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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Natural Poisons Part 2
By Lazarus Long
This part deals with poisons that are easily available. They do not
require extraction so anyone can use them.
Poisonous Fungi
1) Amanita virosa (Destroying Angel)
Completely white large volva (swelling towards the base) and a cap which
is up to 12cm across. They have a sweet / sickly smell. They are DEADLY
2) Amanita phalloides (Death Cap)
This has a greenish olive cap approx the same size as above. The stem
is paler. white gills and flesh. found ususally in woodlands espec with Oak
and Beech. This is the most deadly of all the fungi
3) Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric)
Has a distinctive bright red cap which has white spots up to 22cm
4) Entolma sinnuatum (leaden entoloma)
Has a dull greyish white cap about 15cm across. Yellowish gills which
turn salmon pink firmn white flesh. Found in grassy places especially with
oak and beech.
5) Inocybe patouillardii
Begins white then turns yellowish brown with a cap about 7 cm across. In
broad leaved woods epec with beech.
All the above are deadly poisons. The symptons tend to develop as
follows. 8 - 24hrs after eating vomiting. Apparent recovery after 1 day.
Death from liver failure in 2 - 10 days. There is NO KNOWN ANTIDOTE TO THE
Poisonous Berries.
Nightshades. Medium to large bushy plants. Likes scrubby places. Shiny
black berries.
Buckthorns shrubs, sometimes small trees growing in woody places. Oval
leaves Black bitter tasting berries, clustered along stems.
Poisonous Plants
Hemlock (the witches poison)
Much branched plant with hollow purple spotted stems. Dense clusters of
tiny white flowers and white roots. bad smelling V. poisonous
Water Hemlocks or Cowbanes. Similar to above. One mouthful can kill
Foxgloves. Very widespread. Affects the heart. Highly Toxic
Some other comman poisonous plants.
Buttercups Those things with yellow flowers that grow on grassland
Lupins. Garden plant. Any part causes fatal swelling of intestines.
Henbane. Grows near cost. V. Poisonous Deadly.
To find photos of the above I suggest the Readers Digest book of plants.
Very helpful.
Lazarus Long
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