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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Drug Testing FWI version 3.8 release - Last revised: 8/14/95
(Frequently Wanted Information on beating drug tests)
Fooling the Bladder Cops
by Justin Gombos <hbcsc096@csun.edu>
During a job interview, have you ever been asked to piss for your new
employer? New applicants for many of the Fortune 500 corporations are now
being forced to take a drug test. In fact, 15 million will be tested this
year. Drug byproducts can be detected in urine, blood, hair, external
residue, and even perspiration! Parents are spying on their children. If
you don't want to be a victim of the drug war, this text will help you. If
you are a well known, this text may protect your reputation. I strongly
recommended that drug users (pot smokers in particular) read this. Other
drugs are covered as well, but marijuana is the main focus of the drug
testing FWI.
1.1 Halflife of TetraHydroCannabinol
1.2 Detection times of several drugs
1.3 Positive (definition)
1.3.1 Second hand smoke and positives
1.4 Decreasing detection times
2.1 Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique
2.2 Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry
2.3 Radio ImmunoAssay (aka Abuscreen)
2.4 Hair testing
2.5 Thin Layer Chromatography
2.6 DrugAlert
2.7 PharmChek
3.1 False positives
3.1.1 Ibuprofen
3.1.2 Cold remedies, pain relievers, hay fever remedies, & diet pills
3.1.3 Antibiotics
3.1.4 Melanin (black skin)
3.2 True positives (legitimate)
3.2.1 Poppy seeds
3.2.2 Testosterone supplements
5.1 Dilution
5.1.1 Water
5.1.2 Creatinine level
5.1.3 Vitamin B
5.2 Diuretics
5.2.1 Ultimate Blend (c) (was Test Free)
5.2.2 Detoxify Carbo Clean (c)
5.2.3 Naturally Klean Herbal Tea (c)
5.2.4 Goldenseal
5.2.5 Certa or Certo
5.2.6 Vales Original Formula
5.2.7 Lasix
5.3 Vinegar
5.4 Dexatrim
5.5 Fiber
5.6 Vitamin lecithin
5.7 Giving a clean sample
5.8 Exercise
5.9 Beta-3 agonists
5.1 Goldenseal
5.2 Zinc sulfate
5.3 Aspirin
6.4 Niacin
7.1 Purifyit (c)
7.2 Klear (c)
7.3 Mary Jane's SuperClean 13 (c)
7.4 UrinAid (c)
7.5 Bleach
7.6 Water
7.7 Vinegar
7.8 Draino
7.9 Goldenseal
7.10 Liquid soap
7.11 Hydrogen peroxide
7.12 Sodium nitrate
7.13 Table salt
7.14 Ammonia
7.15 Visine
7.16 Lemon juice
7.17 Blood
7.18 WD40
7.19 Papain
8.1 Substitution methods
8.1.1 Concealed container
8.1.2 Injection
8.1.3 Catheterization
8.2 Where to get clean urine
8.2.1 Urine from a donor
8.2.2 Powdered urine Making your own powdered urine
8.2.3 Dog urine
13.1 Contacting the author
15.1 Contributors & Works cited
15.2 For more information
15.2.1 Internet consultants
15.2.2 Drug testing mailing list
15.2.3 Sites
Drug tests detect drugs as well as metabolites. Metabolites are the
byproducts of a substance after it has run through your system. To
determine whether you will pass or not, it is important to know how much of
the illicit metabolites are in your urine and how much is tested for.
Graph 1.1 and table 1.2 will give you an approximation; however, it varies
depending on a number of factors. Testing method and levels tested for are
major factors.
1.1 Halflife of TetraHydraCannabinol: The halflife of THC concentration
is 7 days. In other words, every 7 days, half the THC metabolites break
down further. In graph 1.1, %THC means delta % THC metabolites in
bloodstream. 21 - 28 days should be sufficient according to the graph.
But given all the swaying variables that aren't accounted for, I wouldn't
rely on the graph; this graph only gives a very rough approximation.
[GRAPH 1.1]
100% * (time 0 days, 100%)
T 50% * (7days,50%)
C 40%
* (14days, 25%)
* (21days,12.5%)
* (6.75%)
0% * 3.375% * 1.687%
0 days 7days 14days 21days 28days 35days 42days
[Note that the intoxication scale (y-axis) is given in percentage. You
must determine how much you are taking the percentage of. It typically
goes undetected 21-28 days, but it really truly varies.]
1.2 Detection times of several drugs.
[TABLE 1.2]
Drug Approximate Detection Time in Urine using EMIT
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Amphetamines 2-4 days
Barbituates Short-Acting (i.g. secobarbital) 1 day
Long-Acting (i.g. phenobarbital) 2-3 weeks
Benzodiazepines 3-7 days
Cannabinoids 3-30 days
Cocaine 2-4 days
Codeine 2-5 days
Euphorics (LSD, XTC) 0 days (Not Detectable by EMIT. Detectable by GC/MS,
but I don't know the time period.)
Methadone 3-5 days
Methaqualone 14 days
Opiates 2-4 days
Phencyclidine (PCP) 8-14 days
Phenobarbital 10-20 days
Propoxyphene 6 hours to 2 days
Note: Detection times vary depending on analytical method used, drug
metabolism, patient's condition, fluid intake and method and frequency of
ingestion. These are general guidelines only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Try to call in sick on test day to delay one more day if possible; it will
Other factors determining degree of intoxication include metabolism,
frequency of intake, fluid intake, amount of marijuana, potency of
marijuana, and length of time you've been a user. The first chart assumes
that you are a long-time regular user. If you use marijuana on rare
occasions, your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week.
There is a program that will plot a graph of time versus percentage of THC
in your system given the days you've smoked. The program is called
CALC_THC.EXE and can be found on the internet. (see 14.2.3)
1.3 Positive (defined): 50 nanograms of THC metabolites per milliliter
usually defines a "positive." They originally tested for 20 ng/mL, but too
many false positives resulted. So the level was raised to 100 ng/mL to
reduce false positives. As of January 1995, the threshold was lowered back
down to 50 ng/mL because drinking water would easily bring a positive below
100 ng.
