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From LISTSERV@acadvm1.uottawa.ca Wed Jul 8 17:04:10 1992
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*** ***
*** Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters ***
*** ***
*** EDITION 2.1 - July 1992 ***
*** ***
*** Compiled by: ***
*** Dept. Religious Studies ***
*** Michael Strangelove 177 Waller, ***
*** CONTENTS Project Director Ottawa, Ontario ***
*** University of Ottawa Canada K1N 6N5 ***
*** (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) VOICE: (613) 237-2052 ***
*** (441495@UOTTAWA) FAX: (613) 564-6641 ***
This project was made possible through funding from the
Research Centre for the Study of Religion,
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa.
N.B. - This Directory is intended for free dissemination as long as this
header remains intact. The compilation as a whole is Copyright (C) by
Michael Strangelove, 1991. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby
granted for noncommercial use by electronic bulletin board/conference
systems, individuals and libraries. All commercial use requires the
permission of the author. The Association of Research Libraries is the only
authorized not-for-profit distributer of print copies of the Directory of
Electronic Journals and Newsletters. To obtain a printed version of the
Directory, contact:
Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing
Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036 USA
(202) 232-2466 (voice)
(202) 462-7849 (fax)
Contributions and corrections to this directory should be sent to Michael
Strangelove (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) and MUST be in the following
format (use as much space as necessary):
ISSN #: (if any)
To Subscribe: (via Bitnet and Internet)
Submissions: (whom to sent submissions to and in what form)
Related List: (how to subscribe to a related list, if any)
Back Issues: (how to access them)
Contact: (for more information)
Journals and Newsletters
>>> Section 1: Information <<<
How to Retrieve This Directory From Networked Sources
Networked Resources for Electronic Publication
Electronic Serials and Related Topics: A Brief Bibliography
How to Submit an Entry to the Directory
Getting an ISSN for an Electronic Journal
How to Start an E-Newsletter
PACS-L Review Special Issue on Networked Based E-Serials
Changes to the Second Edition
>>> Section 2: Electronic Journals <<<
Inactive Electronic Journals
Active Journals:
$ indicates subscription is not free
** indicates journal is peer reviewed
Subject area is indicated (when necessary) within square brakets [ ]
Art Com [Contemporary art and new communication technologies]
ArtsNet Review [Contemporary cross-cultural, arts and electronic networking
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
** CATALYST: The Community Services Catalyst [Community college educators]
CORE [A literary journal for short fiction, poetry, and essays]
DargonZine [Dargon Project fiction anthology]
The Distance Education Online Symposium
** EJournal [Implications of electronic documents and networks]
The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
** Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication
(EJC/REC) [Communication theory, research, practice, and policy]
Fineart Forum [Application of science and technology to the contemporary arts
and music]
** Flora Online [Systematic botany]
Intertext [An electronic fiction digest]
IOUDAIOS Review [Reviews in Early Judaism and Christian origins]
Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship
$ ** Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research
Journal of Technology Education
LIBRES (Library and Information Science Research Electronic Conference)
MeckJournal [A monthly from Meckler Publishing]
** New Horizons in Adult Education
Offline [Computers in religious studies]
Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication
The Public-Access Computer Systems News
** The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
Pigulki [News and humor relating to Poland and Polish issues]
** Postmodern Culture
Quanta [Science fiction and fantasy]
** RD: Graduate Research in the Arts
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
Socjety Journal [Alumni journal of the Technical University of Wroclaw,
SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
TeXMaG (TeX Typesetting System)
TeX Publication Distribution List
Textual Studies in Canada
>>> Section 3: Electronic Newsletters <<<
ACQNET (The Acquisitions Librarians Electronic Network)
ALCTS Network News (AN2 - The Association of Library Collections and
Technical Services)
American Psychological Association's Research Funding Bulletin
Arts Wire News
BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
Between the Lines
CANOPUS Magazine
CERFNet News
ChE Electronic Newsletter (Chemical Engineering)
Christian Growth Newsletter
Class Four Relay Magazine
Computer Science Center Link
Computing and Telecommunications Newsletter
Computists' Communique
Consortium Update
Cosmic Update
CPSR/PDX Newsletter (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
CRTNet - Communication Research and Theory
Current Cites
DECNEWS for Education and Research
DevelopNet News
Deutschland Nachrichten
Digital Games Review
Disaster Research
Drosophila Information Newsletter
EFFector Online (The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc.)
Electronic AIR
Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter
Energy and Climate Information and Exchange (ECIX) Newsletter and Digest
Energy Research in Israel Newsletter
Ethnomusicology Research Digest
Fine Art, Science and Technology News (F.A.S.T. News)
FARNET Gazette
GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association)
GNU's Bulletin (Newsletter of the Free Software Foundation)
HICNet Newsletter (Mednews - Health Infocom Newsletter
History and Analysis of Disabilities Newsletter
Hot Off the Tree (HOTT)
Impact Online
International Voice Newsletter Prototype List
IS P.O.B. Bulletin YSSTI (Yugoslav System for Scientific and Technology
Laboratory Primate Newsletter
Law and Politics Book Review
Leonardo Electronic News
Link Letter
List Review Service
MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter
Machine Readable Texts News
Material Science in Israel Newsletter
MichNet News
NEARnet Newsletter
Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review
Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
Newsline (Comserve)
News of Earth
NIBNews - A Monthly Electronic Bulletin About Medical Informatics
NLSNews Newsletter
Old English Computer-Assisted Language Learning Newsletter (OE-CALL)
Political Analysis and Research Cooperation (PARC) News Bulletin
Principia Cybernetica Newsletter
The Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS)
Research and Educational Applications of Computers in Humanities (REACH)
Rezo, bulletin irregulomadaire du RQSS
$ St. Petersburg Business News
SCUP Bitnet News (Society for College and University Planners)
SCUPMA-L (Society of College and University Planners, Mid-Atlantic Region)
Sense of Place
South Florida Environmental Reader
$ The Teleputing Hotline And Field Computing Source Letter
THINKNET (Electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory,
interdisciplinary studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace)
TitNeT -- Titnews -- Titnotes
ViewPoints (Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the
Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication [AEJMC])
The Week in Germany
>>> Section 4: Hypercard Stacks, Digest-Newsletters and Others <<<
Chile News Database
China News Digest
Desktop Publishing Digest
Electronic College of Theory
The Handicap Digest
Instant Math Preprints (IMP)
IRList (Information Retrieval List Digest)
Risks-Forum Digest
Simulation Digest
Simulations Online
>>> Section 1: Information <<<
The Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters is intended to provide
a comprehensive listing of all electronic journals and newsletters which are
of academic interest and available through Bitnet, Internet and any
affiliated networks. This Directory is part of an ongoing project and is
updated as new electronic journals and newsletters come into existence and as
existing entries are changed. Every effort has been made to provide the user
with up-to-date information. Most entries have been either provided from or
scrutinized by the journal and newsletter editors themselves to assure
The primary intent of this Directory is to catalog all existing electronic
journals and newsletters that are available over the various academic
networks. A secondary intention is to catalog all e-serials that are being
produced over the commercial networks. Thus, over time this Directory will
provide an entirely comprehensive listing of all e-serials. As the
traditional taxonomy of "journal" and "newsletter" is ill-suited to the
diversity of formats found within the networks, a third category of
"Hypercard Stacks, Digest-Newsletters and Others" (Section 4) is here
included. This section catalogs hypercard stacks and other formats that
represent significant sources of information that are similar in nature to
journals and newsletters. It should be noted that digests which are
straightforward collections of conversational questions and answers are
considered to be a type of list, but any digests which mix a simple list
format with the newsletter format are here included.
Ordinary (conversational) digests and lists are covered in Diane Kovacs'
compilation, Academic Lists. Thus, no attempt has been made to provide a
comprehensive listing of the hundreds of existing digests in this Directory.
For a complete catalog of digests and lists the reader is encourage to
retrieve the Global List with the command:
Or through FTP to (NISC.SRI.COM)
GET /netinfo/interest-groups
Warning - this file will be sent to you in twelve or more sections and is
over 500K in size.
The philosophy behind the presentation of the information within this
Directory is based on the intention of providing the reader with the most
up-to-date information that is possible and in the most comprehensive
fashion. Thus, I have avoided editing descriptions as size is not a factor
for an e-text. I have also listed partial entries in the interest of
providing the reader with the maximum of available information (these
incomplete entries will be marked as such). This makes it possible for the
reader to follow leads I have not yet completed and, in turn, to provide me
with information not yet represented in the latest edition of the Directory.
Users of this document are encouraged to sent me notices of defunct entries,
new entries and related information and suggestions. By this means I hope to
utilize fully the best features of the Net and to make information available
in a fashion that draws upon and promotes the unique strength of the virtual
I hope to be able to provide a Wordperfect version of this low ascii file on
a FTP server in the Fall of 1992.
I am indeted to the countless individuals who have contributed to this
project and helped create the first and only comprehensive Directory of
Electronic Journals and Newsletters.
Michael Strangelove
University of Ottawa
>>> How To Retrieve This Directory From Networked Sources <<<
The Directory is currently available in ASCII text from the following
(1) CONTENTS PROJECT Listserv Fileserver
Send the following commands as an e-mail message to listserv@uottawa or
(Please note the spelling carefully)
(2) Comserve
NB - The name of the Directory files changes to EJournal1 Sources and
EJournal2 Sources on the Comserve fileserver.
Send an electronic mail message to Comserve@Rpiecs (Bitnet) or
Comserve@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu (Internet) with the following command appearing on
the first line of the message:
Send EJournl1 Sources
Send EJournl2 Sources
No other words, punctuation, or symbols should appear in the electronic mail
message. Comserve is an automated system for file retrieval; it will
acknowledge receipt of your message and let you know that the files have been
sent to you.
>>> Networked Resources for Electronic Publication <<<
** CCNEWS - Campus Computing Newsletter
An electronic newsletter that focuses on writing, editing, design, and
production of campus computing publications. To subscribe: send an
interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@BITNIC containing:
SUB CCNEWS your name
An index of back issues is available by sending an interactive message
Contact: Wendy Rickard Bollentin, Editor. CCNEWS@EDUCOM
** Scholarly Electronic Journals and Electronic Publishing Issues List
VPIEJ-L is a discussion list for electronic publishing issues, especially
those related to Scholarly Electronic Journals. To subscribe, send the
following command to LISTSERV@VTVM1 or LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU in the BODY
of mail (NOT subject) or in an interactive message:
SUB VPIEJ-L your name
Contact: James Powell, List Owner <JPOWELL@VTVM1.BITNET>
** Economic Models for Networked Information
A special double issue of Serials Review 18(1-2) (1992) contains almost
thrity articles on topics of direct interest to electronic publishing.
>>> Electronic Serials and Related Topics: A Brief Bibliography <<<
By Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Alexander, Adrian W., and Julie S. Alexander. "Intellectual
Property Rights and the 'Sacred Engine': Scholarly Publishing in
the Electronic Age." Advances in Library Resource Sharing 1
(1990): 176-192.
Amiran, Eyal, Elaine Orr, and John Unsworth. "Refereed
Electronic Journals and the Future of Scholarly Publishing."
Advances in Library Automation and Networking 4 (1991): 25-53.
Amiran, Eyal, and John Unsworth. "Postmodern Culture: Publishing
in the Electronic Medium." The Public-Access Computer Systems
Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 67-76. (To retrieve this article, send
an e-mail message that says "GET AMIRAN PRV2N1 F=MAIL" to
Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "Electronic (Online) Publishing in
Action . . . The Public-Access Computer Systems Review and Other
Electronic Serials." Online 15 (January 1991): 28-35.
Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "Network-Based Electronic Serials."
Information Technology and Libraries 11 (March 1992): 29-35.
Brown, Heather. "Standards for Structured Documents." The
Computer Journal 32, no. 6 (1989): 505-514.
Duggan, Mary Kay. "Copyright of Electronic Information: Issues
and Questions." Online 15 (May 1991): 20-26.
Gardner, William. "The Electronic Archive: Scientific Publishing
for the 1990s." Psychological Science 1 (November 1990): 333-
Harnad, Stevan. "Post-Gutenburg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in
the Means of Production of Knowledge." The Public-Access
Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 39-53. (To retrieve
this article, send an e-mail message that says "GET HARNAD PRV2N1
Harnad, Stevan. "Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication
Continuum of Scientific Inquiry." Psychological Science 1
(November 1990): 342-344.
Harrison, Teresa M., Timothy Stephen, and James Winter. "Online
Journals: Disciplinary Designs for Electronic Scholarship." The
Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 25-38.
(To retrieve this article, send an e-mail message that says "GET
Hugo, Jane, and Linda Newell. "New Horizons in Adult Education:
The First Five Years (1987-1991)." The Public-Access Computer
Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 77-90. (To retrieve this
article, send an e-mail message that says "GET HUGO PRV2N1
Jennings, Edward M. "EJournal: An Account of the First Two
Years." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1
(1991): 91-110. (To retrieve this article, send an e-mail
message that says "GET JENNINGS PRV2N1 F=MAIL" to
King, Tim. "Critical Issues for Providers of Network-Accessible
Information." EDUCOM Review 26 (Summer 1991): 29-33.
King, Timothy B. "The Impact of Electronic and Networking
Technologies on the Delivery of Scholarly Information." The
Serials Librarian 21, no. 2/3 (1991): 5-13.
Kovacs, Diane, Willard McCarty, and Michael Kovacs. "How to
Start and Manage a BITNET LISTSERV Discussion Group: A Beginner's
Guide." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1
(1991): 128-143. (To retrieve this article, send an e-mail
message that says "GET KOVACS PRV2N1 F=MAIL" to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1
LaQuey, Tracy L., ed. The User's Directory of Computer Networks.
Bedford, MA: Digital Press, 1990.
Litchfield, Charles. "Local Storage and Retrieval of Electronic
Journals: Training Issues for Technical Services Personnel."
Serials Review 17, no. 4 (1991): 83-84.
Lucier, Richard E. "Knowledge Management: Refining Roles in
Scientific Communication." EDUCOM Review 25 (Fall 1990): 21-27.
McMillan, Gail. "Embracing the Electronic Journal: One Library's
Plan." The Serials Librarian 21, no. 2/3 (1991): 97-108.
McMillan, Gail. "Technical Services for Electronic Journals
Today." Serials Review 17, no. 4 (1991): 84-86.
Metz, Paul. "Electronic Journals from a Collection Manager's
Point of View." Serials Review 17, no. 4 (1991): 82-83.
Metz, Paul, and Paul M. Gherman. "Serials Pricing and the Role
of the Electronic Journal." College & Research Libraries 52
(July 1991): 315-327.
Neavill, Gordon B. "Electronic Publishing, Libraries, and the
Survival of Information." Library Resources & Technical Services
28 (January/March 1984): 76-89.
Okerson, Ann. "Back to Academia? The Case for American
Universities to Publish Their Own Research." Logos 2, no. 2
(1991): 106-112.
Okerson, Ann. "The Electronic Journal: What, Whence, and When?"
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 5-24.
(To retrieve this article, send an e-mail message that says "GET
Okerson, Ann, and Kendon Stubbs. "The Library 'Doomsday'
Machine." Publishers Weekly, 8 February 1991.
Okerson, Ann. "With Feathers: Effects of Copyright and Ownership on
Scholarly Publishing." College & Research Libraries 52 (September 1991):
Piternick, Anne B. "Electronic Serials: Realistic or Unrealistic
Solution to the Journal 'Crisis'?" The Serials Librarian 21, no.
2/3 (1991): 15-31.
Piternick, Anne B. "Serials and New Technology: The State of the
'Electronic Journal.'" Canadian Library Journal 46 (April 1989):
Quarterman, John S. The Matrix: Computer Networks and
Conferencing Systems Worldwide. Bedford, MA: Digital Press,
Rogers, Sharon J., and Charlene S. Hurt. "How Scholarly
Communication Should Work in the 21st Century." College &
Research Libraries 51 (January 1990): 5-8.
Savage, Lon. "The Journal of the International Academy of
Hospitality Research." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
2, no. 1 (1991): 54-66. (To retrieve this article, send an e-
mail message that says "GET SAVAGE PRV2N1 F=MAIL" to
Strangelove, Michael, and Diane Kovacs. Directory of Electronic
Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists, 2nd ed.
Washington, D.C.: Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing,
Association of Research Libraries, 1992.
"Task Force Report Looks at Future of Information Services."
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 36 (April 1991): 1105-
Tuttle, Marcia. "The Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues." The
Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 111-127.
(To retrieve this article, send an e-mail message that says "GET
Yavarkovsky, Jerome. "A University-Based Electronic Publishing
Network." EDUCOM Review 25 (Fall 1990): 14-20.
Copyright (C) 1992 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computer
conferences, individual scholars, and libraries.
This message must appear on all copied material.
All commercial use requires permission.
| Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Voice: (713) 743-9804 |
| Assistant Director For Systems FAX: (713) 743-9748 |
| University Libraries BITNET: LIB3@UHUPVM1 |
| University of Houston CompuServe: 71161,3410 |
| Houston, TX 77204-2091 |
| Co-Editor, Advances in Library Automation and Networking |
| Editor-in-Chief, The Public-Access Computer Systems Review |
| Co-Editor, Public-Access Computer Systems News |
Revised 4/23/92
>>> How To Submit an Entry to the Directory <<<
Contributions, corrections and communications should be sent to:
Michael Strangelove at (441495@Uottawa) BITNET or (441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca)
and MUST be in the following format (use as much space as necessary):
ISSN #: (if any)
To Subscribe: (via Bitnet and Internet)
Submissions: (to whom to send submissions and in what form)
Related List: (how to subscribe to a related list, if any)
Back Issues: (how to access them)
Contact: (for more information)
>>> Getting an ISSN for an Electronic Journal <<<
Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
University of Houston
>From NetMonth: The Independent Guide to BITNET 4, no. 5 (September 1990):
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit
number that identifies a particular serial. For serials published in the
U.S., ISSN numbers are assigned by the National Serials Data Program (NSDP)
of the Library of Congress. Recently, NSDP assigned an ISSN to The
Public-Access Computer Systems Review, an electronic journal that complements
the Public-Access Computer Systems Forum (PACS-L@UHUPVM1). The PACS Forum is
a moderated Bitnet list that deals with all computer systems that libraries
make available to their users, and it currently has over 1,100 subscribers in
25 countries. The PACS Review, which is published two times a year, deals
with the same subject matter as the PACS Forum. When an issue is published,
PACS Forum users are notified by a table of contents message, which describes
that issue's article files and provides instructions for retrieving the
NSDP also created a bibliographic record for the PACS Review in the OCLC
Online Union Catalog, a twenty-million-record database that is widely used by
libraries for cataloging, interlibrary loan, reference, and other purposes.
(A more powerful, user-friendly version of the OCLC Online Union Catalog
called EPIC has just been made available for fee-based searching.) A
bibliographic record describes a serial (or other work) in a standard
machine-readable format according to established cataloging rules.
It is noteworthy and commendable that NSDP took the initiative to assign the
PACS Review an ISSN number and to catalog it; I never contacted them
requesting that they do so. NSDP staff learned of the PACS Review as the
result of two speeches I made about the publication at a recent national
library conference.
The assignment of an ISSN number and the creation of a bibliographic record
on OCLC makes an electronic journal more accessible to libraries and their
users. Electronic publishers are fortunate that NSDP has taken a
progressive, proactive stand on electronic journals, and it is treating them
seriously. I would urge other electronic publishers to contact NSDP and
obtain ISSN numbers for their electronic journals. The appropriate
application form is contained in a brochure called "ISSN is for Serials,"
which is available from NSDP.
For further information about getting an ISSN number contact:
In the USA:
Library of Congress
National Serials Data Program
Washington, D.C. 20540
(202) 707-6452
ISDS Canada
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0N4
Phone: (819) 994-6895
Fax: (819) 953-0291
>>> How to Start an E-Newsletter <<<
This is a short article on how to produce an electronic newsletter, written
by the editor of CPSR News, Eric Nilsson. It is available by sending the e-
mail message:
to listserv@uottawa or listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca
>>> PACS Review Special Issue on Networked Based E-Serials <<<
By Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Network-based electronic serials are serials that are primarily "published"
on computer networks like BITNET and Internet. Little has been written about
these innovative publications; however, the first issue of volume two of The
Public-Access Computer Systems Review provides a rare inside look at them in
a "Special Section on Network-Based Electronic Serials." All of the authors
in this special section have played an important role in fostering this new
communication medium, and most are the editors and/or publishers of
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is an electronic journal that is
published by the University of Houston Libraries. You can retrieve an article
by sending one of the commands listed after the article's description in an
(Internet). The first command retrieves the article as a file. The second
command retrieves the article as an e-mail message. If you are not an
experienced network user or you are not on BITNET, it is recommended that you
retrieve articles as e-mail messages.
In "The Electronic Journal: What, Whence, and When?," Ann Okerson surveys
current and future e-journal publication activities. She discusses
publishers' visions of e-journals, and she identifies four major groups of
potential e-journal publishers: existing publishers, intermediary
organizations (e.g., ISI and CARL), researchers and scholars, and
universities. She concludes by forecasting how e-journals may evolve during
the next 9 years. (GET OKERSON PRV2N1 or GET OKERSON PRV2N1 F=MAIL)
In "Online Journals: Disciplinary Designs for Electronic Scholarship," Teresa
Harrison et al. examine and critique the e- journal concept, then describe
the Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de
Communication (EJC/REC). EJC/REC is a referred, bilingual journal dealing
with communication. It is part of the innovate Comserve service, which
provides communication scholars with a variety of electronic information
services (e.g., directory information, journal indexes, access to over 1,000
files, and 20 computer conferences). (GET HARRISON PRV2N1 or GET HARRISON
In "Post-Gutenburg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production
of Knowledge," Stevan Harnad discusses the three historical revolutions in
knowledge production (speech, writing, and print) and the emerging fourth
revolution--electronic "skywriting" on the Net. He examines the limitations
of our print-based scholarly communication system, and describes how
electronic communication can support scholarly skywriting, a process that
allows scholars to get rapid feedback about promising ideas and theories from
colleagues worldwide. He then describes Psycoloquy, a referred psychology
e-journal that embodies the scholarly skywriting process. (GET HARNAD PRV2N1
In "The Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research," Lon
Savage describes a referred e-journal for researchers in hotel, restaurant,
and institutional management and tourism. JIAHR is sponsored by the
International Academy of Hospitality Research and published by Virginia
Tech's Scholarly Communications Project. JIAHR issues are composed of single
articles, and a related computer conference complements the journal. Savage
discusses how individual subscribers and libraries have dealt with receiving
an e-journal. JIAHR is an interesting example of how the Net can be used to
publish a fee-based journal for a small, specialized audience. (GET SAVAGE
In "Postmodern Culture: Publishing in the Electronic Medium," Eyal Amiran and
John Unsworth describe the refereed journal Postmodern Culture, which deals
with contemporary literature, theory, and culture. Postmodern Culture is
free on the Net, and a subscription fee is charged for disk or microfiche
versions of the journal. A computer conference, PMC-Talk, complements the
journal. The authors also discuss the future of e-journals. (GET AMIRAN
In "New Horizons in Adult Education: The First Five Years (1987- 1991)," Jane
Hugo and Linda Newell describe the evolution of one of the first (if not the
first) refereed e-journals on the Net. This unique adult education journal is
edited by graduate students. (GET HUGO PRV2N1 or GET HUGO PRV2N1 F=MAIL)
In "EJournal: An Account of the First Two Years," Edward Jennings provides a
personal look at his efforts to establish and publish a refereed e-journal on
electronic networks and texts. This behind-the-scenes narrative reveals some
of the trials and tribulations that may face the prospective e-journal
In "The Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues," Marcia Tuttle describes the
evolution and publishing practices of this e- newsletter, which deals with
serials concerns. In addition to BITNET and Internet, the newsletter is also
published on ALANET, DataLinx, and EBSCONET. She also discusses a variety of
electronic publishing issues. (GET TUTTLE PRV2N1 or GET TUTTLE PRV2N1
In "How to Start and Manage a BITNET LISTSERV Discussion Group: A Beginner's
Guide," Diane Kovacs et al. discuss the steps to set up and run a computer
conference using the Revised LISTSERV software. LISTSERV is a very widely
used software package that supports both computer conferences and e-serial
publication on BITNET (many existing e-serials are distributed with this
software). It runs on IBM mainframes under the VM/CMS operating system.
