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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 44
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Document "A" [Received by U.S. District Court July 18, 1996]
[Case 96C 4373]
Plaintiffs, )
DOES and JANE ROES (whose identity is not now
known to plaintiffs),
Defendants. )
Sherman H. Skolnick and Joseph Andreuccetti, plaintiffs, complain
against the defendants Hillary Rodham Clinton, Amy Zisook, Mark
Zisook, H.C. Valent, John E. Gierum, Gerald H. Parshall, Jr.,
Robert Alexovich, and ten John Does and Jane Roes (whose identity
is not now known to plaintiffs), and allege as follows:
Count One.
Sherman H. Skolnick and Joseph Andreuccetti plaintiffs, complaint
against the defendants Hillary Rodham Clinton, Amy Zisook, Mark
Zisook, H.C. Valent, John E. Gierum, Gerald H. Parshall, Jr.,
Robert Alexovich, and ten John Does and Jane Roes (whose identity
is not now known to the plaintiffs) and allege as follows:
1. Jurisdiction and venue is hereby invoked pursuant to 28
U.S.C.A. $ 1331, and the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments of
the U.S. Constitution and case law precedents pursuant thereto,
including but not limited to Bivens vs. Six Unknown Agents, 403
U.S. 388 (1971), as to some of the aforesaid defendants acting
under the sham and pretense of federal authority, but without
actual authority for the acts and doings hereinafter complained
2. That the matter in controvery for each defendant exceeds the
jurisdictional minimum exclusive of interest and costs.
3. That plaintiff Sherman H. Skolnick is a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the Northern District of Illinois,
Eastern Division.
4. That plaintiff Joseph Andreuccetti is a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the Northern District of Illinois,
Eastern Division.
5. Most every act and doings done by defendants, hereinafter
complained of by plaintiffs, was done in the Northern District of
Illinois, Eastern Division.
6. That some of the defendants acted under the sham and pretense
of federal authority but without actual authority to do the acts
and doings hereinafter complained of by plaintiffs.
7. A trial by jury is hereby demanded pursuant to provisions of
law, including but not limited to F.R.C.P. Rule 38(b) and Rule
8. Since 1958, plaintiff Skolnick is a crusader against court
corruption and political murders and seeks as a remedy to bring
to public attention certain instances of judicial and other
bribery and political murders. Since 1971, plaintiff Skolnick's
public disclosures have been on a recorded phone commentary, a
regular phone number, heard by a large number of callers each
week. Since 1991, plaintiff Skolnick has been a regular
panelist, now moderator and producer, of a public access cable TV
show, called "Broadsides", cablecast each week to a large
viewership in Chicago and in some suburbs. Since 1994, plaintiff
Skolnick's comments on judicial corruption and political murders
have appeared on Internet, on various alternative news groups and
are now archived and presented on various Websites.
9. In these capacities of plaintiff Skolnick, plaintiff
Andreuccetti contacted plaintiff Skolnick in 1991, and sought
help and public exposure in long-pending injustices perpetrated
in and out of state and federal courts against plaintiff
10. That defendants, each of them, individually, and jointly,
severally, and in concert with each other and other persons,
have been part of a scheme as follows:
(a) to obstruct the due course of justice as to plaintiffs, and
to damage plaintiffs in their persons, properties, and federal
constitutionally protected rights, privileges, and immunities, as
hereinafter more fully set forth;
(b) to obstruct public disclosure and disclosure in official
tribunals, by plaintiffs, of the secret details of the unlawful
transfer of a 50 million dollar portion of 58.4 million dollars
of funds of the Federal Home Loan Bank, parked and held in
custody, and supposed to be so, with Household Bank and Household
International in the Chicago area, and supposed to be held to
make good the claims of plaintiff Andreuccetti.
(c) the use of said 50 million dollar unlawful transfer by
defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton was to cover up 47 million
dollars that was misappropriated and embezzled, and/or otherwise
unlawfully encumbered, used, or removed from an Arkansas savings
and loan, Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, as to which
defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, William
Jefferson Clinton, committed or caused to be committed, and
allowed, permitted, and condoned, and acquiesced in, acts and
doings punishable under provisions of the federal criminal code.
Part of the scheme included for defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton
to proceed to have acts and doings done against the plaintiffs,
with said defendant pretending to have federal authority; that
although said defendant occupies an office in the White House,
she has no actual federal authority but was part of the scheme to
pretend she did.
11. That in January, 1994, plaintiff Skolnick was sitting in his
wheelchair in the hallway of one of the floors of the site of the
federal courts in Chicago, the Dirksen Federal Building, 219
South Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60604. Defendant John E. Gierum
came up to plaintiff Skolnick and insisted on talking to
plaintiff about certain matters that were bothering said
defendant. At the time, the defendant appeared highly rattled
and agitated. In a few moments, plaintiff Skolnick and defendant
Gierum were joined by plaintiff Andreuccetti who was coming from
parking his vehicle.
