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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
. . . a note from underground
by "Gracie and Zarkov"
Copyright December 1984 by Gracie and Zarkov Productions. We believe that
in a truly free society the price of packaged information would be driven
down to the cost of reproduction and transmission. We, therefore, give
blanket permission and encourage photocopy, quotation, reprint or entry
into a database of all or part of our articles provided that the copier
or quoter does not take credit for our statements.
Revised August 1985.
Number 3.
DMT, (N,N-dimethyltryptamine is not orally active (by itself), and must
be smoked to experience its effects. Tolerance for the drug builds
almost immediately. If you don't get enough in the first 30 seconds,
smoking more will not put you into the far out visionary DMT state, but
will only result in a more "ordinary" hallucinogenic state. If on an
attempt, you don't get enough, you must wait at least one hour before
trying again (smoking multiple doses within the hour can result in you
seeing the patterns but it is almost impossible to break through to the
extreme states described below). Furthermore, the actual mechanics of
smoking DMT can be quite tricky. In our experience, without careful
attention to technique, about half the DMT shots misfire. Therefore, it
is essential to use effective technique in order not to waste the drug.
In this paper we offer three different tested techniques in an easy to
follow step-by-step format; We have also included our description
(however inadequate) of what a DMT trip is like.
We are well aware of how scarce a substance DMT is. We had to undertake
a long, intensive search to secure a supply of this marvelous drug in the
smokeable, freebase form. The search was well worth it! One of the
reasons for writing this paper is, hopefully, to increase the demand for
DMT. If this paper intrigues you, we suggest that the you seek out a
supply of your own. Laok for DMT in the smokeable freebase, not
hydrochloride form. You will not be disappointed.
Getting Ready 1. We recommend a uniformly, though not brightly, lit room. Unlike with
mushrooms, in total darkness the DMT visions are rather drab. In full
sunlight the colors are unbelievably intense with red and gold
predominating but we feel that bright sunlight tends to obscure some of
the intricate detail so characteristic of DMT visions. We usually do it
during the day in a room that is brightly lit with indirect light.
2. Get comfortably seated where you can lie back and rest your head
during the trance. If you smoke DMT standing up, you will almost
certainly fall on your ass if you get a good hit!
3. We recommend a dosage of about 40-50 mg. The dosage should be
weighed out and not eyeballed. Dosages below 25 mg yield only physical
and threshold psychedelic effects. Dosages between 25 mg and 40 mg are
usually not enough to display the full range of the unique DMT effects
described below. Dosages in excess of 55 mg, particularly if you are
successful in holding all of the vapor in your lungs, can be VERY heavy
and are not recommended for f irst time users.
Method One: The "Freebase" Method
4a. Obtain a "freebase" airpipe such as the one illustrated below. Use
with the largest funnel type bowl you can find. Insert the largest fine
mesh stainless steel screen that will fit into the bowl. Then sprinkle
the DMT uniformly over the center of the mesh screen. Make sure to keep
thE DMT away from the edges of the screen so that when it melts it does not
run over the edge of the screen.
\ /
\\ __||__ _==_ ________________
\\/ || \ | |____ / _______________
\ || | | ___ \/ /
| || | | | \ /
| | | | \/
\______/ \__/
5a. Hold a match or torch above the screen and inhale deeply and slowly.
Do not let the flame touch the DMT as this will destroy much of the drug.
DMT melts and vaporizes easily so the point is to let the hot air rushing
by the flame into the pipe vaporize the DMT. It is quite easy to
vaporize the DMT and end up with the airchamber full of white DMT vapor.
Method Two: The Classic Psychedelic Ranger Method
4b. If you hanq out around a good glass blower or long time "head" you
might be able to obtain a classic DMT pipe such as the one illustrated.
Load the DMT into the glass reaction chamber and heat the outside bottom
of the chamber with a flame.
5b. When the white vapor appears, breathe in deeply and slowly. If you
inhale too soon or too quickly, the powdered DMT will be blown down your
throat. It is not active that way. Make sure that all of the DMT is
vaporized. In the absence of a classic DMT pipe, some people use a
regular "hash oil" pipe heated from the outside. We find this too tricky
to be reliable. You are just as likely to end up with boiling liquid DMT
in your mouth. (That's why the classic pipe has a "V" shaped stem.) We
personally use the "freebase" method.
In either case...
6. The smoke is very harsh. It tastes like burning plastic. It isn't
particularly hot, but you will have a tendency to cough. On each toke
try to hold your breath for as long as possible. Exhale and immediately
take a second toke. The physical effects, a buzzing or vibration
throughout your whole body, come on first. The intensity of these
effects is not a reliable guide to the dosage of DMT that you have
consumed. Keep taking lungfuls and holding them until all of the
premeasured DMT is consumed. Gracie suggests that the best way to smoke
DMT is to try to smoke as much as you can before you inevitablly fall
into a trance. While not recommended for beginners, it does capture the
approach you should take towards smoking your premeasured dose.
