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From: Captain Goodvibes <stevet@ozemail.com.au>
Newsgroups: rec.drugs.psychedelic,alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.psychoactives
Subject: Re: Laughing gas Whoopee ........
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 16:05:06 +1000
In relation to this subject Bill wrote:
>suggestion: instead of messing around with whipped cream or trying to
>call a medical supplier, how 'bout whippits (spelling?) ? They are small
>canisters which you crack open into a balloon (don't crack it straight
>into your mouth or you'll literally freeze your lungs). They come 24 to
>a pack and in Michigan, a pack is $12-15, while in NYC you can find them
>for $10. Each canister is a "dose" but they are a total waste if you're
>sober - they last like 30 secs. To actually make it worth the effort, I
>would have to recommend smoking some green first. Then, they last like 2
>minutes, but subjectively its more like 10, and you come down nice and
>smooth for another 5-10 minutes. When you're done, you feel at least as
>high as you were before you started and doing several in a row, or
>huffing into the balloon is even better.
>maybe its just a MI/NYC/east coast thing, but i thought it was pretty
>universal. for parties its worth getting a tank, but for general
>recreation with just a few friends, i thought whippits were standard.
Good work Bill,
Many years ago a rather large group of close friends discovered the merits of nitrous.
We purchased "cream whipping bulbs" (which I have heard were also known as "whippits"
from local Department stores and consumed these via a cream whipper (without the
cream) or via a soda syphon (as designed for carbonating alcoholic drinks, but sans
H20). These gas cylinders came in packs of 12 and there were several brands.
In a short space of time, our indulgence caused 1. An extreme but (fortunately)
temporary shortage of this product in the City (Brisbane) and for a radius of about
100km, and 2. A dramatic price rise of this product, local Department stores tripled
the price of these within two weeks of our introduction to nitrous.
It was quite funny, a 12 pack would last an average household maybe a year, we would
walk up to the counter and buy 2 dozen packs at a time. (This was enough for a small
group of us, we were part of a much larger whole). The next day we would be back for
more, and so it went for a few weeks and we then became more 'recreational' nitrous
users for many, many years. Must admit I still smile when I pass the cooking section
in the local supermarket.
I totally agree with the statement about duration and how the effects of gas can be
greatly enhanced. THC and nitrous mix very well, with aural, visual and tactile
perception being raised a magnitude or two (or more) above the norm.
I did a lot of trippy things during my adventurous twenties and must admit that
nitrous rates highly.
Although we tried, we were never able to score a cylinder so our parties consisted of
fully inflating a balloon(s) using 5 or six "whippits" and passing this around.
Later in life I found a good dentist who understood my fear of needles and was quite
generous with his nitrous (he had a beautiful gothic patterned ceiling and played
classical music to his patients). Now that's what I call customer satisfaction !!!
I also shared in the birth of two of my children "Don't worry darling, I'll hold the
gas between contractions". Whoopee ........
Disclaimer: I do not encourage or support drug use or abuse.
I recently lost a close friend (a beautiful 15 year old young lady) who died after
going into coma several hours after ingesting a cap of "Ecstasy". Her first and last
If you do experiment, BE CAREFUL, ensure you have someone with you who can and will
look after you (and this means willing to get medical assistance) in case something
goes wrong.
Anna Wood's death was tragic and shattering. DON'T BECOME THE NEXT VICTIM,