Defendant Gierum told plaintiffs that he was closely aligned with
defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, being from the same Chicago
suburb of Park Ridge as the Rodham family and having gone to law
school with her brother. Defendant Gierum, pointing to plaintiff
Skolnick, said to plaintiffs, "If you are correct, as you seem to
be, what have I been doing the last ten years?", meaning to be
understood by defendant Gierum and was so understood by
plaintiffs, that defendant Gierum was then and there confirming
that plaintiffs are correct about the very high level corruption,
obstruction of justice as to plaintiffs, is true and correct, and
that Gierum knows about the unlawful matters as herein and
hereinafter set forth and that Gierum has gone along with such
corruption and is a part of the same.
12. Thereafter, on the same day in January, 1994, the discussion
between plaintiffs and defendant Gierum resumed outside the Park
Ridge law offices of defendant Gierum. Said defendant came out
of his office and sat in the front seat of plaintiff
Andreuccetti's vehicle; Gierum sat next to Skolnick and
Andreuccetti sat right behind them. Then and there defendant
Gierum admitted and confessed, as follows, including but not
limited to:
(a) that defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Clinton White
House are trying to frame Gierum and send him to prison by way of
blaming Gierum for the unlawful transfer of the said 50 million
dollars, as hereinbefore described.
(b) That because of very high level corruption, defendant Gierum
would not be able to defend himself, irrespective of the law and
the facts that might otherwise protect him or support his
(c) Whereupon, plaintiff Skolnick said to defendant Gierum,
"John, you seem to be a skilled attorney; you can beat the rap."
Defendant Gierum responded, "No, I can't. It's fixed. I'll no
doubt be calling you from a faraway jail." Whereupon, defendant
Gierum had tears in his eyes as he began talking of his young
child that depends on him and that in jail he would not be able
to take care of that child. "They'll frame their own mother",
defendant Gierum said in anguish, meaning defendant Hillary
Rodham Clinton and her husband. That despite his admissions and
confession, Gierum was a participant in said unlawful transfer.
13. That thereafter, as known to defendant Gierum, and as known
to defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, plaintiff Skolnick made
numerous public mentions of the matters as in paragraphs 12, (a)
through (c) inclusive, and for some two years after January,
1994, defendant Gierum did not dispute or challenge the same.
That the matter was referred to in court by plaintiff
Andreuccetti, and defendant Gierum did not challenge or dispute
it there either.
14. That in furtherance of the scheme, as hereinbefore
mentioned, defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, by and through
defendant Gerald H. Parshall, Jr., on February 16, 1995, did,
caused to be done, committed, allowed, permitted, and condoned,
and acquiesced in the following:
(a) that for the purposes of said hereinbefore described scheme,
defendant Parshall, acting for defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton,
and Parshall purporting to be a Clinton Justice Department
official, flew in to Chicago, and threatened, coerced, and
terrorized plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti in a hallway
outside Courtroom 1858, Dirksen Federal Building, Chicago,
Illlinois, as follows:
(b) That in a menacing and threatening voice, defendant Parshall
said to plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti, while Parshall was
pointing to Skolnick sitting in his wheelchair, that Parshall was
going to meet privately with Chief Bankruptcy Judge John D.
Schwartz, to get Schwartz to jail Skolnick to stop Skolnick from
investigating and making public statements relating to the
hereinbefore described scheme and certain matters admitted to and
confessed by an Internal Revenue official of the Criminal
Investigation Division as hereinafter set forth. Meaning to be
understood by defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton by and through
defendant Parshall, and so understood by plaintiffs, that
defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, by and through her confederate
defendant Parshall, was going to ex parte and privately get
Schwartz to misuse his federal authoriity , to arbitrarily and
without authority or jurisdiction over Skolnick, to jail
Skolnick, to stop Skolnick from investigating and publicly
disclosing matters relating to the hereinbefore dsscribed scheme
by defendants.
(c) then and there clearly visible to defendant Parshall, acting
for and on behalf of defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, was that
plaintiff Skolnick is a helpless, paraplegic invalid in a
wheelchair. That the acts and doings of defendant Hillary Rodham
Clinton, by and through defendant Parshall, were done to
terrorize plaintiff Skolnick and coerce plaintiff Andreuccetti
standing right next to Skolnick's wheelchair, and did so
terrorize and coerce plaintiffs.
(d) That U.S. Magistrate Joan H. Lefkow who occupies said
Courtroom 1858, and her deputy clerk overheard said threats,
terror, and coercion directed against plaintiffs in the hallway.
The deputy clerk of said Magistrate came to the door and stated,
"We inside (meaning her and the Magistrate) can hear everything
you are saying. Please move away from this doorway". At the
time, Magistrate Lefkow was being manipulated by defendant
Hillary Rodham Clinton and defendant Parshall, in that the
husband of defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton had just prior
thereto appointed Lefkow to be a U.S. District Judge, and said
appointment was being manipulated by a top Justice Department
official, Sheila Foster Anthony, sister of Clinton White House
deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., who died mysteriously in
July, 1993.
As known to defendants Hillary Rodham Clinton and Parshall,
plaintiff Skolnick as a commentator had made public statements
that defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Clinton Justice
Department were covering up what Skolnick and others believed was
the murder of Foster.