1.3.1 Second hand smoke and positives: It is possible that second hand
[marijuana] smoke will raise someone to the 50 ng/mL level; however,
*extreme* exposure is required. For instance, a closed car full of pot
smokers and a non-smoker may render the non-smoker positive for both
urinalysis and the hair test, provided that they are sealed in the car for
a while. The non-smoker would have to take in virtually as much second
hand smoke as a smoker. Non-smokers are safe in a ventilated area, as long
as they don't get a hair test. According to ZZYZX, simply blowing crack
smoke on ones hair may cause a positive hair test. Second hand pot smoke
doesn't affect the hair test results as much as crack smoke does mainly
because exhaled smoke contains no THC. The only pot smoke that contains
THC is the smoke that hasn't entered the lungs.
1.4 Decreasing detection times: Increasing metabolism is probably the
most effective way to decrease the time period that drugs can be detected
in your system. Physical activity can increase your metabolic rate as much
as 2 thousand percent! Nothing beats proper training taken to an extreme.
A high calorie diet is the next best way to increase metabolism. Consuming
mass quantities of high calorie food will increase metabolic rate by up to
10 percent. On the contrary, a malnutritious light diet could lower your
metabolism by 10 percent. Speed (the drug) will also increase metabolism.
Unfortunately, labs usually test for speed, and could get you into trouble.
So exercise with intensity, and eat big. Amphetamine users: see section
There are four types of urine tests, a hair test, a perspiration test, and
a residue test. Before continuing, I must say that this text mainly
applies to urinalysis. However, I try to cover methods for beating all
drug tests.
It would be helpful if people could somehow find out which test they are
getting ahead of time. Though caution must be taken. Asking your boss
whether you're getting an EMIT or GC/MS would imply that you know too much,
or seem too curious. The law doesn't protect you from unjust hiring
practices, and your boss to be may refuse you employment for any reason.
If simply drinking a cup of water makes the boss feel uncomfortable, the
verdict may be guilty before you even take the test.
2.1 Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique: The EMIT is the cheapest,
easiest to perform, and most common; also the easiest to fail. It's the
easiest to pass if you read this file. Most pre-employment screens will
give you the EMIT first. (Though some businesses will surprise you with a
GC/MS test first- discussed next). Unfortunately, there is no standard
procedure to expect. (One who has read this file and is well informed may
still fail because of the random nature of drug testing labs.) If you
don't know which urinalysis will be administered, focus on beating the
EMIT. If you pass the EMIT, you're off the hook. If you fail the EMIT,
they'll give you the confirmation GC/MS test, which is extremely sensitive.
Lewis Maltby, director of the Workplace Rights Office, said the EMIT test
is wrong 25 to 30 percent of the time.
2.2 Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry: The GC/MS is typically used
when the EMIT test results are "positive". The GC/MS is difficult and more
costly, which is why the EMIT is given first. Abstinence and substitution
are the only ways to defeat the GC/MS test. GC/MS is very precise when
done right. However, it's still subject to human error. For example, if
the equipment isn't cleaned well, the previous test sample could get mixed
with the next sample. According to Dr. Edward Cone, the GC/MS is 99
percent accurate- not very accurate on a large scale when you realize that
10 thousand out of every million will get false results. (more on accuracy
in section 3).
2.3 Radio ImmunoAssay (aka AbuScreen): The RIA test is used in the
military. The RIA test is applied the same way as the EMIT. "The only
difference btw RIA and EMIT is that RIA uses radioactive iodine as the
detection mechanism rather than an enzyme NAD/NADH rxn which is detected by
a scnelation counter" (an anonymous toxicologist). The RIA test is a
little more sensitive than the EMIT, and harder to beat. The EMIT is more
common because RIA produces radioactive waste, and radioactive waste is
difficult to deal with. The military uses RIA because its ties with Uncle
Sam makes radioactive waste disposal easy. I was shocked to get a message
from someone who had to take the RIA for a job. However unusual, the
testing industry continues its random behavior.
2.4 Hair testing: When THC metabolites are in the blood, they go through
the blood vessels in the head, and get filtered through the hair. THC
metabolites remain in the hair as a permanent record. The hair test costs
several hundred dollars and is rarely given because urinalysis is cheaper
(approximately $65) and more accurate. (The hair test equipment goes for
over a million). They cut 50 strands of hair from the scalp, and send it
in to the testing lab where they liquefy it. Average hair grows 1/4 inch
per month. Typically they just use hair one and a half inches from the
scalp; though some labs will take enough to test for up to 3 years. The
liquid is run through the most sensitive GC/MS machines available, and can
detect as little as 1 ng/mL! The hair test discriminates in that detection
is easier in dark hair. Psychemedics Corporation has a PDT90 kit for $75.
This home test kit is for parents that want to chop off a lock of their
child's hair to find out what drugs s/he is using. Kids- lock your bedroom
doors at night if your parents don't trust your judgment on the drug issue.
Beating the hair test is extremely hard, and there are false positives.
Bleaching or dying your hair is rumored to work, but it doesn't. I imagine
you can shave every hair on your body and claim that you're a swimmer.
According to NORML, Aloe Rid by Nexus is a shampoo that will aid in testing
negative. Aloe Rid is available only in salons. Healthy Hair, from
Sampson Health Products, is another shampoo designed to beat the hair test.
Healthy Hair is sold in retail stores throughout Las Vegas. Healthy Hair
is used 4-6 hours prior to the test. According to Steve at Sampson Health
Products, two out of a thousand people failed the hair test when using
Healthy Hair. (If anyone has any success with the shampoos or the swimmer
excuse, please let me know).
Fortunately, the hair test cannot be used alone as evidence because there
are no forensic standards. It can only be used when substantiated by other
evidence. Also, there are no intoxication standards. I believe if you
tested positive for the hair test that you would probably have a good
chance of fighting it.
2.5 Thin Layer Chromatography: TLC "involves adding solvent to urine to
extract drugs and then comparing color spots on a TLC plate to that of a
standard" (Nightbyrd). Accuracy is very poor, and this test is rarely
used. Fortunately, it's never used for confirmation.
2.6 DrugAlert: DrugAlert is a $19.95 home test kit enabling parents to
test their children. This is the most inaccurate test being used, and it's
also the newest. The test kit is a small brown pad giving off an Oxy pad
odor. The [uninformed] parent wipes the child's clothes, books, and
anything belonging to the child. Then the pad is sent to Barringer
Technologies. The lab puts the pad in a microwave looking machine, which
detects residue from seven different illicit drugs. The child fails the
test if s/he uses drugs, or unknowingly comes in casual contact with a drug
user. Simply borrowing a pencil from a classmate that uses drugs will pass
enough residue to render a positive test and an angry parent. When we have
statistics like - 90% of all paper currency shows traces of cocaine, this
test kit is quite foolish.
