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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
by The Sarcastic Few, Sweden, June 1994
IMPORTANT: This text should serve as information only. I don't urge anybody to
do anything with anything. You choose yourself what to do with your body, and
remember, never trust anyone (including me) but yourself...
What I am writing about here, is considered to be very serious stuff (and
highly illegal too) and could be very dangerous if you don't know what you are
Ok, so you have read about it in the papers, and perhaps some of your friends
are talking about it. Amphetamine is becomming one of the most popular drugs
among "ordinary" people in Sweden. Maby you have thought about trying it out,
but didn't really know what it's about.
Well, here are my experiences with the drug. I'm just an ordinary hacker
, age 26. My first of three experiences with amphetamine was at the age of 25,
so I hope I have some distance towards the whole thing.
I am NO chemist or doctor, just an ordinary guy, so I can only tell you about
the things that me and my friends have experienced.
If you fear that you have a tendancy towards adictiveness (Can't say no to
booze, and always is the dude that gets most drunk), or feel that you might
suffer from very bad judgement, then DON'T TRY IT!!! You might just like it
too much and perhaps have problems quitting!!!
OK, here we go...
Amphetamine is mosly sold as a white powder. It has a kind of bitter, chemical
taste and is effective in very small quantities. The average dose can be
different depending on from which source you get it (i.e. how much pure
amphetamine there is in the powder). Ask a friend that have done it before,
and he will tell you the dose.
Begin by taking half of that dose. Then you won't risk getting too much.
You can't overdose on A but if it's of a poor quality you could get sick and
if you get too much, that will surely spoil your evening (The more you take
the more fucked up you get). Maby you have heard stories about guys running
around in the middle of the night, and that may happen to you if you take too
Before you take A, make sure that you have eaten lots of food, bcos for the
next 24 or more hours you won't have much for an apetite.
Also, DON'T MIX it with any other drugs... And I mean ANY OTHER!!! You don't
know if there are any dangerous interactions and might end up with a nasty
reaction, and NOT AT ALL having the desired effect... Hey, if you are unlucky
you might even end up DEAD!!! So stay away from any other pills (I don't know
what will happen if you take pills for a headache, but I won't try it!!!)
There is no use in drinking alcohol, since you will feel no effect from it
at all. Just a waste of time and money...
The dopers will inject it. You can also snort it, but the most simple way is
to mix it with some water and drinking it. It's important not to take too
much A (Remember... half the dose!!!), because some peoples stomach will
react and you will vomit (Not so very nice) if you take too much.
I have only tried drinking it, and it has worked fine for me (No troubles with
the stomach). After 30-45 minutes you will start to feel the emerging
effects of the drug. You may get goosepimples and your neckhair may rise.
You will start to feel veeery good, on top of things and in control.
If you don't feel anything or just a tiny effect after 60-90 minutes, take
the rest of the dose. If you feel very great and have lots of energy, then
save the rest for some other time.
Ok, here comes a list of positives and negatives that I have experienced
during my three trips.
Positive things:
-Intense euphoric feeling, a feeling that everything is great.
-Hornyness. (I read through a pornomag when the effect hit me, and I became
hornier and hornier by every page that I checked out)
-Lots of more positive energy.
-Increased abiliy to communicate, dicuss things with others (Watch this one,
or you will easily overdo it...)
-I can't get angry when I'm an A, I feel much too great to become angry...
-Taking a shower, stroking the back of your head etc. will feel very good and
give you goose bumps all over...:-)
-A is NOT addictive, and you can't overdose on it, meaning the CHEMICAL won't
kill you. You maby like it so much that you will build up
a psycological addictivness for it, so do me a favor and don't take it too
often. I have taken it three times over a one year period, and I hope that is
Negative things:
-Increased heart-rate and harder pulse, constantly for the next 2-3 days.
If you have any heartproblems whatsoever (Some people may have it, without
knowing it) DON'T do A or you could have heartfailure and DIE!!!
-You will sweat a lot, all the time.
-The effect will work for 2-3 days, so forget any sleep at least for the first
-Crash on day 2-3. Headache, maby vomit, sleeping problems, sweating and that
heart pounding much too hard.
-No hunger first 24 hours (You CAN force yourself to eat, but it won't taste
any good and maby you will feel bad afterwards. This could be a positive if
you are overweight. A is sold legally for wightlosing purposes if you have
veeery serious weightproblems or difficult depressions.
-I think the effect lasts all too long. Last time I took half the dose (which
was as strong as one whole dose) at 16.00 hours. At 16.30 I began to feel it,
and by 17.00 I was feeling great. This went on until 00.30 when I began to
feel wornout, strange, kind of like when you have been drinking too much
coffey late one night, or have been taking too many of those caffeine-pills.
I didn't feel bad, just strange. I couldn't sleep until 07.00 and then only
for short periods of time. The whole day I had headaches which wouldn't go
away, and coudn't do anything but laying in front of the TV. I slept normaly
during the night and the next day I felt only small effects of the drug
(small chills).
-Some guys are overdoing the talking when influenced by A. If you put a bunch
of guys on A in a room, and they will soon be babling over just about
anything, and nobody will stop talking. However, they won't be aggresive.
-Your dick will shrink and become hard (but limp) and white, and won't do any-
thing useful.
-Forget SEX for at least the 24 first hours. You may be able to get it up (
I have managed two times), but it is very, very difficult, and don't expect
a throbbing, bloodfilled organ. Be happy if you get a 90 degree, qause hope-
fully it will work anyway. IF you get it up, you might just be in for a very
good time, cause now you are in total control and can do just about anything...
-When on A, you get a lot of energy and sometimes you feel that you gotta do
something, and can't sit still, for example chewing a gum until your jaws hurt,
or playing around with your hands, chewing on your chin or whatever. Or you
could do some really stupid things. I have always been in control and able to
think normal and act normal on A but I know some guys that have decided to
walk the 10 kilometers home to their parents in the middle of the night to
get some stupit thing that they should have gotten the next day. Or perhaps
phoning their (Unknowing of the A) girlfriend in the middle of the night just
to talk and talk and talk until she figures that something is wrong...
-If you take A regulary, you will end up in REALLY deap shit. I'm talking
about paranoia, serious weightloss, memory problems and real mental disorien-
tation (mentally ill) etc (And probably lots of other nasty things that I can't
acount for since I really don't know anything about medicine...) So remember...
NOT TOO OFTEN... or else....
OK! As you can see, there are more negatives than positives. Of course some
of the negs are my personal feelings and could be + for others.
I feel that the main negative are the two days after the taking of A, which
will be like a double hangover. However I also feel that the first 7-8
hours of euphoric feeling overweights that, and that the massive hangover also
prevents me from taking A more often...
Well, that should be all. Hope you feel that you have gotten some more trust-
worthy info than the crap the media are feading you with.
I also hope that think twice before you decide to try out ANY illegal drug,
since everyone is potencially capable of becomming addicted to drugs, and
that, my friend, is not a very nice way to live...or die...
Sarcastic few, Stockholm 20th June 1994