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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 88
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Merry Christmas! First allow me to wish the best to all
during this holiday season. I have made many friends through
this effort and I wish you all the best for Christmas and the new
Two things: (1) Drive carefully; some drive a bit crazier
than usual during the holidays. (2) Watch out for Clinton and/or
the government to do something sneaky and rotten just when they
figure you aren't paying attention.
A conspiracy angle on Christmas is Santa, whose name is an
anagram for "Satan." Santa, the material god, opposes the
Christian God at this time of year.
Eugene Izzi, the mystery writer found hanged under mysterious
circumstances (see CN 9.87) was not black, as I erroneously had
reported. The mistake was mine and not Sherman Skolnick's. I
regret the error.
Also, regarding the Izzi story, Sherman Skolnick is anxious to
contact any mystery writers who wish to talk on the subject.
Phone him at 773-375-5741 and tell him that "Brian sent you." If
you are a mystery writer and either live in the Chicago area or
will be there around January, Mr. Skolnick may want you to appear
as a guest on his television program.
The CPI Fraud (Excerpts from New Federalist, 12/16/96): "A
government panel has just come out to recommend reducing the
calculation of the CPI [Consumer Price Index], declaring that it
has been overvalued by approximately one-third. On the basis of
this admittedly impossible to elaborate calculation, this panel
proposes that all government payrolls and taxes, which are
figured on the basis of a cost-of-living index, be refigured to
presume a lower level of inflation. Right off the bat, this
would cut the income of all pensioners, veterans, and government
workers, while raising income tax brackets for millions more.
And what is the basis for this decision? The professional
economists find it very hard to explain, and, in fact, they
frequently admit these days that "no one" really understands what
causes economic growth, or inflation, or other such mysteries.
One element of the figuring is the alleged increase in quality of
goods produced these days, in such ways as the decreased
pollutants in gasoline! As if that quality, even if it were
there, which it often is not, meant that the product costs any
less, relative to your income.
The reality is, that the whole proposal is a gigantic swindle,
an attempt to steal a little bit from a lot of people, with the
stroke of a pen. They figure the elderly won't scream, nor the
veterans, nor the labor movement. After all, if the economic
"experts" tell you that your living standard has actually been
improving, who are you to argue?
Rev. Sun-Moon Competes With "The Potato." False god Rev.
Sun-Moon, with his flock of worshippers, could pose a challenge
to that man I call "the Potato," i.e. the Pope. Both claim some
sort of divine infallibility and the rush is on to see which can
gather more revenue-enhancers into their organization.
Ties between ex-President George Bush and the "Moonies" were
examined in the Dec. 2, 1996 issue of "Si," a Peruvian
newsmagazine, as reported in the LaRouche newspaper, New
Federalist, of Dec. 9, 1996. (But who will report on the
LaRouche organization's ties to the Catholic Church?) Says New
Federalist: "The article [in "Si" magazine], which nailed Bush
as frontman for the Rev. Moon's big move into Ibero-America --
where the Moonies own everything from shipyards to luxury hotels
and newspapers -- noted that Moon took over Uruguay's Banco de
Credito, and that he could very well do the same with Peru's
Interbank. From the Jewish or Christian standpoint, Moon is a
blasphemer who purports to be the Messiah; who strongly hints
that Jesus was the illegitimate offspring of an adulterous
relationship between the Virgin Mary and Zachariah, husband to
her cousin Elizabeth; and who says that Jesus was crucified
because He failed in His mission, by siding with the poor."
More on the Commerce Department employee found dead in her
office, from RMNews (November 1996 issue, phone 408-699-4135 for
more info). Quoting from the Nov. 30, 1996 *Shreveport Times*,
"Government Worker Found Dead In Office":
A Commerce Department employee was found dead in her fourth
floor office at the agency's downtown headquarters on
Friday (November 29th). The 48 year old, a secretary for
about 14 years, had worked for the department's
international trade administration.
And, an RMNews reader asks,
[Who was] wandering the halls of the Department of Commerce
between Wednesday afternoon, November 27th, when the
unnamed Commerce victim was last seen alive; and Friday,
November 29, when her "partially nude" body was discovered?
Is it worthy to note that Commerce offices were closed for
Thanksgiving? Did the Commerce Department international
trade administration, in which the victim had worked for 14
years, have any connection with John Huang and the current
DNC money scandal?
RMNews itself adds that,
Rumor Mill sources tell us that the dead woman was Barbara
Wiese(sp?). She was the assistant to Mickey Kantor, the
Secretary of Commerce. In other words, this dead woman
wasn't a lowly secretary. This woman had worked in a high
level Commerce position for 14 years, and the story barely
makes two paragraphs! It feels like a coverup to me.
RMNews sources further state that she was a grand jury
witness against Bill Clinton. If this is true, then
Kenneth Starr needs to do more to keep his witnesses alive!
Her partially nude body was discovered in a *locked*
*room*! Eye witnesses have told our sources that there
were bruises on her body. No cause of death has been
released. Does anyone else smell a rotten fish?
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9