Copyright (C) 1992 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
(Republished herein with permisiion of the author)
>>> Changes to the Second Edition <<<
(1) Name Changes:
The Online Journal of Distance Education and Communication is now titled the
Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication.
The Computing and Telecommunications Newsletter is now titled Computing and
Network News.
The Digital Games Review Digest is now titled Digital Games Review.
The AIR Bitnet Newsletter is now the Electronic AIR.
(2) Revised Entries:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
CANOPUS Magazine
CERFNet News
China News Digest
Class Four Relay Magazine
Consortium Update
Cosmic Update
CPSR/PDX Newsletter
Current Cites
DevelopNet News
Drosophila Information Newsletter
Electronic College of Theory
Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter (E-Hug)
Ethnomusicology Research Digest
Fineart Forum
Journal of International Academy of Hospitality Research
Link Letter
New Horizons In Adult Education
News of Earth
Principia Cybernetica Newsletter
Postmodern Culture
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
The Public-Access Computer Systems News
The Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS)
Risks-Forum Digest
Socjety Journal
TeX Publication Distribution List
(3) New Entries:
American Psychological Association's Research Funding Bulletin
Arts Wire News
BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
Christian Growth Newsletter
DECNEWS for Education and Research
Energy and Climate Information and Exchange (ECIX) Newsletter and Digest
FARNET Gazette
Flora Online
GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association)
Instant Math Preprints (IMP)
International Voice Newsletter Prototype List
Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship
Leonardo Electronic News
List Review Service
Journal of Technology Education
NIBNews - A Monthly Electronic Bulletin About Medical Informatics
Political Analysis and Research Cooperation (PARC) News Bulletin
RD: Graduate Research in the Arts
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
St. Petersburg Business News
SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
The Teleputing Hotline And Field Computing Source Letter
THINKNET (Electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory,
interdisciplinary studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace)
TitNeT -- Titnews -- Titnotes
ViewPoints (Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the
Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)).
(4) Deleted (no longer active) Entries
Activist Times Inc.
The Big Byte
The Micro Byte
NewsBytes (The Northern Arizona University Computer Services'
Tetrahedron Computing Methodology
World Cultures
>>> Section 2: Journals <<<
The following are either defunct, inactive or are simply no longer available
(or never were available) in e-text form.
NSF Network News
>>> ART COM <<<
An online magazine forum dedicated to the interface of contemporary art and
new communication technologies.
To subscribe:
To access the Art Com Electronic Network on the WELL, enter g acen at the
Ok: prompt. The Art Com Electronic Network is also accessible on USENET as
alt.artcom. For access information, send e-mail to: artcomtv@well.sf.ca.us.
You are invited to send information for possible inclusion. We are
especially interested in options that can be acted upon: including
conferences, exhibitions, and publications. Proposals for guest-edited
issues are also encouraged. Send submissions to:
well!artcomtv@uunet.uu.net / well!couey@uunet.uu.net
artcomtv@well.sf.ca.us / couey@well.sf.ca.us
Back Issues:
Back issues of ART COM can be accessed on the Art Com Electronic Network
(ACEN) on the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (WELL), available through the
CompuServe Packet Network and PC Pursuit.
(artcomtv@well.sf.ca.us) (couey@well.sf.ca.us)
>>> ArtsNet Review <<<
An Australian magazine dedicated to Contemporary Cross-Cultural, Arts and
Electronic Networking Issues.
To Subscribe:
P.O. Box 429, Eastwood 5063, South Australia.
APC address is peg:suephil
UUCP address is suephil@peg.pegasus.oz.au
DIALCOM address is (DE3PEG)suephil!
>>> Bryn Mawr Classical Review <<<
The Bryn Mawr Classical Review is an electronic book review journal published
at Bryn Mawr College and the University of Pennsylvania. The editors are
Richard Hamilton at Bryn Mawr and James J. O'Donnell at Penn; reviewers are
drawn from a nationwide pool. Publication began in 1990. Electronic
subscriptions are free.
To subscribe:
Send mail to mailserv@brynmawr.bitnet or to mailserv@brynmawr.edu with the
Inquiries and submissions for the list should be sent to bmcr@brynmawr.bitnet
or bmcr@brynmawr.edu. Electronic publication is irregular and continual, with
individual items published as available; the published material is collected
and published in traditional form five or more times a year. For calendar
year 1991, seven hard copy issues were published, containing approximately
120 book reviews. Subscriptions to the hard copy publication cost $10 per
year; to subscribe, write:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Thomas Library
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010
>>> CATALYST: The Community Services Catalyst <<<
The Community Services Catalyst, a refereed print journal that has been
serving community college educators for more than twenty years, is now
distributed as an electronic journal in addition to its print version.
The quarterly journal is published by the National Council on Community
Services and Continuing Education, an affiliate council of the American
Association of Community, Junior and Technical Colleges. The journal is
being made available in its electronic form by the Scholarly Communications
Project of Virginia Tech, which is seeking to explore some of the new
frontiers in electronic communication of scholarly work.
CATALYST currently is distributed in its print form to dues-paying members of
the Council, as a benefit of their membership, and to libraries and other
non-members at subscription prices of $20 per year in the U.S., $25 outside
the U.S. The journal has a paid circulation (including members) of
approximately 1200.
Electronic subscribers, in addition to having access to past issues of the
journal, will be sent the Tables of Contents of future issues as those issues
are published; the subscribers then may order full texts by electronic mail
from their own computers of any and all articles they wish to read.
Currently, all articles from Issues Number 3 and 4 of Volume 21 (1991) are
available on line.
CATALYST is reviewed and indexed in the CURRENT INDEX TO JOURNALS IN
EDUCATION and in ERIC and is available in microfilm and microfiche from
University Microfilms International. Articles submitted for publication are
reviewed by the editorial staff and editorial board. Initiated in 1971,
CATALYST is the second oldest continuously published journal in the community
college field. It publishes practictioner-oriented articles on practices in
continuing /community education as delivered by community colleges, including
papers on research in the field. The journal is printed at Virginia Tech, a
fact that makes it easier to coordinate the printed and electronic versions.
To Subscribe:
To subscribe to the electronic journal, one need send only the command
"SUBSCRIBE CATALYST Firstname Lastname" [where Firstname Lastname are the
first and last names of the individual subscriber] by electronic mail to the
address: LISTSERV@VTVM1 on Bitnet and LISTSERV@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU on the
Internet. John Doe, for example, would send the command SUBSCRIBE CATALYST
JOHN DOE. Electronic subscribers will receive instructions on how to order
a list of available articles, how to retrieve full texts of those articles,
and how to cancel their subscriptions.
To make access to the journal more manageable, access is provided to
individual articles, rather than to entire issues. Interested readers, of
course, may order all articles from an issue, on an individual basis.
Lon Savage (SAVAGE@VTVM1)
>>> CORE <<<
CORE is an electronic literary journal and contains quality short fiction,
poetry, and essays. In addition, I make an effort to find works that are
unique to electronic communications -- an on-line interview for example, or
exceptional Usenet posting. CORE is published monthly and is never over 30k
in size.
To Subscribe:
Send e-mail to core-journal@eff.org. Please specifiy that you are subbing
CORE, as I handle other lists.
Send to core-journal@eff.org. They should be in plain ascii, preferably
without tabs.
Related List:
Back Issues:
May be ftp'ed from ftp.eff.org. Those without ftp access should feel free to
send e-mail to core-journal@eff.org to have the files mailed.
Send e-mail to either core-journal@eff.org or Rita Rouvalis (rita@eff.org).
>>> Dargonzine - The Magazine of the Dargon Project <<<
DargonZine is an electronic magazine printing stories written for the Dargon
Project, a shared-world anthology similar to (and inspired by) Robert
Asprin's Thieves' World anthologies, created by David "Orny" Liscomb in his
now retired magazine, FSFNet. The Dargon Project centers around a
medieval-style duchy called Dargon in the far reaches of the Kingdom of
Baranur on the world named Makdiar, and as such contains stories with a
fantasy fiction/sword and sorcery flavor. At this time, DargonZine has no
plans to publish anything other than Dargon Project stories, but there are
several other magazines out there to satisfy this need.
To Subscribe:
Subscribers to DargonZine will have each new issue sent to their userid as it
comes out. A subscription may be obtained by sending a request via MAIL to
the editor, Dafydd, at the userid WHITE@DUVM.Bitnet. This request should
contain your full userid (logonid and node, or a valid Internet address) as
well as your full name and the file transfer format you prefer (either DISK
DUMP, PUNCH/MAIL, or SENDFILE/NETDATA (non-Bitnet subscribers only have one
option - Mail)). After that, you will receive all issues as they are sent
As mentioned above, the Dargon Project is a shared-world 'anthology', and as
such it requires a great deal of commitment from its writers. Readers
wishing to write for the Project should contact the editor for more detailed
instructions about the background of the Project as well as plotlines
currently in development. Of course, the first requirement for joining the
project is to read all of the Project's output to date to get to know the
characters and world being written about. Back issues of FSFNet, the
Project's first home, are available from the Listserv@TCSVM (and FTPable from
vm.tcs.tulane.edu (in numbers, See above for back issue
information about DargonZine.
Back Issues:
Back issues have been moved to the FTPable archive machine
eklektik.cs.pitt.edu ( They are stored there in compressed
format under the directory rpg/fiction/dargon in the form of dzv.n, where
v=volume and n=number. They should be retrieved in binary format and must be
uncompressed via the standard unix uncompress command. NOTE: it is possible
for BitNet users without a direct internet connection to do FTP - try sending
a 'help' to BitFTP or send me mail asking how to use it.
>>> The Distance Education Online Symposium <<<
DEOSNEWS - The Distance Education Online Symposium. The American Center for
the Study of Distance Education at The Pennsylvania State University
organizes DEOS and publishes The American Journal of Distance Education. Our
goal is to integrate the electronic medium and the printed medium to serve
professionals and students in the field of distance education.
Richard Lee Holbert X075RT@TAMVM1.BITNET
Bryan, Texas 77805-4111 AK152@CLEVELAND.FREENET.EDU
The Distance Education Online Symposium
The American Center for the Study of Distance Education
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Education
403 South Allen Street, Suite 206
University Park, Pennsylvania 16801-5202, U.S.A.
Telephone: 814-863-3764 Fax: 814-865-5878
DEOS Editor: Morten Flate Paulsen
Compuserve: 76436,350
Bitnet: MFP101@PSUVM
>>> EJOURNAL <<<
An electronic journal concerned with the implications of electronic documents
and networks. EJournal is a peer-reviewed, academic periodical interested in
theory and praxis surrounding the creation, transmission, storage,
interpretation, alteration and replication of electronic text. Its scope
includes the broader social, psychological, literary, economic and
pedagogical implications of computer-mediated networks.
ISSN: 1054-1053
To Subscribe:
Address e-mail message to---listserv@albnyvm1
Message itself---sub ejrnl Subscriber's Name
EJournal is now soliciting essays, reviews and letters for possible
publication. Send essays for review, and inquires, to
Ted Jennings, Editor, Department of English
University at Albany, State University of New York
(ejournal@albnyvms) Bitnet
>>> The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic <<<
The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (EJASA) is
published monthly by the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, Inc. The ASA
is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of amateur and
professional astronomy and space exploration, and to the social and
educational needs of its members.
To Subscribe:
ASA membership application is open to all with an interest in astronomy and
space exploration. The EJASA is available on USENET's sci.astro and
sci.space newsgroups, as well as the ASA BBS at (404) 985-0408, 300/1200
Baud. Articles which appear in the EJASA may also be published in the
Journal of the ASA (JASA), a hardcopy newsletter sent through U.S. Mail.
The EJASA is currently available only through USENET and the ASA BBS, though
I will mail a requested issue to someone on Bitnet if possible. I do not
maintain a large net mailing list for logistics reasons.
Article submissions to the EJASA on astronomy and space exploration are most
welcome. Please send your on-line articles in ASCII format to Larry Klaes,
EJASA Editor. When sending your article submissions, please be certain to
include either a network or regular mail address where you can be reached, a
telephone number, and a brief biographical sketch. Articles submitted,
unless otherwise stated, become the property of the Astronomical Society of
the Atlantic, Inc. Though the articles will not be used for profit, they are
subject to editing, abridgment, and other changes. Copying or reprinting of
the EJASA, in part or in whole, is encouraged, provided clear attribution is
made to the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, the Electronic Journal, and
the author(s). This Journal is Copyright (c) 1991 by the Astronomical
Society of the Atlantic, Inc.
Back Issues:
Available upon request.
Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (ASA)
c/o Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA)
Georgia State University (GSU)
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Don Barry, ASA President - don@chara.gsu.edu or asa@chara.gsu.edu
ASA BBS at (404) 985-0408, 300/1200 Baud
ASA telephone Recording - (404) 264-0451
Larry Klaes, EJASA Editor - klaes@advax.enet.dec.com
or - ...!decwrl!advax.enet.dec.com!klaes
or - klaes%advax.dec@decwrl.enet.dec.com
or - klaes%advax.enet.dec.com@uunet.uu.net
>>> The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de
Communication (EJC/REC) <<<
The EJC/REC is a quarterly, bilingual (English and French) journal in
academic publication in the communication field. It is devoted to the study
of communication theory, research, practice, and policy.
ISSN: 1183-5656
To Subscribe:
Comserve is the distribution channel for EJC/REC. To subscribe to EJC/REC,
send the following command on the first line of an electronic mail message to
Comserve@Rpiecs (Bitnet) or Comserve@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu (Internet):
Join EJCREC Your Namee.g.:Join EJCREC Debra J. Smith
Send manuscript and one page abstract by electronic mail to:
Jim Winter, Winter@UCC.UWindsor.CA (English)
Claude Martin, Martin@CC.UMontreal.CA (French)
Articles and manuscripts may also be submitted on computer disks in ASCII
format along with one page abstracts. Mail computer disks to:
Jim Winter Claude Martin
Dept. of Communication Studies Dept. de Communication
University of Windsor Universite de Montreal
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4 C.P. 6128, Station A
Canada Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7
Related List:
A free electronic resource for students and professionals who study human
communication, Comserve is the distribution channel or "publisher" for
EJC/REC. Also available through Comserve is a growing collection of
bibliographies, research materials, announcements of professional meetings,
grant opportunities, syllabi, class exercises, job announcements, and other
resources relevant to the communication field.
For more information about Comserve, send the word "help" (without quotation
marks) on the first line of the body of an electronic mail message to one of
the Comserve addresses provided above.
Back Issues:
A directory of all EJC/REC articles is available on Comserve. To obtain the
directory, send the following command to Comserve (addresses provided above):
Send EJCREC Directry
Articles that appeared in back issues of EJC/REC can be obtained through
Comserve by issuing the following command:
Send Filename Filetype
(Filenames and filetypes for each article are found in the EJCREC Directry.)
For further information, please contact:
Jim Winter, Winter@UCC.UWindsor.CA or
Claude Martin, Martin@CC.UMontreal.CA or
Comserve Editorial Staff, Support@Rpiecs (Bitnet) or
Support@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu (Internet)
>>> Fineart Forum <<<
Fineart Forum is a moderated electronic newsletter published monthly by ISAST
on behalf of ASTN and distributed internationally over the electronic
networks. The newsletter covers all applications of science and technology
to the contemporary arts and music. Space Arts (note the s) News is a
newsletter published by the Space Art Working Group of ISAST. It covers news
items relating to all aspects of space art, photography and architecture.
To Subscribe:
Send requests for subscription to Fineart Forum to: Americas:
(fast@garnet.berkeley.edu) or (FAST@UCBGARNE.bitnet) with the message:SUB
FINE-ART your e-mail address first-name, last-name, and postal address.
Paper copies USD $55 per year subscription (includes Leonardo Electronic
Newsletter). Pay ISAST, Box 75, 1442A Walnut, Berkeley, CA 94709.
Send submissions of items to be published in Fineart Forum to
fast@garnet.berkeley.edu or FAST@UCBGARNE.bitnet.
Related List:
The ISAST Electronic Mail Directory is now available 24 hours a day on FAST,
ISAST's Fine Art Science and Technology Online Bulletin Board and Database.
Updated regularly, the Electronic Mail Directory provides the names and
E-mail and postal addresses of over 200 professionals in the arts, sciences
and technology, including subscribers to Fineart Forum. A paper copy of this
Directory is also available from ISAST at $10 for members and $15 for
non-members, contact isast@garnet.berkeley.edu or send mail to the address
We would also like to remind you that the Electronic Mail Directory--and
FAF--are only two of the total services provided by FAST. FAST also
Holography Hotline; Space Arts News; Words on Works; ISAST Member News;
Calendars of Events; Directory of Organizations and Resources; Job Listings;
and Bibliographies and Abstracts
FAST is updated weekly and available on ACEN on The WELL conferencing system
for a $20.00 annual subscription fee to ISAST Members, $40.00 to Non-Members
(exclusive of online costs). For those without access to a modem, FAST is
also available on diskette for an annual subscription fee of $60.00 to ISAST
Members, $90.00 to Non-Members; or $17.00 per quarter to ISAST Members,
$25.00 to Non-Members.
How to Subscribe to FAST: Send a check payable to ISAST to Box 75, 1442A
Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA. Online subscribers must include
WELL logon.
Exec. Editor: Roger Malina
Editor: Nancy Nelson
ASTN President: Annick Bureaud, ASTN, 57 Rue Falguiere, Paris France
Canada - Jeff Mann (intacc!fineart@cs.utoronto.ca)
Italy - Francesco Giomi (conserva@ifiidg.fi.cnr.it)
Japan - Hiroshi Okuno (okuno@ntt-20.ntt.jp)
USA - Judy Malloy (jmalloy@garnet.berkeley.edu)
- Susan Kirchman (smk@archone.tamu.edu)
ISEA - Wim Van der Plas - (SCAN@rugr86.rug.nl)
Published by:
The International Society for Art, Science and Technology (ISAST) on behalf
of: The Art, Science and Technology Network (ASTN) with support from: The
Macmillan Foundation, Hochscholl voor de Kunsten Utrecht and the
Visualization Laboratory, Texas A&M University.
>>> Flora Online <<<
Peer-reviewed electronic journal for systematic botany. Includes original
data-intensive studies or original programs dealing with botanical topics.
ISSN: 0892-9106
To Subscribe:
Issues are available free online by dial up at 716-896-7581 (8-N-1), or
through anonymous FTP at huh.harvard.edu; also available on MS-DOS formatted
diskettes at $7.50 each. Ten diskettes cover the 27 issues published to date.
Write Clinton Herbarium, Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway,
Buffalo, NY 14211.
Richard H. Zander, Editor of Flora Online at above address. Text files should
be in straight ASCII to reach the maximum readership; programs should be
Back Issues:
Available in the same fashion as the most recent issue.
Editor at above address.
>>> Intertext - An Electronic Fiction Digest <<<
Intertext is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the publication of quality
fiction. Non-fiction articles may also appear occasionally.
To Subscribe:
Subscribe by mailing jsnell@ucsd.edu -- specify ASCII or postscript
Submit stories and non-fiction to jsnell@ucsd.edu
Back Issues:
via FTP at network.ucsd.edu
Jason Snell
>>> IOUDAIOS Review <<<
IOUDAIOS Review is the serial electronic publication of IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1, the
international electronic forum for scholarship on Early Judaism and Christian
Origins. It is a review journal, which uses the electronic medium to provide
thorough peer reviews quickly. It uses a simplified SGML system to facilitate
electronic distribution.
ISSN 1183-9937
To Subscribe:
Subscription available through IOUDAIOS: send mail message
substituting your name for "Your Name", to LISTSERV@YORKVM1
(BITNET) or listserv@vm1.yorku.ca (internet).
Submissions are invited and scrutinized by the editors, though the editors
remain open to receiving unsolicited reviews.
Related List:
IOUDAIOS @vm1.yorku.ca (see above)
Back Issues:
Back issues are available on the fileserver at YORKVM1.
David Reimer, Wilfrid Laurier Unversity
>>> Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship <<<
Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship is a publication of the
Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research
Libraries, American Library Association. It is part of the STS Electronic
Communicatons Program and is sent out over the internet. This publication is
in its formative stages but expects to provide short substantial articles on
timely and important topics in science and technology librarianship. It will
also provide conference and workshop reports as well as short
correspondences. Special columns are in the process of being developed to
address service issues and hot topics. Issues In Science and Technology
Librarianship is a produced by an electronic publicaton subcommittee of the
Newsletter Committee of STS. This publication does not intend to duplicate
other electronic publications but intends to cover areas not currently
available in electronic format.
To Subscribe:
Send a message to ACRLSTS@HAL.UNM.EDU This is not a Listserver address.
ACRLSTS@HAL.UNM.EDU Unsolicited articles will be reviewed by an editorial
Back Issues:
Harry LLull, Editor, Centennial Science and Engineering Library, University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87112. ACRLSTS@HAL.UNM.EDU
>>> Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research <<<
The Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research is published
by The Scholarly Communications Project of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA., for the International Academy of
Hospitality Research. JIAHR publishes refereed articles on basic and applied
research in all aspects of hospitality and tourism. It is distributed via
Bitnet and the Internet to paid subscribers, including members of the
Academy, faculty, staff and students in hospitality/tourism research and
educational programs, and libraries. An issue is sent out whenever an
article is judged of sufficient quality for distribution; the first issue
went out Nov. 26, 1990, the second Feb. 20, 1991, the third May 27, 1991 and
the fourth Dec. 6, 1991.
To Subscribe:
Contact the editor and publisher at JIAHRED@VTVM1 (on Bitnet) or
JIAHRED@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU on the Internet.
Note - this e-journal is not free over the networks. Subscription prices are
$30 per year for institutions, $20 for individuals, $10 for students.
>>> Journal of Technology Education <<<
The JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION provides a forum for scholarly discussion
on topics relating to technology education. (This is NOT to be confused with
"educational technology." Technology education is a subject area in the
public schools like art, music, mathematics, etc. It was formerly known to
most of the world as "industrial arts"). Articles focus on technology
education research, philosophy, theory, or practice. In addition, the
JOURNAL publishes book reviews, guest articles, comprehensive literature
analyses, and reactions to previously published articles.
ISSN 1045-1064
To Subscribe:
Subscribe to the Listserv JTE-L at VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU
Send five copies of manuscripts (following the APA Style) to Mark Sanders,
JTE Editor, 144 Smyth Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0432.
Back Issues:
Some are available at $5/copy ($7 overseas)
Mark Sanders (address above) or MSANDERS at VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU
>>> LIBRES <<<
"Library and Information Science Research Electronic Conference." LIBRES is
an electronic journal designed to foster library and information science
research and support the development of our knowledge base. This forum will
serve as a professional networking and information source. We will share
ideas, solutions and experiences.
LIBRES will include discussions of research in progress, reviews of research,
queries and responses from participants, and conference announcements.
LIBRES will be distributed monthly, mid-month as editorial staffing allows.
All editors are volunteers on the LIBRES Project. Subscription is open to
anyone interested.
To Subscribe:
You may subscribe to LIBRES by sending a subscribe command by interactive
message or by e-mail. To subscribe by interactive message, send the command:
"SUB LIBRES YourFirstname YourLastname"to LISTSERV@KENTVM. For example:
IBM VM CMS users would enter: tell listserv at kentvm "sub LIBRES
YourFirstname YourLastname"
VAX VMS users would enter: send listserv@kentvm "sub LIBRES YourFirstname
You may also subscribe by sending an e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM or if
your account is on the Internet send to LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU, with the
following command as the text of the message.
