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Newsgroups: rec.drugs.psychedelic
I used to take large quantities of psychodelics, very large quantities.
An example.
My freinds and I wnet out every day for around two months picking Magic
Mushrooms, Psilosybin ( is it spealt like that?, I'm dyslexic [and always
have been]). We, about six of us, used to go to local fields and spend a few
hours a day filling bags with mushrooms.
We used to go to a friends flat and boil them up to make a tea.
Then we would spend all of the day, and night, drinking the tea.
It was made out of at least a thousand 'shrooms ( I prefere that name
for that particular variety of fungus, it somehow seems more appropriate).
Whilst sitting there, in that flat, tripping, we would smoke large quantities
of cannabis and play fantasy role playing games.
This was during 'shroom season, it only lasted a month or so. The rest of the
time we had to resort to processed chemicals, such as acid (LSD), for
our trips. The 'shrooms where so much nicer, and stronger.
We would listen to music, Hawkwind, Rush, Pink Floydd, and play with
lasers and computers. We would go to live shows by those artists and many
others. We would read H P Lovecraft to each other and discuss the intracacies
of Bauhause or Surrealism. When the mood took us we would discuss magick and
the nature of reality and death. Physics was also a popular topic of
conversation I seem to remember.
We weren't avoiding life. That was life. We where living it the way we choose.
We where doing what we wanted and where free.
Later, after the ten year orgy of bachinalian delights had slowly drawn to a
close my group of friends drifted apart.
It was then that we realised that we where something of an anomily in the
outside world. You see, we later discovered that we all had quite high IQs.
Mine is over 180.
I am now 29 years old. I have been married and divorced and I have one
beautiful little 8 year old son called Aaron, its Hebrew for first born, its
also the first name in the bible (not I'm not religious).
I am now engaged, again to be married to the most beautiful woman in the
universe. I love her.
I have highest scores of any member of my disciplin at the university.
I have not suffered through my use of drugs. It has given me a parculiar
perception of the world, and that has helped me to grow. I believe that
I know the value of life, all life, not just human. I have met some of the
strangest and most beautiful people in the world. I have had heart-stopping
adventures. I have seen, heard and read some of the most wonderful works of art
the world has to offer. I appreciate beauty. I appreaciate LIFE.
Also I try never to form opinions about how other people should live their
I am not perfect, my life is not perfect, but at least its my life, and
I know that I am alive. I also know that I can not die. My soul is eternal.
My fiance Angela is proof enough of that.