2.7 PharmChek: A band-aid type patch is worn for a week or more to absorb
perspiration. If illicit drugs are used during the time the sweat patch is
worn, the patch will be positive when the lab tests it. The patch has a
tamper-proof design - no thanks to 3M, who manufactures the patches.
(Don't sweat it; we'll find a way to tamper with the silly patch :)
PharmChem Laboratories Inc. created the patch, and got market approval from
the FDA. The FDA permitted the patch for detecting cocaine, amphetamines,
and opiates. They are working on getting FDA clearance to use the patch to
test for marijuana and PCP. The FDA already gave permission to use it in
the workplace. PharmChem will sell the patch to law enforcement and drug
rehabilitation agencies in 1996.
Most of the people who tell me of their drug tests have had very different
experiences; no test procedure seems to be usual and no pattern prevails.
Accuracy is very poor. "A test of testers conducted by the government's
Center for Disease Control in Atlanta found: '. . . the labs somehow
detected cocaine in as many as 6%, and amphetamines in up to 37% of urine
specimens that were 'blank' - those containing no drugs at all'"
(Nightbyrd). "Conquering the Urine Tests" by Jeff Nightbyrd details
several other major flaws in drug testing. ZZYZX says either this data is
outdated, or a GC/MS confirmation wasn't done. If the GC/MS confirmation
wasn't done, then our problems still stand. ZZYZX reports:
NIDA (The National Institute of Drug Abuse) is the government
organization responsible for regulating the drug-testing industry.
The vast majority of urine drug screens done these days conform to
NIDA specs, and ALL testing associated with the government
(department of transportation, etc.) complies with the NIDA
standard. It is NIDA that decides what the "safe" cutoffs are to
avoid false positives....
Despite what you might hear on the net, urinalysis, if done
correctly, is a very accurate scientific procedure. I know of no
labs that simply report the results of the initial EMIT screening
without confirming the sample on GC/MS. The fact is, labs WANT
you to test negative, because then they only have to run an EMIT
test on your urine (a few cents). If you test positive, they must
then confirm the positive result on GC/MS, which is considerably
more expensive. . . . Incidentally, the machine which tests the hair
is a relative of the GC/MS, but is FAR more precise. It can
accurately detect levels of THC in a solution that are below 1
NIDA keeps it's labs in check by sending positive and negative double-blind
samples. Lab personnel does not know what samples came from NIDA. If the
lab results are wrong, NIDA may take away the labs certification.
Only Federal jobs require NIDA standards. Your typical private
employer may use any lab s/he chooses, which would most likely be the least
expensive. Businesses don't always choose NIDA labs that follow-up a
positive EMIT test with a GC/MS. ZZYZX insists that it's very rare for
labs to bypass the GC/MS confirmation, and make a decision solely on EMIT
3.1 False positives: No laboratory process is completely free from error.
The GC/MS test is virtually error free, but the EMIT is far from accurate.
There are some false positives you should avoid if you're getting an EMIT
test. Take this seriously; false positives run high. If you know that
there will be a GC/MS confirmation test, you can disregard this section.
It would be too lengthy to list all of the false positives here. Jeff
Nightbyrd's "Conquering the Urine Tests" pamphlet lists a majority of the
false positives in detail. (If you are clean, want to get back at the
testing industry for conducting these absurd tests, and know that there
will be a confirmation test, you could consume several false positives.
This would force labs to pay for the high priced GC/MS test, eventually
drive up test expenses. You will still pass the test.)
3.1.1 Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is a common pain reliever that has caused
false THC positives on the EMIT test. However, it takes very high doses of
Ibuprofen to test positive. The GC/MS tests can distinguish between
Ibuprofen and THC (as well as other over-the-counter drugs).
3.1.2 Cold remedies, pain relievers, hay fever remedies, & diet pills:
Decongestants and diet pills result in false positives for amphetamine use
in one third of the test samples given to 40 of the countries leading
laboratories. There are roughly 300 over-the-counter drugs that cause
false positives on the EMIT.
3.1.3 Antibiotics: Certain antibiotics will test positive for heroin or
3.1.4 Melanin (black skin): Melanin is the brown pigment that protects
your skin from UV rays. Melanin's molecular structure is similar to that
of a THC metabolite. It's natural for a person with darker skin to
eliminate relatively more melanin in their urine.
3.2 True positives (legitimate): Some legal products actually contain
small amounts of illegal chemicals. All tests, including the GC/MS, will
test you positive because the metabolites derived from the true positive
are identical to the metabolites of the illegal drugs.
3.2.1 Poppy seeds: Poppy seeds, usually on breads, contain traces of
morphine, and lead to positives for opiates. According to Dr. Grow, eating
a pastry filled with poppy seeds will bring results showing that you are a
*high level* opiate user. However, there is conflicting data on this.
Harold Crossley, a nationally known chemical dependency expert, said you
would have to eat 100 poppy seed bagels to score a positive on a drug test.
Avoid poppy seeds until reliable data is available.
3.2.2 Testosterone supplements: Orchic extract (found in bull's balls)
will give a positive for anabolic steroid use. It is a legitimate
substance that causes the test to imply that you abuse steroids.
There are commercial and household products that will help you pass the
test. Some people are object to commercial products because they "are just
trying to cash in on the War on Drugs." They also charge high prices and
water alone tends to work for most. I put a (c) next to the commercial
products developed specifically for the test so those of you that are
against them will know what to skip. However, be aware that Texas outlawed
products that create negative results on urine tests.
THC is fat soluble, and it gets stored in your fat cells. Cleaning it out
of your lipid tissue is very difficult. Many herbal products claim to
clean out your system, yet they do nothing to remove THC byproducts from
fat cells. The only way to extract THC from fat cells is to exercise
(5.8). Fat cells secrete fat with THC metabolites at a constant rate,
regardless of what herbs you consume. You may be able to temporarily clean
THC metabolites from your bloodstream, or dilute your fluids to yield a
larger urine/THC ratio, but your bloodstream will continue collecting THC
metabolites from fat.