SUB LIBRES YourFirstname YourLastname
You must leave the subject line empty and please don't include any extra text
as a machine will read this not a human (at first)
EDITORS@KENTVM or EDITORS@KENTVM.KENT.EDU is the address to which to send
submissions and questions about the LIBRES Conference
The Co-Editors are
Diane Kovacs -- dkovacs@kentvmdkovacs@kentvm.kent.edu
Tom Froehlicht -- froehli@kentvmtfroehli@kentvm.kent.edu
Julie McDaniel -- jmcdanie@kentvmjmcdanie@kentvm.kent.edu
Amey Park -- apark@kentvmapark@kentvm.kent.edu
Barbara Schloman -- bschloma@kentvmbschloma@kentvm.kent.edu
Ellen Detlefsen -- ellen@pittvmsellen@idis.lis.pitt.edu
Rosemary Dumont -- rdumont@kentvmrdumont@kentvm.kent.edu
>>> MeckJournal <<<
An Electronic Monthly from Meckler Publishing. MeckJournal, available at no
charge, is an electronic service offerred through Meckler's Electronic
Publishing Division. Issues include an editorial, late breaking news,
feature articles published or forthcoming from any of Meckler's 14
technology- related periodicals, and other irregularly available features.
ISSN 1058-692X
To Subscribe:
Send a message to Meckler@jvnc.net with the following information in the body
of the text: Subscribe MeckJournal [Internet or Bitnet address] Subscribers
will automatically receive the current issue.
Direct submission inquiries to Nancy Nelson at Meckler@jvnc.net, by phone
(203-226-6967), by fax (203-454-5840), or by mail Meckler, 11 Ferry Lane
West, Westport, CT 06880. Submissions are refereed by appropriate members of
the 18 member advisory board.
Related List:
MC(2), an related information service is available for inspection and data
searching. To access MC(2), telnet to nicol.jvnc.net, type nicol at login
prompt, select MC(2). (no password is needed) Information included on MC(2)
includes Meckler's complete publications catalog and order form: technology
conference programs and registration form, MeckJournal: Tables of Contents of
Meckler Journals: Document Delivery Ordering Information: CD-ROM Librarian
index, 1986-1990: Computers in Libraries index, 1985-1990: Questionnaires for
Response, (a) Dial in: An Annual Guide to Library OPACs, (b) CD-ROMs in
Print: Library-produced CD-ROMs.
Back Issues:
Available on nicol (telnet to nicol.jvnc.net, type nicol at login prompt,
select (MC(2).
Nancy Nelson
Meckler Publishing, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880;
(203)226-6967; FAX (203)454-5840. Electronic Address: Internet,
Meckler@jvnc.net. Outside of North and South America, contact:
Meckler Ltd., 2470249 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1HQ, U.K.
(71)931-9985; FAX (71)931-8908.
>>> New Horizons in Adult Education <<<
NEW HORIZONS IN ADULT EDUCATION, founded in 1987, is a refereed electronic
journal managed by graduate students. Using the speed of electronic
transmission, NEW HORIZONS gives all types of adult educators a means to
publish their most current thinking and research within adult education and
related fields. The editorial staff, comprised of graduate students, sends
submissions out for blind review, relays the reviewers' comments to authors,
and finally, formats and distributes the revised articles in the form of NEW
HORIZONS IN ADULT EDUCATION -- all this is done using the medium of
mainframe computer telecommunications.
NEW HORIZONS IN ADULT EDUCATION is transmitted to adult educators around the
world via The Adult Education Network (AEDNET), an electronic network.
AEDNET and the journal are sponsored by Syracuse University, through funding
from the Kellogg Foundation. Access to NEW HORIZONS IN ADULT EDUCATION is
facilitated in two ways. First the journal is free. Second, the contents of
the journal are indexed in ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center.
Syracuse University's Adult Education Program hopes the journal and AEDNET
will be catalysts in connecting adult educators throughout the world and in
promoting the exchange of ideas and research.
Articles can be submitted to NEW HORIZONS in a variety of disk formats
through regular land mail or electronically over AEDNET. If an individual
author does not have access to mainframe computer technology, the editorial
staff will work with conventional paper copies and postal systems to publish
important contributions to adult education.
To Subscribe:
If you would like to subscribe to NEW HORIZONS IN ADULT EDUCATION, enroll in
the Adult Education Network by sending an email note to aednet@suvm (for
BITNET) or aednet.suvm.acs.syr.edu (for Internet) which contains your USERID
and FULL NAME. Those adult educators interested in submitting articles
should contact the journal at horizons@suvm or horizons@suvm.acs.syr.edu by
Syracuse University
Adult Education Program
350 Huntington Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-2340
Tel: 315/443-3421
FAX: 315/443-5732
horizons@suvm (for BITNET)
horizons@suvm.acs.syr.edu (Internet)
>>> Netweaver - Newsletter of the Electronic Networking Association <<<
NETWEAVER is an electronic publication of the Electronic Networking
To Subscribe:
>>> OFFLINE <<<
Robert Kraft's OFFLINE column has appeared in printed form since 1984 in the
Bulletin of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion and in the
Religious Studies News. Despite its name, it also now appears in
prepublication electronic form on the HUMANIST discussion list at the node
BROWNVM and on the IOUDAIOS list at YORKVM1. OFFLINE began as a service of
the Computer Assisted Research Group of the Society of Biblical Literature,
but it attempts to cover more widely the actual and potential use of
computers in religious studies in general. Currently, an editorial team
often contributes items for inclusion in the column.
There is no subscription list but if one is a member of either
HUMANIST@BROWNMVM or IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 then it will be sent to you as it is
issued to these lists.
Back Issues:
Available from the HUMANIST filelist which can be obtained by issuing the
You may obtain a copy by issuing the command -- GET filename filetype
HUMANIST -- either interactively or as a batch-job, addressed to
ListServ@Brownvm. Thus on a VM/CMS system, you say interactively: TELL
LISTSERV AT BROWNVM GET filename filetype HUMANIST; if you are not on a
VM/CMS system, send mail to ListServ@Brownvm with the GET command as the
first and only line.
Please send information, suggestions or queries concerning OFFLINE to Robert
A. Kraft, Box 36 College Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA
19104-6303. Telephone (215) 898-5827. Bitnet address: KRAFT@PENNDRLS (for
Internet add.UPENN.EDU). To request printed information or materials from
OFFLINE, please supply an appropriately sized, self-addressed envelope or an
address label. A complete electronic file of OFFLINE columns (some 500K and
growing) is available upon request (for IBM/DOS, Mac, or IBYCUS), or from the
HUMANIST discussion group FileServer (BROWNVM.BITNET).
>>> Online Journal of Distance Education and Communication <<<
In the industrial age, we go to school. In the information age, school can
come to us. This is the message implicit in the media and movement of
distance education. The issues that the Journal is concerned with fall into
four basic content areas:
The Journal is interested in distance education as the organized method of
reaching geographically disadvantaged learners, whether K-12, post secondary,
or general enrichment students.
The Journal recognizes that education encompasses a broad area of experience
and that distance education includes distance communications that fall
outside the domain of formal learning. The Journal welcomes contributions
that deal with serving people at a distance who aren't necessarily associated
with a learning institution.
Once the distance education infrastructure is solidly in place, local
learners will want to tap into it, because they simply prefer learning in a
decentralized setting or because they want to expand their learning
opportunities and resources beyond those immediately available to them. This
phenomenon, which we call 'bringing distance education home,' will grow in
the coming years and we look forward to hearing from people about
telecommunications in education, as a tool or a content area.
The Journal is interested in projects concerned with overcoming cultural
barriers through the use of electronic communication.
A Word About Approach:
Electronic journals are different from their paper-based counterparts in two
significant ways. The first is the uncompromising sequentiality of online
media- readers can not skip past online articles that don't interest them the
way they can in a conventional magazine. And second, generally anyone who
writes for an online publication is on the same network as those who read it.
Therefore, it is much easier for writers and readers to contact each other.
These two aspects fit together nicely. I ask writers to contribute short
(1-2 page) summary articles. Readers interested in specific articles can
then ask writers directly for more detail. This approach cuts down on the
network resources needed to distribute the Online Journal and allows for
greater reader interactivity, while reducing the amount of unwanted
information readers are forced to scroll through.
To Subscribe:
Send the following command to LISTSERV@UWAVM :SUB DISTED your_full_name
All contributions should be sent to JADIST@ALASKA
Any other questions about DISTED can be sent to:
Jason B. Ohler, Editor or Paul J. Coffin
>>> Public-Access Computer Systems News <<<
Public-Access Computer Systems News is an electronic newsletter that contains
brief news items about end-user computer systems in libraries. It is
published by the University of Houston Libraries. The newsletter was
established in March 1990 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. and Dana Rooks, who
co-edit the publication. Issues are sent out as messages on PACS-L, and back
issues are stored on the list server.
The newsletter is copyrighted; however, copying is permitted for
noncommercial use by computer conferences, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the newsletter to their
collections at no cost. The newsletter is cataloged on OCLC; its ISSN is
To retrieve an issue of the Public-Access Computer Systems News, send an
e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU containing the
appropriate command based on the issue's volume and number:
Access to these files is not restricted to PACS-L users.
For further information, contact: Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Director
for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX
77204-2091, (713) 749-4241 or LIB3@UHUPVM1.
>>> The Public-Access Computer Systems Review <<<
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review (PACS Review) is a refereed
electronic journal about end-user computer systems in libraries. It covers
topics such as CD-ROM databases, electronic publishing, expert systems,
hypertext programs, microcomputer labs, locally-mounted databases,
network-based information resources, and online catalogs. It is published by
the University of Houston Libraries.
The PACS Review, which was established in January 1990, is distributed at no
charge on BITNET, Internet, and other computer networks. Charles W. Bailey,
Jr., University of Houston Libraries, is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the
journal; Leslie Pearse, OCLC, is the Associate Editor, Columns; Dana Rooks,
University of Houston Libraries, is the Associate Editor, Communications; and
Mike Ridley, University of Waterloo, is the Associate Editor, Reviews. The
journal has a fifteen-member Editorial Board.
The PACS Review is associated with the moderated PACS-L list, which sends out
between five and fifteen messages per day about end-user computer systems in
libraries. PACS-L currently serves over 3,300 users in 35 countries. PACS-L
was founded in June 1989 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.; it is currently moderated
by Dana Rooks (LIBL@UHUPVM1) and Jill Hackenberg (LIBJ@JETSON.UH.EDU). PACS-L
users have an automatic subscription to the journal. To join PACS-L, send
the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU:
SUBSCRIBE PACS-L First Name Last Name.
PACS Review articles are stored as individual files on the list server, and
a table of contents message for each issue is sent out to all PACS-L users.
After looking over the table of contents message, users can retrieve article
files of interest.
The journal is copyrighted; however, copying is permitted for noncommercial
use by computer conferences, individual scholars, and libraries. Libraries
are authorized to add the journal to their collections at no cost. The
journal is cataloged on OCLC and RLIN; its ISSN is 1048-6542.
To retrieve the table of contents file for an issue of the PACS Review, send
an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU that
contains the appropriate command based on the issue's volume and number:
To retrieve an annual index file for a volume of the PACS Review, send an
e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU that contains
the appropriate command based on the volume's number:
Access to these files is not restricted to PACS-L users. To obtain a
complete list of available files, send the following message to
For a description of the early days of the PACS Review, see: Bailey, Jr.,
Charles W. "Electronic (Online) Publishing in Action: The Public-Access
Computer Systems Review and Other Electronic Serials." Online 15 (January
1991): 28-35.
>>> PIGULKI <<<
Occasional magazine (electronic) of news and humor relating to Poland and
Polish issues, particularly Poland's democratic evolution and its expansion
of computer networking internally and to the West. Written in English;
intended for audiences both in the West and in Poland.
To Subscribe:
Pigulki is distributed at present (April 1991) by its editors and by
designated distributors. We are interested in finding anonymous FTP sites to
increase availability of back issues. Until that time, please send inquiries
on submissions, subscriptions and back issues to Dave Philips
Back Issues:
To obtain Pigulki issue 4, for example, mail the following message to
netlib@mthvax.cs.miami.edu: send pigulki.004 from poland
Unix users and others with uncompress s/w may use the anon. ftp at
mthvax.cs.miami.edu (weeknights and evenings US Eastern time only, please) to
obtain back issues from subdirectory poland. Other users should use the mail
request method (above).
Jerzy Klimkowski (Glen Allen, VA, USA) email: jleleno@cabell.vcu.edu
Dave Phillips (Kenmore, NY, USA) email: davep@acsu.buffalo.edu
Jacek Ulanski (Lodz, Poland) email: julanski@plearn.bitnet
Marek Zielinski (Rego Park, NY, USA) email:zielinski@acfcluster.nyu.edu
PIGULKI Authorized Distributors
North America
FLORIDA: Andrew Mossberg (aem@mthvax.cs.miami.edu)
OTHER N.AMERICA: Dave Phillips (davep@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Oceania: Marek Samoc (mjs111@phys.anu.edu.au)
Sweden/Poland: Marek Chudoba (d87-wch@nada.kth.se)
Other Europe: Marek Zielinski (zielinski@acfcluster.nyu.edu)
>>> Postmodern Culture <<<
Postmodern Culture is an electronic journal of interdisciplinary studies. We
publish writing which ranges from analytical essays and reviews to video
scripts and other new literary forms. Postmodern Culture hopes to publish
excellent work, to open the discussion of postmodernism to a wide audience
and to new and different participants, to encourage reconsideration of the
forms and practices of academic writing, and to experiment with departures
from the traditional idea of published texts as immutable and monologic.
Postmodern Culture is published 3 times a year, in September, January, and
May. Volume 1, number 1 was the September, 1990 issue; Volume 2 begins with
September of 1991, et cetera.
ISSN: 1053-1920
To Subscribe:
Requests for electronic mail subscriptions can be mailed directly to the
ListServ program which distributes the journal (Internet:
listserv@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu, Bitnet: listserv@ncsuvm); this mail should
contain only the one-line command:
sub pmc-list [your_first_name your_last_name]
There should be no other text, spaces, or blank lines before this command, no
brackets around your first and last name, and no other text after the
Postmodern Culture is also available on microfiche and on disk (DOS-format
3.5" or 5.25" double-sided, low-density disks, and Macintosh-format 3.5"
double-sided, low-density disks). Subscription rates for these formats are
$15/year for individuals, $30/year for institutions (in Canada, add $3;
elsewhere outside the U.S., add $7). Requests for disk or fiche
subscriptions should be sent to the journal's postal address, given below.
Journal-sponsored Discussion List:
Using the ListServ address, readers may also subscribe free of charge to
PMC-Talk, an open discussion group for issues relating to the journal's
contents and to postmodernism in general. To request subscription to
PMC-Talk from the ListServ program, substitute "pmc-talk" for "pmc-list" in
the ListServ command given above. PMC-Talk has its own set of files,
including bibliographies, translations, non-juried essays, interviews, and
creative writing.
Electronic-mail submissions can be sent to the journal's editorial address:
Bitnet: pmc@ncsuvm
Internet: pmc@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu
Submissions to the journal can also be made on disk or in hard copy; disk
submissions should be in WordPerfect or ASCII format, but if this is not
possible please indicate the program and operating system used. The
journal's postal address is:
Postmodern Culture
Box 8105
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105
Documentation for critical essays should follow the current MLA format; a
list of the text-formatting conventions used by Postmodern Culture for ASCII
text is available on request.
Back Issue:
NOTE: the index of files available from PMC-LIST may be retrieved as a mail
message rather than as a file by adding F=MAIL to the end of any of the
command lines specified below.
A. If you are on Bitnet/NetNorth/EARN and use an IBM VM/CMS system send the
interactive command
As an alternative, send a mail message to LISTSERV AT NCSUVM containing the
one and only line
This should be on the first line of the mail message--in other words, there
should be no blank lines and no salutation preceding this line.
B. If you are on Bitnet/NetNorth/EARN and use a VAX VMS system, type
You may also be able to use the following interactive procedure:
SEND/REMOTE NCSUVM LISTSERVat which point you should get the prompt
(NCSUVM)LISTSERV:At the prompt, type
If neither the SEND command nor the interactive procedure produce the desired
results, use whatever command you have to send a file--e.g., SENDFILE--to
LISTSERV AT NCSUVM, the first and only line of the file you send being
C.If you are on Bitnet/NetNorth/EARN but don't use an IBM VM/CMS system, or
if you are not on Bitnet (e.g., JANET, ARPA, UUCP, etc.) use your mailer of
whatever kind--e.g., MAIL--to send an ordinary message to LISTSERV AT NCSUVM
and include as the one and only line
The Editors:
Bitnet: pmc@ncsuvm
Internet: pmc@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu
PSYCOLOQUY is a refereed electronic journal (ISSN 1044-0143) sponsored
American Psychological Association's Science Directorate and Office of
Publication and Communication and co-edited by Stevan Harnad (Psychology
Department, Princeton University) and Perry London (Dean, Graduate School of
Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University).
PSYCOLOQUY publishes brief reports of ideas and findings on which the author
wishes to solicit rapid peer feedback, international and interdisciplinary
("Scholarly Skywriting"), in all areas of psychology and its related fields
(biobehavioral, cognitive, neural, social, etc.). All contributions are
refereed by members of PSYCOLOQUY's 60-member Editorial Board.
Target articles should normally not exceed 500 lines in length, commentaries
and responses should not exceed 200 lines. All target articles must have (1)
a short abstract ( < 100 words), (2) an indexable title, (3) 6 - 8 indexable
keywords, and the (4) author's full name and institutional address. The
submission should be accompanied by (5) a rationale for soliciting commentary
(e.g., why would commentary be useful and of interest to the field? what kind
of commentary do you expect to elicit?) and (6) a list of potential
commentators (with their email addresses). Commentaries must have indexable
titles and the commentator's full name and institutional address (abstract is
Authors of accepted manuscripts assign to PSYCOLOQUY the right to distribute
the text electronically and to archive and make it permanently retrievable
electronically. However, they retain the copyright, and after it has appeared
in PSYCOLOQUY authors may republish their text any way they wish --
electronic or print -- as long as they clearly acknowledge PSYCOLOQUY as its
original locus of publication. Except in very special cases, agreed upon in
advance, articles that have already been published or are about to be
published elsewhere are not eligible to be considered for publication in
To Subscribe:
To subscribe to PSYCOLOQUY send a message to either:
containing the following one-line message (without a message header or topic,
i.e. leave "Subject" line blank):
sub psyc Firstname Lastname
(substituting your first and last name, of course).
After you are notified that you are on the list, subsequent postings to the
list should be sent to:
which will redirect them to the list's editors, who will post them for you if
they are judged appropriate.
The PSYCOLOQUY list can be retrieved by sending to listserv@pucc.bitnet the
rev psyc
If you do not want your email address to be retrievable that way, send to
listserv@pucc.bitnet the command:
set psyc conceal
(This command will only work after you are already signed on.)
The archive of PSYCOLOQUY back-issues is currently retrievable both by
anonymous ftp on the Internet and by the standard listserv file retrieval
commands on Bitnet:
(1) Bitnet/Listserv Retrieval of PSYCOLOQUY Archive:
Bitnet users can either send the commands shown below as a TELL message to
Listserv (TELL LISTSERV AT PUCC) or as email to LISTSERV@PUCC.bitnet. If you
use email, your commands should appear in the body of the message and not in
the subject line. Remember to send your mail requests to
LISTSERV@PUCC.bitnet, not to PSYC@PUCC.bitnet
To get a list of all PSYC files:
This will send you a file containing the names of all the available files.
Issuing the command INDEX PSYC will produce the same results. The file sent
by this command is not the same as the PSYC INDEX file, so it might be less
confusing to use the GET command rather than the INDEX command.
Then, to order an individual file:
GET fname ftype
fname and ftype are the CMS Filename and Filetype as listed in the PSYC
Listserv does limit the amount of data that a user can order in a single day.
Currently the limit is 3 Meg, so this will not affect PSYC users.
(2) Internet/Unix/ftp Retrieval of PSYCOLOQUY Archive
The PSYCOLOQUY archives are temporarily available by anonymous ftp, if you
have it. To retrieve a file by ftp from a Unix/Internet site, type either:
ftp princeton.edu
When you are asked for your login, type: anonymous
For your password, type: your-own-login-name@your-system-name
then change directories with: cd pub/harnad
To list the available files, type: ls
The archive files look like this: psyc.arch...
Next, retrieve the file you want with (for example): get psyc.arch.1.9
When you have the file(s) you want, type: quit
JANET users can use the Internet file transfer utility at JANET node
UK.AC.FT-RELAY to get BBS files. Use standard file transfer, setting the site
to be UK.AC.FT-RELAY, the userid as anonymous@edu.princeton, the password as
your own userid, and the remote filename to be the filename according to Unix
conventions (i.e. something like pub/harnad/psyc.arch.1.9). Lower case should
be used where indicated, using quotes if necessary to avoid automatic
translation into upper case.
The above cannot be done form Bitnet directly, but there is a fileserver
called bitftp@pucc.bitnet that will do it for you. Send it the one line
for instructions (which will be similar to the above, but will be in the form
of a series of lines in an email message that bitftp will then execute for
PSYCOLOQUY can also be accessed on Usenet as the moderated newsgroup
sci.psychology.digest but then you will regularly have to check Usenet for
new issues, because they are not automatically emailed to you as they are in
the Bitnet version.
Stevan Harnad
(harnad@clarity.princeton.edu) or (harnad@pucc.bitnet)
>>> QUANTA - Science, Fact, and Fiction <<<
Quanta is the elctronic magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Quanta has
been around since October of 1989, and publishes fiction by amateur and
professional authors from all corners of the net. Quanta is published in two
formats, ascii text for reading on-line and PostScript for dumping to
PostScript laser-printers.
ISSN: 1053-8496
To Subscribe:
To receive more info on Quanta, or to be added to the distribution list, send
mail to one of the following addresses, depending on which version of the
magazine you'd like to receive.
Send mail only- no interactive messages or files please. Note that if you
subscribe with a letter sent over BITNET, you will have the magazine sent to
you as a file over BITNET, whereas if you subscribe with a letter sent over
the Internet, the magazine will be sent to you as a series of mail messages.
Also, if you request it, I will put you on the "FTP" list which means you
will get a notice when a new issue comes out, directing you how to pick it up
from one of the servers. This is to save wear and tear on mailer machines
and to generally spread the load of distribution over a wider area.
Back Issues:
There are three FTP archives for Quanta issues and back issues:
Host: IP#: Directory:
export.acs.cmu.edu ( /pub/quanta
eff.org ( /journals/Quanta
lth.se* ( /documents/Quanta
European service only
In all cases, use login name of "anonymous" and send your mailing address as
the password. When FTPing these files, make sure to select BINARY transfer
Back issues may also be obtained over AFS from the directory:
If you have any questions or problems concerning FTP sites, or the AFS
directory, please mail them to quanta@andrew.cmu.edu so I can check up on
Quanta needs stories. What's in it for you, you ask? True, Quanta can't pay
you for your submissions (yet), but getting fiction into Quanta means
distribution and recognition. Quanta also publishes reviews, articles and
Submitting material to Quanta is as easy as sending it to
quanta+@andrew.cmu.edu. If your submission is already in LaTeX format, send
it in that format (RTF is also acceptable). Otherwise, send in straight ASCII
Daniel Appelquist (da1n+@andrew.cmu.edu).
>>> RD: Graduate Research in the Arts <<<
RD: GRADUATE RESEARCH IN THE ARTS is a refereed journal dedicated to
publishing the work of graduate scholars in the Arts. Its mandate is to
provide an appropriate forum for their scholarly work and a collective voice
for their issues and interests. Papers are accepted from graduate students
in the Arts, Fine Arts, and Humanities in any of the following areas:
language, literature and other
constructions of the self, gender, class and race
the academy itself and its institutional imperatives.
Multidisciplinary and collaborative work is also encouraged. RD is published
twice a year.
Although based at York University, Canada, RD's editors, editorial board, and
readers are made up of graduate students across North America. The editors
actively solicit applications from graduate students from various
institutions to act as readers of papers. Volunteers should include a CV, or
a brief summary of their scholarly work and publications, to the editors.
