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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Animal Joseph Lauindas
Barbarian Sione Vailahi
Beau Beverly Wayne Bloom
Berzerker John Nord
Big Boss Man Raymond Taylor
Big Josh Matt Borne
Blake Beverly Mike Enos
Bret Hart As is
Brian Pillman As is
Cactus Jack Cactus Jack Foley
Crush Bryan Adams
If a name reads "As is" it means that Davey Smith David Smith
the wrestlers real name is his given Diamond Studd Scott Hall
name in wrestling. I apologise for Dusty Rhodes Virgil Riley
not listing enough WCW wrestlers real Runnels Jr
names as I can't get hold of the Earthquake John Tenta
information. El Matador Mercedes Solis
Greg Valentine John Wisnicki Jr
Harvey Wimpleman Bruno Lauer
Hawk Michael Hegstrand Ric Flair Richard Fleiur
Hercules Ray Hernandez Rick Martel Richard Vignault
Hulk Hogan Terry Bollea Roddy Piper Bill McKinnie
I.R.S. Mike Rotunda Saggs Jerome Saganowich
Jake Roberts Aurelian Smith Jr
Jim Duggan As is Sensational Sherri Sherri Martel
Jimmy Garvin As is (Models sister)
Jimmy Hart James Hart Sgt. Slaughter Bob Remus
Jim Neidhart As is Shawn Michaels Mike Higginbottom
Jimmy Snuka James Reiher Sid Justice Sid Eudy
Kato Thomas Boric Steve Austin Steve Williams *
Lex Luger Larry Pfohl Sting Steven JamesBorden
Marty Janetty As is Tanaka Patrick Tanaka
Missy Hyatt Wendy Willner ** Tatanka Chris Chavis
Mountie Jacques Rogeau Jr Ted Dibiase Ted Dibiase
Nikita Koloff As is? Terrence Taylor As is?
Nobbs Brian Yandrisovitz Tom Zenk As is
Owen Hart As is Undertaker Mark Callaway
Papa Shango Charles Wright Warlord Terry Szopinski
Paul Bearer Percy Pringle III
Randy Savage Randy Poffo * Steve Williams changed his named
Repo Man Barry Darsau to Steve Austin as there is another
wrestler called Steve Williams, soon MISC:
to appear in WCW (again). I don't
know whether Steve Austin is legally Akeem changed his identity to One Man
known as Steve Austin Gang, former WWF and WCW wrestler
Vinnie Vegas is Oz and Oz was his 2nd
** Missy Hyatt used to be a name change, he used to be called
wrestler, bet you'd all love to see Steel and was part of the shit tag
her in a leotard! team, The Masterblasters.
Only an absolute dickhead doesn't know
that Curt Henniing is Mr. Perfects PERSONALS
real name so I haven't bothered to
include it. Buddy Rose once held the AWA tag team
title with Buddy Rose but the fat
Any wrestler that has a ? beside bastard has ruined his career by
his/her name means that I can't putting on over 100llbs in wieght.
gurantee that the name given is the
wrestlers real name. Cactus Jack Foley's 1st child was born
on February 20th, christened (how can
this maniac believe in God!) Dewey
Frances Foley.
Col. Mustafa (Khosrow Vazini) has left Ric Flair is 42.
Sid Justice is 32.
Dino Bravo has left WWF. His real
name is Aldolpho Brescino. Sting is married and his wife has
given birth to their son, Steven James
Eddie Gilbert and Medusa Miceli were Borden Jnr, which obviously means that
married on January 29th. Stings real name is Steven James
Hulk Hogan is 39 and married to Linda.
He's got 2 kids, a 3 year old daughter The Bushwackers (Luke - Brian Wickens
and 1 year old son. and Butch - Robert Miller) have left
Nikita Koloff's 2nd wife (his 1st died
through an illness), Victoria is The Undertaker is 30.
expecting a child in June.
Randy Savage is 39. Savage has been
married to Elizabeth for 8 years and
not since Summerslam 91. "The
Genius", Lanny Poffo, is Randy Savages
younger brother.
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