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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Test Free (tm) - The Ultimate Defense Against Urine Tests!
This file contains information on urinalysis, as well as information on a
product designed to help people defeat urinalysis.
Transcribed by the Dak - 8/3/90 - Holiday Inn, Cambodia BBS - 209/456-8584
Drug use is a problem. We, as citizens, shouldn't stop worrying about
the problem. But maybe we should start worrying about the solution! To
some, the solution to the American drug catastrophe is simple...MASS DRUG
TESTING! Could it be? Think of it! All we have to do is make everyone pee
in a cup and POOF! The national cancer of drug abuse will disappear faster
than the family farm!
Why did your national drug problem suddenly become the focus of
political and business decisions? Given the speed and enthusiasm with which
many of our elected officials and business leaders have accepted drug testing
as a cure-all, did this change mean there was a sudden worsening of the
problem? The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that nearly
two-thirds of those entering the work force have used illegal drugs...44%
within the past year. But, ironically, the current craze for wide-scale drug
testing has gained populatiry just when most types of drug use are stable or
beginning to drop. NIDA reports that for all drugs except cocaine, current
rates are, for the first time below those of 1979...our peak year of drug
"No person...shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against
himself." - Fifth Amendment
So why the frenzy now? Drugs are just too good a political issue!
Wide-spread drug tests make it look as though our national leaders are "doing
something about the problem! Drug testing seems to be the product of
election-year sculpturing and well-timed and well-financed marketing efforts
by the test manufacturers! Sales of drug tests have recently gotten a big
boost from the attitudes and orders of the Reagan administration, which has
recommended a drug testing program that will affect most American workers.
Strangely, drug testing is becoming wide-spread in spite of general
agreement that the results of mass tests are more often than not grossly
inaccurate! Studies of laboratory accuracy have confirmed ridiculously high
error rates. One group of researchers reported a 70% rate of "false-
positives", while other groups have claimed that the rate of "false-
positives" have been closer to 100%! False-positive mistakes (identifying a
"clean" urine sample as containing an illegal drug) are far more serious than
any false-negative mistakes. This is because false-positives can, and have,
resulted in innocent people losing their jobs...or not being hired at all.
Ironically, since the ERROR RATES derived from the drug tests are HIGHER than
the ACTUAL RATE OF ILLEGAL DRUG USE in the general working population, as
reported by NIDA, the tests are far more likely to label INNOCENT PEOPLE AS
DRUG USERS than to identify REAL USERS! Wouldn't you or your mother love to
be labeled an "addict" after taking a couple of Advils for that holiday
"Urine tests are overly sensitive to marijuana; detecting chemical by-
products for months after use!"
Many false-positive results stem from "cross-reactivity". This refers
to the fact that hundreds of over-the-counter medications, vitamins,
prescription drugs and even everyday food items can produce false-positive
results on these tests! For example, Contac, Sudafed, most diet
preparations, decongestants, heart and asthma medications can all register as
amphetamines on the tests. Over-the-counter cough syrup can cross-react as
opiates and antibiotics show up as cocaine! Anti-inflammatory drugs and
common pain-killers, including Datril, Advil and Nuprin show up as marijuana.
Even those poppy seeds on your dinner roll can cause a positive result for
morphine...and some herbal teas show up as cocaine! And tonic water...common
in mixed drinks...makes it look as though you are shooting heroin!
Commercial testing companies always claim very high accuracy and
reliability, but these labs are not uniformly regulated and employers who
buy their services find it impossible to confirm these claims or even to
conduct informed comparative shopping! The companies that mass-market
testing kits (such as the popular EMITs...which cost an estimated $15 to $25
per test) always recommend that positive test results be confirmed with other
laboratory procedures, which can run from $100 to $200 per test! But,
relatively few employers are using the expensive back-up procedure before
firing employees who test positive. Even when employers DO verify positive
results, employees who, upon retesting, turn out to be drug-free will be
stigmatized! TWO to THREE tests are sometimes needed for conclusive results,
and even then they DO NOT DIFFERENTIATE between someone who has tried drugs
ONCE and someone who's a chronic user! The tests CANNOT tell WHEN a drug was
ingested, and if a drug was taken at home or at a party on a WEEKEND, should
an employee be penalized for that? URINALYSIS CAN REVEAL A LOT ABOUT
Another critical failing of these tests are their limited sensitivity to
certain drugs (A shortcoming their manufacturers readily admit.) Cocaine,
the only illicit drug whose use has risen is the one drug to which the tests
are the least sensitive. By contrast, urine tests are...if anything...OVERLY
SENSITIVE TO MARIJUANA; detecting chemical by-products (not its ACTIVE
ingredient) for MONTHS after use, and even picking up the residue of passive
"...the right of the people to be secure in their persons...against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..." - Fourth
Also note that there is one "drug" nobody is saying much
about...alcohol. Nearly 25,000,000 Americans are alcoholic or problem
drinkers. Alcohol is legal, but potentially detrimental to job performance.