ISSN: 1188-0708
To Subscribe:
1 Year 2 Years
Student $16.00 $30.00
Individual/Institution $24.00 $44.00
Please add 7% for GST. Made checks payable to RD, and send to
RD, Subscriptions
York University
c/o Graduate Programme in English
215 Stong College
4700 Keele Street
North York, Ontario
Individuals who have access to e-mail can receive electronic versions of the
journal free of charge by sending their name, status (student, faculty,
other) and e-mail address to rd@writer.yorku.ca.bitnet.
Address two copies of each paper to the editors with a SASE and proof of
current enrollment in a graduate programme (for instance, photocopy of a
student card or letter from the programme). Submissions can also be sent on
disk (DOS or Macintosh format) or by e-mail. If you intend to send papers by
e-mail, please contact the editors to receive guidelines for indicating
foreign or special characters and italics. All submissions should conform to
the _MLA Style Manual_.
Back Issues:
Available by contacting the editors.
Stephen N. Matsuba
Editor, RD
York University
c/o Graduate Programme in English
215 Stong College
4700 Keele Street
North York, Ontario
>>> Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS <<<
- An all electronic, network distributed serial for Religious Studies
ISSN: 1188-5734
To disseminate via the global computer networks;
1) The table of contents, standard bibliographic information, abstracts
and reviews of new and recent publications in Religious Studies
2) Thesis and dissertations, subject bibliographies, glossaries, course
syllabi and other pedagogical material.
3) Software reviews of computer programs relevant to Religious Studies
4) Prepublication papers, dissertation abstracts, solicitations for
manuscripts, and provide a central source of information on all
networked documents of interest to Religious Studies and related
To provide a comprehensive network distributed source of information on
Religious Studies publications, pedagogical and research resources and
software tools.
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS, subtitled the
CONTENTS Project, is a networked electronic journal that brings together
academic publishers and online scholars in Religious Studies and related
fields. This journal provides an information service to academic publishers
and the more than one thousand scholars in Religious Studies and related
fields who are online with BITNET, Internet, and other international computer
networks. CONTENTS' primary function is the posting of table of contents,
standard bibliographic, pricing and ordering information, abstracts and
reviews of new books and journal issues of relevance to academics in the
broad field of Religious Studies. This electronic journal also publishes
software reviews of programs essential to computer assisted research.
CONTENTS extends the scope of electronic publication by combining reviews and
abstracts with table of contents and ordering information of new books and
journals in print. Publishers are encouraged to provide an electronic mail
contact address so as to enable CONTENTS' subscribers to order texts via the
network. This electronic journal is designed in anticipation of the
developing commercialization of the academic networks and anticipates the
growing trend within publishing houses of accommodating individual chapter
and single article purchases.
The CONTENTS Project operates by obtaining permission from participating
publishers to scan the table of contents from new and recent books and
journals and disseminates this information in electronic text to its
subscribers. To the table of contents is added information on the publisher,
number of pages, price, abstracts and, if available, online ordering contact.
Publishers also are encourage to submit abstracts, book notes and reviews for
electronic republication.
CONTENTS will also disseminate and archive information on works in
progress, conference announcements, solicitations for manuscripts, complete
dissertations, bibliographies, networked documents and audio-visual resources
of relevance to Religious Studies. All publication records posted by the
CONTENTS Project are archived via LISTSERV at Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca and may be searched or downloaded by the network
community. Eventually, all CONTENTS records will be fully searchable as an
online public access database via TELNET.
A supplement to CONTENTS, Lists in Review, provides an overview of many
of the Listserv lists (online academic conferences) of relevance to Religious
Studies. A team of editors surveys individual lists and records lists of
subject keywords that will serve to indicate what has been discussed on any
given online conference. These list summaries are compiled by the supplement
editor and posted as a short file to CONTENTS and archived on
a fileserver. This collection will allow networked researchers to quickly
survey what has been discussed on dozens of lists and then retrieve past
conversations from a list's logbook.
The list will not be conversational. Frequency of postings will depend on
the number of cooperating publishers.
At present, the Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS, has
over five hundred subscribers in more than twenty four countries.
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS, team consists of:
Michael Strangelove L. Gregory Bloomquist
Project Director Associate Director and
University of Ottawa Managing Software Review Editor
Saint Paul University
Michael T. Bradley
Lists in Review Supplement Reinhard Pummer
Managing Editor Publications Review Editor
Columbia University University of Ottawa
Board of Advisors:
Ann Okerson
Director, Association of Research Libraries
Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing
Sandra Woolfrey
Director, Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Michael Neuman
Director, Center for Text and Technology
Georgetown University
Larry Hurtado
Director, Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
Philip Davies
Director, Sheffield Academic Press
Department of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield
Willard McCarty
Assistant Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
University of Toronto
Robert Kraft
University of Pennsylvania
James O'Donnell
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Scott
University of Saskatchewan
Jean-Claude Guedon
University of Montreal
David J. Reimer
Wilfrid Laurier University
Gord Nickerson
University of Western Ontario
Jim Marchand
University of Illinois
William Adler
North Carolina State University
Robin Cover and Raymond Harder
Co-Chairs, Computer Assisted Research Group
Society of Biblical Literature
To Subscribe:
To subscribe to the Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS, send
the following e-mail message to Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA SUBSCRIBE CONTENTS your name
To determine the status of your subscription to CONTENTS, send the
following e-mail message to the above address: QUERY CONTENTS
Contact the project director at 441495@Uottawa or 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA
if you experience difficulty subscribing to CONTENTS.
Back Issues:
To retrieve previous postings to an issue of the Religious Studies
Publications Journal - CONTENTS, send an e-mail message to Listserv@Uottawa
or Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA, containing the GET file name command based on
the names of monthly logbooks:
To get a list of individual religious studies related bibliographies,
reviews, articles, glossaries, and other files archived on the CONTENTS
Project's LISTSERV database, send the email message
Access to these logbooks and archived files are not restricted to CONTENTS
subscribers. These logbooks can be searched via LDBASE.
For more information about the Religious Studies Publications Journal -
Michael Strangelove 441495@Uottawa
Department of Religious Studies 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA
University of Ottawa FAX: (613) 564-6641
177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario Voice: (613) 564-2300
>>> Socjety Journal <<<
Socjety Journal is devoted to Alumni of the Technical University of Wroclaw,
To Subscribe:
SUB WROCLAW First_Name Last_Name
Ala Lewanowicz lewanowi@plwrtu11.bitnet
or coeditor Pawel MIsiak misiak@plwrtu11.bitnet
Inst. Chemii Org. i Fiz.
Politechniki Wroclawskiej
Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27
PL 50-370 Wroclaw
>>> SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics <<<
Solstice first appeared in the summer of 1990. Solstice is an online,
refereed journal published by the Institute of Mathematical Geography
(IMaGe). It is transmitted, free of charge, to a distribution list of
subscribers twice yearly, on the astronomical solstices, over
bitnet/internet. The journal is typeset using TeX so that mathematical
notation may be sent as an ASCII file and downloaded as typeset notation by
the receiver (at receiver cost). This procedure enables users to have
high-quality typeset copy using a program acceptable to conventional
publishers should they wish; hard copy is available from the Institute of
Mathematical Geography (currently at a cost of $15.95 U.S. (soft cover) per
year plus shipping). This is a cheap way, in terms of fiscal and
environmental costs, to create, typeset, and distribute a journal. Solstice
is copyrighted; typically, it includes original, refereed articles as well as
other material such as reprints and various features.
ISSN: 1059-5325
To Subscribe:
Write via electronic mail to Bitnet: Solstice@UMICHUM Internet:
Sandy.Arlinghaus@um.cc.umich.edu or directly to Dr. Sandy Arlinghaus at the
address below. Ask, in either case, to have your bitnet or internet address
added to the distribution list for Solstice and a free subscription will be
entered beginning with the next issue. Requests for hard copy should also be
sent to the same address. Hard copy is produced as needed directly from the
transmitted electronic file, with photos and difficult-to-transmit figures
scanned into the hard copy on a scanning digital copying machine. Hard copy
may be purchased in a soft-binding or in a hard-binding.
The purpose of Solstice is to promote interaction between geography and
mathematics. Articles in which elements of one discipline are used to shed
light on the other are particularly sought. Also welcome, are original
contributions that are purely geographical or purely mathematical. All
original articles are refereed. Invited articles and reprints are screened by
suitable members of the Editorial Board. IMaGe is open to having authors
suggest, and furnish material for, new regular features. Authors should
submit manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts may be submitted as an
ASCII file, via bitnet or internet, or on a 5.25 inch high density diskette.
They may also be submitted as hard copy (in triplicate). Upon final
acceptance, figures in refereed papers must be drawn in Indian ink on
high-quality paper (or in some other acceptable manner negotiated on an
individual basis). There are no page charges; authors will be given
permission to make reprints from the electronic file. The suggested format
for referencing an article is to cite the hard copy with page numbers in the
customary manner AND to cite the electronic copy as transmitted, complete
with facts of the transmission as they appear on the received header, as to
date and time of transmission. Cite field character count (to replace
pagination) of the article in accordance with specific instructions from
Back Issues:
Back issues are available in hard copy from IMaGe---within the Monograph
Series of the Institute of Mathematical Geography; because they are produced
in an on-demand fashion, they do not go out of print. Warehousing is not a
significant issue in this mode of journal production. Current prices are
$15.95 for soft binding and $23.95 for hard binding. Shipping and handling
charges will be added. Back electronic files can be made available, but at a
cost; individual requests will be negotiated separately.
Dr. Sandra L. Arlinghaus
Director, Institute of Mathematical Geography
2790 Briarcliff Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-1429 U.S.A.
Phone: (313) 761-1231
Bitnet: Solstice@UMICHUM
Internet: Sandy.Arlinghaus@um.cc.umich.edu
>>> TeXMaG <<<
TeXMaG is a monthly electronic magazine available free of charge to all
interested parties reachable by electronic mail. Letters to the editor may
be sent to NABTEXM@TAMVENUS (Bitnet) or NABTEXM@VENUS.TAMU.EDU (Internet) and
may be published in a future issue.
Publisher: Academic Computing Services of Texas A&M University Managing
Editor: Neil Burleson
To Subscribe:
CDNnet: Send a note to (list-request@relay.cdnnet.ca) asking to receive
JANET: Send a note to Peter Abbott, (Abbottp@Uk.Ac.Aston) asking to receive
All others: Send the following command as an interactive message (Bitnet) or
as a single-line mail message to LISTSERV@UICVM or LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU:
SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name.
If you have difficulty doing this, send a note to Neil Burleson
Please send submissions to (TEXMAG-L@UICVM.UIC.EDU) or (TEXMAG-L@UICVM); they
will automatically be forwarded to the editor.
Back Issues:
Back issues may be FTP'd from YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU from the directory
Back issues may also be FTP'd from SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU from the directory
pub/texmag. Users without FTP access may request back issues from the
Clarkson repository by sending a mail message to
(archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu) with the form
get texmag.V.NN
where V is the volume number and NN is the issue number. Including a line
"index texmag" in the message will return a list of back issues available.
Janet users may obtain back issues from the Aston archive. Those who are on
SPAN can get in touch with Max Calvani at 39003::CALVANI for infos about SPAN
Neil Burleson
>>> TeX Publication Distribution List <<<
TeX-Pubs@SHSU.BITNET (TeX-Pubs@SHSU.edu) TeX-Pubs is a redistribution list
for TeX-related electronic form periodicals whch is being made available in
addition to INFO-TeX for your convenience. The distribution of TeX-Pubs
includes TeXhax Digest, UKTeX, TeXMaG, the TeX Users Group's "TeX and TUG
News", and the "Frequently Asked Questions" and "Supplementary TeX
Information" posts from the comp.text.tex newsgroup.
The intent of TeX-Pubs is to allow users a single site for delivery of these
electronic form periodicals, as well as any others which may be brought to my
attention. This list is offered in lieu of directly posting these documents
to INFO-TeX. The decision to create a support list is in an effort to
provide this information to interested readers, but not replicate it for
those who wish to retain their current subscription(s) and not be bothered by
extraneous material on INFO-TeX.
There will be no direct archives for TeX-Pubs. Instead, each of the included
periodicals will have its own directory available for retrieval from
To Subscribe:
If you would like to subscribe to TeX-Pubs, please include the command:
SUBSCRIBE TeX-Pubs in the body of a mail message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET
(LISTSERV@SHSU.edu). This LISTSERV is MAIL-oriented only; interactive
messages sent to this LISTSERV address will be ignored.
Any questions regarding TeX-Pubs or INFO-TeX should be directed to
their owner:
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.
Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU Department of Economics and Business Analysis
THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration
Voice: (409) 294-1266 P. O. Box 2118
FAX: (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Internet: bed_gdg@SHSU.edu
>>> Textual Studies in Canada <<<
Textual Studies in Canada, a collaborative journal of interdisciplinary
inquiry, offers an e-journal/bulletin board service to its subscribers.
The focus of the journal (and its electronic complement): issues related to
the study of texts with a Canadian context. We are interested in how texts
are composed, read, and variously defined according to disciplinary and
cultural presuppositions.
For submission/subscription information, please contact W.F. Garrett-Petts,
Co-editor, Faculty of Arts, Cariboo University College, Kamloops, B.C.,
Canada, V2C 5N3. E-mail: petts@cariboo.bc.ca
From LISTSERV@acadvm1.uottawa.ca Wed Jul 8 17:04:53 1992
Received: from acadvm1.uottawa.ca by eff.org with SMTP id AA10121
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Received: from ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA by acadvm1.uottawa.ca (IBM VM SMTP V2R2)
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Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 17:03:45 -0400
From: Revised List Processor (1.7c) <LISTSERV@acadvm1.uottawa.ca>
Subject: File: "EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY" being sent to you
To: rita@EFF.ORG
Status: OR
LISTSERV FILE: EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY from Listserv@acadvm1.uottawa.ca
*** ***
*** Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters ***
*** ***
*** EDITION 2.1 - July 1992 ***
*** ***
*** Compiled by: ***
*** Dept. Religious Studies ***
*** Michael Strangelove 177 Waller, ***
*** CONTENTS Project Director Ottawa, Ontario ***
*** University of Ottawa Canada K1N 6N5 ***
*** (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) VOICE: (613) 237-2052 ***
*** (441495@UOTTAWA) FAX: (613) 564-6641 ***
Contributions and corrections to this directory should be sent to Michael
Strangelove (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) and MUST be in the following
format (use as much space as necessary):
ISSN #: (if any)
To Subscribe: (via Bitnet and Internet)
Submissions: (whom to sent submissions to and in what form)
Related List: (how to subscribe to a related list, if any)
Back Issues: (how to access them)
Contact: (for more information)
Journals and Newsletters
>>> Section 1: Information <<<
How to Retrieve This Directory From Networked Sources
Networked Resources for Electronic Publication
Electronic Serials and Related Topics: A Brief Bibliography
How to Submit an Entry to the Directory
Getting an ISSN for an Electronic Journal
How to Start an E-Newsletter
PACS-L Review Special Issue on Networked Based E-Serials
Changes to the Second Edition
>>> Section 2: Electronic Journals <<<
Inactive Electronic Journals
Active Journals:
$ indicates subscription is not free
** indicates journal is peer reviewed
Subject area is indicated (when necessary) within square brakets [ ]
Art Com [Contemporary art and new communication technologies]
ArtsNet Review [Contemporary cross-cultural, arts and electronic networking
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
** CATALYST: The Community Services Catalyst [Community college educators]
CORE [A literary journal for short fiction, poetry, and essays]
DargonZine [Dargon Project fiction anthology]
The Distance Education Online Symposium
** EJournal [Implications of electronic documents and networks]
The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
** Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication
(EJC/REC) [Communication theory, research, practice, and policy]
Fineart Forum [Application of science and technology to the contemporary arts
and music]
** Flora Online [Systematic botany]
Intertext [An electronic fiction digest]
IOUDAIOS Review [Reviews in Early Judaism and Christian origins]
Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship
$ ** Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research
Journal of Technology Education
LIBRES (Library and Information Science Research Electronic Conference)
MeckJournal [A monthly from Meckler Publishing]
** New Horizons in Adult Education
Offline [Computers in religious studies]
Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication
The Public-Access Computer Systems News
** The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
Pigulki [News and humor relating to Poland and Polish issues]
** Postmodern Culture
Quanta [Science fiction and fantasy]
** RD: Graduate Research in the Arts
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
Socjety Journal [Alumni journal of the Technical University of Wroclaw,
SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
TeXMaG (TeX Typesetting System)
TeX Publication Distribution List
Textual Studies in Canada
>>> Section 3: Electronic Newsletters <<<
ACQNET (The Acquisitions Librarians Electronic Network)
ALCTS Network News (AN2 - The Association of Library Collections and
Technical Services)
American Psychological Association's Research Funding Bulletin
Arts Wire News
BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
Between the Lines
CANOPUS Magazine
CERFNet News
ChE Electronic Newsletter (Chemical Engineering)
Christian Growth Newsletter
Class Four Relay Magazine
Computer Science Center Link
Computing and Telecommunications Newsletter
Computists' Communique
Consortium Update
Cosmic Update
CPSR/PDX Newsletter (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
CRTNet - Communication Research and Theory
Current Cites
DECNEWS for Education and Research
DevelopNet News
Deutschland Nachrichten
Digital Games Review
Disaster Research
Drosophila Information Newsletter
EFFector Online (The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc.)
Electronic AIR
Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter
Energy and Climate Information and Exchange (ECIX) Newsletter and Digest
Energy Research in Israel Newsletter
Ethnomusicology Research Digest
Fine Art, Science and Technology News (F.A.S.T. News)
FARNET Gazette
GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association)
GNU's Bulletin (Newsletter of the Free Software Foundation)
HICNet Newsletter (Mednews - Health Infocom Newsletter
History and Analysis of Disabilities Newsletter
Hot Off the Tree (HOTT)
Impact Online
International Voice Newsletter Prototype List
IS P.O.B. Bulletin YSSTI (Yugoslav System for Scientific and Technology
Laboratory Primate Newsletter
Law and Politics Book Review
Leonardo Electronic News
Link Letter
List Review Service
MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter
Machine Readable Texts News
Material Science in Israel Newsletter
MichNet News
NEARnet Newsletter
Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review
Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
Newsline (Comserve)
News of Earth
NIBNews - A Monthly Electronic Bulletin About Medical Informatics
NLSNews Newsletter
Old English Computer-Assisted Language Learning Newsletter (OE-CALL)
Political Analysis and Research Cooperation (PARC) News Bulletin
Principia Cybernetica Newsletter
The Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS)
Research and Educational Applications of Computers in Humanities (REACH)
Rezo, bulletin irregulomadaire du RQSS
$ St. Petersburg Business News
SCUP Bitnet News (Society for College and University Planners)
SCUPMA-L (Society of College and University Planners, Mid-Atlantic Region)
Sense of Place
South Florida Environmental Reader
$ The Teleputing Hotline And Field Computing Source Letter
THINKNET (Electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory,
interdisciplinary studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace)
TitNeT -- Titnews -- Titnotes
ViewPoints (Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the
Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication [AEJMC])
The Week in Germany
>>> Section 4: Hypercard Stacks, Digest-Newsletters and Others <<<
Chile News Database
China News Digest
Desktop Publishing Digest
Electronic College of Theory
The Handicap Digest
Instant Math Preprints (IMP)
IRList (Information Retrieval List Digest)
Risks-Forum Digest
Simulation Digest
Simulations Online
Delete all above this line to join files EJOURNL1 and EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY
>>> Section 3: Electronic Newsletters <<<
>>> Access <<<
The Computing and Communications Services Newsletter, California State
University, Chico. Produced 5 times yearly, this newsletter contains
material of general interest on timely computing topics, and information of
specific interest to the Chico campus community. Articles also include
microcomputing and mainframe tips, and how-to instructions on computer use.
The 1800 subscriptions include departments and individuals on campus and
requested subscriptions from other locations.
Subscription, back issue requests, and other information may be requested
Vicky Banes, Publications Editor
Computing Services
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA 95929-0407
Internet: vicky_banes@msmailgw.csuchico.edu
Phone: 916-898-4391
>>> ACQNET <<<
The Acquisitions Librarians Electronic Network, ACQNET is a moderated
newsletter/bulletin board of interest to library professionals in
acquisitions, serials management, collection development, and administration.
All contributions are screened by an editor, edited, organized, and
redistributed to the membership. Issues are sent as traffic warrants, and
average 3 per week between 150 and 200 lines each. Any topic that might be
of interest to the readership is welcome. Materials from other lists are
rarely reprinted, only if they are of great importance. There is an
editorial board which sets what few rules exist and which is prepared to
review decisions by the editor.
ISSN: 1057-5308
To Subscribe:
By request to the editor only. ACQNET is not a ListServ and cannot be
obtained interactively. The current editor is Christian Boissonnas,
Acquisitions Librarian, Cornell University Library
E-mail, or ASCII file on floppy disk. No paper contributions are accepted.
For e-mail, use either of the addresses above.
For floppy disks, mail to the address at the end of this message.
Related Lists:
Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues, edited by Marcia Tuttle, Serials
Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Bitnet:TUTTLE@UNC).
[Also SERIALST a ListServ list]
Back Issues:
By e-mail request from the editor at the above address only. Back issues are
kept for six months, and files on specific topics that have been discussed
are available, also by request from the editor.
Christian M. Boissonnas
Acquisitions Librarian
Cornell University Library
110A Olin Library
Ithaca, NY 14853-5301
>>> ALCTS Network News (AN2) <<<
AN2 aims to provide timely and comprehensive coverage of items of concern to
librarians engaged in collection management, acquisitions, cataloging,
serials, preservation, and the reproduction of library materials. AN2 will
contain advance copy of articles and features that will appear later in the
print publication of the division, the ALCTS NEWSLETTER. AN2 will also
feature late-breaking news such as ALA Annual and Midwinter conference
schedules (including meeting room locations) and reports shortly after the
conference of major actions and developments. AN2 will also feature current
legislative news, news from the publishing world, and ALCTS candidates for
office and election results. Although AN2 will duplicate some of the content
of the ALCTS NEWSLETTER, those columns that are not as time-dependent (such
as lists of new publications) will appear only in the print publication.
ISSN: 1056-6694
To Subscribe:
It is simple to subscribe to AN2, and it is NOT necessary to be a current
member of ALCTS nor a subscriber to any ALCTS publication. On the Internet,
Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name (e.g., SUBSCRIBE ALCTS Jane Smith).
AN2 will be an electronic publication, not a bulletin board. Therefore,
items to be considered for publication should be sent to the editorial staff.
Articles may be submitted to the ALCTS Office at U34261@uicvm. The ALCTS
NETWORK NEWS is made possible on the Internet through the distribution
services of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and is a wholly owned
publication of ALCTS.
For further information, please contact: Karen Muller (u19466@uicvm) or
ALCTS, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; 800-545-2433.
>>> American Psychological Association's Research Funding Bulletin <<<
The APA Funding Bulletin consists of an index of funding announcements. This
index lists each funding announcement by its title and a one-line description
of its contents. The files of actual announcements are accessible
electronically. Each announcement contains a complete summary of the Request
for Proposal or Request for Application, deadline date, sponsoring
institution, amount of funding available, and contact person. The index is
updated and mailed electronically approximately twice a month. Announcements
are included from both federal and private funding agencies.
To Subscribe:
Send the following command to LISTSERV@VTVM2 in a mail message -
Subscriptions are free to this list.
Submissions of announcements to be considered for inclusion on the Funding
Bulletin index should be sent to the editor of the list: APASDCF@GWUVM.BITNET
Back Issues:
Editor of APASD-L list is Cheri Fullerton - APASDCF@GWUVM.BITNET
American Psychological Association, Science Directorate, 750
First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
>>> Arts Wire News <<<
Newsletter for Arts Wire, an online arts news and advocacy service.
