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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
You are invited to partake in the creation of _The_Last_Book_
How do you participate? Merely by changing, writing, mangling,
morphing,transmorging,violating,the text below and sending
your efforts back to mediak@well.sf.ca.us.
The entire collection of changes and detours will be printed in
a beautiful "Artlaw" edition by MediaKaos.
All contributors will recieve a copy of the collection, as well
as recieving credit for their work. If you wish to contribute,
but don't want your email address included, please leave a note
to that effect, and directions as to how you wish to be credited.
This will be an edition sold "at cost" ( just to cover the nice
offset work ) and therefore we cannot pay anyone for their
Pass this along to anyone you think may be interested in playing
our infinte game, email or print out to those who have no email
Non-email contributions may be snail mailed to:
409 Laguna #4D
San Francisco, CA 94102
As an example we have included the first contribution by Rob
Mutatis Mutundis!
Joseph Matheny
Cultural Provocateur
The Last Book : A MediaKaos Work in Progress
Anti-Copyright/ Plagarite 1993, Mediakaos
Chapter 1
An Invitation to Dance
This is an open invitation to partake in an infinite game.Over
the course of an undefined span of time an experiment will be
conduted by the authors of this book in an immersion
experience, an interaction between book and recipient.The true
authors of this book are the ones who partake of the moments
of it's experience, myself as I write and assemble the
words,images,sounds, and artifacts involved, and you as you
rewrite and discover thier potential to create an enviroment.
In the past the spoken word was viewed as holding some kind of
power or resonance while the written word was viewed as dead
and only imbued with potential life (ie. when recited or
intoned). it is in this spirit that this work was created.The
recipient of this tome is encouraged to partake in it's
conception and to nurse it along so that it may become
a living intelligence system. What will be born will vary with
the input of the user.Remember the old programing adage "
G.I.G.O. or garbage in garbage out" to which we add "B.I.B.O. or
beauty in beauty out" or "random in random out" or "intent in
new form out", ad infinitum.
Many forms will be born, from shuddering monsters to a
shining philosophers stone. Let a thousand flowers bloom!
Since there is no goal to this experiment other than the goal of
perpetually discovering new forms and new ways of perceiving,
it is an infinite game. An infinite game is played for the
purpose of continuing play, as opposed to a finite game which is
played for the purpose of winning or defining winners. It is an
act of free will. No one can "play" who is forced to play.
This work endeavours to escape the constancy of numerical
boundaries.Whenever persons may walk on or off the field of
play as they wish,there is such a flux of participants that none
can emerge as a clear victor.
The traditional format of the book is one that dictates a
posture of passive reception on the part of the reader.The
author is delivering a monologue ( much like the one delivered
here) and the reader is the reciever or passive audience.Even
bold experiments like the cut -up can become an exercise in
monologue. To be effective or to have real relevance to the
reader cut-up must be an act on the part of the reader.To
discover new ways of percieving is the responsibility
of the individual.To make it truly experiential cut it up
yourself! This is not to say that the cut-up discoveries of
others cannot be a valuable source of information, but why stop
there. This act could move the reader into a position of
becoming a co-author or co-conspirator in the
process of creation. To conspire literally means "to breath
The preceding statement was written by a cat.
The day on which you recieve this book is the begining of a new
cycle,it represents a new calender.
The etymology of the word cycle, from the Greek, indicates
The week is a non celestial time cycle, indicative of another
moon with a shorter orbit.
The 7 day week is still most evidently felt within the domain
of work.As opposed to hunter gatherer societies, modern
workers are in a pattern of temporal regularity that is
essentially artificial, not dictated by daily variations between
the quality of vision between night and day, seasonal
variations in tempature or amount of rain, and so on. The
artificiality of the modern "work /rest" beat results from the
fact that it is dissociated from most natural rythyms, being
largely derived from a mechanical periodicity.
The dominant motif for the weekday is production(work), while
that of the weekend is consumption( shopping and
Schedules and calenders are intimately linked to group
formation,and a temporal pattern that is unique to a group
often contributes to the establishment of social boundaries
that distinguish as well as actually seperate group members
from "outsiders".
A deck of cards has 52 cards.
There are 52 weeks in a year.
The numerical value of the 52 cards add up to 364, plus the
joker or floating card to make 365.
Each year has 364 definite days with a floating day to make
There are 4 suits in a deck of cards.
There are 4 seasons in a year.
Entropic Apocalyptic
* *
Physical Metaphysical
* *
Scientific law Random principle
* *
Slow but irreversible decay Destruction and regeneration
* *
No hope Hope
At the end of every apocalypse is the apperance of a new heaven
and earth.Before something new can be built the ground must
first be cleared of the old monolithic structures that cover the
Is humanities purpose merely to make fractals into straight
This is your card.
This space intentionally left blank.
This space mistakenly left blank.