One advantage of the "freebase" method is that the 50 mg of DMT can be
divided into three toke sized piles. The smaller amount can be easily
vaporized and inhaled in one breath with the screen being reloaded with
DMT after each toke.
7. Just as you feel yourself "going over the top", exhale. Breathe
normally, close your eyes and enjoy the visions.
Your companions should be instructed to take the pipe from you when you
close your eyes because you will have poor motor control. Since you will
be in a trance for 4-8 minutes, you should also have told them not to
disturb you. To them you will look like you are asleep. This is not a
social drug or one to be taken casually; you will be entranced.
8. When you come our of the trance, remain seated for about 10 more
minutes as you will still have only shaky control of your limbs.
9. In 30 minutes from the time you started you will be pretty much down,
but still euphoric. You will be completely down after a total of about
one hour.
1O. We do not recommend that DMT be combined with other drugs. It
should be done on a clean head. Marijuana fogs the effects. It is not a
party drug: the effects are most entertaining experienced in a quiet
room. When DMT is smoked at the peak of a mushroom or LSD trip, the
effects are spectacular, but only recsmmended for the experienced, most
brave (or some might say, most foolhardy) of investigators. The effects
used at the peak of another psychedelic can last for several hours.
0 - 20 seconds - a scratchiness in the lungs
20 - 30 seconds - a buzzing starts in the ears, rising in tone and volume
to an incredible intensity. Its like cellophane being ripped apart (or
the fabric of the universe being torn asunder). Your body will vibrate in
sympathy with this sound, and you will notice a sharp blood pressure
rise. You may feel like you are deeply under water. Wearing a unitard
or leotard and tights helps to minimize this sensation. Your visual
field will also vibrate in resonance to the sound and will finally be
completely obscured by the visions.
30 seconds - 1 minute - You break through into DMT hyperspace. Often at
this point, users believe that their hearts or breathing have stopped.
This is not true. To an outside observer, you are breathing normally and
your pulse, while elevated, is strong. We believe that this subjective
effect is due to your "internal clock" being slowed so greatly that the
subjective time interval between breaths or heartbeats seems like an
eternity. Synthetic DMT has been extensively tested by medical
authorities here and in Europe. It is perfectly safe with no lasting
physical effects at these doses. However, since smoked DMT causes an
abrupt blood pressure increase, it is probably not good for people with
abnormally high blood pressure.
1 minute - 2 - 5 minutes - depending on dosage: DMT hyperspace. For all
practical purposes, you will no longer be embodied. You will be part of
tne intergalactic information network. You may experience any of the
o Sense of transcending time or space
o Strange plants or plantlike forms
o The universe of formless vibration
o Strange machines
o Alien music
o Alien languages, understandable or not
o Intelligent entities in a variety of forms
Do not be amazed and do not try to actively direct your observations but
merely pay attention. The beings can show you amazing things, but if you
try to impose vour personal trip on the DMT you will find that you cannot
and may become frightened.
At the end of the "flash" of the visions you will have an after-vision of
circular interlocking patterns in exquisite colors. It has been described
as looking at a vaulted ceiling or dome. If you did not "breakthrough"
to the levels described above, this "chrysanthemum" pattern, as we call
it, is all you will see. It is worth the trip, too.
You may begin to wonder how you will ever find your way back to your
body. If you have taken enough DMT to fully "breakthrough", by the time
you can even wonder about it, you are almost back. Trust in your own
wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited. Worrying will only
prolong the process.
5 - 12 minutes - The visions have subsided. There are still patterns when
you close your eyes, but with eyes open the world is back. At this point
a flood of information may rush through your mind. The phase is fleeting.
In order to preserve your DMT ideation, we recommend that you begin
talking as soon as you come out of the visionary state. Don't try for
complete sentences but get as many ideas out as you can while you can.
Have a tape recorder running during the trip and you can review your
thoughts at a later time.
15 - 30 minutes - The ideation flood subsides leaving you euphoric. You
may still have a trace of the vibrations in your body.
30 - 60 minutes - The euphoria subsides.
60+ minutes - You are completely down.
Note: While we recommend above not to combine DMT with other
hallucinogens, we have had excellent results using DMT as a "pre-dose"
for LSD, MDM, MDA, or mushrooms. The technique is to take the second
hallucinogen orally just as you come out of the vision state. The
resulting trip will be more profound and will help you to understand the
strange and alien vistas which you were shown while on the DMT. (For more
details, see our Note from underground no. 4.)
Method Three: The Tryptamine Giggles
If the description of the DMT effects sound too heavy for you, (we
certainly don't deny that DMT can be a heavy trip) 25 mg of DMT can be
mixed with some dope in a joint or in a pipe and smoked in a liesurely
fashion. The giggley mood lift is quite pleasant. The occasional
breaking through of abstract hallucinatory patterns can liven up an
otherwise quite ordinary stoned-again evening. However, we would
recommend that before you burn up all your DMT in this fashion that you
at least try one high dose trip as described.