Bi-monthly issues supply information and progress reports on Arts Wire,
information from Arts Wire's Partners, and news about other arts-related
online projects. Arts Wire is a project of the New York Foundation for the
To subscribe:
Subscription is free. Send your request to Anne Focke, CIS: 71170,3160.
Arts Wire encourages submissions pertaining to online arts related projects.
Please send information to the contacts listed below.
Back Issues:
Emailed upon request.
Anna Couey, Arts Wire Network Coordinator, couey@well.sf.ca.us
Anne Focke, Arts Wire Project Director, CIS: 71170,3160
David Green, Director of Communications, New York Foundation for the Arts,
CIS: 72060,3176
Dan Talley, Editor, Arts Wire News, CIS: 76050,611
>>> Automatome <<<
Newsletter of the American Association of Law Libraries, Automation and
Scientific Development Special Interest Section.
To Subscribe:
Join the Law Librarians' Computer Conference. Subscription requests to
LAW-REQ@UCDAVIS.EDU. (Please note, Automatome is only one small part of this
Submissions and Back Issues:
Contact editor (see below).
Anna Belle Leiserson, Editor American Association of Law Libraries
Vanderbilt Law Library 53 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 940
Vanderbilt University Chicago, IL 60604
Nashville, TN 37203 Telephone: 312-939-4764
Telephone: 615-322-0023
>>> BEN (Botanical Electronic News) <<<
ISSN 1188-603X
News related to botany, plant ecology, plant distributios, plant protection,
conferences, meeting, botanical techniques etc., preferably related to
British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest of North America.
To Subscribe:
Back Issues:
Dr. Adolf Ceska
P.O.Box 8546
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 3S2
Phone: (604) 477-1211
E-mail: aceska@cue.bc.ca
>>> Between the Lines <<<
A monthly digest about Debbie Gibson and her music.
To Subscribe:
Send e-mail to ez000018@hamlet.ucdavis.edu
Send submissions to ez000018@hamlet.ucdavis.edu
Matthew Jung at ez000018@hamlet.ucdavis.edu
>>> Buffer <<<
The newsjournal of computing at the University of Denver, 16-page, monthly
To Subscribe:
send e-mail via Internet to buffer@du.edu or Bitnet: BUFFER@DUCAIR
(Submissions also)
Back Issues:
telnet to du.edu and log in as atdu. Select Buffer from menu. An index from
1986 to current issue is available. Electronic issues are only available
begining February 1991.
Mary Ehlert, Buffer Editor
buffer@du.edu or BUFFER@DUCAIR
>>> CANOPUS Magazine <<<
CANOPUS is the newsletter of the Space Science and Astronomy Technical
Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Its
objective is to provide an insider's perspective on issues in space science
and astronomy.
To Subscribe:
No subscription list maintained. To read from NASA Science Internet, type
set host ncf, use username nodis, and follow the menus to CANOPUS. To read
from Internet, type telnet, use username nodis, and follow the
menus to CANOPUS.
Send to NHQVAX::WTAYLOR from NASA Science Internet or to
wtaylor@nhqvax.hq.nasa.gov from Internet.
Back Issues:
One year kept online.
William W. L. Taylor, Code M-8, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546,
202-453-2961, NHQVAX::WTAYLOR from NASA Science Internet or
wtaylor@nhqvax.hq.nasa.gov from Internet. Send correspondence about business
matters to Ms. Barbara Laurence, AIAA, 555 W. 57th St., New York, NY 10019.
>>> CCNEWS - Campus Computing Newsletter <<<
CCNEWS, the electronic forum for campus computing newsletter editors and
other publications specialists, on Bitnet. CCNEWS consists of a biweekly
newsletter focusing on writing, editing, design, and production of campus
computing publications, and an Articles Abstracts -- published on alternating
weeks -- describing new contributions to the Articles Archive.
The CCNEWS Events Calendar posts information on conferences, seminars, and
workshops relevant to information technology in higher education.
Information on events should be sent to CCNEWS@EDUCOM and include the dates
of the event, the city and state, and the e-mail or telephone number of a
contact. To obtain the CCNEWS Events Calendar send an interactive message or
To Subscribe:
send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@BITNIC containing:
SUB CCNEWS FirstName LastName - Institution.
The CCNEWS Newsletter relies on contributions from subscribers. Please write
about experiences, send queries, suggestions, and responses to previously
published questions to CCNEWS@EDUCOM.
Back Issues:
The Articles Archive, which utilizes LISTSERV software to distribute
material, enables CCNEWS subscribers to contribute their best material on a
variety of topics concerning computing, networking, and desktop publishing,
among others. The material in then posted in the Archive to be downloaded
for research or reprint (with proper attribution). The Articles Index is
available by sending an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@BITNIC
Wendy Rickard Bollentin
Editor, CCNEWS
>>> CERFNet NEWS <<<
CERFnet News is published bi-monthly by the California Education and Research
Federation Network (CERFnet). CERFnet is a mid-level network linking
academic, government, and industrial research facilities throughout
To Subscribe:
If you would like receive CERFnet News or would like further information
about CERFnet, please send your request to help@cerf.net, or telephone
Back Issues:
Current CERFnet News and all back issues can be accessed by anonymous FTP to
>>> ChE Electronic Newsletter <<<
For publicizing information of interest/relevance to chemical engineers.
To Subscribe:
Send request via e-mail to the Editor (no fee) trayms@cc.curtin.edu.au
Send to Editor, should be brief (approx 15 lines?), may be edited if too
Related list:
Sent via Chem Eng Mailing list held by the editor.
Back Issues:
>From FTP archive: FTP to cc.curtin.edu.au and login with username of
'anonymous' and a password of your name.
Type cd chemeng to find directory of back issues. Use 'ls' and 'get'
commands to list files and retrieve them to your computer. Use 'quit' to
Dr Martyn S Ray, Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering
Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth 6001
Western Australia
Tel: 09-351-7702Fax 09-351-2681
PREFERABLY by e-mail (Internet): trayms@cc.curtin.edu.au
>>> Christian Growth Newsletter <<<
The CGN is intended to help christians grow. It includes personal
testimonies, encouraging articles, book reviews, a calendar of events.
To Subscribe:
Send a mail message to Dan Smith, address below. Please include your mail
address in your message.
They can be sent to Dan Smith, address below. Submissions will be reviewed,
edited by permission, and then distributed.
Related List:
Back Issues:
Not available.
Dan Smith at dansmith@olsen.ch, or
>>> Class Four Relay Magazine <<<
Class Four, a magazine by Relay Ops for the relay community. Class Four
Relay Magazine is available from LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA (Carnegie Mellon
University, courtesy of Pitt Relay Masterop Marc Shannon).
Content: articles on
1) general questions/issues of relay usage;
2) useful information for and about relay ops;
3) discussion of policy issues and guidelines;
4) technical issues and new developments.
Structure: Material is collected/prepared by a team of editors (mostly class
4 Relay Ops) and reviewed by a Masterops' advisory board. Signed articles do
not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors or the members of the
advisory board.
To Subscribe:
1) Pick a password and tell the ListServ what it is:
(wait for a positive acknowledgement, and remember
your password)
2) Use your password to tell ListServ that you
want to add Class-4 to your Automatic File
Distribution list. On the VAX:
Back Issues:
To pull down a particular issue of Class-4 magazine, send the following
command to LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA: GET CLASS-4 ISSUE-01 and the server should
send you issue 1 of the magazine. Up to issue # 5 is in that format.
Subsequent issues are like the following: CLASS-4 V2I1 (for volume 2 issue
To get a complete listing, issue the following command to LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA:
Any RELAY Operator may submit an article to Class-4. Submission of a article
does not guarantee its use in any publication. If you are not RELAY operator
and would like to submit an article you must be sponsored by a current RELAY
operator. To submit an article, send it to STJS@MARIST.
Editor in Chief:
Joey J. Stanford (RESCUE-1) stjs@marist or stjs@vm.marist.edu.
>>> Computer Science Center Link <<<
This newsletter on issues in academic computing on the University of
Maryland, College Park campus is published 5 times a year. The Link features
articles about networking, new trends in computing, and innovative uses of
computing, as well as highlights new technology or features in the areas of
microcomputing (IBM, Macintosh, DEC, and NeXT), training, and mainframes
(IBM, Unisys, and UNIX).
To Subscribe:
Anyone can request a free subscription by sending e-mail to:
yellow_pages@umail.umd.edu (Internet) or drop a line to:
Link Editor
Computer Science Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Link usually doesn't solicit submissions from outside UMCP, although we will
run articles (with author permission) from other newsletters that are deemed
pertinent to our computing situation.
Back Issues:
Back issues of Link are not kept in stock. Readers can, however, request a
reprint of specific articles.
Link Editor, Computer Science Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
>>> Computing and Network News <<<
A newsletter published 10 times a year for the Kansas State University
To Subscribe:
Electronic subscriptions available; send requests to
editor@ksuvm.bitnet or editor@ksuvm.ksu.edu (Internet).
Send e-mail to address above.
Back Issues:
Must have an account on the KSUVM system. After logging on, type
ZDISK and NEWSLETTER to access the newsletter database (contains
issues from February 1986 to the present). A search facility
allows searching on words, word combinations, dates, etc.
Betsy Edwards (betsy@ksuvm.bitnet or betsy@ksuvm.ksu.edu)
>>> Computists' Communique <<<
The Computists' Communique is a tightly edited weekly newsletter serving
professionals in artificial intelligence, information science, and computer
science. The editor/publisher is Kenneth Laws, former NSF program director
for Robotics and Machine Intelligence. Content is career-oriented and
depends partly on contributions from members. Dr. Laws filters submissions,
reports and comments on industry news, collects "common knowledge" about
academia and industry, and helps track people and projects. The Communique
is only available to members of Computists International, a "networking"
association for computer and information scientists. It is an association
for mutual mentoring about grant and funding sources, information channels,
applications, text and software publishing, tenure, career moves,
institutions, consulting, business practices, home offices, software
packages, entrepreneurial concerns, taxes, and the sociology of work. By
helping each other, members multiply benefits of their experience.
To subscribe:
Charter membership, including back issues from April 1, 1991, is $135. Other
membership options are Professional ($156, starting whenever you prefer),
Trial ($95 for 9 months). Internet delivery of the Communique is free to all
members. There is a full money-back guarantee, excluding postage for
hardcopy delivery.
Contact the publisher, laws@ari.sri.com
Back issues:
Available at normal subscription price.
Dr. Kenneth I. Laws
4064 Sutherland Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94303
laws@ari.sri.com (Internet)
>>> Consortium Update <<<
CONSORTIUM UPDATE is an informal newsletter about happenings in the SPIRES
Consortium. If you would like to contribute an article to a future issue,
CONSORTIUM UPDATE will be distributed electronically on an as-needed basis,
but at least twice a year.
To Subscribe:
Contact SPIRES Consortium Office
115 Polya Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, Ca 94305
(415) 725-1803
HQ.CON@Stanford (BITNET)
>>> Cosmic Update <<<
Once amonth Internet notice identifying new computer software from the USA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made available for
international use.
To Subscribe: send Internet note to service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu
Related Info: 1990 COSMIC Software Catalog, available on DOS format
diskettes and Microfiche, annual.
COSLINE is a 24 hour electronic information service to COSMIC's customers.
You can access COSLINE via telnet to cosline.cosmic.uga.edu or by setting
your modem to (1200/2400, 8,N, 1) and dialing either (404) 542-7354 or (404)
542-7355. Although several terminal types are supported, you are encouraged
to use the DEC VT-100 driver which is provided by default.
Questions on using COSLINE or suggestions for improvement may be directed to
us in various ways:
COSLINE use the "Comments to SYSOP" option under the "Utilities" selection
on the main menu
EMAIL send an email message to us at service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu
VOICE call us at (404) 542-3265 and ask for COSLINE Support
FAX send it to COSLINE Support at (404) 542-4807
The University of Georgia
382 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602
Connect to COSLINE using either the telnet or dialup method as described
above. When you have become connected you will be prompted for your name and
a password. If you have not previously used COSLINE, you may simply press
your ENTER key to proceed to the next prompt which allows you to identify the
type of terminal you are using.
COSLINE is a full screen application and although the use of special keys is
kept to a minimum, we do require that your terminal or emulator understand a
minimal number of screen control escape sequences for the terminal type you
select. Experience suggests that the DEC VT100 driver (vt100) so we have
made that the default.
The main COSLINE menu is oriented horizontally and the user may highlight a
particular selection using the left and right cursor keys. Certain main menu
options entail submenus and the user may select from these vertical submenus
by using the up and down cursor keys. Once the desired selection has been
highlighted, simply press the key marked ENTER or RETURN and located near the
alphabetic character keys.
Beyond the catalog Search option most of the screens are informational in
nature and are therefore implemented as text file browsers. Browsing is
facilitated by the use of the (F)orward and (B)ack alphabetic keys. To
return to the menu you may always select (Q)uit. Certain browsers also allow
you to (L)ocate a particular string and a number may allow you to (S)ave
to buffer.
By default, new users are provided with a "buffer" of approximately ten
thousand characters. The COSLINE user may elect to write certain pieces of
information into this buffer during his current session. The DOWNLOAD option
on the main menu provides the user with two ways of placing the contents of
this file on his/her local machine or printer. One may elect to send the
file to oneself as email or to collect it as a straight ASCII text stream.
The email option prompts for an address and then sends the text almost
immediately. No checking is done on the address provided by the user and we
assume that your host is reachable by the internet. The text stream option
was designed primarily for dialup users whose communications package supports
a text capture or log file feature wherein any text sent to the screen is
also placed in a file. Any requisite flow control is assumed to be provided
by the communications link and is not moderated by COSLINE itself.
Catalog Search
The principle feature of COSLINE is the catalog Search facility. There is a
separate help file available for browsing from the Search main menu option.
Please feel free to experiment to isolate particular program of interest to
you. Program information is savable to your buffer and downloadable as
described above.
Disconnecting from COSLINE
Please be certain to disconnect using the Exit option from the main menu.
This allows house cleaning to be executed in an orderly manner and also
returns control to the communications program on your end.
Pat Mortenson
The University of Georgia
382 E. Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602
phone (404) 542-3265
FAX(404) 542-4807
Internet: service@cossack.cosmic.uga.ed
>>> CPSR/PDX Newsletter <<<
The on-line newsletter of the Portland, OR chapter of Computer Professionals
for Social Responsibility.
For Subscriptions, submissions and back issues contact:
Erik Nilsson (ERIKN@Goldfish.mitron.tek.com)
>>> CRTNet - Communication Research and Theory Network <<<
All topics related to human communications.
To Subscribe:
Subscriptions to CRTNet are free to all. Send electronic mail requests to
editor T3B@PSUVM or CRTNET@PSUVM (Bitnet); or you may be able to send an
interactive message:
Readers are encouraged to contribute abstracts, articles, book reviews,
announcements, comments, questions, and discussion to CRTNet. All topics
relating to the general area of human communication are welcome.
Back Issues:
(1) COMSERVE@RPIECS (Bitnet) will respond to interactive commands or
electronic mail; try asking for HELP; or send the command SEND CRTNET
DIRECTRY for a directory of back issues.
(2) LISTSERV@PSUVM archives CRTNet; if you are able to use interactive
messaging, try TELL LISTSERV@PSUVM HELP to get started; for an index of
Tom Benson
T3B@PSUVM (Bitnet); t3b@psuvm.psu.edu (Internet)
>>> Current Cites <<<
Current Cites is a monthly publication of the Library Technology Watch
Program -- The Library, University of California at Berkeley. Over 30
journals in librarianship and computer technology are scanned for selected
articles on optical disk technologies, computer networks and networking,
information transfer, expert systems and artificial intelligence,and
hypermedia and multimedia. Brief annotations accompany most of the
ISSN: 1060-2356
To Subscribe:
Current Cites is sent automatically to all subscribers to
PACS-L@UHUPVM1.BITNET each month. Subscriptions to the electronic format and
paper format are also available by sending your name and mailing address to
David Robison, 208 Main Library, Berkeley, CA 94720 or
drobison@library.berkeley.edu, or drobison@ucblibra. Please specify
electronic (preferred) or paper.
Current Cites is available electronically through the Melvyl catalog (telnet
melvyl.ucop.edu,,,, by giving the
command "show current cites" or via anonymous ftp to cni.org.
Back Issues:
Available via anonymous ftp to cni.org, or,
Send your name and address, and the date or number of the issue(s) desired to
Teri Rinne, The Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA 94720. The Melvyl catalog
retains the six most recent issues.
David Robison, Editor, (208 Main Library, Berkeley, CA
94720, drobison@library.berkeley.edu, drobison@ucblibra) or
Program Coordinator, Roy Tennant (The Library 130 Doe,
Berkeley, CA 94720).
Distributed online by the Defense Data Network Information Center. It is
used as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other
information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities.
Back Issues:
Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC)
or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host
[] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname
for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the
bulletin number). The ddn-news index is available at the NIC and it starts
at management bulletin 22 and goes through 96.
DISA DDN Defense Communications System
Published by: DDN Network Info Center
(NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642
>>> DECNEWS for Education and Research <<<
Monthly electronic newsletter from Digital Equipment Corporation summarizing
announcements of Digital's products, programs, and applications of interest
to computer users in the academic and research communities. Includes pointers
on how to obtain additional documents electronically.
To Subscribe:
The message should be this command: SUB DECNEWS Firstname Lastname (e.g. SUB
DECNEWS John Jones). The command is the text of the message; the subject is
ignored by LISTSERV.
Send article ideas to decnews@mr4dec.enet.dec.com.
Related List:
Back Issues:
Mary Hoffmann at decnews@mr4dec.enet.dec.com
>>> DevelopNet News <<<
Monthly newsletter on technology transfer in international development. By
Volunteers in Technical Assistance, a private, voluntary, nonprofit
organization in Arlington, VA. USA.
To Subscribe:
Send request to vita@gmuvax or vita@gmuvax.gmu.edu .
To the editor, at vita@gmuvax or vita@gmuvax.gmu.edu .
Related list:
Subscribers to the discussion list, DEVEL-L also receive the newsletter. To
subscribe to the discussion list, send the message sub devel-l (your full
name) to listserv@auvm or listserv@auvm.american.edu.
Back issues:
Can be supplied non-automatically.
R.R. Ronkin, VITA Volunteer, vita@gmuvax or vita@gmuvax.gmu.edu.
>>> Deutschland Nachrichten <<<
Only available on commercial BBSs.
NewsNet - 800-345-1301 (Canada and Pennsylvania 215-527-1301). This net does
not offer the German version. GeoNet - 415-952-1100
>>> DIGIT <<<
Digit is published six times a year and contains information aimed at users
of computing resources at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
To Subscribe:
Send mail to kincaid@spot.colorado.edu and request a subscription.
Subscriptions are free.
Submissions and Back Issues:
Send to kincaid@spot.colorado.edu
Suzanne Kincaid (kincaid@spot.colorado.edu)
Computing and Network Services
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0455
(303) 492-9177
>>> Digital Games Review <<<
Digital Games Review is devoted to reviews of video and computer
entertainment titles for the entire industry. Nintendo, Apple, Sega, NEC,
Atari, Amiga and PC games are considered alongside more exotic systems like
the SNK NeoGeo, Sega GameGear and Super Nintendo. Reviews, further, are
written by peers, with an eye to playability, enjoyment and fun, as well as
graphics, technical sophistication and complexity.
Digital Games Review is registered with the United States Library of
Congress, with ISSN 1059-5457.
To Subscribe:
Send subscription requests to: digital-games-request@intuitive.com
We welcome reviews of games for any computer system, including the IBM PC,
Apple Macintosh, Atari, Nintendo Entertainment System, Atari Lynx, Sega
Genesis, Nintendo GameBoy, NEC TurboGrafix, Amiga and so on.
Submissions to: digital-games-submissions@intuitive.com
Back Issues:
Back issues are archived as digests, as well as broken into individual
reviews. To receive them via electronic mail, send a note to the address
"info@limbo.intuitive.com" (or decwrl.dec.com!limbo!info) with the body
containing the lines "help" and "listall Digital.Games".
Dave Taylor, Editor and Publisher. taylor@intuitive.com
>>> Disaster Research <<<
Electronic newsletter dealing with hazards and disasters. Includes articles
on recent events and policy developments, ongoing research, upcoming meetings
- as well as queries, responses, and ongoing discussion among readers.
To Subscribe:
Send e-mail message to hazards@vaxf.colorado.edu
As above, or write:
David Butler
Natural Hazards Information Center
IBS #6, Campus Box 482, University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0482
(303) 492-6818
FAX: (303) 492-6924
Back Issues:
Subscriptions, cancellations, and other distribution requests can be directed
to the above addresses; however, Bitnet/Internet subscriptions and orders for
back issues can also be handled directly by Mailserv software at the
University of Colorado. Commands should be sent to:
mailserv@colorado (Bitnet)
mailserv@vaxf.colorado.edu (Internet).
(Do NOT send messages to: hazards-list@vaxf.colorado.edu)
Any of the following commands can be sent: HELP (returns a help file),
INDEX, LISTS (of services on this mailserver), SEND (see examples below),
SEND/LIST, SUBSCRIBE, or UNSUBSCRIBE. Commands should be in the body of an
e-mail message, not on the "subject" or "RE:" line.
For back issues of Disaster Research, send one of the following commands to
a MAILSERV address above:
SEND [.HAZARDS]INDEX.LIS for a list of available DR issues
SEND [.HAZARDS]DR##.TXT for a specific back issue -
substitute the number of the issue you want (01 - 67) for the ## in the
Disaster Research is also available via modem on the State and Local
Emergency Management Data Users Group (SALEMDUG) bulletin board system -
(202) 646-2887, and, in Canada, on the Emergency Preparedness Information
Exchange (EPIX) system - (604) 291-4921 or FIDO 1:153/162. In Australia, it
is available on the Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network (WICEN) -
mailserv@colorado (Bitnet)
mailserv@vaxf.colorado.edu (Internet).
>>> Donosy <<<
Daily news (political, social, cultural, etc.) on Polish and related topics.
Journal entirely written in Polish. English translation is also available.
ISSN: 0867-6860
To Subscribe:
Send a request to:
(Przemek@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu) - for subscribers from USA and Canada
(Donosy@PLEARN.BitNet) - for all others
Notes, reports etc. are welcome, send them to (Donosy@PLEARN.BitNet)
Related List:
English translation of DONOSY. Available from (Przemek@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu)
Back Issues:
On request (write to (Donosy@PLEARN.BitNet)) or from SPAN/HEPnet:
13411::DUA1:[Xawer.Donosy]YYMMDD.NNN YYMMDD - date, NNN issue no,
wilcards allowed
Donosy c/o Lena Bialkowska,
Bajonska 3,
PL-03-963 Warszawa,
(48-22) 17 79 85
>>> Drosophila Information Newsletter <<<
DIS-L, A list of Drosophila workers to receive Drosophila Information
Newsletter (a quarterly electronic publication; DIN is an offshoot of DIS,
Drosophila Information Service).
To Subscribe:
Send one of the following E-mail messages.
Via Bitnet --
Message: SUB DIS-L Your real name
Via Internet --
Message: SUB DIS-L Your real name
Priority will be given to genetic and technical information.
Submitted material will be edited for brevity. Materials
appearing in the Newsletter will be reprinted, in unedited form,
in the next issue of DIS. Material appearing in the Newsletter
may be cited unless specifically noted otherwise. Material for
publication may be submitted in any of the following formats -
text/ASCII file, Macintosh Microsoft Word or MacWrite, or MS-DOS
WordPerfect. Figures and photographs cannot be accepted. Send
material, in order of preference, as e-mail, on floppy disk, or
as laserwriter or typed hard-copy (not bit-mapped). Technical
notes should be sent to Carl Thummel, all other material should
be sent to Kathy Matthews.
