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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From the Recreational Drugs Sub-Board
On Lunatic Labs BBS - 415-278-721 - 1200/2400 Baud
Title: a psychedelic peak experience
When: 3/28/89 at 5:57 pm
Left by Unknown Lab Rat
...and that is the ultimate understatement.
try: 400-500mics of lsd, followed 30-45 min later w/ 50-100mgs of XTC.
mix w/ love and sex a successful attempt at mystical-spiritual transcendence.
our life will never be the same again. we have added a dimension of
experiencing life and each other that we never dreamed possible.
I just wish I could truly describe what happened, but words are inadequate.
I usually dont encourage people I dont really know to do psychedelics or
certain psychedelic combinations, but this one is so utterly positive, I cannot
see anyone having a bad trip or not benefiting in a very personal manner from
go for it.
Title: XTC
When: 4/8/89 at 4:40 pm
Left by castalia (Level 49)
hypothetically speaking, if any of you out there WERE doing X - which of course
you shouldnt be doing, it being a Schedule I substance and all - what would
have been the most interesting/fun/amazing/novel things youve done on it (or
plan to do on it)? just trying to collect some experiences for my archives
here - it occurred to me the other nite (last nite actually) that it is much
more fun doing certain things X'd than others, but I mite be wrong. so anybody
wanna share their deep dark secrets?
also, Im interested in X + some other substance(s) experiences. personally, an
X/LSD mixture for me has been the most mind-blowing drug experience ever, one
that truly changed my life... (the magic formula: 500 mics of LSD; when you
feel the acid coming on drop 50-100mgs of X and youre OFF. roundtrip ticket
across the universe. poetically speaking, the LSD provides a canvas for the X
to paint upon - while zipping around n-dimensional hyperspace...).
also, I think *any* amount of speed - esp. meth - should be avoided 24-48 hrs
before X'ing because the speed somehow seems to interfere w/ the potential
intensity of the trip.... any comments?
Title: XTC
When: 4/9/89 at 1:07 pm
Left by Sir Countach (Level 49)
Hmmm, I've X'd Before But Have Been Told By A Notable And Trustworthy Source
Who Did Some Of The Same As Me That It Wasn't That Great Of X, But None The
Less When I X I Like To Go For A Walk With A Cane Or Similar Object, It's Fun
To Just Twirl The Cane Around Inbetween Your Fingers... But On My Last X
Experiance It Was Spent Lying On A Floor With A Girl That I Was More Than Just
Quite Fond Of And Recieving A Back/Front Rub For Several Hours Which Turned
Into Into Some Other Things... It Was Great... We Ended Up Spending The Next
Three Days Together In Bed Getting Wired Until My `Roomate' Came Home And
Kicked Us Out Of Her Bed... Oh Well...
I've Also Recently Learned A Lesson About Coke/Crank... It Does Fuck Up Your
Nose, I'm Now Suffering From A Upper Respitory Infection And Have 1-2 Layers Of
Skin Burned Off Inside My Nostrils... I Guess No More Snorting Fro Me... Time
To Start Eating And Smoking It Again... Ugh!
Title: XTC
When: 4/9/89 at 3:06 pm
Left by parabolic mike (Level 11)
I'v never done any,but man do i ever want to try it. Anyone have a formula for
500 mics ehh cas', for a canvas ,must be somthin'
Title: XTC
When: 4/9/89 at 10:13 pm
Left by castalia (Level 49)
making XTC is a little more complicated than a single formual and there
are all kinds of ways you can fuck it up... I definitely dont recommend it
unless youre a real experienced alchemist.... I know/correspond w/ alex shulgin
who originally synthesized MDA and MDMA (back in the 1920s) and I have all
kinds of interesting info on both of theses substances, if anyone's interested.
there's also a file on this board for an MDA recipe, but I cant
guarantee its accuracy, and I definitely know you cant get piperonal in herbal
stores anymore.
Title: Extasy
When: 4/10/89 at 9:16 am
Left by Dexter Riley (Level 35)
What I like to do is head out to some semi-nature spot good for hiking, then
just walk around exploring and talking with whomever I am tripping with.
And I bring plenty of water...
Title: A friend o' mine...
When: 4/10/89 at 5:52 pm
Left by Pope Chuck Manson II (Level 39)
Just told me about an uncomfortable experience he had on XTC.. he got back from
this Grateful Dead show on the stuff and his mom asks him where he was that
day, so he goes off at dinner time about the great atmosphere at Dead shows and
how there are sooooo many drugs there and everyone's really cool, and the whole
time his mom just sits there nodding, looking strange and going "Mmm-hmm."
while trying to smile...
Title: XTC+Meth
When: 4/10/89 at 6:16 pm
Left by Elric of Imrryr (Level 49)
Well XTC and Methamphetamine are not a workable combination, it seems
that XTC(MDMA) and Methamphetamine compete for the some neurotransmitter sites
which pretty much results in burn-out.
XTC takes alot out of your body, so you should try to eat well and get
enough vitamins, minerals, amino-scids, and fluids both before and after you do
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