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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 51
("Quid coniuratio est?")
by Sherman H. Skolnick
The press fakers never tell us about the annual secret meetings
of secret societies, gathering as the real rulers to plot our
destiny. One such is the Bilderberg Group made up of the ultra
rich, their puppets, and the press lords, meeting every year in a
different country, usually early in June. One of the only places
financial enemies come together, such as the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds. Soon thereafter are wars, depressions, and
political murders.
In July, 1978, right after a Bilderberg meeting, the head of his
family empire, John D. Rockefeller III, was murdered, made to
look like an accident. Likewise, in July, 1996, the one about to
be named head of *his* family banking empire, Amschel Rothschild,
was found hanged in Paris -- some say murdered. He was head of
Rothschild Asset Management, Ltd., a unit suffering huge losses
because of terrible miscalculations. The Rothschilds are facing
a financial shipwreck of almost a trillion dollars. (Both the
Rockefeller and the Rothschild were killed on about the same day
in July. To send a message, assassins like an anniversary.)
We raised questions in 1978. We are raising questions now.
Neither the Rockefellers nor the Rothschilds are strangers to
political assassinations. To protect their oil and other
properties, the Rockefellers have used the American CIA to murder
insurgent leaders worldwide. The Rockefellers helped arrange the
murder of President Kennedy who opposed tax benefits for oil
The book, "The Lincoln Conspiracy," shows how the Rothschilds
arranged the murder of President Abraham Lincoln a few days after
the end of the Civil War. Lincoln's post-war policies would have
wrecked the Rothschild's commodity speculations. After the war,
Lincoln, to bind up the wounds and get the nation together again,
intended to go easy on the South, enabling resumption of
agriculture production. The Rothschilds and key members of
Congress were betting the other way, on high prices caused by a
tough policy on the South.
For more than 140 years the Rothschilds have dominated the
Chicago markets. They call the shots on the Chicago Board of
Trade, setting prices, relayed worldwide, on corn, wheat, and
soybeans. The Rothschilds also control the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, setting the prices on world currencies, and through
their Chicago Board Options Exchange, on financial instruments.
Through their British relatives, the Rothschilds control the
price of gold, set twice each day in London.
Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschilds, along with other
western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler
as a bulwark against the Soviets. The ultra-right wing falsely
describes the Rothschilds as "Jewish bankers" when, in fact, the
Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly
with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with
the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi.
The Archbishop of Chicago is also the Treasurer for the Church
for the whole Western hemisphere. And he deposits those funds in
the Continental Bank of Chicago, owned jointly by the Vatican,
the Queen of England, and the Rothschilds, all of whose
representatives always sat on the board of directors of
For many years, Chief Judge of the Federal Appeals Court in
Chicago was Walter J. Cummings, Jr., a man of trust for the
Vatican, chosen to secretly handle their funds. Cummings and his
family were also major owners of Continental Bank, now merged
with Bank of America, for many years owned jointly by the Jesuits
and the Rothschilds and now joined by the Japanese mafia, the
Most every judge on the Federal Appeals Court here is linked to
Continental Bank. The judges *do* *not* disqualify themselves in
cases involving Continental. Guess who wins?
The Rothschilds and the Japanese seek to control in the United
States by buying up large tracts of land, such as in central
All in all, Chicago is a center of corruption -- it is the
cheapest place in the nation for bribing Federal Judges. Hence,
large corporations prefer to have their important litigation in
the Windy City. And Chicago is a center for the Rothschilds.
These are subjects forbidden to be discussed and circulated by
the liars and whores of the press. Call up your favorite news
faker and demand they mention about the secret society, the
Bilderberg Group, and what often happens right after their annual
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mr. Skolnick, since 1963, has been founder/chairman of a
public-interest group, CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE
COURTS, researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial
corruption and political murders. Since 1971, as editor of
updates of the group's work, called HOTLINE NEWS, a 5-minute
recorded phone message, changed several times per week -- a
regular phone call -- (312) 731-1100. Since 1991, a regular
participant, now moderator, of a popular, public access cable TV
program, called "Broadsides", in Chicago and suburbs -- on most
every Monday evening in Chicago, on Channel 21 cable, 9 p.m.,
available to some 400,000 households. His comments appear on
Internet on several websites; archives of his stories can be
pulled up and printed out. Also, on Internet, his stories appear
on some five categories of news groups, such as
alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater and alt.activism. Office
(8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days): (312) 375-5741. 9800 So. Oglesby
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617-4870. Call before sending FAX. (After
October 12, 1996, AREA CODE changes to 773.)
A few highlights of the group's work: Caused the biggest bribery
scandal in U.S. history, the collapse of the Illinois Supreme
Court, 1969. Investigation of the sabotaged Watergate plane
crash, 1972-73. 12 Watergate figures perished including Mrs. E.
Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. One of the first to
comment on the Vice President Spiro Agnew bribery mess, resulting
in his downfall, 1973. Investigation and disclosure causing the
jailing for bribery of the highest level sitting federal judge in
American history, Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr.,
1973. Touching off "Operation Greylord," in which 20 local
judges and 40 lawyers jailed for bribery, 1983-1993.
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those
of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc?
(1) telnet prairienet.org (2) logon as "visitor" (3) go citcom
See also: http://www.europa.com/~johnlf/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9