Back Issues:
All back issues available by anonymous FTP to
FTP.BIO.INDIANA.EDU, in the directory archive/fly/news
Kathy Matthews, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN 47405; 812-855-5782; FAX/2577;
Carl Thummel, Dept. of Human Genetics, Eccles Institute -
Bldg. 533, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112;
>>> EFFector Online - The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc <<<
(Formerly EFF News). The EFF has been established to help civilize the
electronic frontier; to make it truly useful and beneficial to everyone, not
just an elite; and to do this in a way that is in keeping with our society's
highest traditions of the free and open flow of information and
communication. EFFector Online will present news, information, and
discussion about the world of computer-based communications media that
constitute the electronic frontier. It will cover issues such as freedom of
speech in digital media, privacy rights, censorship, standards of
responsibility for users and operators of computer systems, policy issues
such as the development of national information infrastructure, and
intellectual property.
ISSN: 1062-9424
To Subscribe:
E-mail subscription requests: eff-request@eff.org (or USENET
Editorial submissions: eff@eff.org
Related List:
This publication is also distributed to members of the mailing list
Gerard Van der Leun (gerard@eff.org)
Mike Godwin (mnemonic@eff.org)
We can also be reached at:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
155 Second St.
Cambridge, MA 02141
(617) 864-0665
(617) 864-0866 (fax)
>>> The Electronic AIR <<<
Biweekly (nominal schedule) electronic newsletter for Institutional
Researchers and college and university planners. An electronic publication
of the Assn. for Institutional Research (AIR). Reports on news,
publications, position openings, requests for help, etc.
To Subscribe:
Send (sub air-l name and institution) command to
LISTSERV@VTVM1 (after 2/1/92) or contact NELSON_L@PLU anytime.
Back Issues:
Send specific request to editor NELSON_L@PLU.
Larry Nelson, Editor (206)535-7444
Director, Inst. Research & Planning
Hauge Administration Bldg.
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA 98447
>>> Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter (E-Hug) <<<
The newsletter is the successor to the print publication Hebrew Users Group
Newsletter which was edited by Jack Love, and emanated from the Berkeley
Hillel Foundation through 1989. This incarnation is electronic-only, and is
mandated, like the original, to cover all things relating to use of Hebrew,
Yiddish, Judesmo, and Aramaic on computers. It is released as time permits
and information demands, currently every 1-2 weeks. This newsletter is
dedicated to the proposition that computers, to be useful, must be usable to
people working in all languages, at the convenience of those users. In that
spirit, we print all questions pertaining to use of the Hebrew alphabet on
computers and answer all those that we can. We encourage discussion on all
levels of computer facility--from new users considering looking for software
or Hebrew-related resources (educational, graphic, or otherwise), to
developer discussions on how the software should work (when it works :-)).
We also do our best to report on new software (or updates) of interest and to
serve as a general news source to the field.
To Subscribe:
>From Bitnet:
Send e-mail to:listserv@dartcms1
>From elsewhere on the Internet:
Send e-mail to:listserv@dartcms1.bitnet
The message need contain no subject line. The body of the message must
contain the line:
SUB E-HUG Your_first_name Your_last_name
All submission, correspondence, and questions should be sent to the
newsletter editor, Ari Davidow. It may also be sent to the list, but then
the list has to forward it to the editor. The e-mail address for
submissions, correspondence, and questions is:
Back Issues:
These are stored on the listserv. You can get a list of what is available
(and by what names the list knows the back issues) by sending a one line
message to: listserv@dartcms1 (see subscription info, above). The command
to get the list of files is:INDEX E-HUG
Once you know the names of the files you want, send a message to the above
address with this syntax. Note that we will be adding some additional
resources to the listserv over the next few months, so that you will also be
able to get some related papers and software: GET E-HUG filename
Ari Davidow, who can be reached via e-mail only at: (well!ari@apple.com)
Oakland, CA, US
>>> Energy and Climate Information Exchange (ECIX) Newsletter and
Digest <<<
The Energy and Climate Information Exchange (ECIX) is an EcoNet project aimed
at improving information dissemination and communication among those people
and organizations working in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable
energy, and climate change. EcoNet is a computer network focused on
environmental issues based in San Francisco, with affiliated networks around
the world.
The ECIX newsletter is published every six weeks. Focusing on energy and
climate issues, the newsletter contains summaries of network postings,
updates on national and international policy initiatives, full length
articles, information on new network resources, and a calendar of upcoming
The ECIX Climate Digest is published in conjunction with the ECIX newsletter.
It contains summaries of recent scientific and policy developments in the
climate change field and reviews of ongoing discussion topics, as well as
questions and contributions from readers.
To Subscribe:
To subscribe to either publication, write to:
Lelani Arris
ECIX Project Director
Internet: larris@igc.org
BITNET: larris%igc.org@stanford
Please include name, affiliation (if any), e-mail address, which publication
you would like (or both) and how you heard about the publication. Both
publications are available free of charge.
Articles, news, letters to the editor, discussion items, and questions on
energy and climate issues are welcome and encouraged. All submissions should
be in ASCII (text) format and include senders name, affiliation, and e-mail
Items for the ECIX Newsletter should be sent to Lelani Arris at the above
Items for the ECIX Climate Digest should be sent to:
Dan Yurman
ECIX Climate Digest editor
Internet: ecixdy@igc.org
BITNET: ecixdy%igc.org@stanford
Submissions for the ECIX Climate Digest may also be submitted in ASCII format
via regular mail on an MS-DOS formatted diskette (5.25 or 3.5 inch) to the
digest editor at PO Box 1569, Idaho Falls, ID, 83403 USA.
Related List:
There is no related list, however anyone may become an EcoNet subscriber.
For information about EcoNet, contact:
18 De Boom Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: 415-442-0220
Fax: 415-546-1794
Internet: econet@igc.org
BITNET: econet%igc.org@stanford
Back Issues:
Back issues of both publications may be obtained from Lelani Arris at listed
For more information, contact:
Lelani Arris * Project Director
EcoNet: larris * EcoNet Energy & Climate
Internet/Fidonet: larris@igc.org * Information Exchange
BITNET: larris%igc.org@stanford * Box 1061
Telephone: 403-852-4057 * Jasper, Alberta T0E 1E0
Fax: 403-852-3215 * Canada
>>> Energy Research in Israel Newsletter <<<
A newsletter on Bitnet, for people interested in Energy Research, established
so that important local and international information can be disseminated
efficiently and rapidly to all interested parties. In the first stage the
newsletter will cover the following information:
CALLS FOR PROPOSALS (from the NCRD and other agencies)
To Subscribe:
Send to: listserv@taunivm the following message: SUB ENERGY-L
Dr. Michael Wolff
Coordinator for the Exact Sciences
National Council for Research and Development
>>> Erofile <<<
Erofile is a free electronic newsletter that provides reviews of the latest
books associated with French and Italian studies. This includes the
following areas: literary criticism, cultural studies, film studies,
pedagogy, and software. Erofile also provides a forum for comments on
previously published reviews in an effort to create an on-going dialogue on
issues relevant to the field.
To Subscribe:
Submissions, subscription requests and questions on policy should be sent to
the editors at:
EROFILE@ucsbuxa.bitnet or EROFILE@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
EROFILE will disseminate a collection of solicited and unsolicited reviews
and therefore welcomes submissions from QUALIFIED reviewers. Publishers of
scholarly journals in appropriate fields may also wish to consider sending
backlogged reviews to EROFILE for early electronic publication. The
well-known interdisciplinary journal, SUBSTANCE, has already shown interest
in such an arrangement.
EROFILE@ucsbuxa.bitnet or EROFILE@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
>>> Ethnomusicology Research Digest <<<
For subscribers with a professional interest in ethnomusicology: teachers,
researchers, librarians, students. News, discussion, queries,
bibliographies, archives. Subscription by permission only.
ISSN 1054-1624
To Subscribe:
By subscribers only.
Back Issues:
Telnet or FTP to INFO.UMD.EDU, \Newsletters\EthnoMusicology
Begins December 1989.
>>> Fine Art, Science and Technology News (F.A.S.T. News) <<<
FAST News is published on behalf of the International Society for Art Science
and Technology. F.A.S.T. is a collection of bulletin boards which act as a
database of resources in art, science and technology. Included in the
bulletin boards are Space Art News, Holography Hotline, Directory of Art and
Technology Organizations and Resources, E-mail Directory of Users, Job
listings, and Bibliographies and Abstracts. These bulletin boards are posted
on The Well and MCI conferencing systems.
To Subscribe:
For more information or to subscribe to F.A.S.T., send e-mail to
isast@garnet.berkeley.edu (Internet) or ISAST@UCBGARNE (Bitnet). F.A.S.T.
also available on diskette from same address.
>>> The FARNET Gazette <<<
A short monthly electronic newsletter of interest to network service
providers with research and education focus.
To Subscribe:
mail to gazette-request@farnet.org; no charge
Related List:
gazette@farnet.org (subscriber list)
Back Issues:
anonymous ftp from host farnet.org, directory
Laura Breeden, breeden@farnet.org
Carlos Robles, roblesc@farnet.org
>>> GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association) <<<
GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association)
The newsletter of the GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association in
the USA dedicated to global electronic education and the use of simulation
for the promotion of peace and the care of natural environment.
To Subscribe:
By e-mail: Sub Glosas Firstname Lastname emailed to:
Listserv@vm1.mcgill.ca By fax: Anton Ljutic Fax: 001-514-672-9299
GLOSAS News is distributed by both email and fax, free of charge.
To the editor:
Anton Ljutic
Champlain College
900 Riverside Drive
St. Lambert, Quebec, Canada J4P 3P2
Fax: 011-514-672-9299
Email: anton@vax2.concordia.ca
Related List:
Glosas-l@acadvm1.uottawa.ca (members only)
Back Issues:
>From the editor
The editor
>>> GNU's Bulletin: Newsletter of the Free Software Foundation <<<
The GNU's Bulletin is the semi-annual newsletter of the Free Software
Foundation, bringing you news about the GNU Project.
The Free Software Foundation is dedicated to eliminating restrictions on
copying, redistribution, understanding, and modification of computer
programs. We do this by promoting the development and use of free software
in all areas of computer use. Specifically, we are putting together a
complete integrated software system named "GNU" (GNU's Not Unix) that will be
upwardly compatible with Unix. Some large parts of this system are already
working, and we are distributing them now.
The word "free" in our name refers to two specific freedoms: first, the
freedom to copy a program and give it away to your friends and co-workers;
second, the freedom to change a program as you wish, by having full access to
source code. Furthermore, you can study the source and learn how such
programs are written. You may then be able to port it, improve it, and share
your changes with others.
Other organizations distribute whatever free software happens to be
available. By contrast, FSF concentrates on development of new free
software, working towards a GNU system complete enough to eliminate the need
to purchase a proprietary system.
Besides developing GNU, the Foundation has secondary functions: producing
tapes and printed manuals of GNU software, carrying out distribution, and
accepting gifts to support GNU development. We are tax exempt; you can
deduct donations to us on your tax returns. Our development effort is funded
partly from donations and partly from distribution fees. Note that the
distribution fees purchase just the service of distribution: you never have
to pay anyone license fees to use GNU software, and you always have the
freedom to make your copy from a friend's computer at no charge (provided
your friend is willing).
To Subscribe:
For a paper GNUs Bulletin, send a self-addressed stamped envelope (US Postage
only) to:
Free Software Foundation
675 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Including a small donation in U.S. funds would be appreciated.
We do not maintain a subscription list for the Bulletin. It's too much
overhead. Instead, read it in the gnUSENET newsgroup gnu.announce. If you
don't have access to USENET news, then subscribe to the electronic mailing
list info-gnu (which is equivalent). (Make your request of
Related List:
Back Issues:
gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu or
Leonard H. Tower Jr. (tower@ai.mit.edu)
>>> HICNet Newsletter (MEDNEWS - The Health InfoCom Newsletter) <<<
The Health InfoCom Newsletter usually is published once a week. The
newsletter is usually fairly large, so to facilitate network movement, it is
broken up into multiple sections. These will always be clearly marked.
To Subscribe:
Send a message to LISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITNET with the first line
SUB MEDNEWS FirstName LastName
Back Issues:
You can request the newsletter via the LISTSERV by issuing the following
(where xxx is issue volume number such as HICN228 NWS)
The newsletter is also available in the subdirectory HICNEWS for "anonymous
FTP" on the site "vm1.nodak.edu"
If you rather not receive the newsletter in sections via the normal listserv
distribution, and instead would rather request it from the LISTSERV or FTP on
your own, there is a notification list to let you know that a new issue has
been released. Subscriptions to the notification list can be obtained by
sending e-mail to:
Internet: hicn-notify-request@stjhmc.fidonet.org
Like any other newsletter, we welcome and encourage submissions. These can
be done electronically, or by any method preferred by the author. We welcome
articles, regular columns, announcements of papers, call for volunteers, etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at
David Dodell, DMD
Editor, HICNet News
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
UUCP: {gatech, ames, rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!ddodell
Bitnet: ATW1H@ASUACAD FidoNet=) 1:114/15
Internet: ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org FAX: 1 (602) 451-1165
>>> History and Analysis of Disabilities Newsletter <<<
Covers news, conferences, seminars, books, articles, theses, research,
organizations, analysis, etc. on history of disabilities and disabled
persons, conceptual analysis of disability issues. Produced 2 to 3 times per
year. Sponsored by History of Disabilities Network, Centre for Independent
Living, Toronto (CILT), and ALTER - International Society for the History of
Disabilities (Paris). Available in paper copy for $10 (US or Canadian funds)
for four issues.
To Subscribe:
E-mail message to FCTY7310@RYERSON
E-mail message or files to FCTY7310@RYERSON
Back Issues:
NEWS3, etc. (No. 4 in preparation as of May 1991). Use GET command to
LISTSERV at RYERSON with appropriate file name.
Gary Woodill
Editor (FCTY7310@RYERSON)
School of Early Childhood Education, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3 Fax: (416) 588-7489
Phone: (416) 979-5000 Ext. 4533.
>>> Hot off the Tree (HOTT) <<<
HOTT is an electronic newsletter from the UCSD Library's Technology Watch
Information Group (TWIG). HOTT contains excerpts and abstracts of articles
from trade journals, popular periodicals, online news services and electronic
bulletin boards. The featured articles cover topics relating to developments
and issues in computer technology, networking, information transfer and
retrieval and issues surrounding the providing of those services.
To Subscribe:
HOTT is available on MELVYL, the University of California online catalog.
Anyone with access to telnet, can telnet MELVYL ( and "show hott".
E-mail subscriptions currently only available to UCSD staff. USCD library
staff contact Walt Thompson, all other UCSD staff should contact Jim Madden.
(note: the real reason for this is that our e-mail system can't create
distribution lists with external addresses. It's not that I don't want to
send it off campus, it's just too much trouble to address it to each person
send to sjurist@ucsd.edu or sjurist@ucsd.bitnet
Back Issues:
same as submissions, specify ASCII or WordPerfect format (electronic only --
no print requests)
Susan Jurist, SIO Library, 0175C, University of California at San Diego, La
Jolla, CA 92093. 619-534-7193
The electronic version of IMPACT, the newsletter of the Social Impact group
of the Boston Computer Society. The purpose of the Social Impact group is to
provide a forum for the discussion of social and ethical concerns related to
information technology.
Issues occurring on the interface of technology and society often emerge
first in the Boston area, because of the high concentration of high-tech
industry and services in this area. Part of our work is to disseminate the
information from our meetings and writeups are part of IMPACT ONLINE.
To Subscribe:
- read on comp.society
Submissions and Back Issues:
send to bcs-ssi@compass.com
Ian Wells (bcs-ssi@compass.com)
>>> IHOUSE-L International Voice Newsletter Prototype List <<<
Electronic version of bi-semester publication of the International Office of
Washington University. Contains articles of interest to international
students and scholars professors, administrators and other interested staff
and groups on and off-campus involved with and interested in our
international visitors. The electronic version, in addition to an ASCII
version of the "official" hard-copy version, encourages article and idea
submission and development and feedback on articles and programs of our
To Subscribe:
Related List:
Back Issues:
Doyle Cozadd, Listowner
>>> I.S.P.O.B. Bulletin YSSTI <<<
The IS P.O.B. (YU ISSN 0353-9334) - Bulletin YSSTI is published in winter,
spring, summer and autumn by University of Maribor, Institute of Information
Sciences. Volume 1 (4 issues) will be published in 1991. YSSTI stands for
"Yugoslav System for Scientific and Technology Information". The
participants in this system can exchange news about functioning and
development of YSSTI and spread them among others in country and abroad.
ISSN: 0353-9334
OnLine Access:
Access to the Bulletin is gained by logging onto computer VAX8800 (RCUM).
Indirectly connections can be established
via X.25:(0220)16210020131;
via dial-up:3862-28-161 /1200 bps/
3862-20-361 /2400 bps/
To Subscribe:
You can subscribe by sending an e-mail with a single line
containing:SUBSCRIBE P.O.B.
to addresses
POB%RCUM@YUBGEF51.bitnet or
RCUM::POB (DECnet only)
Miss Zora Bogdanovic, IS P.O.B., Presernova 17
62000 Maribor, Yugoslavia
POB%RCUM@YUBGEF51.bitnet or
RCUM::ZORA (DECnet only)
Comments and inquiries:
IS P.O.B., Presernova 17
62000 Maribor, Yugoslavia
Tel.: 3862 222 333
Fax: 3862 29 617, 3862 29 135
POB%RCUM@YUBGEF51.bitnet or
RCUM::ZORA (DECnet only)
You can submit materials by sending an e-mail with a subject "SUBMIT~ to
POB%RCUM@YUBGEF51.bitnet or
RCUM::POB (DECnet only)
Back Issues:
OnLine (see "OnLine Access) or by sending an e_mail containing single line
GET number volnumber
Chapters from No 1/Vol 1:
Editorial, Readers' Forum, YSSTI - General, Infrastructure
OnLine News, Library and Information System
Systems for Specialized Information, Competition, Miscellaneous
Davor Sostaric
University of Maribor, Yugoslavia
Institute of Information Sciences
sostaric@uni-mb.ac.mail.yu or
sostaric@ean.uni-mb.ac.mail.yu or
>>> Laboratory Primate Newsletter <<<
The Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman
primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their
research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1)
provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory
research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of
primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects,
sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special
research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for
research material or for information related to specific research problems,
and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing
information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries
accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide
general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of
areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to
articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere.
General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be
ISSN: 0023-6861
To Subscribe:
The Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing
research with nonhuman primates. Students should ask their department or
library to subscribe to the paper version. Back issues may be purchased for
$2.00 each. Subscribers outside the United States are asked to pay US$6.00
per year mailing charges (US$12 for air mail). (Please make checks payable
to Brown University.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive the
non-graphics contents of each issue by sending the message subscribe LPN-L
your-own-name to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
The publication lag is typically no longer than the 3 months between issues
and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or
article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat
flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or
September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints
will not be supplied under any circumstances.
Articles, notes, and announcements should be submitted in duplicate and all
copy should be double spaced. Articles in the References section should be
referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, as for example:
Smith (1960) or (Smith and Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled
out completely in the References section. Technical names of monkeys should
be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid
inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the scientific names used will be
those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference,
J. H. Honacki, K. E. Kinman, and J. W. Koeppl (Eds.). Lawrence, KA: Allen
Press and the Association of Systematics Collections, 1982. For an
introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see the chapter by Maryeva
Terry in A. M. Schrier (Ed.), Behavioral Primatology: Advances in Research
and Theory (Vol. 1). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1977.
All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:
Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912. [Phone: 401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]
Bitnet address: PRIMATE@BROWNVM
>>> Law and Politics Book Review <<<
We seek to comprehensively review books of interest to political scientists
studying law, the courts, and the judicial process. Reviews are commissioned
by the editor; they are published within a week of receipt. However, the
Review is organized into 12 monthly issues for each annual volume. The first
issue was March, 1991. We try to review books within six months of their
publication (although we are still catching up from the backlog of unreviewed
books existing when we began operation). Length of reviews varies from 750
to 2500 words.
ISSN: 1062-7421
To Subscribe:
(NB - you must subscribe to the list, PSRT-L to receive the Review.)
Send the following to LISTSERV@UMCVMB: SUBSCRIBE PSRT-L your name
None; all reviews are commissioned.
Related List:
PSRT-L is a moderated discussion list on Bitnet which deals with issues of
interest to professional political scientists, both researchers and teachers.
Submissions from all sub-fields of political science as well as related
disciplines are encouraged. The list is not intended to serve as a public
forum for debate over current issues in politics, as other lists already fill
that niche. Rather it is intended to provide an opportunity for political
scientists to present their ideas and ongoing research for discussion, to
consider the directions in which the discipline is advancing, and to
encourage the dissemination of new concepts in research and teaching. In
addition to ongoing discussions, the list editors would like to post
announcements of job openings and upcoming conferences. PSRT-L also
publishes The Law and Politics Book Review. Finally, a series of files are
available though listserv.
To Subscribe: (To the List and the Review)
Send the following to LISTSERV@UMCVMB: SUBSCRIBE PSRT-L your name
Herbert Jacob, Department of Political Science, North-western University
Evanston, Il. 60201; voice phone (708) 491-2648.
E-mail: HJacob@casbah.acns.nwu.edu.
>>> Leonardo Electronic News <<<
Leonardo Electronic News is a monthly (comes out mid-month) electronic
bulletin board and newsletter distributed by ISAST over the electronic
networks. It carries items linked to the journal Leonardo such as Words
on Works, member news, Leonardo calls for papers, product evaluations, book
reviews and a calendar.
Executive Editor: Craig Harris Editor: Nancy Nelson
Associate Editor: Judy Malloy
Published by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts,
Sciences and Technology (ISAST).
To Subscribe:
Send requests for subscription to Leonardo Electronic News (LEN) to:
<fast@garnet.berkeley.edu> with the message: SUB LEN, your name, email
address and postal address.
>>> Link Letter <<<
The Link Letter is published by: Merit/NSFNET Information Services, 2901
hubbard, Pod G, Arbor, Michigan, 48109-2016.
To Subscribe:
To receive the electronic version of the Link Letter send your requests to:
For further information, you can contact the editor (Patricia Smith) at
1-800-66-MERIT or send e-mail to: NSFNET-info@merit.edu
>>> List Review Service <<<
The LIST REVIEW SERVICE quantitatively and qualitatively explores e-mail
distribution lists (primarily BITNET LISTSERV Lists). The cataract of
information available to those with network access make all but the most
cursory examinations of lists possible. Akin to book and restaurant reviews,
each issue begins with a narrative description of usually one week's worth of
monitoring, then presents simple statistical data such as the number of
messages and lines, number of queries and non-queries, number of subscribers
and countries represented, list owner, location, and how to subscribe.
The editor sees the publication as a means to cross-fertilize user
perceptions of network resources (i.e., active proselytization for
cyberspace). The service attempts to explore as wide a range of lists as
possible, from the hard sciences to the fuzziest of the humanities.
ISSN: 1060-8192
Posted bi-weekly on LIBREF-L. To subscribe to LIBREF-L, send a single line
message with no subject to Bitnet address LISTSERV@KENTVM or Internet address
Related List:
Back Issues:
Available by searching the LIBREF-L archives by ISSN (1060-8192), or by
request from the editor of the LIST REVIEW SERVICE.
Raleigh C. Muns, Editor, Reference Librarian
Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63121
ph: (314) 553-5059
>>> MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter <<<
Information Newsletter for MAB Northern Sciences Network members and other
interested persons. The context includes information on MAB NSN and other
MAB relevant research activities, list of publications and newsletters, and
a conference calendar. Released twice a year (in April and October).
ISSN: 1014-7470
To Subscribe:
Subscriptions to the address: LISTSERV@FINHUTC.BITNET
SUBSCRIBE NSNNEWS e-mail address full name
Back Issues:
Instructions are given when you join the list.
Ms. Anna-Liisa Sippola, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, P.O. Box 122,
96101 Rovaniemi, Finland. e-mail: SIPPOLA@FINFUN.BITNET
>>> Machine Readable Texts News <<<
The purpose of Project Gutenberg is to encourage the creation and
distribution of English language electronic texts. We prefer the texts to be
made available in pure ASCII formats so they would be most easily converted
to use in various hardware and software. A file of this nature will also be
made available in various markup formats as it is used in various
environments. However we accept files in ANY format, and will do our best to
provide them in all.
