finale:
-Cross the bridge to the throne and you meet with Boss 1. If all your
party members are alive and unjoined you can transform into Agni, and
Boss 1 will not have a chance. The Boss does so little damage that you
won't even need to heal yourself.
-In the room where you become trapped press against the southernmost
wall to advance. Talk to all the people in the room you fall to and they
will help you escape.
-Head to Agua and go to the shrine at the top. A transporter in the
shrine will take you to another dungeon.
-In this dungeon you encounter a similar door-and-switch puzzle; just
remember that the path you travel and the order in which you press the
switches decides whether you can reach the stairs.
-While passing through one of the rooms you will hit a shield that
drains all your characters to 1 HP. The shield will be released and you
should immediately heal yourself. You'll encounter Boss 2. Use the D'Hrt
and any character will be able to finish Boss 2 with one blow.
-Travel to the end of this dungeon and you will be returned to Drogen.
Fly to Gramor and have Mogu talk to the Master Digger in the upper left
dwelling to learn to use the I-Claw.
-Fly back to the location of Scande and land on the object you see
there. Place Mogu in the lead and go to the crack in the floor inside
the temple and he will dig his way in.
-Inside you will encounter Bosses 3 and 4. Transform into Agni and you
will defeat these bosses as easily as Boss 1, though you might want to
use a Cure or Cure2.
-Search next to the throne in the room you fight Boss 4 in to find the
EmperorSD. Search the columns to find the StarHR. Then step on one of
the switches and an elevator will take you down to fight Boss 5.
-Answer Yes to the first question you are asked and your HP and AP will
be refilled. Then answer No and you will attack Boss 5, but the boss
will not fight back. You will back off; answer Yes to the next question
(since you have no choice). Transform into Agni when the battle begins
(if you don't you will get the bad ending) and you will leave battle and
enter again with Boss 5 in its true form.
-Transform again into Agni and attack repeatedly. The boss has tens of
thousands of HP and though Agni wears down very slowly you'll die once
or twice before Boss 5 is defeated. Allow yourself to die, have Nina
bring you back to life, and call Agni again and Agni will be restored to
full HP. If you fall again let one of the other characters (who will
return to normal when Agni falls) use the WaterJr to refill everyone's
HP and AP and revive you. Soon after with steady attacking Boss 5 will
fall. Sit back and enjoy the ending.
This FAQ is brought to you by the staff of Encrypt! Magazine, the maintainers
of the Breath of Fire FAQ, and the ever-patient Andy Eddy who maintains the
Netcom FTP site and puts up with sloppy submissions by inexperienced
filesenders. :)