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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 42
("Quid coniuratio est?")
[CN transcript of remarks by west coast researcher Dave Emory.]
Now obviously, people are aware of the role of the Washington
Post, Woodward and Bernstein in particular, in breaking the
Watergate case. It appears that Woodward and Bernstein, through
Katherine Graham the publisher and Ben Bradlee, were manipulated
by CIA -- and specifically, Richard Ober, an associate of
Bradlee's and himself a key CIA counter-intelligence official,
along with Cord Meyer, Bradlee's brother-in-law. Richard Ober
was indeed the "Deep Throat" who alerted Woodward and Bernstein.
Interestingly enough, Richard Ober was also head of "Operation
Chaos," a CIA domestic counter-intelligence operation which
involved setting up provocations as well as infiltrating radical
Of the Washington Post's role in removing Richard Nixon and in
the Watergate case, Debra Davis writes as follows. (You'll see
some references here to the book, *All The President's Men*, by
Woodward and Bernstein.)
Watergate was, according to this scenario, a
counter-intelligence operation of the highest order,
carried out for patriotic as well as bureaucratic reasons
which were, in the minds of the intelligence directors, one
and the same. It is clear what their motives must have
been. Kissinger was pursuing a disastrous policy in
Cambodia, disregarding the CIA's advice and blaming the CIA
when he failed -- all the time adding fuel to the anti-war
movement. Nixon's harsh and stupid attempts to "get
political control over the CIA," as Watergate burglar James
McCord later told the Senate Watergate Committee, his
intention to have the Agency's judgements conform to rather
than inform his policies, "smacked of the situation which
Hitler's intelligence chiefs found themselves in" before
the fall of Germany. But primarily because Nixon seemed at
times to be insane, a terrible and a dangerous head of
state, double-agent Ober, by this logic, arranged for
double-agent McCord to be arrested during the Watergate
break-in. And then Richard Ober, the head of Operation
Chaos, the only man in the nation with access to classified
information at the White House, the FBI, the CIA, and CRP
[Committee to Re-Elect the President], became Deep Throat,
a favor to Ben Bradlee, an old Harvard chum. Ober's boss,
James Angleton, finally had achieved the ultimate dirty
trick. Bradlee would take all the risks, and either
Bradlee would succeed in getting rid of Nixon, or Katherine
Graham would have to salvage her newspaper by getting rid
of Bradlee.
That, basically, is the view of Richard Ober, the
counter-intelligence official of CIA. The further information
that Richard Ober was, in fact, Deep Throat, and that the CIA and
Washington Post were involved in removing Nixon, is added here by
Debra Davis. (It doesn't really matter the order here, but I
read that a little out of order.)
But again, reading more about the use of Washington Post by CIA
and CIA counter-intelligence to remove Nixon, Debra Davis writes
as follows.
The minor deception in the book is that only Woodward knew
who Deep Throat was.
(That book, of course: *All The President's Men*.)
Bradlee knew him; had known him for longer than Woodward.
There is a possibility that Woodward had met him while
working as an intelligence liaison between the Pentagon and
the White House, where Deep Throat spent a lot of time, and
that he considered Woodward trustworthy or useful and began
talking to him when the time was right. It is equally
likely, though, that Bradlee, who had given Woodward other
sources on other stories, put them in touch after
Woodward's first day on the story, when Watergate burglar
James McCord said at his arraignment hearing that he had
once worked for the CIA. Whether or not Bradlee provided
the source, he recognized McCord's statement to the court
as highly unusual. CIA employees, when caught in an
illegal act, do not admit that they work for the CIA unless
that is part of the plan. McCord had no good reasons to
mention the CIA at all, except apparently to direct wide
attention to the burglary, because he had been asked to
state only his present occupation and he had not worked for
the CIA for several years.
(I think that last statement is open to question. That last
statement of Debra Davis is open to question.)
What matters is not how the connection with Deep Throat was
made, but why. Why did Bradlee allow Woodward to rely so
heavily upon it? And ultimately, why did the leaders of
the intelligence community, for whom Deep Throat spoke,
want the President of the United States to fall?
All of that, really, highlights the ongoing association of not
only the Washington Post, but Katherine Graham, a key partner in
the Ms. [magazine] axis, in working with CIA.
Now one scenario that is not discussed by Debra Davis concerns
the possibility that Richard Nixon was not only removed because
he was a dangerous leader, but there are a lot of indications
that he was removed, basically, because the military and the "far
right" were upset with his policies of detente towards the Soviet
Union and China. The China lobby in particular (and we've looked
at that in great detail in Radio Free America shows #11, #14, and
#15, the second of our "Aryan Nations" programs and our two
"Anti-Communist League" programs), the China lobby is a dominant
and extremely reactionary force in American politics. Nixon was
very close to them and many researchers feel (and there's
indications that they felt betrayed by Richard Nixon) that they
wanted a harder "Cold Warrior" than Nixon turned out to be --
even though he was a lifelong anti-Communist -- and that as a
result they had him removed. That's another interpretation that
many researchers have.
I also think... (I think that is correct.) I also think, to a
certain extent, Debra Davis's analysis is correct. In a sense,
Nixon wanted to become larger than the system. As of 11/22/63,
the intelligence services and military were giving orders to the
President, not the other way around. Nixon (although he was
involved in the Kennedy assassination himself, as we looked at in
the "Guns of November," program #3, about Watergate connections
to the assassination), Nixon wanted to basically gain control of
the whole show. He didn't want to be a servant; he wished to be
a master. I think Davis's analysis in that respect is correct,
and that that was one of the reasons why he was ousted.
Many people feel that the Kennedy assassination and Nixon's
involvement in it was the lever used to oust Richard Nixon. The
fact that Kennedy's assassination and discussion of it appears to
have been involved *with* the Watergate tapes themselves we went
into in great length in "Guns of November" #3. Also, there's
some interesting information in an interview that I had with
Gordon Novel(sp?), one of the principal figures in Jim Garrison's
investigation in New Orleans. The full tape is available from
Dav-Cor(sp?), and a little blurb of that is something that you
hear on our little promotional part that I'm going to play in
just a couple minutes.
Again, this discussion of Katherine Graham and the Washington
Post, and their mutual association with CIA, is being included
here not only for the information about Watergate, the fact that
CIA official Richard Ober, in charge of Operation Chaos, appears
to have been Deep Throat, but primarily because, in connection
with all the other associations -- Clay Felker and Gloria
Steinem, Elizabeth Forsling Harris -- it paints a rather damning
picture not only of Gloria Steinem herself, and her association
with people like Pottinger and so forth, but that it shows a
larger pattern of CIA co-operation with and manipulation of the
[...to be continued...]
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