We assist in the selection of hardware and software as well as in their
installation and use. We also assist in scanning, spelling checkers,
proofreading, etc. Our goal is to provide a collection of 10,000 of the most
used books by the year 2001, and to reduce, and we do mean reduce, the
effective costs to the user to a price of approximately one cent per book,
plus the cost of media and of shipping and handling. Thus we hope the entire
cost of libraries of this nature will be about $100 plus the price of the
disks and CDROMS and mailing. Currently the price of making CDROMS is said
to be about $500 for mastering and then $5 per copy. I have it on fairly
good authority that these prices are negotiable, and as actual cost, the
price per CDROM is about $1.80.
Therefore, we call on all interested parties to get involved with the
creation and distribution of electronic texts, whether it's a commitment to
typing, scanning, proofreading, collecting, or what ever your pleasure might
Please do not hesitate to send any e-texts you might find to this address.
If you prefer sending disks, a mailing address follows. We hope to be
thanking you soon for your participation.
To Subscribe:
The easiest way for you to find out about Project Gutenberg is to via
subscription to the GUTNBERG listserver. You can do it by sending the
following message to LISTSERV@UIUCVMD.BITNET:
Your name must have at least two words. Do not use the long extensions
describing your position as it delays mailers, at least on some occasions.
Bitnet address preferred, but Internet addresses usually work, and I can
usually figure, with the help of our consultants, how to get mail to odder
addresses we receive.
Please don't hesitate to ask for specific information so it is included in
the GUTNBERG mailings. Please send these question messages separately from
your subscription message.
Michael S. Hart, Director, Project Gutenberg
National Clearinghouse for Machine Readable Texts
GUTNBERG@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU. Server only recognizes subscription commands.
Others routed to me)
"The trend of library policy is clearly toward the ideal of making all
information available without delay to all people."
-The Software Toolworks Illustrated Encyclopedia (TM) (c) 1990 Grolier
Electronic Publishing, Inc.
The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of any person
or institution. Neither Prof Hart nor Project Gutenberg have any official
contacts with the University of Illinois, SIMTEL20 or TRW.
>>> Material Science in Israel Newsletter <<<
A newsletter on Bitnet, for people interested in Material Sciences,
established so that important local and international information can be
disseminated efficiently and rapidly to all interested parties. In the first
stage the newsletter will cover the following information:
CALLS FOR PROPOSALS (from the NCRD and other agencies)
To Subscribe:
Send the following message to LISTSERV@TAUNIVM: SUB MATERI-L
You are welcome to send any newsworthy item to: MATERIALS@ILNCRD and it will
be forwarded to this mailing list.
Dr. Michael Wolff
Coordinator for the Exact Sciences
National Council for Research and Development
>>> MichNet News (previously Merit Network News) <<<
The Quarterly free newsletter of MichNet, Michigan's regional network (run by
Merit Network, Inc.). The MichNet News is the free newsletter of MichNet,
Michigan's regional computer network. It contains information about MichNet
and about hosts and services that can be reached through MichNet. The
MichNet News is published both electronically and on paper.
NB: The information about getting back issues of the Merit Network News is
the same as getting back issues of the MichNet News.
To Subscribe:
Contact the MichNet News at mnn-request@merit.edu (this is not a listserv, so
please say something human) or at MichNet News, Merit Network, Inc., 1075
Beal Ave. NDSB, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2112 or at 313-764-9430. Be sure to
tell us whether you want the news on paper or electronically, and what
address it should be sent to.
Accepted, but must be relevant to network users in Michigan. Articles with
a slant towards "What can I do with my network connection?" or which
highlight a MichNet member or affiliate are preferred. There is no payment
for writing an article for The MichNet News, only our deepest thanks. To
submit articles to the News, send them to the editor at nis-info@merit.edu .
Back Issues:
Available by anonymous FTP from nic.merit.edu or nis.nsf.net, or in paper for
by writing to the address above, or sending mail to nis-info@merit.edu
Pat McGregor, Editor
UserW02V@UMICHUM - Bitnet
(313) 764-9430
>>> MICnews <<<
Microcomputer and advanced workstation computing news relevant to the
computing populace at the University of California, Los Angeles; published at
the Microcomputer Information Center, UCLA
To Subscribe:
Send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UCLACN1.UCLA.EDU (the subject line of the
message is ignored, and can be anything). The text of the message should be
a single line, which reads as follows -- SUBSCRIBE MICNEWS (first name) (last
If the material would have relevance to an audience primarily at UCLA, we
would be happy to accept submissions. Send them to the editor, Bob Cooper,
Back Issues:
Back issues cannot be accessed at present.
Editor: Bob Cooper
Phone: (213) 825-7408
>>> NEARnet Newsletter <<<
A quarterly publication for users of NEARnet and others who are interested in
academic and research networking. The newsletter contains articles about
NEARnet services, member organizations, and plans for the future.
To Subscribe:
(or submit a news item), write to nearnet-staff@nic.near.net or to
NEARnet, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 10 Moulton Street, Mail
Stop 6/3B, Cambridge, MA 02138, (617) 873-8730.
Back Issues:
NEARnet Newsletter is available through anonymous FTP at (nic.near.net) in
the directory "newsletters". There are three separate sub-directories:
"1989", "1990", and a new online user information focused newsletter called
NEARnet this Month, in the directory "newsletters/nearnet-this-month".
>>> Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review <<<
Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review is an electronic audio
magazine devoted primarily to Compact Disc and Vinyl LP Record reviews. I've
also recently begun covering some 'underground'/independent types of
material. Issues feature both above and below ground reviews, news and
information. Many forms of music are represented in the 'pages' of Network
Audio Bits. So far reviews have covered Rock and Roll, Folk, R&B, Pop, Funk,
World music, Jazz and some underground music.
To Subscribe:
Subscriptions to Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review are available
by sending your name and network address to MURPH@MAINE.BITNET. Upon receipt
of your mail, you will be added to the subscription list and will have
N-Audio Bits sent to you starting with the next issue. I've gotten fairly
comfortable with putting out an issue every two months. I've considered
trying to do this monthly, but the amount of time and work involved (in
addition to a real job and family life) make monthly publication unlikely in
the near future. Should you lose your network access or have a change of
network address, please send mail to have your subscription address changed
or deleted.
Back Issues:
Back issues are currently available via anonymous FTP at dg-rtp.dg.com
( The back issues are in the "pub/AudioBits" directory when
they login as "anonymous" and their "username@system" for password. If
Internet access is not available, e-mail can be sent to me at
MURPH@MAINE.BITNET and I will e-mail back issues.
If you are interested in reviewing either audio hardware or software, feel
free to discuss the details of reviews with the editor. It would be best to
query the editor to make sure that the item you wish to review is acceptable.
Reviewers are encouraged to cover any and all types of music. Completed
reviews should be sent to the editor MURPH@MAINE.BITNET. I would like to
keep hardware reviews to a minimum, perhaps one or two reviews per issue, as
I would like to focus on audio software and especially Compact Discs.
Album/CD Review Guidelines:
What I look for in a review is writing that shows that you have not only
heard the album, Compact Disc or cassette which you are reviewing, but that
you have also listened to it. The manufacturing of CDs has caught up enough
so that I'd like to feature new releases.Or, in the case of a title which is
finally being released on CD, new reissues. Heck, I guess there are a number
of LPs that might be worthy of mention if they are being reissued as well.
Unfortunately, the LP is becoming scarce in the world of hi-tech digital
wizardry. I would also prefer that cassettes be reviewed only when a
cassette is the only medium that the title has been released on.
Here's what I'd like as a general format for reviews. All of the information
concerning the Disc or LP should be able to be found on the album where all
credits are given. The performance and sound quality scales are your
Label/Catalog #
Playing Time
Song Titles
Rating (between 1 and 5 stars ) optional
What format was reviewed (CD, LP, Cassette)
Release date
SPARS code (For CDs - will explain below)
And review text, of course...
The SPARS code represents a standard proposed by the Society of Professional
Audio Recording Studios (SPARS). Many CDs have this three letter code
printed somewhere on their information booklets. The three letters
correspond to the type of recorder used for recording, mixing and mastering
of the disc (analog or digital). For example, a disc with the code "ADD"
would show that the disc was an analog recording, mixed and mastered
Michael A. Murphy
>>> NetMonth <<<
An independant guide to BITNET.
To Subscribe:
Send the following message to LISTSERV@marist.BITNET:
subscribe netmonth firstname lastname
Philip Baczewski nmonthed@untvm1
>>> Net-News <<<
A newsletter devoted to library and information resources on the Internet
sponsored by Metronet.
To Subscribe:
Send email request to noonan@msus1.msus.edu or metronet@vz.acs.umn.edu
Send to noonan@msus1.msus.edu
Related List:
Available in the LIBSOFT archive (FTP hydra.uwo.ca)
Dana Noonan
7th and Robert St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
>>> Newsbrief <<<
A weekly publication of the Office of Information Technology at the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Newsbrief provides a variety of
information and feature articles for an audience composed primarily of campus
users but also including many off-campus readers. Class listings, meetings,
demonstrations, and announcements are included, as well as articles on
communications developments and applications, and articles of interest
reprinted from other publications.
To Subscribe:
Send the following message to LISTSERV@UNCVM1.BITNET:
subscribe oit-news firstname lastname
Send to Newsbrief Editor, UNEWSB@UNC.BITNET
Back Issues:
Available through subscription or through the campus information system,
Karen C. Blansfield, Newsbrief Editor
UNCKCB@UNC.BITNET or karen@rhumba.acs.unc.edu.
Or contact Judy Hallman, HALLMAN@UNC.BITNET.
>>> NewsBytes <<<
A computing newsletter for the Northern Arizona University faculty, staff,
and students. This newsletter provides tips and techniques on the popular
software used on the NAU campus, product reviews, computer lab schedules,
To Subscribe:
Send mailing address to:
NewsBytes Editor
Computer Services
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5100
or e-mail to: Caren@nauvax.ucc.nau.edu
Back issues:
Back issues (if available) can be requested from the above address.
Caren Williams
same address and e-mail address as above
>>> Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues <<<
Scope of newsletter is pricing of library serials. Contributions include
examples of titles considered to be overpriced, as well as of Publishers'
actions to keep prices down; strategies for coping with serials price
increases; information about libraries' evaluation and cancellation policies
and procedures; announcements of relevant meetings; reports from relevant
meetings; and other news of serials prices.
ISSN: 1046-3410
To Subscribe:
Message to listserv@uncvx1.Bitnet or message to editor at TUTTLE@UNC.Bitnet
message to editor at TUTTLE@UNC.Bitnet
Back Issues:
available from editor
Marcia Tuttle, Editor, TUTTLE@UNC.BITNET;
Telephone, 919 962-1067; Fax, 919 962-0484;
Paper mail, Serials Department, CB #3938
Davis Library, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill NC 27599-3938.
>>> Newsline <<<
Newsline is an electronic newsletter describing additions to or changes in
Comserve, the electronic information and discussion service for communication
faculty and students. The information appearing in Newsline generally takes
the form of announcements of additions to Comserve's database, new services
offered through Comserve's electronic conferences, or more fundamental
changes in the services offered by Comserve.
Comserve offers a variety of academic resources for communication scholars.
Among these resources are:
a database consisting of hundreds of files containing conference
announcements, bibliographies, research tools, course syllabi, other
instructional materials, curricula descriptions, etc.;
a suite of 20 electronic conferences addressing topics in communication
searchable indexes to disciplinary journals that supply bibliographic
information to the user;
an electronic "white pages" containing e-mail addresses of communication
scholars and students.
For more information about Comserve, send electronic mail containing the word
"help" on the first line of the message (without quotation marks) to:
Comserve@Rpiecs (Bitnet) or Comserve@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu (Internet). (No other
words or punctuation marks should appear in the message. Technically,
Comserve is a computer program; it is confused by extraneous information.)
To Subscribe:
Individuals may subscribe to Newsline by electronic messaging to
Comserve@Rpiecs or Comserve@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu, with the following command on the
first line of the message:
Subscribe Newsline Your_Name
for example: Subscribe Newsline John Smith
(No other words or punctuation marks should appear in the message.)
Since information contained in Newsline must be related to Comserve,
submissions to the newsletter are not sought. However, individuals wishing
to publicize research, educational, or professional activities relevant to
communication studies should send information to Comserve's editorial staff
(send e-mail to Support@Rpiecs or Support@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu; real people will
respond to your submission.) All relevant information will be entered in
Comserve's database and/or distributed to Comserve's users via the
appropriate electronic conference.
Back Issues:
Back issues are catalogued and named in the "News Directry". To retrieve
this file, send the following command to Comserve at either of the addresses
listed above:
Send News Directry
Back issues of Newsline may be obtained from Comserve by using the "send"
command to request files containing specific issues. For example:
Send News035 Comserve
Timothy Stephen
Teresa Harrison
Comserve Co-Directors
Support@Rpiecs or Support@Vm.Ecs.Rpi.Edu
>>> News of Earth <<<
Alternative source of global news and information accessible to users of
computing networks worldwide through electronic mail and local redistribution
systems. News of Earth consists of seven components:
NewsE-A Analysis: Analysis of global news.
NewsE-B Bulletins: Late-breaking global news.
NewsE-C Commentary: Commentary on global news.
NewsE-D Distribution: Global news monitored from shortwave radio broadcasts.
It continues JBH Online (Online-L), published from 1987 through 1990 (Issues
NewsE-I Interviews: Interviews on global issues.
NewsE-L Letters: News and reaction from readers.
NewsE-S Supplements: Additional news and information from electronic and
print sources. News of Earth supplements continues JBH News
(JBHNewsL),published in 1990 (Issues 1-4).
NewsE is a "superlist" which includes all seven components listed above.
ISSN 1052-2239
Available separately (as NewsE-x) or combined (as NewsE) by free subscription
To Subscribe:
SUB NEWSE-x (where x is A, B, C, D, I, L or S) *or*
SUB NEWSE sent to ListServ@IndyCMS will do the trick
John B Harlan
(JBHarlan@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu) (JBHarlan@IndyVAX)
>>> NIBNews - A Monthly Electronic Bulletin About Medical Informatics <<<
The newsletter has the objetive of disseminating information about Brazilian
(and Latin-american) activities, people, information, events, publications,
software, etc., in the area of computer applications in healthcare, medicine
and biology. It is issued on a monthly basis to voluntary subscribers, only.
It is written in English. There is a printed, longer, version, which is also
available through common mail to anyone wishing to receive it. The newsletter
started in June 1992.
To Subscribe:
To subscribe or to signoff, e-mail a short notice to the Editor at the
address below. Please state if you would like to receive the printed
newsletter, too.
The Editor accepts short comments, news, announcements of products, software,
courses, events, etc. whenever they are related to the newsletter subject and
geographical area. Publication is not assured, however.
Related List:
Back Issues:
Vol 1, No. 1. Other back issues, when they are available, may be requested to
the editor.
Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD, Professor of Medical Informatics. Center for
Biomedical Informatics of the State University of Campinas.
Tel. +55 192 397130 Fax. +55 192 394717 Tlx. +55 19 1150
Address: P.O. Box 6005, Campinas, SP 13081 - BRAZIL
>>> NLSNews Newsletter <<<
EXPERIENCE (NLS). The NLS newsletter is issued quarterly by the Center for
Human Resource Research, The Ohio State University, with funding provided by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. It is distributed
in both hardcopy and electronic form to researchers utilizing NLS data as
well as to other interested persons. A typical issue contains: updates on
the status and availability of NLS data tapes and CD-ROMs for the six NLS
cohorts (the Older Men, Mature Women, Young Men, Young Women, NLSY(Youth),
and NLSY Children); notices to researchers of data file or documentation
errors; summaries of in-progress and completed NLS research; and other
information of general interest to the NLS research community.
To Subscribe:
A description of the subscription service that enables users to automatically
receive, as soon as it becomes available, the latest issue of the NLS
Newsletter and/or error updates (see "Related List" below) can be found in
the file SUBSCRIBE.INFO, available via NLSERVE@OHSTHR, the Center's
Bitnet users should use the following command syntax and the NLSERVE commands
listed below:
For VAX/VMS users: SEND NLSERVE@OHSTHR nlserve_command; e.g.
For IBM/VM users: TELL NLSERVE AT OHSTHR nlserve_command: e.g.
For IBM/MVS TSO users:Command syntax is site dependent, consult your local
user services representative.
Back Issues:
Issues of NLS UPDATE are available electronically beginning with the Fall
1987 issue. Hardcopy issues are available back to Issue 1 (April 1974).
Past issues of the NLS Newsletter are also available to Bitnet users via
NLSERVE@OHSTHR. A directory (file NLSDIR.LIS) provides a listing of all
current files while AAREADME.DOC offers a text description.
Valid NLSERVE commands are:
HELP For help information, broadcast directly to the user's terminal device.
INFO For general introduction to the Center and NLSERVE.
DIR For a directory listing of available files.
SEND filename.filetype - For requesting a specific file:
Related List:
Gale James (JAMES@OHSTHR) or 614-442-7335.
>>> OE-CALL: Old English Computer-Assisted Language Learning Newsletter <<<
OE-CALL is an electronic newsletter for persons interested in
computer-assisted language learning methods for teaching Old English. The
newsletter is edited by Clare Lees and Patrick W. Conner and is a publication
of ANSAXNET, on whose server it is resident. OE-CALL seeks to provide an
electronic forum for discussion of the use of computers in teaching Old
English and related subjects, and act as a clearing-house for information
about relevant software, research projects, conferences, and publications.
We encourage subscribers to submit their own views on software or recent
conference sessions/computing demonstrations; we will include any relevant
reports on research and development in future issues. OE-CALL, which now has
a subscription list of approximately 50 members, can be joined by sending an
electronic message to Pat Conner or Clare Lees. We prefer to send out issues
in electronic form only, but will mail copies to subscribers who have no
access to computing facilities.
To Subscribe:
To obtain copies (1st issue is out; 2nd in preparation) contact U47C2@WVNVM.
Clare Lees, Patrick W. Conner
Department of English Department of English
Fordham University West Virginia University
Bronx, New York Morgantown, WV 26506
>>> Output <<<
The newsletter of The Florida State University Computing Center which is
published three times per year. Topics include networking, microcomputing,
mainframe computing, and supercomputing on campus - including use of
computers in classroom and research computing at FSU.
To Subscribe:
Send your request addressed to the Editor, Florida State University Computing
Center, 200 Sliger Building, Tallahassee, FL 32306-3042., or by e-mail to
Send materials along with a letter which includes permission to reprint in
whole or in part the material, and also include a short biography.
Back Issues:
Requests to receive or reprint articles from back issues should be sent to
the Editor at The Florida State University Computing Center, 200 Sliger
Building, Tallahassee, FL 32306-3042, or e-mail:
Contact Suzanne C. Nelson at The Florida State University Computing Center,
200 Sliger Building, Tallahassee, FL 32306-3042 or by e-mail
>>> Political Analysis and Research Cooperation (PARC) News Bulletin <<<
Newsletter on political analysis, political behavior, political communication
and political culture. The purpose of PARC is to encourage and facilitate
scientific research on human behavior in political life. Appropriate
subfields are political psychology, political communication and behavios,
political sociology and political economy. Specific attention is given to
political change and culture in comparative and historical perspective.
To Subscribe:
Send e-mail or Fax (group 3) address or number to: Internet:
kusftb@vms2.uni-c.dk or fax to +45 33122613
Only e-mail material submitted to the above address is accepted for
Professor Tom Bryder
>>> Principia Cybernetica Newsletter <<<
Newsletter for the participants and people interested in keeping informed
about the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP). PCP is a computer-supported
collaborative attempt to develop an integrated evolutionary-systemic
philosophy or world view. Its contributors are distributed over several
continents and they keep contact mainly by electronic mail (mailing list
PRNCYB-L), also by annual meetings, the printed (and electronic) Newsletter,
and postal mail. PCP focuses on the clear formulation of basic concepts and
principles of the cybernetic approach. This should lead to a semantic network
of concepts and links, implemented as a hypertext. The PCP philosophy starts
from the self-organization of multi-level systems through blind variation and
natural selection. This leads to a process metaphysics, a
constructive-selectionist epistemology, and an evolutionary ethics.
To Subscribe:
Send a 1 to 2 page letter, giving your address and affiliations and
motivating your interest in the Project to the Newsletter editor (F.
Heylighen). For the electronic mailing list: send a similar message to the
List owner (C. Joslyn). The subscription is free.
Preferably in electronic form (email, Mac or MS-DOS diskette, ASCII or TeX
format) to the editor. Submissions are evaluated and edited on the basis of
their relevance to the Project.
Related List:
PRNCYB-L@BINGVMB.BITNET (Listserv mailing list)
Back Issues:
available on request from the editor
Dr. Francis Heylighen (Newsletter editor)
PO, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B -1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32-2-6412525
Fax: +32-2-6412489
Email: fheyligh@vnet3.vub.ac.be
Cliff Joslyn (List owner)
Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton,
327 Spring St. # 2,
Portland ME 04102, USA.
Phone/Fax: 207/774-0029 (Fax after notice by phone)
Email: cjoslyn@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
>>> Prompt <<<
Prompt contains news tips and briefs for the NCSU campus community.
Complements our paper newsletter Connect which is only published five
times/year. Prompt is designed to provide the campus with timely, up-to-date
information concerning all platforms of computing. Prompt is published in
two formats, paper and electronic mail. The paper version is only sent to
campus mail addresses.
To Subscribe:
To subscribe to the e-mail version, send e-mail to
The first line of your mail message should read: SUB PROMPT-L your name
The latest version of Prompt is also available on our campus wide information
system Happenings!. To reach Happenings!, TELNET to CCVAX1.CC.NCSU.EDU and
log on as INFO. Go to the Newsletters and Journals section and choose
Information printed is normally just what is relevant to the NCSU campus, but
if you have something to submit, it should go to the editor, Sarah Noell,
Back Issues:
Issues of Prompt are archived in log files by month. To get a copy of the
log file, send e-mail to: LISTSERV@NCSUVM with the message "GET PROMPT-L
LOGyymm" where yy is the year and mm is the month. Or you can FTP in as user
anonymous to NCSUVM.CC.NCSU.EDU, CD to the LISTSERV directory and do a GET
for the log file.
Contact for more information is Sarah Noell, Editor. Send e-mail to
SARAH_NOELL@NCSU.EDU or call or write to Sarah at NCSU Computing Center, Box
7109, Raleigh, NC 27695-7109, (919) 515-5420.
>>> The Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS) <<<
Official e-mail magazine of the OTISian faith (a small but growing cult
worshiping OTIS, the ancient Sumerian God/dess of life) carrying news,
fiction, poetry, humor, and the pure, unadulterated SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE
to its subscribers.
To Subscribe:
email to: HailOtis@socpsy.sci.fau.edu (prefered) or barker@acc.fau.edu
Back Issues:
E-mail to the editor or via anon. FTP from Quartz.Rutgers.edu /pub/purps.
Additionally issues can be obtained by writing to:
HailOtis@socpsy.sci.fau.edu (prefered)
>>> REACH - Research and Educational Applications of Computers in the
Humanities <<<
Reach is the newsletter of the Humanities Computing Facility of the
University of California, Santa Barbara. It is published four times a year.
To Subscribe:
Any material of general interest to computing humanists, including
announcements of new list servers, projects and conferences.
Back Issues:
FTP ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu, or FTP
Log on with the name "anonymous," and use your e-mail address as a password.
Next, move to the directory containing the files by entering the command: cd
Now get a list of all the file names by entering the command: ls
Then, to transfer any of the files to your own system, enter the command:
get filename
Note: for those on a CMS/VM system the file called readme must be retrieved
by the command get readme.memo. This file shows the contents of each of the
files in the directory and gives detailed instructions for the FTP process,
including the complete log of an actual FTP session. Finally, end your
session with the quit command.
