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Chronology of Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
(December 14, 1883 - April 26, 1969)
Abridged from Encyclopedia of Aikido (Stanley Pranin, Aiki News/Aikido Journal)
Note: These are documented events during the life of Morihei Ueshiba.
1883 - Morihei Ueshiba born December 14 in Tanabe, Kishu (Wakayama Prefecture)
1900 - Moves to Tokyo in September, starts stationery store
1901 - Briefly studies Tenjin Shin'yo-ryu Jujutsu
1903 - Marries Hatsu Itogawa, a distant relative, in Tanabe
- Joins 61st Army Infantry Regiment of Wakayama, late December
1905 - Departs for Manchurian Front (Russo-Japanese War)
1906 - Discharged from army, returns to Tanabe
1908 - Receives certificate from Yagyu-ryu Jujutsu
1910 - Travels to Hokkaido
1911 - First daugher born (Matsuko)
1912 - Leads settlers from Kishu to Hokkaido (Aza-Shirataki, Kamiyubetsu
villege, Mombetsu County)
1915 - Meets Sokaku Takeda (Daito-ryu jujitsu) at Hisada Inn in Engaru
1917 - First son born (Takemori), July
1918 - Serves as town councilman in Kamiyubetsu village, June 1918-April 1919
1919 - Leaves Hokkaido in December due to father's illness
- Turns land and property over to Sokaku Takeda
1920 - Meets Onisaburo Deguchi of Omoto religion in Ayabe, Kyoto Prefecture
- Father (Yoroku) dies in January
- Returns to Tanabe
- Moves with family to Ayabe (site of Omoto religion)
- Builds "Ueshiba Juku" dojo
- Second son born (Kuniharu), August
- First son dies (Takemori), August
- Second son dies (Kuniharu), September
1921 - Third son born (Kisshomaru - birth name Koetsu), June
1922 - Mother (Yuki) dies
- Sokaku Takeda visits Ayabe along with family to teach, staying
from circa April 28 to September 15
- Receives "kyoji dairi" (teaching assistant) certificate from
Takeda (September)
1924 - Goes to Mongolia with Onisaburo Deguchi with goal of establishing
a utopian community. (February to July) The party, led by Onisaburo
Deguchi, including Ueshiba, is captured and held prisoner by the
Chinese military for plotting the overthrow of the existing government.
Released after short period of internment through intervention
of Japanese consulate and returned to Japan.
1925 - Gives demonstration in Tokyo for former Prime Minister Gombei Yamamoto
1927 - Moves to Tokyo with entire family
- Establishes temporary dojo in billiard room of Count Shimazu's
mansion in Shiba, Shirogane in Sarumachi
1928 - Moves to Shiba, Tsunamachi, site of temporary dojo
1929 - Moves with family to Shiba, Kuruma-cho, sets up temporary dojo
1930 - Moves to Shimo-Ochiai in Mejiro
- Jigoro Kano of Judo observes demonstration by Ueshiba in Mejiro
dojo and dispatches several students from Kodokan, including
Minoru Mochizuki, to study
1931 - Dedication of Kobukan dojo in Ushigome, Wakamatsu-cho
1932 - Budo Sen'yokai (Society for the Promotion of Martial Arts) is
established with Ueshiba as its first head
1933 - Technical manual "Budo Renshu" published
1935 - Film documentary of Aikid Budo made by Asahi Newspaper Company
in Osaka. Only known pre-war film of Morihei Ueshiba
(Available from Aikido Journal)
1937 - Ueshiba's name appears in enrollment book of Kashima Shinto-Ryu
1938 - Technical manual "Budo" published
1939 - Invited to instruct in Manchuria
1940 - Attends martial arts demonstration in Manchuria commemorating
2600th anniversary of Japan
1941 - Gives demonstration at Sainenkan dojo on imperial grounds for
members of the imperial family
- Teaches at military police academy
- Invited to Manchuria to instruct during University Martial Arts week
- Becomes martial arts advisor for Shimbuden and Kenkoku universities
in Manuchuria
1942 - Name "Aikido" becomes official and is registered with Ministry
of Education
- Invited to Manchuria as representative of Japanese martial arts
to attend Manchuria-Japanese Exchange Martial Arts demonstrations
in commemoration of 10th anniversary of Manchurian Independence
- Moves to Iwama, Ibaraki Prefecture
- Kisshomaru Ueshiba becomes Director of Kobukai Foundation
1943 - Aiki Shrine built in Iwama
1945 - Kobukai Foundation ceases activity due to post-war ban on martial arts
- Iwama dojo completed
1948 - Hombu Dojo moves to Iwama, office opened in Tokyo
- Kisshomaru Ueshiba becomes Director of Aikikai Foundation
1949 - Regular practice resumes at Tokyo dojo
1955 - To Osaka for several weeks to instruct in dojo of Bansen Tanaka
1956 - Hombu Dojo moves back to Tokyo from Iwama
- Several foreign ambassadors invited to public exhibition
1958 - U.S. television documentary "Rendezvous with Adventure" filmed
(Available from Aikido Journal)
1960 - Receives Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon from Japanese government
1961 - Invited to Hawaii by Hawaii Aikikai (February)
- Television documentary made by NHK company (Available from Aikido
- All-Japan Student Aikido Federation established with Ueshiba as
1963 - First All-Japan Aikido Demonstration (October)
1964 - Receives Order of the Rising Sun, 4th Class, as Founder of Aikido
1968 - New Hombu Dojo building completed
1969 - Gives final demonstration January 15 at Kagami Biraki celebration
- Dies April 26
- Ashes buried at Kozanji, Tanabe
- Hair preserved at Iwama, Kumano Dojo, Ayabe and Aikikai Hombu Dojo
- Made honorary citizen of Tanabe and Iwama
- Wife, Hatsu, dies in June