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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
How a Mouth Works
In order to generate a healthy mouth, you need to understand the
anatomy of the mouth and the way in which teeth are supported in
the jaw. When you put force in the surface of a tooth, the
weight is distributed through the periodontal ligament that
surrounds each tooth into the lower jawbone. This 1mm thick
ligament is suspended (from the bone like a hammock of fibres).
Into these fibres each tooth is tightly nestled It's an
extremely efficient system.
(Just for fun. here are a few facts to inspire you to work at
keeping your own teeth. Inuit people, who often use their teeth
as a third hand, can exert more than 360 pounds of pressure using
their first molars. That's enough pressure to crush a brass
pipe. In comparison, the average North American can exert 125-
150 pounds of pressure. The average denture wearer on the other hand,
can exert a mere 15-17 pounds. What does all this mean to you?
Any more than a small amount of pressure and their teeth will pop out!
But we digress...
Now, probably nobody has ever told you that it's your
responsibility to keep that ligament clean. Once there's a
weakness in those self-cleansing areas below the level of the gum
where the hard and soft tissues join (it's called the sulcus)
tooth and gum disease can begin. If you are like most other
tooth brushers, chances are you are just brushing with the ends
of the bristles, sliding the brush straight across the tops and
sides of your teeth before you race madly off to work or school.
This means that you're missing not only the cracks between the
teeth, but also you're not even getting near the sulcus.
If you're wondering how well you're doing, ask your dentist
about "disclosing." He'll give you something to chew that will
highlight the areas that you're missing.
Simple Steps to Home Dental Care
Sulcus brushing (need funny head brush has only two rows of bristles.)
Ask you dentist to give you a sulcus brush or a multi-tufted
brush. This small, two-row brush is used without toothpaste.
Why? Toothpaste is only necessary to taste good and give you a
flouride treatment. Hold the brush against the tooth at a 45 angle
and gently jiggle it so that the bristles go into the sulcus. When
your gum turns white, you'll know you're here. Once the bristles
are in the sulcus, then brush up. The action is easy: gently
jiggle, moving down on the uppers and up on the lowers.
Sulcus brush is important for three reasons: it
disorganizes plaque that settles in and causes the gums to bleed
and the teeth to decay. Brushing also stimulates saliva to flow
and capillary action causes your saliva to follow the bristles
down into the sulcus thereby neutralizing any toxin that may
have been produced by the plaque and, finally, because the
bristles tend to push away from the teeth, plaque is dislodged.
The periodontal fibres that are responsible for maintaining the
tooth it's socket will tend to tighten up. (A person who has been
sulcus brushing will have gums that are so tight, it will be
difficult to get even the smallest brush into the sulcus. The
average person, on the other hand, usually has spongy, puffy
gums with gaping spaces wide enough to run the INDY 500 in ...
well, almost.)
Sulcus brushing is a very gentle, accurate process that requires
practice. Just as you can't play Beethoven concerto's after
your first piano lesson, so it takes some time to learn where
the sulci are and how to clean them. Practice sulcus brushing
without a mirror, while you're watching T.V., reading or
listening to the stereo.
Some tips: It's harder to reach the lower inside molars
because the tongue is in the way. One trick is to keep the heal
and toe of the brush level, so that both are resting in the
sulci. Once the brush is in place, then use a systematic
railroad brushing pattern: start in the front of the tooth, go
all around one side, then all around the other. Don't forget,
it's a gentle, probing action. Try different angles and
experiment while you're doing it. Sulcus brushing, once you know
how to do it, can be used as a stress breaker. The action is
such that it can actually cause you to relax.
The world's greatest argh: Flossing
Chances are you hate to floss. Every time you do it (which is
usually just before or just after a dentist appointment... on
average about once or twice a year.) your gums bleed, your teeth
hurt, you become all thumbs trying to get the floss out from
between your teeth and then your mouth hurts all day. Not only
that, sometimes you end up with an infection that you didn't
have before flossing. Sound familiar?
Well, we hate to say it but all those problems belong to the
infrequent flosser. If you learn how to floss properly, and you
do it every day...your gums won't bleed, your teeth won't hurt,
you'll have no problem maneuvering that wily floss, your mouth
won't hurt, and most importantly, not only will you have fewer
infections, you'll actually end up spending less time at the
dentist's. Now, if that's not incentive enough to keep
The most important thing to understand about flossing is that it
is really the only way to halt the havoc that is surreptitiously
carrying on in your mouth. Here is a truly ghastly analogy.
Think of a fork after a spaghetti dinner. Imagine not washing
the fork and instead just letting it sit somewhere warm--in an
area about the same temperature as your mouth. The next night
that fork is used to eat stew. Again it is left, unwashed,
somewhere warm. The third night, a casserole is served by that
same fork. And again, it is left to sit. No one would use that
fork again, not only because it reeks but also because it might
spawn an attack of food poisoning.
The human mouth is not much different from that fork. Between
the teeth lie food, bacteria and a pussy discharge called pyria.
As these build up, the little pockets between your teeth grow
into stagnating swamps. As a matter of fact, if you added up all
the infected areas between the teeth, you would have the
equivalent of two six-inch infected wounds. If they were
anywhere else other than in your mouth, you would be in the
hospital with a fever. Flossing is one way to clean up those
swamps and to prevent them from reoccurring.
Three quarters of the battle with flossing is learning how to
hold it properly. And although there are as many different
methods of holding floss as there are people to hold it, some
methods are more effective than others. One of the best is to
wrap the floss around the third finger. Using this finger as a
kind of spool, you can unravel the floss as you use it.