5.1 Dilution: Hyper saturating your body with fluids will dilute
metabolites possibly below the 50 ng/mL threshold, depending on your
metabolism. Be aware that creatinine levels are often tested, and will
show that the sample has been diluted. Diluting your sample will also
produce clear urine, with virtually no yellow color. They will assume that
you've diluted your sample, and they may reject your sample on the basis of
color alone.
5.1.1 Water: Drink at least eight hefty glasses of fluid (preferably
water) every day prior to the test and on the test day. Drink 2 quarts a
few hours before the test. Do not over do it. You can get water
intoxication. People can actually overdose and even die from water
intoxication. It's very hard to do, and you'll vomit before anything gets
5.1.2 Creatinine level: Eating red meat will boost creatinine levels. If
you eat a lot of red meat for the 3 days prior to the test, your creatinine
level will be normal, and the lab won't know that you've diluted your urine
5.1.3 Vitamin B: Color your sample yellow by taking 50 to 100 milligrams
of vitamin B. Many vitamins will work, but B-2 or B-12 (found in B-complex
vitamins) are the most effective. This will also help if you plan to dope
your sample (section 7). This does not guarantee that dilution will work.
Diluted samples have been red-flagged when specific gravity and creatinine
levels are tested and below normal.
5.2 Diuretics: Diuretics make people urinate frequently. Coffee,
cranberry juice, beer, iced tea, herbal tea, and Pepsi are all good
diuretics. Grapes are known to be very good diuretics. Diuretics without
caffeine or alcohol are recommended because caffeine and alcohol have
negative side effects. Cranberry juice is also the cheapest. Avoid salts.
Herbal diuretics do better than home remedies like juices.
5.2.1 Ultimate Blend (c): This product used to be known as Test Free, but
the name was changed. Ultimate Blend is a diuretic designed for the test,
but works no better than other diuretics. Ultimate Blend is sold by Zydot
Unlimited Inc.
5.2.2 Detoxify Carbo Clean (c): This is a very new product. According to
Nightbyrd, Detoxify doesn't absorb toxins as claimed. It's simply a
diuretic, and no more effective than Pepsi. Bear in mind that Byrd Labs is
in competition with Party Hut Enterprizes, and I haven't been able to get a
third party opinion yet. In my previous releases, Detox was listed as a
drug screen (section 6); however, experts say that drug screens don't
exist. Here is a copy of the ad from Party Hut Enterprizes:
[Detox] Is a scientifically formulated carbohydrate blend that
works by absorbing toxins and imuurities[sic]. It has been
featured in High Times, and we are so confident of the results
that we are offering a double-your-money-back guarantee for any
failed results. This is the most complete program for the
cleanest results! Precleanse (tm) herbal capsules are enclosed in
every box of Carbo Clean. This extra advantage helps you begin
cleansing the evening before the deadline. B-Complex tablets
complete the program.
5.2.3 Naturally Klean Herbal Tea (c): Naturally Klean claims to clear any
drug metabolites for a few hours after taking. Drink this shortly before
the test. Naturally Klean was also listed as a drug screen in previous
versions, but according to Nightbyrd, "it will do NOTHING to help you pass
a urine test;" with the exception that it will dilute your urine. You can
get Naturally Klean from Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation: one sample is
$25. An anonymous user provided the ingredients list: dandelion root,
burdock root, red clover top, chamomile flower, alfalfa leaf, licorice
root, slippery elm inner bark, hibiscus flower, dog rose hips, natural
fruit flavors. Dandelion root is said to be the effective diuretic.
5.2.4 Goldenseal: Goldenseal is a plant and you can get either the root
or the leaves in pill form. It's also a liquid or tea. The liquid is
rumored to absorb slower than the capsules. Goldenseal is a diuretic, but
works no better than other diuretics.
5.2.5 Certa or Certo: Certa "has something to do with canning. Some
people swear by it. Trouble is, it's always somebody else, a third party
not present during the conversation, who uses it" (Pearson).
5.2.6 Vales Original Formula: Another herbal remedy like Goldenseal. It
does nothing. The water you must take with it does everything Vales claims
to do.
5.2.7 Lasix: Take an 80 milligram dose of prescription diuretic lasix
(furosemide). Prescription diuretics are the most potent. Some OTC
diuretics will color your urine blue and should be avoided. WARNING!
- -Diuretics can be harmful to people with kidney problems, pregnant women,
and diabetics.-
5.3 Vinegar: There is a myth that vinegar will mask drugs; it won't.
However, vinegar lowers the pH of urine. Amphetamines are excreted up to 3
times as fast when urine is acidified. So vinegar could reduce the
detection time period for amphetamines.
5.4 Dexatrim: There is a myth that taking phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim's
active ingredient) will work. It won't. In fact, Dexatrim is a false
positive, and may work against you.
5.5 Fiber: "THC is eliminated primarily in the stool via bile acids.
Both EMIT and RIA detect a secondary metabolite which is reabsorbed from
the intestines. Thus a person with a high fiber diet will excrete a
majority of THC [metabolites] in the stool" (anon. toxicologist F1).
5.6 Vitamin lecithin: A recent method that's still under development is
to take vitamin lecithin. This vitamin breaks down your stored fat and
disperses it into your blood stream, to help clean out drugs that store
themselves in lipid tissue, such as THC. NORML recommends taking Lecithin
right up to the day of the test. To me it sounds as though this would work
against you because by putting THC back in your blood stream, you are
increasing metabolites in the urine. Someone has suggested that you take
vitamin lecithin on a regular basis to clean lipids of THC metabolites.
Then quit before the test, which seems to make more sense. It MAY be
useless to take lecithin supplements orally. I've been told that the
digestive system breaks it down too much before entering the blood stream.
Most aren't willing to take vitamins intravenously. (If you do decide to
take lecithin, you might as well take B5 with it. B5 aids in the process
of turning lecithin into acetylcholine.)
5.7 Give a clean sample: Don't give urine from your first urination of
the day. It's the dirtiest, and can be heavily filled with metabolites.
Urinate a couple of times before giving a test sample. Also, don't give
the beginning or end of the stream. Piss in the toilet, then quickly stop
and go in the cup. Stop, and shift back to the toilet for the last
portion. Just be sure to give 60 cc's.