Alcoholism costs us almost 200 billion dollars a year in lost work, medical
expenses, car wrecks and the removal of stubborn carpet stans. Booze is
responsible for nearly 100,000 deaths per year and who knows how many dumb
marriages! There are simple, cheap, accurate tests for alcohol use.
However, nearly two-thirds of American adults drink...and that's A LOT OF
VOTERS! So alcohol testing is done SPARINGLY, with PROBABLE CAUSE, under
HIGHLY JUSTIFIABLE circumstances...usually when you're driving home nude from
a New Year's Eve party! Nobody is trying to make alcohol tests a regular
feature of work, school or sports, let alone Government employment! How many
congressmen would care to be tested after 6:00 p.m.? FRESHEN UP THAT DRINK
Probably one of the greatest costs of mass drug testing involve
violations of worker's rights and the poor employee morale and broken trust
that result when workers must prove themselves from the PRESUMPTION OF GUILT!
And don't forget the INVASION OF THE WORKER'S PRIVACY! Urinalysis may
be great at revealing who is pregnant, who is diabetic, and a host of other
conditions, but it's very difficult to imagine how scatter-shot drug testing
could be acceptable...let alone LEGAL under the Fourth Amendment which is
clear that..."The right of the people to be secure in thier persons...against
unreasonable searches and seizures, whall not be violated..." Searches are
permitted only "upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things
to be seized." How could this type of testing be legal no matter how
"PARTICULARLY" the government describes the manner in which one urinates?
And the Fifth Amendment is also clear: "no person...shall be compelled
in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." If using the contents
of your bladder as evidence isn't making you a witness against yourself,
then what would that be considered as doing? Even people accused of the most
HEINOUS crimes are assured of this minimum protection from Government
With all the critical failings, why has drug testing become so popular?
Maybe some of the real solutions, such as education, rehabilitation, and
medical research are difficult and complex...much like reality itself. (And
reality is one thing politicians could never stand too much of!) Drug
testing is simple, objective and not easily challenged because it relies on
technology that very few understand. It's quicker and cheaper than serious
and sustained efforts to reduce illegal drug use...such as the mass
educational efforts that have successfully reduced cigarette smoking.
While drug testing does little to combat the Real problem of drug use,
it reinforces the employers ILLUSION of "DOING SOMETHING"! Apparently, some
employers would rather test employees for drugs than build a relationship
with them based on confidence and loyalty! A relationship doesn't just come
from a paycheck! When you say to an employee, "You're doing a great job with
us, but just the same I want to you pee in this cup and I'm sending someone
to watch you", you've UNDERMINED that trust!
Drug tests create an atmosphere of distrust, resentment and
demoralization! Does any country in its right mind want an entire population
feeling this way about its Government? Are we going to allow the Government
and private employers to make an unprecedented and probably irreversible
intrusion into our private lives? If so this could very well be the first
step towards totalitarianism!
About our Company
Zydot Unlimited, Inc. is not an "Anti-law" organization, nor are we
"Pro-drug"...we are ANTI-DRUG TESTING! We are representatives of the
public...here to protect and preserve the Constitutional Rights of the
American citizen.
We do not promote or condone irrespnsible or illegal drug use of any
kind. Our product Test Free (tm) was not developed as an aid for the drug
abuser, but as a defense against this most serious threat to our liberty.
Test Free (tm) is a safe and simple means of INSURANCE to be used as
protection from unqualified laboratories, undertrained technicians,
inaccurate tests, hundreds of cross-reactive over-the-counter and
prescription medications, and even food items that can and do cause false-
positive test results.
Positive drug test results have had a devastating impact on a multitude
of innocent people...drastically changing and sometimes destroying their
lives. Yet, these urine tests are incapable of measuring impairment or on-
the-job performance, nor can they prove or disprove that a person is a "drug
We would like to help educate the public and make them aware of the fact
that urine testing is a technology that is being iproperly applied and that
current testing programs do not and cannot provide information of sufficient
reliability to guide decision-makers. We feel the public has every right to
defend themselves if faced with this unconstitutional situation.
Pass your urinalysis with TEST FREE (tm)
Eliminates any substance that could trigger a positive urine test result.
- All natural ingredients
- Works in less than 2 hours
- Effective 4 to 5 hours
- Mix with water and drink
- Undetectable in urine
- Not a drug
- Money back guarantee
This product was designed for personal use only and is not to be sold to or
used by anyone undergoing a lawfully administered urine test.
Zydot Unlimited, Inc. (tm)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven
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"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"