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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 84
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Jeffrey Steinberg
(New Federalist, 08/12/96)
Aug. 6 (EIRNS) -- A collection of well-known British
propagandists, led by the Hollinger Corporation's Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, are agitating for an American military strike
against Iran, on the basis of "leaked information" that the
Teheran regime was behind the recent car-bomb attack against a
U.S. military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and the
downing of TWA Flight 800. The mere fact that all of the
reporters and terrorism "experts" pushing for a U.S. retaliatory
strike against Iran, are dedicated enemies of President Clinton,
ought to suggest that there is something rotten here.
In fact, the drumbeat for American action against Teheran --
rather than London, which is the real command-center of world
terrorism today -- is, according to well-placed U.S. intelligence
sources, part of a British/Club of the Isles effort to draw
President Clinton into a geopolitical trap in the Persian Gulf,
on the eve of the American Presidential elections.
Writing in the Aug. 4 Sunday Telegraph, Clinton-basher Pritchard
claimed that "the U.S. are making detailed plans for missile and
bombing strike [sic] against Iran, because they are convinced
that Iran was involved in the bombing of the Saudi Arabia
barracks." Pritchard quoted another leading enemy of the Clinton
Presidency, neo-conservative operator Kenneth Timmerman, who
claimed that Iran was behind the TWA 800 crash, and that "more
aircraft are going to fall out of the sky."
For Pritchard and Timmerman to cast blame on Iran for the TWA 800
crash, when investigators have so far failed to turn up
definitive forensic evidence that the downing was a terrorist
act, is a tip-off to the aggressive propaganda drive to box
President Clinton into taking action against Iran.
Several days before the Pritchard column appeared, U.S. Defense
Secretary William Perry, in an interview with National Public
Radio, had acknowledged that there *could* be foreign agencies
behind the Dharhan bombing, including Iran. The American and
British media immediately went hog-wild, practically claiming
that Perry had declared war against Iran. The White House on
Aug. 3 issued a clear statement repudiating the media hype.
White House spokesman David Johnson told the New York Times: "We
are cautioning that the investigation has not yet been concluded,
the culprit or culprits responsible have not yet been identified,
and... speculation about what type of response might be
appropriate is premature." The next day, Perry told reporters
that any speculation about American action against Iran "is just
not warranted at all."
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich jumped into the middle of the
hype on Aug. 3, demanding that President Clinton act against
Iran. Citing reports that initially appeared in the Israeli
press, about terrorist training camps inside Iran, Gingrich
threatened, "Either you close down those camps or we will. If
the Iranians refuse to close them down, I think there are a
number of military means capable of closing them down."
The story about the Iranian terror camps appeared in USA Today
Aug. 2, attributed to "leaked U.S. intelligence documents"; and
syndicated columnists Evans and Novak on Aug. 1 surfaced a story,
about Iranian supplies of mortar-bombs being confiscated in
Antwerp, Belgium earlier this year. The same column cited a
report from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of a "terror summit"
in June in Teheran -- at which, allegedly, some of the recent
anti-American terrorist attacks were planned out.
In every instance of these media leaks, the linkage between
London and international terrorism has been omitted completely.
Yet, the Clinton administration, according to at least one news
account, has not lost sight of the London role in safehousing
some of the world's leading terrorists. According to the London
Observer, the U.S. has pressured the British government to begin
an investigation into several London-based Islamic groups and
publications that have been agitating for a Holy War against
American troops in Saudi Arabia. Leaders of one such group, the
Muslim Literary Circle, were recently interrogated by Special
Branch (British Intelligence), and, according to the Observer's
Nick Cohen, the British government opened the probe under heavy
pressure from the Clinton administration.
As you will read elsewhere in this issue (see the American
Almanac), in an exclusive campaign memorandum by Lyndon LaRouche,
no competent investigation of international terrorism today can
ignore the top-down control exerted by the London-centered
Anglo-Dutch/French "Entente Cordiale." While it would be a
mistake to rule out any involvement by Iranian factions in the
present wave of global irregular warfare, to focus upon Iran, or
Libya, or Iraq, while leaving out Britain and its leading Mideast
satrap, the Syria of Hafez al-Assad, would be folly -- precisely
the kind of folly into which London would like to lure President
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
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