15. That on or about April, 1995, defendant Hillary Rodham
Clinton flew in to Chicago to appear on the Oprah TV Show,
telecast out of Chicago for nationwide distribution. That said
defendant, in describing plaintiff Skolnick, said that Skolnick's
comments have to be blocked. By words, phrases, and statements,
said defendant stated plaintiff is an evil person and should be
obstructed in what he is doing. Meaning to be understood by said
defendant, and so understood by plaintiffs, that Skolnick's
investigation of said hereinbefore described scheme, is to be
obstructed by whatever means possible, even unlawful methods.
That by said statements, said defendant confirmed and ratified
that she was acting to terrorize and coerce plaintiffs, as
hereinbefore described, by and through defendant Parshall and
others. Defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton said in referring to
plaintiff Skolnick as assisted in his TV Show by plaintiff
Andreuccetti, that there is a person in this town (meaning
Chicago) doing a TV about me (meaning Hillary) who has to be
stopped. Meaning plaintiffs are to be "enemies of the state" on
an "enemies list".
16. That defendants Hillary Rodham Clinton and Parshall were in
a position to know that Chief Judge Schwartz was the very one
they could use to seek to misuse his federal authority to falsely
jail Skolnick, to stop plaintiff Skolnick from investigating,
with plaintiff Andreuccetti, and by terror to block Skolnick's
said TV program referred to by defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton,
the hereinbefore described scheme. On or about December, 1994,
Judge Schwartz addressed all the lawyers and other persons then
and there in his court, as follows:
"That man in the wheelchair, Sherman Skolnick. I don't want to
find out that any of you watch or pay any attention to his
television show." Which was meant as a warning to lawyers and
other persons that come into the courthouse, that something bad
will happen to them if they dared to watch Skolnick's Monday
evening program "Broadsides" on public access Cable TV in Chicago
and some suburbs.
17. That shortly after the matters with defendant Gierum, as in
paragraphs 12 through 12(c) inclusive, preceding, plaintiff
Skolnick discussed the Gierum matter on Skolnick's recorded phone
commentary and on Skolnick's public access Cable TV Show. Also,
plaintiff Skolnick assisted with a story about what Gierum said
in a one million circulation newspaper in Germany.
18. Whereupon, defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton, under the
pretense of federal authority but without actual authority to do
so, put plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti on a so-called
"enemies list", to be targeted by the Internal Revenue Service,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other state and federal
agencies, without any basis in law or in fact to warrant or
authorize said plaintiffs to be so targeted.
19. Up to about October, 1994, defendant Amy Zisook was a
consultant in the White House to defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton
and to her husband, the President; and acting in an advisory and
other capacities for and on behalf of Household Bank and
Household International in respect to the Gierum matter, as in
paragraphs 12 through 12 (c) inclusive, preceding, and in
furtherance of the scheme as hereinbefore described.
20. On or about July, 1994, defendant Mark Zisook in furtherance
of the matter in paragraph 19 preceding, and in furtherance of
having plaintiffs on the said "enemies list"; and in furtherance
of the scheme hereinbefore described; that defendant Mark Zisook,
under the cover of being a purported insurance salesman, obtained
entrance into the private residence in Bensenville, Illinois, a
Chicago suburb, of plaintiff Andreuccetti and his wife Noemi.
Under the pretense of purporting to seek to sell plaintiff
insurance, defendant Mark Zisook proceeded to grill plaintiff
Andreuccetti and his wife, as to their business, as to their
family, as to their life style, as to matters that relate to
their politics, and what plaintiff knows about defendant Hillary
Rodham Clinton.
Defendant Mark Zisook, describing to plaintiff, regarding
defendant Amy Zisook, called her "my sister", and said that
shortly "my sister has to leave the White House because it is a
sinking ship", a statement calculated to elicit data from
plaintiff Andreuccetti as to the hereinbefore described unlawful
secret transfer of 50 million dollars implicating Household Bank
and Household International and defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton
and others, as in paragraph 10 through 10(c) inclusive,
preceding; and as to Household, with plaintiff Andreuccetti not
knowing at the time that defendant Mark Zisook's relative,
defendant Amy Zisook, has been in an advisory capacity to
Household and in other capacities with them.
That defendant Mark Zisook found some way to conduct himself and
the conversation, that he stayed many hours at the private
residence of plaintiff Andreuccetti. Said defendant while
purporting to sympathize with the viewpoints of plaintiff as to
defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton; that defendant Mark Zisook
acted that way by way of extracting from plaintiff data having
nothing whatever to do with the selling to plaintiff purported
21. That the acts and doings of defendant Amy Zisook, by and
through defendant Mark Zisook, were in furtherance of defendant
Hillary Rodham Clinton having plaintiffs Andreuccetti and
Skolnick on said "enemies list", to target plaintiffs for
espionage and to find some way to coerce them.