5.8 Exercise: Athletes have a big advantage over normal civilians. When
athletes burn fat, THC byproducts are released into the blood. This is the
only way to get THC metabolites out of lipid tissue. "Normal living will
burn them slowly, as your fat reserves get turned over" (Dr. Grow). Due to
an athletes high metabolic rate, THC moves through an athletes system
significantly faster. Exercising between drug tests will clean THC
metabolites from the system at a faster rate, thus lowering the detection
period. It is important to stop burning fat cells near test time. On test
day, it doesn't matter what's in your lipid tissue. What's in your blood
and urine does matter. Exercise increases the amount of THC metabolites in
the urine; so quit exercising two days before the test. Be lazy, and eat
big. There are drugs that will increase metabolism the way exercise does,
but these are the same drugs that they are testing for.
5.9 Beta-3 agonists: Beta-3 agonists are drugs that stimulate the beta-3
andrenergic receptors on brown fat cells. The beta-3 andrenergic receptor
is located on the surface of fat cells, and controls the amount of fat the
cell releases into the bloodstream. When brown fat is stimulated, white
fat is burned (converted into heat). Many people have mutant beta-3
andrenergic receptors, causing calories to be burned too slowly. These
people will benefit most from beta-3 agonist drugs. If the drug works as
claimed, I believe it would reduce the detection time of fat soluble drugs
by continually excreting metabolites into the bloodstream at a faster pace.
As with vitamin lecithin and exercise, you would take beta-3 agonists
between tests, and quit a couple days prior to the test. Beta-3 agonists
have been in the development phase for the past 13 years. One firm is
already testing a beta-3 drug in early clinical trials. It's not on the
market yet.
Some chemicals taken orally supposedly will mask traces of drugs in urine.
Advertisers like to present their diuretic as a masking agent to make the
sale. Consequently, diuretics are often mistaken for drug screens. Most
herbal products claim to do a lot more than they actually do. Don't be
fooled by herbal potions that claim to flush or absorb toxins.
6.1 Goldenseal: Goldenseal has shown to work on occasion. However, some
labs are reportedly testing for Goldenseal. Goldenseal is very unreliable,
and California NORML says that it should not be used. Goldenseal (as a
screen) only works on the TLC test, which is not used anymore.
6.2 Zinc sulfate: Zinc sulfate is claimed to bond with THC metabolites,
and because it's a solid, it gets passed as stool rather than urine. Jeff
Nightbyrd says it does nothing. Anne Watters Pearson said "zinc sulfate is
no miracle drug for pissing. Forget it."
6.3 Aspirin: According to Jeff Nightbyrd, there is testing industry data
that taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you.
". . . aspirin interferes with the Syvia [sic] EMIT assay. It seems that
aspirin absorbs at the same wavelength that NAD does which is how it
interferes with the assay" (Clin Chem 34 (90) 602-606).
6.4 Niacin: Niacin has been shown to work on occasion. Byrd Labs tests
conclude that niacin doesn't work at all. In other words, something else
probably caused a negative, not the niacin.
"Doping" samples consists of spiking the sample with different chemicals.
Chemicals that defeat immunoglobulin/antigen binding will cause a false
negative on the EMIT. Most of these additives only work on the standard
EMIT test, not on RIA or GC/MS tests. I should also add that you may be
watched, so don't rely on this method. You should be able to find out
ahead of time if you will be supervised. Some of the following additives
alter the urine's pH, and most labs now test the pH to see if the sample
has been adulterated. If you are subject to random tests, you may want to
carry an additive in your wallet.
7.1 Purifyit (c): No data available on this yet; however, I've included
the ad from Charles Alvis:
For unsupervised tests we [Party Hut Enterprises] recommend a
product called Purifyit. This product is imported from Europe.
Inclosed[sic] in the package is two vials containing a clear
liquid purifying agent. There is only one vial needed for each
test. The liquid is clear, odorless, and can not be detected by
the urine test. Just pour one vial into the sample and you are
done. It is that simple. Even thought I have never had anyone
return the product back there is a Money Back Guarantee if the
product does not work.
7.2 Klear (c): Klear is a powdered additive. Jeff Nightbyrd currently
endorses Klear, saying that it is the most advanced and least detectable.
Two samples of Klear can be purchased from Martha Butterfield-Jay
Foundation for $30. You can also get Klear direct from Klear (the
7.3 Mary Jane's SuperClean 13 (c): Mary Jane's SuperClean 13 is the
latest in purification additives. SuperClean is effective. It had to be
strong enough to beat the tests, but weak enough to be undetectable. It
failed to cause a false-negative in 3% of the tests. Two samples of
SuperClean can be purchased from Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation for $30.
7.4 UrinAid (c): UrinAid is very potent and works every time for masking
pot, but not cocaine or heroin. UrinAid, produced by Byrd Labs, can be
ordered from Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation. UrinAid does not work on
the RIA test. Two samples of UrinAid is $25, and ten is $100. They'll
Fed-Ex it next day for an extra $10. They have recently developed a test
solely to detect UrinAid. UrinAid is tested for in 5% of the labs, and
Texas has outlawed UrinAid.
7.5 Bleach (powdered): Chlorinated bleach will test negative, and it's
the best household additive. In an emergency, Jeff Nightbyrd recommends
adding unscented powdered bleach to a diluted sample. It's recommended to
grind the powdered bleach to a finer grain. 1/2 teaspoon is recommended
for a 60cc sample. For liquid bleach, add six to ten drops. Bleach will
throw the pH outside the normal body range; so it may be apparent that the
sample was tampered with. Some bleaches foam or leave residue, so
experiment with different brands.
7.6 Water: You can dilute your sample heavily with water. Be sure to use
water between 91 and 97 degrees, they may take the temperature of the
7.7 Vinegar: Vinegar will test negative, but also alters the pH.
7.8 Draino: Draino will also test negative. Draino is NOT recommended
because it doesn't work well even when half a teaspoon is added. It also
colors the sample blue, will put the pH outside the normal body range.
Draino foams, and leaves metal specs that must be removed.
7.9 Goldenseal: A myth. Goldenseal put directly in the sample doesn't
alter test results. It only turns the specimen brown. Do not dope your
urine with Goldenseal.
7.10 Liquid soap: Will test negative, but makes the specimen cloudy.
This crude method is not recommended.
7.11 Hydrogen peroxide: Industrial grade will destroy half the THC
metabolites. Household strength hydrogen peroxide does nothing.
