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84 lines
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SYSOP.DOC (Citadel-86 version)
Citadel can be thought of as having 3 levels to it: the Peon level (normal
users), the Aide level (people with special privileges), and the SysOp level.
They are differentiated, of course, by what they can do to a Citadel system.
What normal users can do is decided by the SysOp's policy decisions in
Aides have 4 commands available to them that is not available to the normal
users. These are accessed thru the command ".Aide <cmd>", and they are:
<D>elete empty rooms
<E>dit current room
<I>nsert pulled message
<K>ill current room
These are detailed in AIDE.HLP. Details on how to make a normal user into an
aide and vice versa are below. Aide functions may be used from either a remote
location or from the system console.
The SysOp(s)' functions differ from the Aide functions in that they may be usedONLY from the System Console, and in that the SysOp does NOT have to be logged
in if s/he does not wish to be to perform these special functions. In fact,
somebody else can be logged in.
To perform SysOp functions, first ensure that Citadel is in CONSOLE mode. If
you are in MODEM mode, hit the ESC. If somebody is on from remote,
interrupt him/her only at the room prompts. Once in CONSOLE mode, push a
CTRL L (control key and L key simultaneously); Citadel should then print
'privileged cmd: ' or somesuch. You now have access to SysOp special functions.
With the exception of <S>et date below, none of these are accessible to the
Aides or anyone else.
Privileged sysop functions:
<A>bort to main menu
<C>hat enable/suppress switch
<D>ebug switch
<K>ill account
<M>ODEM mode
<N>etwork stuff
<P>rivilege switch (aide)
<S>et date
<V>isible mode switch
e<X>it to MS-DOS
Privileged Aide functions:
Pushing <A>bort is one of 3 ways out of the SysOp command menu. Abort
puts you back into -CONSOLE- mode.
The <C>hat switch is a toggle switch that will either tell users that you
are not around, or will ring the Console's bell to call you.
The <D>ebug switch is for use when debugging Citadel. It's of no use for
normal Citadel installations.
To destroy a person's account on a Citadel system, use the <K>ill Account
switch. You will be asked to specify a name; if Citadel finds a user by that
name, then it'll ask for confirmation.
<M>odem mode is the second way to exit the SysOp command menu. It leaves
Citadel in -MODEM- mode.
<N>etwork stuff pertains to the network. See NETWORK.DOC for details on
usage of commands, NETHACK.DOC for technical details.
The <P>rivilege switch is how you assign and take away Aide privileges from
people. Citadel, when this option is selected, will ask for a name. If it
finds who you specify, it will print out what toggling this person's aide
switch will do, and then ask you to confirm if that's what you want to do
with that person.
<S>et date allows you to set the date and time. This data will be used to
set the MS-DOS clock.
The <V>isible is another debug switch, not used by normal Citadel
e<X>it is the 3rd and last way to exit the SysOp cmd menu. This folds Citadel
up and returns you to MS-DOS.