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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 14
("Quid coniuratio est?")
1) Princess Grace of Monaco
2) American "Princess" Marilyn Monroe
3) Princess Diana of Wales
On Geraldo Rivera's WGN television program of 9/30/97, the topic
of discussion was conspiracy theories relating to the deaths of
Princess Grace of Monaco, Marilyn Monroe, and Princess Diana of
Wales. This is Conspiracy Nation's summary of the program.
Marilyn Monroe
On May 29, 1962, at a 45th birthday celebration for JFK at
Madison Square Garden, New York, Kennedy-clan intimate Peter
Lawford introduces movie star Marilyn Monroe as "the late Marilyn
Monroe." On August 5, 1962, Monroe is found dead. Officially,
it is called a "suicide." But Geraldo Rivera plainly states on
his program of 9/30/97 that Robert F. Kennedy *knew* that the
Mafia had "bugged" Monroe's home and possessed tapes of
encounters between Bobby and Jack Kennedy and Ms. Monroe.
Geraldo adds that documents are surfacing that indicate the
relationship between the Kennedy brothers and Monroe was "very
deep and personal."
But, says a guest from the Guardian newspaper, we imagine a
conspiracy in such cases because of our inability to accept that
Monroe, Diana, and Grace were snatched from us before their time.
The Guardian reporter says we concoct these elaborate theories to
help us deal with their deaths.
This explains, for example, why Sam and Chuck Giancana, godson
and brother, respectively, of deceased Chicago Mafia boss Sam
"Momo" Giancana, would write
The killers waited for the cover of darkness and, sometime
before midnight, entered Marilyn's [Monroe's] home. She
struggled at first, it was said... [but] their
rubber-gloved hands easily forced her nude body to the bed.
Calmly... they taped her mouth shut and proceeded to insert
a specially "doctored" Nembutal suppository into her anus.
(*Double-Cross* by Sam and Chuck Giancana. ISBN:
You see, Sam Giancana and his Mafia buddies were really a bunch
of sensitive guys. They had trouble facing how Marilyn Monroe
was snatched away so suddenly from life. To help them deal with
their tender emotions, they "concocted" this conspiracy story and
even put it in a book that became a New York Times bestseller.
Princess Grace (a.k.a. Grace Kelly)
Princess Grace was supposedly driving the car when she and
daughter, Princess Stefanie, careened of a cliff. Stefanie
survived. What happened is still a mystery, says Geraldo.
Currently, Stefanie *will not talk* about the accident. The tame
theory is that Stefanie, not old enough to drive, was the actual
driver. The cover-up in this scenario is that, to protect
Stefanie, official reports had Grace as the driver. Other angles
are more sinister, but unfortunately this editor can't recall at
the moment *where* in his vast archives info on these darker
theories is stored.
Princess Diana of Wales
Now comes the good stuff. Much new info came out during
Geraldo's broadcast of 9/30/97. Here, arranged by individual
guests, are some of what was said.
Geraldo alerts us that, in the death of Princess Diana,
"Conspiracy theories, suggesting murder, have begun to surface."
According to the mellow talk show host, Kitty Kelly says in her
recent book that, for a time, Princess Diana suspected the
involvement of the British secret service in the death of one of
her favorite bodyguards. He died in a motorcycle crash. Geraldo
offers his own (surprisingly good) "conspiracy theory": Mohammed
Al-Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed, was cruelly treated by his
adopted country, Great Britain. He got the idea, "Here is this
woman (Diana) that's available." He used his handsome son in a
"conspiracy of seduction." Dodi, a playboy with sensibility and
passion, fell in love with Diana. Mohammed Al-Fayed exulted, "I
have achieved my conspiracy. I will show the British royal
family. I will control the mother of the future king of
England." (Not bad, for Geraldo. He may have hidden talent in
the conspiracy field.)
The President of the American-Arab-Muslim Council calls Geraldo's
theory "a very good and valid theory. Mohammed Al-Fayed had
acquired 'jewels' -- national institutions: the Ritz Hotel,
Harrods. And now he wants to add to his collection another
'jewel,' the princess." The Council President says there are
*two* conspiracies: (1) keeping focus off Dodi Fayed "as if he
is a phantom." He says this is because of prejudice against Dodi
Fayed because he's Arab and Muslim. (2) As to whether it was
murder, the Council President is cautious: "I think there are
many questions unanswered." AND, in a startling allegation, the
Council President says that Dodi and Diana WERE MARRIED,
SECRETLY, IN EGYPT. That is why they were looking for a house in
Jeff Steinberg of Executive Intelligence Review magazine (EIR)
points out that Princess Diana, in November of 1995, gave a
lengthy interview to BBC Panorama in which she, in effect, said
her estranged husband, Prince Charles, was unqualified to be the
king, and that it was preferable for her son, Prince William, in
some form of regency, to take the job instead. Diana, says EIR,
never abandoned this controversial political stand. On August
27th, 1997, Diana gave a lengthy interview to French newspaper
*LeMonde* in which, in even more strident terms, she said, "I
want to play a role in the education of my sons." EIR does *not*
say, necessarily, that the House of Windsor ordered Diana's
death. But adds, "I think it's important to realize that
Princess Diana was *not* an air-head."
EIR goes on to blame, in the person of Steinberg on the
Geraldo show, mass media coverage here in the USA as inadequate.
"We've (EIR) been receiving daily news coverage coming directly
over from the European press. There are mountains of details...
There are many other issues that are simply anomalies -- two sets
of 'facts' that completely contradict each other."
EIR then gives further info on surviving bodyguard Trevor
Rees-Jones: "Today's (ca. 9/30/97) Guardian has a lengthy story
that I would hope at least be briefly reported in the U.S. press.
(But I'm not going to hold my breath.) A detailed account of
several days of DEBRIEFING of Trevor Rees-Jones. And *now*
they're coming out saying that, in fact, the whole story about
his loss of memory was simply put out to the media to distract
attention away from the fact that they were busy debriefing him."
Dr. Cyril Wecht, a well-respected forensic pathologist who has
questioned official versions of the JFK and Martin Luther King
assassinations, was cautious in his assessment of the Diana
death. Without hard evidence, at this point the case is
circumstantial. Wecht has questions: *Who* gave driver Henri
Paul his prescriptions for tiapride and prozac? *Why* did Dodi
Fayed allow his driver to go so fast? *What* was in Dodi Fayed's
blood? Did *he* have alcohol? Did *he* have drugs?
A reporter from the New York Post added her thoughts: Diana may
have wanted to "get back" at the royal family; this wedding
suited *her* agenda. Cautioning TV-land about the Internet, the
reporter adds, "Don't speak about the Internet, because any
imbecile who can type is on the Internet. So you cannot gain any
information from the Internet." Then the New York Post reporter
lets loose with a shocker; says she, "People in Paris with whom I
just visited yesterday, who are very close to the Ritz [Hotel]
and the royal fam..... the royals there, they also said (and I
don't know that I believe this), 'Yes. We've heard that she *was*
pregnant.' And also (because she wanted to 'get back' at the
queen), she was *considering* becoming a Muslim. This is the
Summing it all up, the Guardian reporter, asked about what is
being said now in England, replies, "In England, they're probably
blaming the Americans... I mean, conspiracy theories -- it seems
a particularly American phenomenon. Largely because you have so
many incredibly high-profile assassinations."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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