7.12 Sodium nitrate: This is more effective than table salt (below), but
dissolves poorly.
7.13 Table salt: Two tablespoons of salt will test negative, but puts the
density out of normal range. This is another crude method that is not
recommended. Residue can also be seen at the bottom of the cup.
7.14 Ammonia: 2 ounces will render the sample negative. The pH is
altered, and the ammonia odor is strong enough to be recognized.
7.15 Visine: This is debatable. Byrd Labs concluded that Visine does not
work. ZZYZX said that the lab he worked in tested Visine, and concluded
that Visine works every time as a false negative for the EMIT. It can be
detected due to inability of the sample to foam.
7.16 Lemon juice: Lemon juice is a myth; it will not change the test
7.17 Blood: It's been said that a few drops of blood will fix your
sample; it doesn't.
7.18 WD40: Another myth.
7.19 Papain: This is a papaya enzyme available over the counter. It
isn't known whether this does anything. Dr. Grow said that Papain is an
antibody to THC, and in theory may destroy THC when added to the urine
sample. However, positive urine doesn't actually contain THC; it contains
THC byproducts.
This method works for every urine test, every time. You simply give them
clean urine (not yours). This works very well if you're not supervised.
If you are going to be supervised, try to talk them out of it. Someone
told me they were going to be monitored, and they said "I don't want you to
fuckin' watch me piss!" So the supervisor waited outside; probably with
his/her ear to the door to listen for opening containers. Abbie Hoffman,
author of "Stealing This Urine Test," suggested leaving a few drops of
urine on the seat or on your shoe for as "an added measure of
8.1 Substitution methods: There are three methods, but two of them are
painful, and you have to be determined to use them. The most common way to
sneak in urine is in a concealed container.
8.1.1 Concealed container: Simply conceal the urine. The first time
you're alone with the container they give you, dump in your concealed
urine. Be sure you can quietly open the container; the lab personnel may
be just outside the door listening. You may be required to change into a
gown. If so, a condom or douche bag holding the sample and taped around
the thigh can be concealed under the gown. You can also run a plastic line
from a flexible container and tape it to your urination equipment (to be
gender neutral), and even piss under supervision. Females have been known
to keep a condom with the urine sample in the vagina, and prick it to piss
under supervision. Be sure to keep the sample between 91 and 97 degrees.
8.1.2 Injection: There's a way to use substitution even when you're under
the strictest supervision. Athletes trying to pass tests for anabolic
steroids have been known to empty their bladders, and have the substituted
urine injected directly into their bladders via needle. It was shown in a
motion picture like "Wildcats" or something. While theoretically possible,
it's painful and subject to infection. (kids- don't try this at home:).
8.1.3 Catheterization: First void your bladder as you would with
injection. Run a thin plastic tube to the bladder. (Males must insert the
tube into the opening of the penis, go through the urethra and into the
bladder.) Then inject the clean urine into the bladder via catheter.
Catheterization is less painful, safer, and more effective.
8.2 Where to get clean urine.
8.2.1 Urine from a donor: You can substitute someone else's urine.
Gender and approximate age of the sample can be detected, so take care when
choosing a urine donor. Ask your urine donor (hopefully a friend you can
trust) what drugs they've taken in the last month. They may have taken a
false positive (or a true positive for that matter), and before the test,
the examiner should ask you to list everything you've taken.
8.2.2 Powdered urine: If you don't trust your friend's sample, you can
get powdered urine from Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation. It's produced
by Byrd Labs, and supposedly works perfectly; however, I got MBJF's
powdered urine, and it did not specify the age or gender of the original
sample. Powdered urine must be prepared ahead of time. If there is a
period of time that you are clean, you can make powdered urine from your
own supply. Making your own powdered urine: Urinate in a glass container. Let
it evaporate. Then scrape the inside for the concentrate. Just mix it
with water before the test, and the sample will have the correct specific
gravity, pH, color, etc.
8.2.3 Dog urine: I heard from Dr. Grow that dog urine (of all things) can
be substituted, and will pass the test! However, I don't know how an age,
gender, pH, or creatinine test would result. Someone was able to use dog
urine for several months to pass the test. This subsection assumes you
have a clean dog (I know my dog's urine wouldn't pass; he eats more weed
than humans do:).
Speaking of stealing, people have been known to get away with stealing
their sample from the tray among many other urine samples. In the case
that I heard, the person being tested never got the test results, and was
hired for the job that he was tested for. They wouldn't dare ask someone
to re-test because they "lost" his/her urine sample. Don't expect this
method to work if you're being tested for the military or if you're on
parole; they have no problem violating your rights repeatedly.
If you fail the test, raise hell. Failing the drug test has been known to
make a quiet person go ballistic. You will be interviewed by a medical
review official (MRO), who would try to find out why you tested positive.
"Conquering the Urine Tests" provides additional legal advice that will
help you before taking a test, and if you fail a test.
Laura Gibson, a medical doctor on the internet, tested positive and was not
hired. She had a poppy seed bagel that morning, not knowing it was a false
positive. She fought it to the point where they just decided to throw out
the results and hire her anyway. But don't go taking it to court; it's
virtually impossible to win this case.
If you're an adult, contact ACLU. If you're a child, don't bother; ACLU
won't do anything for children who fail the drug test. Then mail me at
<hbcsc096@csun.edu> and tell me what you tried so I can use that to help
others. Many people ask for advice before the test, then don't report
There is a way to fight drug testing. If you ever serve as a juror for a
case where someone is being charged for a drug offense, and a drug test is
used as evidence, be aware of jury nullification. If sufficient evidence
is submitted supporting a law you consider unjust, you have a RIGHT to vote
not-guilty, simply because you disagree with the law. You may agree with
the law, yet disagree with the punishment for that particular crime. If
you feel the punishment will be too harsh, you also have the right to vote
not-guilty. Vote your conscience. The court never tells the jurors of
this [hidden] right, but it's there. The Fully Informed Jury Association
is a good source for this information.
Many employers no longer show lab results to employees. They just get
rejected if seeking employment. Elderly employees are getting fired for
failing the test; incidentally losing all of their pension benefits.
There is a usenet 'Just-Say-No-To-Piss-Tests Project' keeping an updated
list of companies that either invade or respect your privacy. If you have
first person experience with a company, report it to <piss@rafferty.com>.