Where to floss
We recommend a floss that is waxed and shred-resistant. This
kind is great for beginners, especially, because it is less
likely to shred. Granted, both good quality floss and poor
quality floss will shred. Here is why: there may be a cavity at
the contact point; a filling may have a slight ledge; the
filling may have a slight overhang; and/or there is a hard
tartar deposit on which the floss is catching. If you know the
points at which your floss always snaps, you can identify the
spots that need tour dentist's attention. In the case of tartar;
it may be remover if it is subjected to the however, it may be
removed if it is subjected to constant rubbing of floss.
Place the floss on the contact point between two teeth and
gently seesaw it back and forth to ease the floss between the
teeth and down to the gums. Do not force the floss in to the
gums because they are usually very tender when you first start
Each tooth is surrounded by a sulcus. Lay the floss gently down
on the bottom of the sulcus and arc it around the tooth in a "c".
Then move the floss away from the gum on both sides of the tooth.
Because the gum crests between two adjoining teeth, when you have
finished one tooth come up a bit with the floss, then move over
and come down again to do the other tooth.
Learn to floss without using a mirror. That way you are forced
to keep your fingers close to the teeth, which makes flossing
more accurate. If the fingers are not kept close enough to the
teeth, the floss does not arc around the tooth properly, and this
can lead to damage (of what?).
The magic of flossing
Systematic flossing can actually halt cavities, even if they
have already begun so that sometimes it is possible to keep a
cavity on hold and not have it filled immediately.
Make sure you know where your fillings are and why they are
there Dental work generally will not break down if you
floss regularly. More importantly, a tooth that has been flossed
regularly and properly actually squeaks from having been
polished. Cavities do not start on smooth, squeaky clean teeth.
Patient Oriented Oral Hygiene
Starting patient-centred oral hygiene in your practice actually
begins with you. Since it's easier to communicate values you
believe in and practice yourself, you need to get y our own
mouth in order before you start teaching your patients about oral
health. Wait until you can honestly say "Look, I don't have
any oral diseases at all. If you're interested, I'll show you how
easy (and inexpensive) it is to put your mouth in the same kind
of order" At that point your understanding of and empathy for
some of the pitfalls your patients will experience when learning
to brush and floss, will enable you to convince them that it's
worth their while to learn to take care of their own teeth.
Explaining how a mouth works
The very first step in generating a healthy mouth is to explain
the anatomy of the mouth and the way in which teeth are supported
in the jaw. Patients must first understand that any force put in
the surface of the tooth is born initially by the periodontal
ligament around the tooth down into the lower jawbone, the
stronger that ligament (and that jawbone) are, the more pressure
the teeth can bear without popping. (Telling people that the
average denture wearer can only apply a fraction of the force
that the average North American can is often incentive enough
for people to keep as many of their teeth as possible.)
You know that keeping a healthy mouth starts with cleaning the
areas around the base of the tooth where this ligament lies.
Chances are, however, your patients do not know this fact. You
need to explain that tooth decay starts in the sulcus, where the
hard and soft tissues join Since that junction is below
the level of the gum, people have to be told where it is and how
to clean it. Probably most of your patients use only the ends of
the bristles as they slide their brush straight across the tops
and sides of their teeth in a mad frenzy befor they race off to
work or school. Some patients may be a bit more systematic,
brushing both back and forth and up and down, but few will be
getting under the sulcus. It's a simple matter to check.
Disclosing takes the guess work away from everybody.
Teaching about dental care
First, give the person a sulcus or a multi-tufted brush. Ask
the patient to the brush on a 45 degree angle and gently jiggle
it so the bristles go into the sulcus. Once the brush is in the
sulcus, ask them to brush up. The action is easy: gently jiggle
then up but it requires practice.(reasons it's effective in
patient manual.) Once the patient has got the idea, get him/her
to practice it without a mirror. They can do it while watching
TV, reading or listening to music. Once they know how to brush
the sulcus, they don't really have to think about the entire
note: Make sure they practice getting the brush into the areas
around the molars. That area is trickier to reach since the
tongue is in the way.
Why floss?
Most patients are sick and tired of being reminded to floss.
That's usually because they only do it just before coming in for
a dentist appointment or just after the appointment in a fit of
resolve. And because they don't understand that flossing is
really the only way to halt the havoc that's surreptitiously
carrying on in the mouth, they have no incentive to keep flossing when
it's an awkward, bloody, messy and painful thing to do. If you
can effectively explain just what flossing does, and, most
importantly that if a patient continues to floss his/her gums
will tighten up and the bleeding will stop, you'll have done them
an enormous favour.
Learning about the warning signs
A patient has to be taught the warning signs of poor teeth or
gum disease. Few patients come into the office when they notice
little red halos on their gums or because of occasional blood on
the tooth brush or because someone has told them they have bad
breath. Usually they wait until the damage has been done: a
tooth has fallen out, decayed or broken off. That's why it's
important to make patients aware of the early signs of disease
and show how they are linked not only to the teeth, but also to
the gum supporting structures. A person with a healthy mouth has
a strong front-line resistance to infection and disease not only
in the teeth and gums, but also in the glands, in the digestive
tract and even in the colon. Good oral hygiene affects teeth,
gums, alveolar (jaw) bone the circulatory system, the digestive
system and the colon. A healthy mouth gives a person a chance at
overall health.