Saturday-Day of Saturn
Sunday-Day of Sun
Monday-Day of Moon
Tuesday-Day of Mars
Wedensday-Day of Mercury
Thursday-Day of Jupiter
Friday-Day of Venus
S.H.I.V.A. (Super Heuristic Invitro Virual Anomoly)
The code to reproduce this language virus is as follows:
Message 1:
From 73077.2524@CompuServe.COM Mon Nov 8 10:37:20 1993
Date: 08 Nov 93 13:31:56 EST
From: "Rob Brezsny, Asshole of the Year"
To: <mediak@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: Infinite Book Replacement
This replaces the previous transmission, which cut
off some of the co-authors' words in mid-breath. I
guess the translation from the Televisionary Netweb
to the Internet is not yet quite efficient.
Excerpts from "The Last VideoBook" Anti-Copyright/Plagarite
1993, Mediakaos and Copywrong 1993, Psychoactivist
Chapter 2
An Invitation to Dance
This is an open invitation to be born too many times.
Over the course of an undefined span of time, an
experiment will be conducted by the authors of this
book to create a story of the nuclear furnace that
grows like a sweet choromosome in the tender loop
of god talking to herself. This is in an immersion
experience, an interaction between book and
recipient. The true authors of this book are the ones
who partake of the moments of its experience,
myself as I write and assemble the words, images,
sounds, and artifacts involved, and you as you prove
that you are living within the pleasure dome where
the gods' trickiest games unfold, games whose rules
demand you experience the pleasure of trying to trick
the gods before they trick you.
There is no goal to this experiment other than to tell
ourselves glad stories of the jewel that festers north
of our medulla oblongatas, a jewel that tempts our
hairy unguided trembling pouting souls to find
Asclepius of Epidaurus in Dreamtime or Cyberspace,
whichever comes first. The story has no commercial
appeal, for it has no basis in "fact," no use as a
device for seduction, no value as a flattering mirror
of samsara, and no resonance with the language of
the dominator class. The story is an infinite game; it
is a tidal wave of fantasy that has arrived here in
this moment (and every moment) from four billion
suns simultaneously. The game is played solely for
the purpose of continuing play, as opposed to a finite
game which is played for the purpose of winning or
defining winners. It is an act of free will. No one can
"play" who is forced to play.
The traditional format of the book is one that
dictates female body mutilation, practiced ritually
by many different cultures. The author, or "terrorist,"
is attempting to conjure an experience analogous to
fucking his date after a trip to the rifle range for
target practice. Even bold experiments like the
anorexic beauty contest can become little more than
an exercise in finding the proper proportions of milk,
blood, sperm, gasoline and oil. To be effective or to
have real relevance to the reader the author must
refute the literary critic's claim that "most
terrorists are very normal." Furthermore, to discover
why the great white eagle has blood spattered on its
head in the final stages of the Great Work is the
responsibility not of the eagle but of the "terrorist."
To make it truly experiential, in other words, become
the eagle! This is not to say that when you're "stuffed
with solidified light" you can't "sink to the bottom of
the sea" in order to activate the "qaumanEq," or
shamanlight of the brain. But why stop there? This
act could move the reader, as well as the author, into
a position of participating in the Iroquois dream-
guessing rite, whose aim is to guess the dreamer's
"ondinnonk," or the secret wish of the soul revealed
in the dream. To dream together literally means
"overcome the putrid patriarchal stench that William
Gibson's aura has left in the Dreamtime."
Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara labored for 100,000
kalpas (one kalpa equals a thousand lifetimes) to be a
good enough guy to cancel out the bad karma of
everyone else in the world. It worked--for a while.
All sentient beings fled joyfully from samsara like a
day of free ice cream on the playground. But just
before he was about to slip into the final
strangulation, the absolute blissful extinction of
nirvana, he peeked back and saw that everybody he
had just saved was backsliding--bad. He cried two
tears. One was White Tara and one Green Tara.
The preceding statement was spit by a seahorse.
The day on which you receive this book is the
begining of Zen Pride Week, a calendar in which there
are 20 months of 13 days each plus a five-day
Saturnalia during which all may have sex with all
without karmic consequences.
The etymology of the word enceinte, from the French,
indicates "ready to pop."
The 7 day week is still most evidently felt within the
domain of work.
As opposed to hunter gatherer societies, modern
workers are in a pattern of temporal regularity that
is essentially artificial, not dictated by daily tantric
asymptotal self-cannibalizations (one's own
fingernails, hair, snot, menstrual blood, etc.)
Funtropic Mediapocalyptic
* *
Oxymoronic Carbomoronic
* *
Morphogenetic field "Cult of Science" necessity
* *
Premature nihilism Premature orgasm
* *
No name Hope-ocalypse
At the end of every Malkuth is the appearance of a
new Kether. Before Tiphareth can be built the Fool
must first jump off the cliff.
This is your baseball-Tarot card.
S.H.I.V.A. (Super Heuristic Invitro Virtual Anomoly)
The code to reproduce this language virus is as
I.H.V.H. (Interactive Homemade Viral Hologram)