22. That a scheme related to that in paragraphs 10 through
10(c) preceding was the following:
(a) that top officials of the Internal Revenue Service in Chicago
set about to steal for their own personal use and benefit,
millions of dollars of properties, called Kingspoint
Condominiums, in Addison, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, rightfully
belonging to plaintiff Andreuccetti;
(b) that said officials had the blessings and connivance of
Robert Cesca, acting inspector general of the U.S. Treasury,
described by law enforcement officers that Cesca is the highest
mafia representative in the U.S. government. That Cesca has
arranged to conceal official documents that incriminate
defendants including Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband.
(c) that for the purposes of so stealing plaintiff Andreuccetti's
valuable properties, said top IRS officials were in a position to
blackmail Chicago Chief Federal Bankruptcy Judge John D.
Schwartz, in that Schwartz had been a director of First National
Bank of Cicero which through a fraud, pushed plaintiff
Andreuccetti into involuntary bankruptcy; that Schwartz put
himself in charge of all matters purporting to relate to
plaintiff Andreuccetti, including state court litigation over
which Schwartz had no lawful jurisdiction. Further, another
blackmail point against Schwartz was that he apparently had not
filed any proper income tax in thirty years. And still further,
that Schwartz had over 140 million dollars parked offshore in his
(d) Moreover, an additional blackmail point of said top IRS
officials to work a corrupt and malign influence on Judge
Schwartz to their benefit, to the benefit of Household
International and Household Bank, and to the great detriment of
plaintiff Andreuccetti, was that the financial affairs of Judge
Schwartz were interwoven with a strange purported Cadillac
dealer, Emil Denemark, interwoven with Marcinkus, the Vatican
Bank, and First National Bank of Cicero.
(e) That the top IRS officials allowed, permitted, condoned,
approved of, and acquiesced in, that a purported Bankruptcy
Trustee, Jay Steinberg, linked to Household International and
Household Bank, caused to be filed in the name of plaintiff
Joseph Andreuccetti, false and fraudulent income tax forms and
returns, without the knowledge or permission of plaintiff Joseph
Andreuccetti. Among other things, by said false and fraudulent
forms and returns, the top IRS officials, aided by Steinberg,
covered up a 900 hundred thousand dollar to one and one half
million dollar embezzlement to the damage of plaintiff
(f) that said top IRS officials, aided by Robert Cesca, acting
inspector general of the U.S. Treasury, and according to law
enforcement personnel, the highest ranking mafia representative
in the U.S. government, have covered up the theft of plaintiff
Andreuccetti properties for their own personal use and benefit,
by causing the land titles of the same to disappear. That to
cover up the unawful transfer and other related matters, that
tend to incriminate defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton and her
husband, that Cesca and his confederates have concealed documents
relating to Hillary and Bill Clinton and relating to matters
herein of high-level corruption of top officials of IRS in
stealing plaintiff Andreuccetti's valuable property for their own
personal benefit.
23. That in furtherance of the said scheme, and to coerce and
terrorize plaintiff Andreuccetti, defendants Hillary Rodham
Clinton, John E. Gierum, and Gerald H. Parshall, Jr., acting
jointly and severally, and in concert with one another, caused,
approved of, condoned, and acquiesced in the following:
(a) That on May 13, 1996, defendant H.C. Valent came to the
private residence of plaintiff Andreuccetti, in the Chicago
suburb of Bensenville, Illinois, and then and there in a loud,
threatening, and menacing voice, said to plaintiff Andreuccetti's
wife, Noemi, to wit:
"You and your husband are criminals and I am going to confiscate
all your furniture and your clothes, and all these vehicles near
your house" meant by said defendant to cause great stress and
anguish to plaintiff Andreuccetti recuperating from a triple
bypass open heart operation, by so terrorizing plaintiff's wife;
and did so cause plaintiff great terror, stress, and anguish.
That defendant H.C. Valent did these acts and doings under the
sham and pretense of being a purported Revenue Officer of the
Internal Revenue Service, but without actual authority to do so;
but done under the sham and pretense of federal authority and
while defendant Valent in a loud and threatening voice and
menacing gestures repeatedly pushed her purported badge into the
face of plaintiff's wife.
24. That this was caused to be done by defendant Hillary Rodham
Clinton putting plaintiffs on the aforesaid "enemies list"; to
obstruct the due course of justice as to plaintiffs; to coerce
and terrorize plaintiff Andreuccetti with the defendants knowing
that plaintiff Andreuccetti assists plaintiff Skolnick in various
ways as to the aforementioned public access Cable TV Show, such
as plaintiff Andreuccetti transporting the cable tapes, such as
plaintiff Andreuccetti transporting plaintiff Skolnick who is a
paraplegic and needs a wheelchair and special handling to get
around; such as plaintiff Andreuccetti aiding and assisting
Skolnick as a crusader as previously described.
25. That many of the aforementioned acts and doings were caused
because the plaintiffs obtained the following confessions and
26. That on September 20, 1994, Plaintiff Sherman H. Skolnick
and plaintiff Joseph Andreuccetti went to the 14th floor of the
Kluczynski Building, headquarters in Chicago of the Internal
Revenue Service, at 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Plaintiffs there went to the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal
Investigation Division. Skolnick said he is a journalist and
wishes to speak with the Chief or acting Chief of C.I.D.