Finally, while there is no such thing as a "typical" DMT experience, we
have attached a note of ours (reprinted from High Frontiers, issue 2) to
this paper which describes one of our DMT trips. The most accessible
information on DMT is Peter Stafford's Psychedelics Encyclopedia.
Terence McKenna, who offers, in our opinion, the most sophisticated
analysis of the DMT experience, has two excellent cassette tapes which
discuss the DMT state: Mind, Molecules &Maqic. June 1984; and Tryptamine
Hallucinogens and Consciousness, December 1982. They are available from
Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920 for $9.00 plus tax and
$2.00 postage.
a hit of dmt 10/9/84 - zarkov
i loaded about 40-50 milligrams of dmt into a glass pipe on top of a
small amount of damiana. even though i had been warned, i was still
shocked at how harsh the first toke was. it tasted and smelled like
burning plastic. i involuntarily exhaled. i immediately took a second
toke. the heavy white smoke rushed up the pipe as harsh as before, but i
was somewhat better prepared for the terrible taste and i was able to
hold the smoke for a few seconds. i exhaled, took a third toke, and was
able to hold this last lungful. suddenly i began to hear a loud,
moderately high-pitched carrier wave. immediately, the room started
vibrating in sympathy. the pattern on the wall hangings oscillated madly
in time to the buzzing that overlaid the carrier wave<76>s fundamental tone.
simultaneously, a heavy, trembling feeling swept over my entire body as
if i were being propelled at multiple g acceleration by some giant rocket
engine. my visual field dissolved in the most amazing colors. i could
not see the room over the intensity of the visual effects. the events of
the preceding paragraph occurred in the space of a few short seconds.
closing my eyes, i got a glimpse of several entities moving in front of a
giant complex control panel. the visions were not crystal clear and
seemed as if i were viewing it through a scrim. the creatures were
bipedal and of about human size. it was impossible to say more other
than they did not move like the giant insect creatures i have seen
clearly under the influence of stropharia mushrooms. there was a direct
awareness of an overwhelmingly powerful and knowledgable *presence*! it
was neither frightening, nor encouraging. it was just mentally there. a
thought came, unbidden, into my head. i realized that i was viewing <20>god
central.<2E> the central panel i saw was the control panel for the entire
universe. the vision was fleeting and dissolved into a vision of much greater
clarity. a gaggle of elf-like creatures in standard issue irish elf
costumes, complete with hats, looking like they had stepped out of a
hallmark cards <20>happy saint patrick<63>s day<61> display, were doing strange
things with strange objects that seemed to be a weird hybrid between
crystals and machines.
this vision was also fleeting, and it dissolved into a visual pattern
unlike that experienced by me on any other psychedelic or combination of
psychedelics. the visuals were interlocking sinusoidal patterns arranged
in a japanese chrysanthemum pattern that filled my entire visual field.
the pattern was ever-changing and the colors of the individual patterns
changed independently of the underlyng pattern. the colors were intense
and came in a magnificent variety of colors: metallics, monochromes,
pastels, each flickering in and out of existence as if obeying some
undetected ordering principle.
an idea came into my head that i was seeing the <20>true universe<73> or
universe as it really exists. that is to say, i was seeing *directly*
the vibrations of every particles in the universe that <20>i<EFBFBD> was somehow in
contact with. <20>i<EFBFBD> was directly <20>seeing<6E> the universe withough ordering
it into an arbitrary reality tunnel -- i.e., perceived <20>solid, objective
reality.<2E> the visual pattern seemed to be a sort of m-dimensional
lissajous curve formed by the intersection of <20>i<EFBFBD> with the shock wave of
space-time causality.
the carrier wave remained strong throughout the experience. while
definitely the same type of phenomena as the carrier wave heard under the
influence of psilocybin mushrooms, the dmt carrier wave was *much* louder
than even the loud carrier wave heard under the influence of ten grams of
very potent, dried stropharia mushrooms. also, by comparison to the
mushroom experience, the carrier wave sounded as a <20>purer<65> tone -- i.e.,
the sinusoidal component dominated the buzzng component. my throat was
too sore from the harsh smoke and the control of my breathing was
hindered by the intensity of the expereince, so i was unable to sing or
even generate a solid tone, to attempt audio driving of the visuals.
the overwhelming sense of a *presence* did not disappear when the vision
changed to visual patterns, but remained an almost palpable entity as lon
as the visuals remained intense. i never felt the foreboding -- let
alone the direct challenges -- i have felt under the influence of
stropharia mushrooms whenever the feeling of contact with the presence
has been strong. the presence was just there and *very* powerful. i
felt that i had glimpsed whitehead<61>s god.
the period of intense visuals lasted about eight minutes. the side
effects remained unpleasant, but easily ignorable. the dmt left me
euphoric and very bemused for about an hour.
definitely far out and very impressive!