Back issues are also available on LISTSERV, send the the command INDEX REACH
to listserv@ucsbuxa.
Eric Dahlin
>>> Rezo, bulletin irregulomadaire du RQSS <<<
E-Newsletter of RQSS (Regroupement Quebecois des Sciences Sociales)
To Subscribe:
send to ListServ@UQuebec SUB RQSS Your_name
Send your message to RQSS@UQuebec
Related List:
RQSS list is open to anyone interested in social science research in Quebec
and/or about Quebec. You should be aware of the fact that most if not all
the communication is in French.
Back Issues:
send to ListServ@UQuebec INDEX RQSS
Pierre J. Hamel
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
3465, rue Durocher
Montreal, Quebec H2X 2C6
(514) 499-4014
>>> St. Petersburg Business News <<<
The "St. Petersburg Business News" was established in August 1991 in
order to more effectively distribute information about business in St.
Petersburg. The St. Petersburg Business Agency is responsible for
distribution of the News via E-mail.
Currently, the Agency distributes the St. Petersburg Business News in
Russian every weekday (15-30 kilobytes daily) and in English (5-10
kilobytes twice a week). The News contains a digest of business
information extracted from Russian and St. Petersburg morning newspapers,
stock exchange reports, reports from the News' own correspondents and the
Mayor's Office, official reports and documents from various sources as
well as other general information of interest to the business community.
As a subscriber to the News, you may special order additional
information form the Agency regarding laws, regulations and decrees of the
City Council and the Mayor's Office and may receive special personal
consultations with the highly skilled and knowledgeable staff of the
Agency regarding foreign investment, establishing joint ventures,
intellectual property protection, and technology transfer. Detailed
analytical reviews of the St. Petersburg economic situation including
commentaries and forecasts will also be periodically available to
To Subscribe:
The "St.Petersburg Business News" is not free. The information about cost of
subscription and the sample of "News" can be obtained by mailing to contact
Elena Artemova
SCUP Bitnet News is a service of the Society for College and University
Planning (SCUP) designed to promote the mission of the society and support
its activities. SCUP Bitnet News provides frequent and timely exchange of
information among its members as well as non-members interested in higher
education planning through the use of Bitnet, an electronic communication
medium. Contents of the newsletter are selected on the basis of interest and
value to the membership, particularly those which advance the state of the
art in planning; improve the understanding and application of the tools,
techniques, processes and strategies of planning; advance the professional
development of the membership; and widen the base of support for planning in
higher education. The biweekly electronic newsletter includes notices of
national and regional SCUP meetings and other relevant meetings; pertinent
news items; identification of useful articles, books, or other materials;
requests from the members for information on current issues or concerns; job
postings of interest to the members; and other time-sensitive information of
membership relevance.
Bitnet exists for the benefit of scholars in our colleges and universities.
It is supported by the contributions of both time and funding from
Bitnet-member institutions. It is not to be used for commercial purposes,
such as soliciting business, advertising products or services, and the like.
To Subscribe:
The SCUP Bitnet News is a service provided to SCUP members; however, those
who are interested in higher education and are not SCUP members also are
invited to subscribe. To subscribe to SCUP Bitnet News send an electronic
mail note to the editor (Joanne Cate: budlao@uccvma) or the associate editor
(Betsey Creekmore: pa94858@utkvm1) with the following information:
Your Name:
Your E-mail Address (userid @ node):
Telephone:( )
Upon receipt of your request, notification will follow that your name has
been added to the subscription list. You will also receive via electronic
mail the two most recent issues of the newsletter.
Please notify the editor or associate editor of any address changes or
subscription cancellations. To change addresses or cancel your subscription,
send a note to Joanne Cate (budlao @ uccvma) or Betsey Creekmore
(pa94858@utkvm1) and provide your name and e-mail address.
Contributions are very much desired, but should be formatted electronically
with no more than 73 characters per line. Copy deadlines are provided at the
end of every issue. Materials should be sent to: Joanne Cate
(budlao@uccvma) or Betsey Creekmore (pa94858@utkvm1)
Contributors who submit "requests for information" and desire readers'
responses should include a contact name, institution, address, telephone, and
e-mail address.
Back Issues:
At this time, an electronic index has not yet been set up. In lieu of an
electronic index, new subscribers are provided with the two most recent
issues of the newsletter and an index of issues transmitted during the
calendar year.
If you would like to become a SCUP member, or have other SCUP questions or
business or news:
Joanne E. MacRae
SCUP Executive Secretary
2026M School of Education Building
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259
Telephone: (313) 763-4776
>>> SCUPMA-L: Society of College and University Planners,
Mid-Atlantic Region <<<
SCUPMA-L is used as a distribution channel to send a quarterly newsletter to
members of the Mid-Atlantic region of SCUP. The newsletters are usually
about 400-500 lines long, and contain short news pieces and announcements
about events of interest to the membership.
To Subscribe:
Contact Debbie Furlong at OPIR1@AUVM
Must come from SCUPMA members and be appropriate. Send submissions to:
Related List:
SCUP-L, the national list for SCUP.
AIR-L, a list for the Association of Institutional Researchers, contains
similar information.
Back Issues:
SCUPMA-L has been distributed twice, once in late 1990 and again in February
Debbie Furlong at OPIR1@AUVM, list manager.
>>> Sense of Place <<<
Sense of Place is an electronic environmentalist's magazine. The magazine is
produced twice a month in HyperCard and incorporates graphics, text, and
sound in an easy-to-use format to present information about environmental
concerns that are significant to Dartmouth students. Issues are mailed out
to Dartmouth students over the campus electronic mail system.
To Subscribe:
To subscribe send electronic mail to "SOP@dartmouth.edu" (Internet.)
Submissions and Back Issues:
To the above electronic mail address.
For more information about the magazine send mail to SOP@dartmouth.edu.
>>> South Florida Environmental Reader <<<
An electronic newsletter distributing information on the South Florida
ISSN 1044-3479
To Subscribe:
Subscriptions are handled automatically by LISTSERV@UCF1VM on Bitnet, or
manually by sending a request to sfer-request@mthvax.cs.miami.edu on
Submissions may be sent to sfer@umiami on Bitnet, or sfer@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
on Internet. University of Miami campuses can post submissions to the
newsgroup umiami.environment
Back Issues:
Back issues are available from LISTSERV@UCF1VM in the form of monthly
notebooks. On Internet, back issues can be obtained via
Editor is Andrew Mossberg, aem@mthvax.cs.miami.edu, aem@umiami.bitnet
>>> The Teleputing Hotline And Field Computing Source Letter <<<
The Teleputing Hotline has become, in the last 4 years, a leading voice in
covering telephone-connections worldwide. While retaining its leadership, we
also plan to expand our coverage of a worldwide revolution called Field
Field Computing involves linking workers outside the office -- in sales,
repair, delivery functions and others -- to central computer systems with
handheld terminals and wireless data networks. The Teleputing Hotline has
covered this trend since its inception, and will expand its coverage. We're
also increasing our depth in 1992, with more commentary, and more long
stories where industry leaders can give their views in their own words.
The Hotline can be delivered directly to your Internet address or fax
machine, 50 times each year, for the price of $198.
To Subscribe:
Write to the Editor (see below). Japanese and Russian language versions
Back Issues:
Available on request from the editor.
Dana Blankenhorn
FAX: 404-378-0794 Phone: 404-373-7634
MCI:409-8960 GEnie: nb.atl CompuServe: 76200,3025
Bibliography (boiotian studies).
ISSN: 0381-9361
To Subscribe:
Contact general editor
Back Issues:
Contact general editor
A. Schachter
Department of Classics,
McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke St. West,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7
>>> THINKNET <<<
Electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory, interdisciplinary
studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace.
To Subscribe:
SEND THINKNET TO YourFullName AT userId@internet.address
Write to editor for information.
Related Lists:
Back Issues:
Request from editor.
Kent D. Palmer Ph.D.
PO BOX 8383, Orange CA 92664 USA
Internet: palmer@world.std.com
>>> TitNeT -- Titnews -- Titnotes <<<
TitNet is the electronic mail network of the International Tit Society
(TITS), currently having about 150 members world-wide. Titnet posts three
formal series:
1) TITNET is the listing of electronic mail subscribers, their email
addresses, their institutional affiliations, and their research interests (in
terms of species of birds studied and biological topics of study). TITNET is
cumulative, each posting repeating information of previous posting that is
still current.
2) TITNEWS is the forum for exchange concerning academic activities. It
consists of two types of postings: single-topic issues and multiple
3) TITNOTES is the forum for exchange of information about tits (and other
hole-nesting birds).
TITNET, TITNEWS AND TITNOTES are numbered serially with Arabic numerals and
posting date. Followups on single-topic TITNEWS and TITNOTES postings are
given a letter designation following the Arabic numeral of the original
TitNet and its postings TITNET, TITNEWS and TITNOTES is less than a year old,
having been created by the International Tit Society at its meeting in
December 1990 in conjunction with the International Ornithological Congress
in Christchurch, New Zealand. Because Titnet and expected to grow only
moderately, it is not handled by a listserver and does not expect to create
archives accessible by anonymous ftp. However, these and other options will
continue to be reviewed as Titnet develops.
To Subscribe:
Send email message to: JHailman@WiscMACC.bitnet or JHailman@vms.
MACC.Wisc.edu. Provide: (1) Full name, (2) email address, (3) institutional
affiliation, (4) species studied, and (5) topics studied. Email subscribers
automatically become members of TITS (no dues) and receive the hardcopy
newsletter, PARUS INTERNATIONAL, published about twice per year.
Send via email to: JHailman@WiscMACC.bitnet or JHailman@vms. MACC.Wisc.edu.
Back Issues:
Send requests to: JHailman@WiscMACC.bitnet or JHailman@vms. MACC.Wisc.edu.
All issues of TITNEWS and TITNOTES, including announcement postings of
TITNEWS, are archived and available as back issues. Only the most recent
posting of TITNET is retained because of its cumulative nature.
Jack P. Hailman, Dept. of Zoology
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706
voice: (608) 262-2636 (lab)
(608) 262-1051 (Zoology office)
(608) 233-1452 (home)
INTERNET: JHailman@vms.MACC.Wisc.edu.
>>> VapourWare <<<
Vaporware is a COLUMN (originally written for a hard copy newsletter) of
speculation about new computers and computer related products which are not
yet available for sale (and may never be).
To Subscribe:
Distributed by numerous computer lists, a low volume example is:
Back Issues:
info-mac archives, sumex-aim.Stanford.Edu, LISTSERV@RICEVM1.Rice.Edu
Murphy Sewall
>>> ViewPoints <<<
Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the Association
or Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). Members are
photography, graphics, desktop publishing, and visual communication
educators. Printed four times a year -- two short and two long newsletters.
ISSN 1063-0325
To subscribe:
Contact editor.
Contact editor for two long editions. Deadlines are January 15th and May
Back Issues:
Not available.
Paul Lester
Associate Professor
School of Communications
California State University
Fullerton, California 92634
VOX: 714 449-5302
FAX: 714 773-2209
CIS: 70372, 3217
>>> The Week in Germany <<<
NOTE: Only available on commercial BBSs.
NewsNet - 800-345-1301 (Canada and Pennsylvania 215-527-1301) This net does
not offer the German version. GeoNet - 415-952-1100.
>>> Section 4: Hypercard Stacks, Digest-Newsletters, and Others <<<
>>> Chile News Database <<<
Princeton's Chile News database, a Spires/Folio database of news items from
Chile newspapers .
You can access it with: telnet pucc.princeton.edu. At the logon screen,
select folio and then chile news.
>>> China News Digest <<<
News Digest Service about China and Chinese.
To Subscribe:
Subscribe to/Drop CND General News send "SUB/SIGNOFF CHINA-NN <Your Name>" to
US Readers: (Regional News) send "SUB/SIGNOFF CHINA-ND <Your Name>" to
Canadian Readers: (Regional News) send "SUB/SIGNOFF CNC-L <Your Name>" to
Europe & Pacific Readers: (Regional News) send "SUB/SIGNOFF CND-EP <Your
There is also a China News Digest - Chinese Magazine (CND-CM, weekly). The
article is written in Chinese. You can read them through some proper IBM-PC
compatible, Macintosh or some mainframes. To subscribe,
send "sub ccman-l <your name>" to listserv@uga.uga.edu
There are a lots of information about China, Hongkong, Taiwan (including
archives of above) in the following anoymous ftp site,
ahkcus.org (IP:
cnd-editor@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (or as specified for individual lists)
Related List:
(1) CHINA-NN@ASUACAD "CND-Global" Daily China News Digest broadcasted
Subscription: send "Sub CHINA-NN fullname" to LISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITNET
News for and about oversea Chinese in USA
Subscription: send "Sub CHINA-ND fullname" to LISTSERV@KENTVM.BITNET
Submissions: cnd-us@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
(3) CNC-L@UVVM "CND-Canada" Relay CND-Global for Canadian Readers, and local
news for and about Chinese in Canada
Subscription: XLIAO@ccm.UManitoba.CA
Submissions: cnd-canada@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
(4) CCMAN-L@UGA "CND Chinese Magazine" CND Chinese Language Electronic
Magazine Special softwares required and will be provided for a variety of
Subscription: send "Sub CCMAN-L fullname" to LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET
Submissions: cnd-cm@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
(5) CND-EP@Bronze.UCS.Indiana.EDU "CND-EP" Local news broadcasted to Europe
and Pacific
Subscription and submissions: cnd-ep@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
Back Issues:
(1) use LISTSERV commands to retrieve archives at individual LISTSERV sites;
(2) complete archive by anonymous FTP at ahkcus.org.
Ya-Gui Wei yawei@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
Gang Xu gxu@ksuvxa.kent.edu
Minghui Yao yaom@asucps.bitnet
Weihe Guan inr@uga.cc.uga.edu
Xinmeng Liao XLIAO@ccm.UManitoba.CA
>>> Comp.Achives <<<
Announcements of software and other resources available on the Internet, e.g.
materials available on anonymous FTP archives, LISTSERV servers, and other
similar network information resources.
To Subscribe:
Via the Usenet newsgroup comp.archives; subscriptions and newsfeeds available
MSEN, Inc.
628 Brooks St.
Ann Arbor MI 48103
e-mail: info@msen.com
(Please mention the E-Journals and Newsletters Directory)
Post the release notes or announcement of your software to any Usenet
newsgroup, and include the phrase "available via anonymous FTP from" It will
be located and submitted for verification. Or, send mail to emv@msen.com
(Edward Vielmetti) to inform me of something that I have missed.
Related Lists:
The Usenet newsgroup "comp.archives.admin", scheduled to be created on or
about June 1, will have discussion of archival administration. The groups
"comp.sources.d" and "comp.sources.wanted" are suitable for asking "where can
I find a copy of BlurflMatic" or "there's a horrible bug in SkeezixWriter";
those questions will not be answered in comp.archives.
Back Issues:
Available via anonymous FTP from: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/Usenet/comp.archives/
Tools which would allow the Internet user to search back issues of
comp.archives are under development. Back issues are also available on disk
or tape from the MSEN, Inc. address above; there is a charge for this
Edward Vielmetti, Vice President for Research
MSEN, Inc.
628 Brooks
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
>>> Desktop Publishing Digest <<<
This digest is intended to foster discussion and disseminate information on
desktop publishing in general and the use of microcomputer and workstation
programs in particular. Please feel free to further distribute this digest
at your own location. This digest is archived at the sumex-aim.stanford.edu
To Subscribe:
contact the moderators (below)
mail to glenn_fleishman@YCCATSMTP.YCC.YALE.EDU or jjwcmp@ultb.isc.rit.edu
Back Issues:
available from sumex-aim.stanford.edu ( in the info-mac/digest
Moderators: Glenn Fleishman [Yale] and Jeff Wasilko [RIT]
glenn_fleishman@YCCATSMTP.YCC.YALE.EDU or jjwcmp@ultb.isc.rit.edu
>>> Electronic College of Theory <<<
A moderated, electronic-mail discussion group on literary theory, primarily
but not exclusively in north america, and for the business of the Society for
Critical Exchange, the college's parent organization.
To Subscribe:
Send a brief request to join, including a postal mailing address, to
xx124@po.cwru.edu. If you are not already a member of the Society for
Critical Exchange, a dues-supported organization, your subscription will
still be entered immediately but you will be asked to join the SCE. [Current
annual dues are US$15 per calendar year. Membership applications are also
available by writing directly to Society for Critical Exchange, Guilford
House, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106.]
Access to the college:
By e-mail to xx124@po.cwru.edu.
Back Issues:
Back issues are not currently available on-line, but they may be obtained
from the editor [gxs11@po.cwru.edu] Please identify the date of the issue
and the contents as specifically as possible.
Gary Lee Stonum, Executive Director, SCE and Editor, Electronic College of
Theory by mail at the postal address above, by electronic mail at
gxs11@po.cwru.edu, or by phone at 216-368-3342.
>>> The Handicap Digest <<<
The Handicap Digest is an electronic-mail only digest of articles relating to
all types of issues affecting the handicapped. The articles are taken from
the Usenet newsgroup, the Handicap News (misc.handicap) and various Fidonet
conferences such as ABLED, BlinkTalk SilentTalk, Chronic Pain, Spinal Injury,
Rare Conditions, and several others.
To Subscribe:
Listserv:L-HCAP list at NDSUVM1
Mail:Bill McGarry
c/o ISC-Bunker Ramo
2 Enterprise Drive
Shelton, CT 06484
Modem:Handicap News BBS (Fidonet 1:/141/420)
1-203-337-1607 (300/1200/2400 baud)
E-mail to "wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com" or "L-HCAP@NDSUVM1.BITNET"
Back Issues:
Available through LISTSERV at NDSUVM1
Same as subscription contacts
>>> Instant Math Preprints (IMP) <<<
The IMP network has two parts. One part is the IMP database of abstracts of
math preprints which can be easily searched by author, title words, abstract
words and other words. This database is mounted on a computer at Yale
University. The second part of the network consists of the full text of
preprints, in electronic form, accessible via anonymous ftp from computers at
the universities from which the preprints originated. A complete description
of the network can be obtained from katherine_branch@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.edu.
To Subscribe:
To use IMP via Internet, you need a copy of a communications program called
TN3270. Using TN3270, connect to this Internet address:
After the connection is made, you will be prompted: USERID: Math1 (or Math2,
3, 4 or 5); PASSWORD: Math1 (or Math2, 3, 4 or 5); OPERATOR ID: Math1 (or
Math2, 3, 4 or 5)
You can obtain TN3270 via ftp, if not already available in your institution.
More detailed instructions are available from the email address given above.
For the SUN3 or SUN4, ftp noc.net.yale.edu, directory pub/sunn4-binary (or cd
pub/sun3-binary), filename tn3270.tar.z. For the Macintosh, send an email
message to listerv@brownvm with the message "get tn3270 package" or ftp
brownvm.brown.edu, filenames tn3270.read-me and tn3d7.sithqx. For Ultrix,
ftp uunet.uu.net, filename bds-sources/src/ucb/tn3270.tar.z.
Abstracts must be submitted according to certain conventions so that all
records in the IMP database are consistent. Do not submit abstracts for
preprints until the preprint is available on your institution's "ftp"able
computer and instructions for downloading the preprint are included in a
README file on that computer. The conventions for submissions of abstracts
and loading of preprints, the formats to be used, and a description of each
field in the record for the abstract are available from the email contact
address below. Each abstract must be sent in a separate electronic email
message in the required format.
Katherine Branch,
Head, Science Libraries,
Yale University,
219 Prospect Street,
New Haven, CI 06511
Internet: katherine_branch@yccatsmt.ycc.yale.edu
Voice: (203) 432-3439
Fax: (203) 432-3441
>>> IRLIST Digest - Information Retrieval List Digest <<<
IRLIST Digest is distributed from the University of California, Division of
Library Automation, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA. 94612-3550.
To Subscribe:
Send subscription requests to: LISTSERV@UCCVMA.BITNET
Send submissions to IRLIST to: IR-L@UCCVMA.BITNET
Editorial Staff:
Clifford Lynch@postgres.berkeley.edu
Mary Engle engle@cmsa.berkeley.edu
>>> Risks-Forum Digest <<<
on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator.
RISKS is a moderated newsgroup on the topic of its title, concerning problems
with computer security, privacy, integrity, reliability, availability, human
safety, financial fraud, etc. The discussion is generally quite lively.
Highlights appear quarterly in ACM's SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, with
a cumulative index in vol 17, no. 1, pp. 23-32, Jan 1992. The Forum is
sponsored by the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, of which Peter
Neumann is the Chairman.
To Subscribe:
Related Lists:
virus-l for viruses, telecom for telerisks, etc.
Back Issues:
FTP crvax.sri.com
[the colon is essential!]
Vol 1 no 1 was 1 Aug 1985. Volume 11 in progress during May 1991.
Peter G. Neumann, Computer Science Lab, SRI International EL-243
Menlo Park CA 94025-3493, neumann@csl.sri.com, 415-859-2375.
>>> Simulation Digest <<<
Simulation Digest (comp.simulation). All topics of computer simulation.
To Subscribe:
Back Issues:
archived (see note at beginning of each digest issue)
Prof. Paul A. Fishwick Internet: fishwick@cis.ufl.edu
Complex Systems and Simulation Group UUCP: gatech!uflorida!fishwick
Dept. of Computer Science Phone: (904) 392-1414
University of Florida FAX: (904) 392-1220
Bldg. CSE, Room 301
Gainesville, FL 32611
>>> Simulations Online <<<
Electronic magazine devoted to the hobby of board wargaming and conflict
To Subscribe:
Available on Usenet, CompuServe, GEnie, and America Online (Mac and PC
versions) in the respective Gaming sections. Released monthly on or around
the 15th of each month.
Peter T. Szymonik
CIS: 72637,2272
America Online PC: DIPLOMACY
America Online Mac: XORG
>>> TidBITS <<<
TidBITS is a free weekly electronic publication about interesting products
and events in the computer industry, with an emphasis on the world of the
Macintosh. In addition to the weekly issues, we occasionally publish reviews
and special issues.
To Subscribe:
There is currently no subscription list, however TidBITS is available via
anonymous FTP from numerous sites including sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Mailservers are available, most notably LISTSERV@RICEVM1.BITNET. Every issue
is also available in the Usenet group comp.sys.mac.digest. We hope to set up
a TIDBITS LISTSERV soon. Those not on the networks can contact us for
disk-based subscription information.
Submissions are gladly accepted, but will be edited before publication. We
reserve the right to refuse to publish any submissions.
Back Issues:
Available via anonymous FTP at the sites listed above as well as many BBSs
and most commercial services. A disk archive of all back issues is available
for a fee.
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor
info@tidbits.halcyon.com - ace@tidbits.halcyon.com
info@tidbits.uucp - ace@tidbits.uucp
Adam Engst on America Online
70262,3152 on CompuServe
ace@tidbits.uucp@internet# on AppleLink
TidBITS, 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096, Redmond, WA 98052, USA.
This project was made possible through funding from the
Research Centre for the Study of Religion,
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa.
N.B. - This Directory is intended for free dissemination as long as this
header remains intact. The compilation as a whole is Copyright (C) by
Michael Strangelove, 1991. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby
granted for noncommercial use by electronic bulletin board/conference
systems, individuals and libraries. All commercial use requires the
permission of the author. The Association of Research Libraries is the only
authorized not-for-profit distributer of print copies of the Directory of
Electronic Journals and Newsletters. To obtain a printed version of the
Directory, contact:
Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing
Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036 USA
(202) 232-2466 (voice)
(202) 462-7849 (fax)
Contributions and corrections to this directory should be sent to Michael
Strangelove (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) and MUST be in the following
format (use as much space as necessary):
ISSN #: (if any)
To Subscribe: (via Bitnet and Internet)
Submissions: (whom to sent submissions to and in what form)
Related List: (how to subscribe to a related list, if any)
Back Issues: (how to access them)
Contact: (for more information)