27. A woman came to a door, said she speaks for the Chief, later
identifying herself as Lynette Redmer, and ushered Skolnick and
Andreuccetti to a conference room.
28. Skolnick stated that he is a journalist, gave his card, and
stated he is head of "Hotline News" and participant of a TV Cable
Show, "Broadsides", and founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to
Clean Up the Courts. He stated he is there with Andreuccetti,
hereinafter "Joe", to report corruption, involving, among other
things, corruption of U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee Jay Steinberg.
29. Skolnick told her that Steinberg, in the name of Joe, has
been preparing, and causing to be prepared, and causing to be
filed, false and fraudulent federal tax forms and returns,
without the knowledge or permission of Joe.
30. That Steinberg has concealed that there was a 900 Thousand
Dollar embezzlement involving Christian Henning, Jr.,
nephew/godson of Bishop Paul Marcinkus, recent head of the
Vatican Bank. That Henning falsely stated that he was a partner
of Joe. That Joe was falsely and fraudulently put into
involuntary bankruptcy in 1984, still pending, by, among other
things, a purported loan to him by First National Bank of Cicero.
That Joe never received said funds which instead were applied by
Henning and others for other purposes. That said Bank has been
dominated by Henning's Uncle, Paul Marcinkus, until recently head
of the mafia-dominated Vatican Bank. That Henning had corrupted
the U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago, including but not limited
to Assistant U.S. Attorney William R. Hogan, Jr., now on
administrative leave because of charges of misconduct. Result:
that Henning escaped adequate punishment.
31. Ms Redmer, by words and statements, showed that she already
knew and knew much about much of the foregoing, and did not
dispute Skolnick's recital of said facts and confirmed that Hogan
took bribes in civil and criminal matters, to protect Household
International, as in the federal prosecution in Chicago, of U.S.
vs. John Best.
32. By words and statements, in discussion with Skolnick, Ms
Redmer confirmed that her agency was having difficulty in an
apparent tax evasion case being put together against Hogan. She
confirmed that the difficulty was that Hogan was making charges,
by way of rebuttal and blackmail, that upwards of six federal
judges in Chicago were corrupt and took bribes, including but not
limited to Judge James F. Holderman, Judge Marvin E. Aspen,
Suzanne B. Conlon, and Chief Bankruptcy Judge John D. Schwartz.
33. That Ms Redmer was already fully aware of circumstances and
details regarding Joe having been the owner of Kingspoint
Condominiums, in Addision, Illinois. She was aware and confirmed
that Robert Belavia together with Wallace Lieberman had stolen
said property; that Lieberman on other occasions was a U.S.
Bankruptcy auctioneer, that Belavia is a long-known mobster
previously having apparent government immunity.
34. She was aware that FBI agent Mike "Chuckie" Peters, who she
knows, has been accused of murdering or arranging the murder of
Lieberman near the First National Bank of Cicero, just before
Christmas, 1991.
35. She stated she worked on the Belavia case, and that higher
ups, in her agency, who she understood to be corrupt, were
anxious to have Belavia prosecuted on some offense, to get him
out of the way.
36. By words and statements, she confirmed that top officials of
her agency, on the next higher level, have corruptly taken as
their own personal property, the said Kingspoint Condominiums
properties; and confirmed that this was aided and abetted by
Edward J. Lesniak, Household International, First National Bank
of Cicero, among others.
37. By words and statements she confirmed that said corrupt
doings by the higher-ups in her agency, were accomplished by
having the land titles and related records as to Kingspoint, to
disappear, to be unavailable by alleged computer so-called
"glitches", and other devices of concealment of ownership.
38. By words and statements, she confirmed that she recognized
that Chief Bankruptcy Judge in Chicago John D. Schwartz in Joe's
long-standing case, was highly corrupt. She did not deny or
dispute that Judge Schwartz has a net worth of 140 million
dollars and has not filed a proper federal tax return in thirty
years. She cautioned Skolnick that it was improper for him, "to
have those records", of her agency.
39. She confirmed that she was aware of the facts of corruption
at the highest level in the IRS in Chicago, as detailed about
Chicago and Los Angeles in a Congressional Report in 1990 by
Cong. Doug Barnard. She said, "Let's deal with Chicago -- don't
tell me about L.A."
40. She confirmed that she was aware that the higher ups in her
agency were secret and silent partners in at least two
mafia-owned vending companies in Chicago Heights. That said
corrupt IRS officials were aiding the mafia people to elude and
escape IRS problems.
41. She confirmed that her higher ups, who she knew and
understood to be corrupt, were allowing, permitting, and
condoning, various corrupt Bankruptcy Trustees, not just Jay
Steinberg in Joe's matter, to file false and fraudulent federal
tax returns and details; by way of concealing the plundering of
bankrupt estates and money laundering the proceeds, or even
putting persons and firms not actually bankrupt into the
bankruptcy court to be plundered.
42. She then and there said, "What is the point of you and me
talking about all this when those higher up than me in IRS are
corrupt? What's the point of me even making a report?" Skolnick
answered that his contacts in the building will watch to see how
the higher ups in her building are going to try to cover up my
complaint. She said, to Skolnick, "Do you have contacts in
C.I.D.?" He said, "You can presume that."