They will provide bad publicity for companies that test by adding it to the
list. If you report a company for not testing you, they'll add it to the
good list (companies that respect your privacy). (see 14.2.3)
(I'll keep this brief, this is not a position paper)
I believe drug testing is an unreasonable search, and that it forces people
to incriminate themselves. Many who take the same position believe drug
testing violates the 4th and 5th amendments. The counter argument is that
the Constitution doesn't apply to private organizations.
It comes down to these values. An employer's right to know who s/he is
hiring stands in conflict with an individual's right to privacy. I wrote
this paper because I value the right to privacy more.
I also believe people SHOULD have the right to consume any substance
they want [without limits] given that they are knowledgeable about that
chemical. Employers, like anyone, have been effected by the Reafer Madness
Movement. The government pushed massive amounts of misinformation
throughout communities and schools, and I don't believe that employers are
well informed enough yet to dictate what drugs will harm the workplace.
The only effective way to select workers is to evaluate their
performance on the job. Drugs can actually improve performance. Aspirin
relieves pain, allowing a worker to continue. Marijuana (when consumed on
the job) makes repetitive factory oriented work more interesting, which
lengthens a workers attention span. Marijuana will actually make some
people more alert. After intensive testing, someone I know can solve the
Rubix Cube 20 seconds faster when stoned. (not scientific proof, yet
interesting). Stimulants will keep workers productive at the end of long
work days. If the negative effects of drug use begin to show in the
worker's performance, their employer has a number of options for dealing
with it.
Phil Smith summarizes an article in March 1990 Scientific American:
[The article] suggested that workers who tested positive for
marijuana only: 1) cost less in health insurance benefits; 2) had
a higher than average rate of promotion; 3) exhibited less
absenteeism; and 4) were fired for cause less often than workers
who did not test positive. Since marijuana is the most common
illicit drug used by adults, and the one detected in up to 90
percent of all "positive" drug tests (half of which are false),
this fact has radical implications for current public and employer
I could hardly believe what I was reading, but this article did carry
sufficient statistical evidence.
I see greater negative effects in drug testing than in drug use. In my
opinion, drug testing is un-American because guilt is assumed until the
test proves innocence. Our current conservative totalitarian Congress is
extremely irresponsible, and the peoples civil liberties are suffering.
This particular privacy violation costs businesses $1.2 billion a year for
urinalysis of their workers. The military is notorious for their strict
drug tests. (note that marijuana helped soldiers in times of war). If you
test positive in California, your drivers license is automatically
suspended for 6 months. Nightbyrd has "counseled several, very straight,
elderly workers - close to retirement - who were fired and lost their
pension benefits because they 'failed their drug test'" (Jeff Nightbyrd).
Bernard Williams of the Philadelphia Eagles failed the drug test for
marijuana. He was suspended from the NFL for six games for using a drug
that doesn't enhance performance. If anything, marijuana would detract
from an athletes performance. Let the coach judge Williams performance.
Now it's becoming popular for parents to drug test their children.
Perfect; let's break up the families; cut down those lines of communication
and sneak around spying on our kids. Let's violate the child's privacy. We
use DARE like the salem witch hunts - to get children to turn their
parents. Now with DrugAlert, parents have a weapon to use on their kids.
The U.S. Supreme court just ruled June 1995 that public high schools
can require drug test for all student athletes. Many high schools already
do random searches on students; not for weapons, but for drugs. After all,
the Constitution has failed to protect children in the classroom, why not
expand? Students have lost 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment rights, and I think
it's absurd. We have patriotic history teachers telling children of their
Constitutional rights, yet children aren't given these rights on campus.
Kids get kicked out of school for questioning rules that violate the
We are sacrificing too many important rights by allowing drug testing
to continue. Until this unjust drug testing frenzy is put to an end,
children, workers, and parolee's need to learn how to protect themselves
from the piss test.
I have no medical or legal credentials. I haven't even been drug tested
myself. I use the internet to research drug testing, and compile this
paper from that information. I've talked to several knowledgeable people
who either drug test, or get drug tested. I'm an activist against the War
on [Some] Drugs, and I think that the government has taken the drug war to
a ludicrous level. Laws created by the legislature to protect me from
myself demonstrate how totalitarian this country has become. Incidentally,
I've taken an interest in methods for 'beating the system'; although I
would only implement methods for beating an unjust system (such as drug
testing). I may find out how to beat the breathalyzer test (and publish
it), yet I remain strongly opposed to DUI. That goes into my belief in
freedom of information. The government bans lots of information that
should be public access.
13.1 Contacting the author: Please e-mail questions/answers/comments/
corrections/suggestions to me. I probably won't be able to answer
questions that the FWI doesn't answer, but I can direct them to a more
knowledgeable source. I use PGP 2.6.2 encryption, and my public key can be
found on any of the key servers under keyID 4002051D. Here is my key:
Version: 2.6.2
I encourage everyone to use encryption, Uncle Sam is watching! I also
encourage everyone to use anonymous accounts, like anon.penet.fi. If you
don't have an anonymous account, I promise to keep your identity
confidential. I wouldn't even disclose my sources to a badge. E-mail
help@anon.penet.fi to get an anonymous account. I will assume everyone
wants to be anonymous, so I default to not publishing your name or address
in the credits. If you provide me with information and want to be cited in
the sources, tell me explicitly. Many of my readers are experts in the
field. If you want to be available for consulting directly to the public,
let me know and I'll add your address to the sources. I dedicated lots of
time to continually update this file, so donations are appreciated.
Justin Gombos
E-mail: <hbcsc096@csun.edu>
Snail-Mail: PO Box 10766, Canoga Park CA, 91309-1766
[1]anonymous toxicologist: made reference to Clin Pharmacol Ther 38 (85)
572-578 and Pharmacol Rev 38 (86) 151-178.
15.1 Contributors & Works Cited: Most of my information came free from
the net, and much of the net info. came from Jeff Nightbyrd. Most of the
rest came from either users who want me to keep them anonymous, or these
users with anonymous accounts: Racer X <an106294>, an162277, an172304, Dr.
Grow <an236215> all can be e-mailed @anon.penet.fi. Dr. Grow studies
molecular biology. ZZYZX is another major contributor. ZZYZX has worked
as a lab assistant in two drug testing lab's, and has other family members
in the field. These two Web pages provided some text that helped me get
started: <http://hyperreal.com/drugs/>, <http://www.paranoia.com/drugs/>.
