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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 05
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Are Myers and Hayes "Tweedledum" and "Tweedledee?"
Writes Lawrence W. Myers in the September 1996 issue of Media
Bypass Magazine:
[Charles] Hayes and a small cell of experienced retired CIA
computer hackers, commonly known as "the Fifth Column,"
have effectively disrupted the international financial
markets, derailed a number of promising corporate careers,
and in many ways, altered the American political
landscape... it was Hayes who provided James Norman with
the details of money laundering and secret Swiss bank
accounts tied to key government officials...
Later, Hayes reportedly went so far as to somehow screw up
payment of FBI Director Louis Freeh's paycheck. Was that the
last straw? Did Freeh vow revenge?
The FBI is connected with the current case of Charles "Chuck"
Hayes, which case is now performing strange gyrations in the area
of London, Kentucky. According to Gail Gibson of the
"South-Central Kentucky Bureau" ("Bureau" of what?), "Prosecutors
charge that Hayes, 61, arranged to pay an undercover FBI agent
$5,000 to kill his son... The two men are involved in a bitter
legal fight over the estate of Chuck Hayes' mother." But wasn't
it $100, and not $5,000, that was supposedly paid?
J. Orlin Grabbe (http://www.aci.net/kalliste/), in "Judge
Jennifer B. Coffman's Kangaroo Court," notes that Hayes had
"begun to name names under oath." But was Hayes cross-examined?
Sherman Skolnick suggests that by Hayes speaking under oath,
whatever he has said can now be publicized as "true." Skolnick
told this editor in a phone conversation (1/17/97) that he has a
pipeline into the developing legal situation in Kentucky and
suspects a "tremendous deception" by Hayes and Myers.
Yet, as noted in CN 9.94, Grabbe in the past has hinted to this
editor that Skolnick is somehow connected to Mossad. But wait a
minute: "Mr. Boderby" (CN 9.59; ftp.shout.net in sub-directory
pub/users/bigred/vol9) hinted that Lawrence W. Myers was with
Mossad. Are Myers and Skolnick *both* with Mossad, and working
against Hayes?
Yet Myers is revealed in the Gail Gibson article from the
"South-Central Kentucky Bureau" as having been "the free-lance
writer who told the FBI that Hayes wanted Hayes' son killed." It
appears that Myers is a rat. If Myers and Skolnick were both
connected with Mossad, why would Skolnick have repeatedly warned
about Myers? As far back as June of 1996 (CN 8.18), Skolnick was
saying, "On the day of the Oklahoma bombings... Thomas [of Media
Bypass Magazine] hired a person using the name Lawrence W. Myers
(is that person really linked to that name? Is his background
what he says it is?)"
This raises an interesting question: Is "Myers" really Myers?
In CN 8.50 (circa 7/17/96), Skolnick further warned that, "As far
as Chuck Hayes: he alleges that he retired from the CIA. But
since he has condemned me as a 'nut,' when my stories about
Foster and Whitewater were broader and more comprehensive, I have
to assume that Hayes is still with CIA. And since I believe that
Lawrence W. Myers reportedly still is a government
counter-intelligence agent, and now has joined forces with Hayes,
I have to assume that the story instigated by Hayes -- the 'Angel
of Death' thing -- is a melodramatic, watered-down version of my
original story."
Regarding Hayes having called Skolnick a "nut," here is the
relevant excerpt from Myers' interview of Hayes published in the
August 1996 Media Bypass Magazine:
HAYES: This group, Accuracy in Media [AIM], has been
attacking the Fostergate story for more than a year. You
know, it's a funny thing about these folks over at AIM.
Everyone in the intelligence community knows these people
are mouthpieces for the Mossad. When people as ludicrous
as Scott Wheeler get hired to write hit pieces on people,
no one takes them seriously.
He is nothing. It's not even worth my time to even discuss
this individual. I do not take time to respond to claims
by Scott Wheeler, Sherman Skolnick and a bunch of other
nuts trying to make a living with half-baked
A key statement by Skolnick, as noted above, from CN 8.50, and
published in July of 1996, is "I believe Lawrence W. Myers... has
joined forces with Hayes." According to Skolnick, Myers had
spoken with him and promised that if he were to "behave," Myers
would have pulled strings to get Skolnick his own radio show.
Skolnick suspects that Myers somehow strong-armed The Spotlight
newspaper into not publishing a story by Skolnick when Skolnick
refused to go along with Myers' alleged deal. Currently,
Skolnick "strongly suspects a game," with Myers and Hayes doing a
Tweedledee/Tweedledum routine for some purpose. As to Hayes'
circus of a trial, Skolnick believes "the whole thing is a sham."
Not so, according to "Mr. Mercedes" (pseudonym), with whom I also
spoke this evening. Myers, according to "Mr. Mercedes," is *not*
affiliated with Hayes. Close to those inside the developing
Hayes case, "Mercedes" is of the opinion that Hayes was setting
up the FBI for a sting and used Myers for that purpose. Says
this east coast source, "Chuck was testing Myers, almost like
Judas and Jesus Christ," (but adds that this is only an allegory,
that Hayes is definitely no angel.) "Without Judas, where would
Christ have been? Without Myers, Hayes could not work the
sting." Hayes presumably hoped to benefit from the maneuver by
thereby having access to legal discovery procedures. But things
didn't turn out as Hayes had planned, observes "Mercedes," with
the undercover agent arrested for solicitation of murder.
Instead, Hayes himself wound up in the slammer.
Or, along a different line, "Mercedes" theorizes the whole Hayes
in jail fiasco may have been arranged by Clinton et al. to remove
heat from Hayes and his "Fifth Column" until after the November
election. In one thing both "Mercedes" and Skolnick agree: the
prosecutor, in the trenches and actually bringing the case
forward, does not have a clue as to higher subtleties involved in
the case. Increasingly, the whole case is turning into a
Keystone Cops episode and, if Judge Wapner of "The Peoples Court"
were presiding, it would have long since been thrown out. "The
longer the Department of Justice continues, the worse it will get
for them," predicts "Mr. Mercedes."
Of interest in the Myers/Hayes, Tweedledum/Tweedledee theory is a
reported statement made by Myers: "I know who is running the
court. Hayes sits there like a cheshire cat, with a big grin on
his face."
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of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc?
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See also: http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9