43. She used words and statements to show she had inside
knowledge of Joe's problem. She referred to a 54 or more million
dollar fund parked by Resolution Trust Corporation with Household
International, part of the details of Joe's various pieces of
litigation. Turning to Joe, she said, "Well , your claim against
the fund is mostly 32 million dollars punitive damage claim from
your DuPage matter", which Joe disputes. She said, "The transfer
(secretly ) of 50 million dollars to Little Rock, that was
Whitewater, right?" Skolnick confirmed that is correct. "They
only needed 47 (million) down there, what happened to the 3
million difference?" Confirming that she knew from inside
details that the President and First Lady are accused by some in
R.T.C. of being implicated in the embezzlement of 47 million
dollars missing from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan of Little
Rock. "Do you know exactly where in a secret trust they have the
50 million in Little Rock?" she said to Skolnick who said, "The 3
milllion difference is for so-called 'transportation' expense,
that is, street tax." She was aware that John E. Gierum was
implicated in said transfer and was a close crony of the First
Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.
44. She discussed with Skolnick and Joe, a firm known as
Glenrock Co., secretly owned by Chicago Mayor Richie Daley and
his business crony Jeremiah Joyce. Skolnick said to her, "I
notice you are not writing down anything about Glenrock." She
answered, "That's the Rostenkowski matter -- I can't go into
45. She confirmed that she knew and was aware that Glenrock, a
multimillion dollar operation in Northlake, Illinois, Brookfield,
Wisconsin, and Indianapolis, Indiana, did not keep proper records
for IRS and did not pay their proper income tax, and confirming
that the corruption was "wired all the way to the (IRS)
Commissioner" in Washington, D.C.
46. That after a discussion between Skolnick, Joseph
Andreuccetti, and the said Lynette Redmer, speaking as she said
for the Chief of C.I.D., for some hour and a half, she stood up.
As she did, Skolnick said to her, "Tell me straight in front, is
everything said by the three of us the truth -- you, me , and
Joe? Do you already know it to be the truth?" Whereupon, she
answered, "It is the truth, everything said in this room is the
truth", and she ushered Sherman H. Skolnick and Joseph
Andreuccetti out of the room and toward the elevator.
47. That the scheme, as in pararaphs 10 through 10(c),
preceding, for the unlawful transfer of 50 million dollars
portion of 58.4 million dollars of funds of the Federal Home Loan
Bank, parked with Household Bank and Household International in
the Chicago area, and supposed to be held to make good the claims
of plaintiff Andreuccetti; said transfer was in three legs or
three steps, including but not limited to, as follows:
(a) from the Chicago area, to Little Rock, Arkansas;
(b) from Arkansas, disguised as purported funds of Arkansas
Development Finance Authority, wired by way of Fuji Bank to the
Cayman Islands;
(c) and from there disguised as funds relating to purported
insurance transactions, sent or wired to secret coded accounts in
Switzerland, for the benefit of defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton
under the code "Chelsea Jefferson".
48. Referring to the second leg or second step of the same, are
the remarks of Congressman Dan Burton (R., Indiana), on May 29,
"ADFA [Arkansas Development Finance Authority] was created by
Governor Clinton in 1985 to provide economic development loans in
Arkansas. In December of 1988, ADFA deposited $50 million in a
Japanese bank in the Cayman Islands. I have a copy of the
contract that I will enter into the record. I have also
delivered a copy of this document to the Independent Counsel's
office. Why would an economic development agency in Arkansas
deposit $50 million in a bank in the Cayman Islands? The Cayman
Islands are a well-known center of money laundering for drug
dealers. The State Department's international narcotics control
report described the Caymans as 'a haven for money laundering'".
And also: "One of the questions that I think is very, very
important is why did the Arkansas Development Financial Authority
send $50 million of Arkansas money to the Cayman Islands to
deposit in a bank in the Cayman Islands, which is a major drug
transit point acknowledged by almost every DEA agent in the
world?" And also: "I have the electronic bank transfer
statements in my office. I am going to put them in the
Congressional Record. There is no doubt the money was wired to
the Cayman Islands. The question needs to be asked, why was it
wired? Why would the Governor of Arkansas allow that?"
Congressional Record, 5/29/96, H5627-28.
49. Like the plaintiffs in the instant case, Cong. Burton
apparently is also on some "enemies list" of defendant Hillary
Rodham Clinton. As a consequence the Congressman apparently has
been coerced into not following through on his promise to put the
documents into the congressional Record and a promise he made,
"Tomorrow night, since I am out of time now, Mr. Speaker, I will
go into more detail on the $50 million that was Arkansas money
that was transferred to the Cayman Islands, a major transit point
for drug trafficking in this hemisphere."
50. The aforementioned unlawful transfer of the said 50 million
dollars was for the benefit of defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton
and to the great damage and detriment of plaintiff Andreuccetti.