Thanks to everyone who contributed! Special thanks to ZZYZX, Dr.Grow, and
Phil Smith, who recently worked hard on this project.
Jeff Nightbyrd (founder of Byrd Labs): wrote the "Conquering the Urine
Tests" pamphlet. His 10th edition was updated in 1995 and is out via
snail-mail for $5. I recommend buying the pamphlet; it provides some more
elaborate information, and includes statistics and stories. Nightbyrd has
worked several years on protecting workers civil rights, and a majority of
my information comes from all the free consulting he has provided (he's
practically a coathor). If anyone has a related law suit underway, Mr.
Nightbyrd has one of the most extensive libraries of materials in the
country. E-mail <nightbyrd@I-link.net>; Voice 800/480-2468; FAX
Anne Watters Pearson (founder of Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation):
devoted to counseling and coaching people faced with piss testing.
15.2 For more information:
American Civil Liberties Union: 212/944-9800
Byrd Labs: Jeff Nightbyrd's creation. Byrd labs has run more than 2,000
tests on urine and additives. Whenever there is conflicting data, I tend
to side with Byrd Labs. 800/333-2152
California NORML: 415/563-5858; e-mail <canorml@igc.apc.org>.
CAPP: Hi tech workers rights organization. 512/448-4804
Conquering the Urine Tests: see Jeff Nightbyrd (14.1)
Digit Press (GA) Info Line: 404/924-1393
Drug Testing Hotline in California: 900/844-test
Fully Informed Jury Association: for free Jury Power Information Kit, call
800/TEL-JURY. FIJA national: PO Box 59, Helmville, MT 59843. 406/793-5550
Mr. Peyman (FIJA affiliate) 714/838-2896.
Hoffman, Abbie. STEAL THIS URINE TEST (I haven't read it myself yet, but
I've listed is as a source for finding more information).
Klear: 40 4th Street #216, Petaluma, CA 94952 800/661-1357
Legal Action Center: 212/243-1313
Martha Butterfield-Jay Foundation (Oklahoma NORML): MBJF sent me free
literature, and a brochure on 4 of their products. If you call, a machine
will answer. Calls will be returned collect.
P.O. Box 57214, Oklahoma City, OK 73157 405/521-URIN
National Lawyers Guild: 212/614-6464
NORML: NORML operates a Drug Testing & Information Hotline. The charge is
$2.95 per minute. 900/97-NORML. 1636 'R' St. N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington
D.C. 20009
NORML Legal Referral: 202/483-5500
Party Hut Enterprises: Carbo Clean and Purifyit are $30 each. The
purchaser pays COD and shipping. They do accept pre-paid orders. If you
would like to have more information about this product or a catalog of the
100's of other products that they carry just e-mail Charles Alvis.
<calvis@icon.net> or <partyhut@paranoia.com>
Performance Factors: Makes video imparment test. 415/769-8300
PharmChem Laborities Inc.: Boycott PharmChem for supplying the sweat
patch. Jay Whitney or David Asheim can be harassed at 415/328-6200
Sampson Health Products: Steve or Keith can be reached at 512/451-3989
Scientific American, "Science and the Citizen". March 1990. pp.18 & 22
Spy Supply, Inc.: This company sells home drug test kits for THC and
COC that can be used before the "official" test. The kits cost $15
each. 1212 Boylston St 120, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 617/327-7272
Testing Expert Witness: Good for legal cases. 615/579-5425
Zydot Unlimited, Inc.: 800/725-2481
15.2.1 Internet consultants: If you want to be listed here as a free
consultant, let me know.
Me: I'll make an effort to answer questions. If I can't answer
something, I'm in contact with toxicologists and other experts who
choose to remain anonymous. I will direct questions to them.
Jeff Nightbyrd: Consult Nightbyrd with any drug testing question. Legal
issues are his specialty.
15.2.2 Drug testing mailing list: This list doesn't work, but you would
e-mail <listproc@calyx.net> with "subscribe urine-test Firstname Lastname"
as the body. No one ever posts. When I attempt to post to
<urine-test@calyx.net>, it returns an error. The list operator
<nick@calyx.net> doesn't respond to e-mail. Will someone please start a
functional drug testing mailing list?
15.2.3 Sites: A list of ftp and web sites relating to drug testing.
Drug testing: My latest version can be found on any of the following
sites; along with other drug test files.
CALC_THC.EXE: ftp://hyperreal.com/drugs/marijuana/misc/calc_thc.exe
Just-Say-No-To-Piss-Tests Project:
I'm taking the Phillip Zimmerman approach. Our rights are in the line of
fire, and I think everyone should have free access to this information. I
want it to become widespread before the government has a chance to react.
Our current Congress is a threat to civil liberties, and the Senate has
been launching anti-expression policies - targeting the internet.
Non-profit users/orgs may distribute unmodified versions of this text
freely. Keep the pgp signature in tact so readers with pgp can validate
it's authenticity. Profit distributors- you better cut me in! :)
I have some questions myself. Answers are wanted for future revisions.
Q1) Would the author of Calc_thc please step forward. Send me the source
code, or a pointer to where I can get it. Many people don't trust
stand-alone machine code, and others are interested in the design.
Q2) More information on Certa. Is it an effective diuretic?
Q3) Is Goldenseal a diuretic or screen for the TLC test?
Q4) How is the anobolic steroid test performed on athletes, and how can
it be defeated? More information overall is wanted on this.
Q5) Are detection periods all longer than what's in table 1.2 for the
GC/MS test? If so, what are the times, euphorics in particular?
Q6) Methods for beating DrugAlert and PharmChek wanted.
Q7) What happened to Houston Enterprizes? (They originally sold Naturally
Klean herbal tea)
Q8) In section there is a method for making your own powdered
urine. Wouldn't the urine put off a raunchy odor? Wouldn't small life
forms consume it, breed in it, or grow in it? Is there another method to
make powdered urine?
Q9) What happens when Papain is added to positive urine?
Q10) Do additives defeat the RIA test? Which ones?
Q11) How would one find out which drug test they will be getting without
seeming too curious?
Q12) THC is alcohol soluble. Will drinking alcohol aid in collecting and
disposing THC metabolites?
Version: 2.6.2