51. On June 13, 1996, plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti met
with defendant Robert Alexovich who alleges he is a "revenue
officer, Internal Revenue Service". Related to said defendant
were the details as in paragraph herein preceding 23(a), adopted
here by reference as if verbatim here set forth. Defendant
Alexovich said it was unlawful for defendant H.C. Valent to do
such acts and doings, but defendant Alexovich said to plaintiffs,
"That did not happen". Yet, defendant Alexovich has no personal
knowledge of said event and could not know whether it did or did
not happen.
52. Defendant Alexovich told plaintiffs that he did not know of
the matters as in preceding paragraphs herein 10 (a) through (c)
inclusive, 22 through 22(f) inclusive, 25 through 46 inclusive,
all adopted herein by reference as if verbatim here set forth.
Yet, prior to said meeting on June 13, 1996, defendant Alexovich
had in his custody and possession documents, papers, and records
by plaintiffs as to said matters. In his statements defendant
made false declarations, knowingly so, in furtherance of the
schemes as hereinbefore set forth.
53. After the said June 13, 1996, defendant Alexovich supplied
to plaintiff Andreuccetti false and misleading data calculated to
aid and abet the higher ups at the Internal Revenue Service in
having stolen, for their own personal use and benefit, the
valuable properties of plaintiff Andreuccetti.
(a) that in response to plaintiff Andreuccetti's complaint that
Bankruptcy Trustee Jay Steinberg filed false and fraudulent forms
and returns in the name of plaintiff Joseph Andreuccetti,
defendant Alexovich sent plaintiff a note stating, "here are some
of the records of filing you requested re: the billing statement
you submitted," with various sheets showing only zeroes and
containing the statement "return not present for this account";
thus evading records, known to said defendant, of an embezzlement
of between 900 thousand dollars and one and a half million
dollars which damaged plaintiff, as known to said defendant, and
should have been therein shown.
(b) that in so doing, by all his acts and doings, defendant
Alexovich sought to unlawfully cover up that a form 211 by
plaintiff Andreuccetti was falsely rejected, with the statements:
"William & Hillary Clinton et al." and "(1) recovery was too
small to warrant payment of reward. (2) Information was
previously known to the Service or available in public records
readily accessible to the Service. (3) Information furnished did
not cause investigation."
A copy of said alleged response to plaintiff's form 211 is
attached hereto and made a part hereof; and a copy attached and
made a part hereof of said form 211, being an Application for
Reward for Original Information.
54. That defendant Robert Alexovich did these acts and doings
under the sham and pretense of being a purported and alleged
Revenue Officer of the Internal Revenue Service, but without
actual authority to commit, condone, cause to be done, and
acquiesce in, said acts and doings; but done under the sham and
pretense of federal authority, in furtherance of the schemes
hereinbefore set forth. That defendants Alexovich and Valent
have filed and caused to be filed, false papers and documents
calling for the seizure of property of plaintiff Andreuccetti.
55. That acts and doings were done, caused to be committed,
allowed, permitted, and condoned, and acquiesced in, by ten
defendants being John Does and Jane Roes whose identity is not
now know to the plaintiffs all in furtherance of the schemes and
acts and doings hereinbefore set forth.
56. That defendants, each of them, individually, severally,
jointly, and in concert, and aiding and abetting one another,
have by their foregoing acts and doings against plaintiffs, have
deprived plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti of federal
constitutionally protected rights, privileges, and immunities,
including but not limited to the following:
(a) Under the First Amendment, the right of plaintiffs to gather
news and inquire into wrongdoing by defendants and persons acting
with them, including persons and officials in high position and
places; with the right of plaintiffs not to be damaged in their
persons and properties while so doing, by the acts and doings
unlawfully done by defendants.
(b) Violation of plaintiffs' rights under the First Amendment in
that "Congress shall make no law respecting...the right of the
people...to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
As hereinbefore set forth, the defendants have obstructed the due
course of Justice, unlawfully damaging plaintiffs in their
persons and properties, while plaintiffs are involved in
petitioning the Government for a redress of grievances.
(c) Under the Fourth Amendment, "The right of the people to be
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..."
The right of plaintiffs not to be spied on including the right
not to be spied on inside their private residences by persons
acting for others in high places, like for defendant Hillary
Rodham Clinton; done under the sham and pretense of authority but
without actual authority to do the acts and doings hereinbefore
complained of.
(d) Violating the Fifth Amendment, the defendants have interfered
with the liberty of plaintiffs and deprived plaintiffs of
property without due process of law.
(e) The acts and doings of defendants violate plaintiffs' rights
under the U.S . Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 3,
"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed".
Defendants have caused plaintiffs to be designated as
"criminals", to be threatened in their liberty, persons, and
properties, as "enemies of the state" and put on defendants'
"enemies list".
57. That plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti have been damaged
in the amount of One Hundred Million Dollars.
58. Wherefore, plaintiffs Sherman H. Skolnick and Joseph
Andreuccetti ask damages against the hereinbefore named
defendants, and each of them, of One Hundred Million Dollars and
costs and fees as provided by law, and such other and further
relief as plaintiffs may be entitled to under the circumstances.
Plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti complain against the
defendants as all named in Count One, and allege as follows:
1-55 inclusive as in Count One, adopted herein by reference as if
verbatim here in set forth.
56. That defendants, each of them, individually, jointly, and
severally, and in concert, have caused and are causing the
circulation of data contending that plaintiffs are as follows:
(a) that plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti are members of or
supporters of Posse Comitatus and are in the category of what is
known as "domestic terrorists"; and as such, that these
plaintiffs are dedicated to and actually do, damage and injure
public officials in their person and property;
(b) that plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti use, cause to be
used, instigate or foment the use of, Federal Land Patent
procedures to damage and injure public officials in their person
and property.
(c) that plaintiffs are so-called "illegal tax protectors" and/or
foment said movement; that said plaintiffs actively engage in the
same or make a business of taking cash and other valuable goods
and services, for plaintiffs' personal use, from members of said
(d) that plaintiffs make and engage in a business and enterprise
of arranging, fomenting, instigating and/or persuading other
persons to form offshore trusts, for the purpose and apparent
purpose of aiding and abetting persons to evade and circumvent
the Laws of the United States;
(e) that plaintiffs are so-called "gun nuts and are trigger-happy
persons, dangerous to the public welfare and actively aid and
abet others as such, to the detriment of public officials, public
welfare, domestic tranquilty, and national security; that these
plaintiffs seek to do physical violence against the persons and
properties of public officials;
(f) that plaintiffs bring lawsuits and administrative procedures
to use the pendency of such, often belabored and purposely
delayed, often long pendency of such, to carry out a secret
agenda of blackmail directed against public officials and others;
and to deter public officials from proceeding to prosecute
plaintiffs for supposed crimes;
57. That defendants rely on such data as being true when, in
fact, such data are completely false and have never been done or
committed by plaintiffs. Defendants circulate such data knowing
full well it is false.
58. That defendants cause a secret code to be attached to state
and federal records labeling, identifying, and targetting
plaintiffs and each of them, as in such data.
59. That defendants circulate such data in private, ex parte,
and in secret, to public officials that in any way have cases and
procedures effecting plaintiffs, so that there is an obstruction
justice, damaging plaintiffs. A few of the many examples:
(a) such data was circulated to Chicago Federal District Judge
George W. Lindberg, who had pending a case by plaintiff
Andreuccetti seeking a remedy for fraudulently begotten
judgments, corruptly obtained by opponents of said plaintiff
corrupting John D. Schwartz. Based on such false data, Judge
Lindberg identified plaintiff Andreuccetti as "Posse Comitatus",
denied him all relief as an "enemy of the state" and called
plaintiff Andreuccetti's associate, plaintiff Skolnick, "a liar",
even though Skolnick was neither a party to the litigation nor a
sworn witness. Based on this, the way was opened to falsely
seize, in November, 1993, plaintiff Andreuccetti's residence,
without a valid writ, and to seize and steal Cable TV tapes known
to be at said plaintiff's residence since he transports the same
for the said show; and seizing and stealing all his books,
papers, court records, financial records, and such, and carrying
them away in a private vehicle under the sham and pretense of
deputy sheriffs; said items have never been returned to said
(b) Based on this, federal law enforcement personnel follow
plaintiff Skolnick around the Dirksen Building, site of the
federal courts, as an alleged "domestic terrorist", interfering
with Skolnick gathering news as an electronic journalist and
moderator of "Broadsides" said public access Cable TV program;
and interfering with Skolnick attending open court sessions as a
spectator and journalist.
Plaintiffs ask the Court not to have to list here all the other
examples known by plaintiffs, but if requested by the Court to do
so, plaintiffs will give a more comprehensive list.
60. Re-alleged from Count One, as if verbatim here set forth,
paragraphs 56, 56(a), 56(b), 56 (c), 56(d), and 56(e).
61. Realleged from Count One, as though verbatim here set forth
paragraphs 57 and 58.
Count Three.
Plaintiffs Skolnick and Andreuccetti complain against the
defendants as all named in Count One, and allege as follows:
1-55 inclusive as in Count One, adopted by reference as if
verbatim here set forth.
56. Re-alleged from Count Two, adopted by reference as if
verbatim here set forth, paragraphs 56 through 60 inclusive. As
to Bill of Attainder, re-allege from Count One, paragraph 56(e).
57. Re-alleged from Count One, adopted by reference as if
verbatim here set forth paragraphs 57 and 58.
[signed] [signed]
Joseph Andreuccetti Sherman H. Skolnick
990 County Line Road 9800 So. Oglesby Ave.
Bensenville IL 60106 Chicago IL 606174870
(708) 860-9930 (312) 375-5741
Plaintiff, Pro Se Plaintiff, Pro Se
The undersigned under the penalties for perjury and provisions of
28 U.S.C.A. $ 1746, certify that the matters stated in the
foregoing Verified Complaint, Counts One, Two, and Three, are
true and correct to their personal knowledge, or are matters of
record or of law, and in either case, are true. Executed on July
18, 1996.
[signed] [signed]
Joseph Andreuccetti. Sherman H. Skolnick.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9