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How to use uSu Script format's - By:Cyberglitch
Ok basically uSu Script format is pretty simple and will do alot if you take
the time to work it through. Ok here we go...
1.0.1 - The First Line of a script
1.0.2 - The Second Line of a script
1.1.1 - The ANSI: Command
1.1.2 - The PAUSE: Command
1.1.3 - The DISPLAY: Command
1.1.4 - The SETxx: Command
1.1.5 - The INPUT: Command
1.1.6 - The END: Command
1.1.7 - The RUNAPP: Command
1.1.8 - The GOTO: Command
1.1.9 - The CHCx: Command
1.1.A - The ASK: Command
1.1.B - The JMPx: Command
1.2.1 - The Color Codes/Keycodes
1.0.1 - The First Line of a script
Format -
<Application Description>
Purpose:This first line of the Script file(any file with .SCR) tells the
application generator the description for this Application, and must
be the first line, otherwise you'll get wierd undesired results, limit
40 chars
Example -
This is a Test application
What's Done:This information is used for the highlight bar
1.0.2 - The Second Line of a script
Format -
Purpose:This Second line of the Script file tell the application generator
what file the output text should be written to, make sure this is
allways the second line in your Script file you you'll get wierd
undesired results.
Example -
What's Done:The filename provided here will be written to whenever INPUT: is
1.1.1 - The ANSI: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command may be placed anywhere after the first two lines of a
script, where <Filename.Ext> is the Ansi file you wish to display
Example -
What's Done:This will display the ansi file named TEST.ANS to the user
1.1.2 - The PAUSE: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command may be placed anywhere after the first two lines of a
script, where <String> is your pause string. This command will display
your pause string and the wait for the user to press any key to
continue, all codes are supported(Section 1.2.1)
Example -
PAUSE:Press Any Key to Continue
What's Done:This will display "Press Any Key to Continue" to the user and
wait for him to press a key
1.1.3 - The DISPLAY: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command may be placed anywhere after the first two lines of a
script, where <String> is what you wan't to display on the screen.
All codes are supported(Section 1.2.1)
Example -
DISPLAY:Show this text to the user
What's Done:The example above will print out to the user "Show this text to
the user" to the screen
1.1.4 - The SETxx: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command defines a macro(@xx, xx= 01-99), where 'x' in SETx is a
the macro number you wish to set. Thus @xx in a DISPLAY: command
will display macro #xx(where xx is - 01-99) on the screen it you have
set it. All other codes are supported(Section 1.2.1) for the <String>
part of the command. This helps save typing and makes the application
generator more flexibal.
Example(s) -
SET01:Hello there #1
SET02:Hello there #2
SET99:Hello there #99!!!
What's Done:What's done here is defining a macro, so you may print out text
that's commonly used quicker without having to type it over and
over again. Thus when you use a DISPLAY: command you'll see whats
been put into the macro's appear inplace of the @01, @02, etc...
Example(s) -
SET01:Hello 1
SET02:Hello 2
What's Done:Here we defined a macro to print out other macro's. When you use
a display command to display macro 3, @03, you'll see both macros
1 and 2, like so
Hello 1Hello 2
1.1.5 - The INPUT: Command
Format -
INPUT:xx:<Write to App File>;<String>
Purpose:This command may be placed anywhere after the first two lines of a
script, where xx is a number between 01 to 80(make sure there are two
spaces for the vaule you specify, this will keep the program from
getting confused) that limit the input lenght. Where <Write to App
File> is the text you want in the output app file, this string must be
seperated by a Semi-Colon to make sure the program determines between
<Write to App File> and <String>. Where <String> is the text you wan't
displayed before input begins, All codes supported for this string
(Section 1.2.1)
Example -
INPUT:09:This user's handle:;Please enter in your handle:
What's Done:This is print to the screen...
Please enter in your handle:
...and will limit the user's input to 9 charecters and save this to the
output text-file with...
This user's handle:
...before the input the user types in, then whatever the user typed in will be
save after this information.
1.1.6 - The END: Command
Format -
Purpose:The main purpose of this feature is to tell the application generator
where to stop in the srcipt, if you ommit this statement at the end of the
script that's fine to, because the script generator will automatically force
this END: statement when exucting it and reaching the last line in the script
file, you can however use this to debug your scripts by placeing it so it'll
stop at different points in the script(for debuggsing purposes mostly)
What's Done:Heh. just end's the program
1.1.7 - The RUNAPP: Command
Format -
Purpose:The main purpose of this command is to allow you to run other
applications, this allows you the user to design you own highlight
bar system by writing the script for it.
What's Done:Ansi.App is looked for and if it's found it will be executed if
it's not found the application Generator will notify you.
1.1.8 - The GOTO: Command
Format -
Purpose:Well this was put in by popular demand, where <LabelName> is the
label you would like the continuing of the application to occur, a
label is named by putting a ':' before the name of the label
Example -
Labels can be any lenght, and are not case sensitive, it is possible
to have two labels with the same, but in different case,
Example -
The application Generator treats these as two seperate labels. Using
the same labels isn't advised...
Example -
The Application Generator just searchs for the first labelname that
matches the one you told it to go to, above the second :THISLABEL
would never be executed.
What's Done:The application Generator will jump to the First label matching
START-THIS-APP, and continue running the application from that
1.1.9 - The CHCx: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command defines what ASK:(See ASK: Command) should display
when the use highlights this choice, you may even use the
@DA<Ansi-FileName>% Command for the <String> portion to display an
ansi instead of typing in the choice yourself. You can now make the
Maxtrix look any way you wan't it to. You can also use all the other
codes to locate the row, column, set the foreground and background
color codes (Section 1.2.1)
Example(s) -
CHC1:Option #1
CHC2:Option #2
CHC9:Option #2
What's Done:What going on here is that you have defined the options to use
when you use the ASK command to allow the user to choose an
item and then press enter on it(See Section 1.1.A)
1.1.A - The ASK: Command
Format -
Purpose:This command allows the user to press the UP and DOWN arrow keys and
highlight a Option and then press enter to choose that option. where
the 'x' is let's ask know how many choices(from 1 to 9) to allow the
user to select.
Example(s) -
What's Done:What will happen is that ASK will wait for the user to highlight
and choose(press enter on) the option you wan't, the with the
JMPx:<LabelName> command allows the program to jump to
<LabelName> if choice 'x' was choosen, see example for JMPx
1.1.B - The JMPx: Command
Format -
Purpose:After a ASK:x command has been executed a vaule is returned of what
option they choose, then JMPx:<LabelName> allows your script to
branch out to different choices. IE...
Example(s) -
What's Done:What will happen here is after ASK has executed a vaule will be
returned, ASK was limited to 4 choices, so depending on what
choice the USER choose the script will GOTO another part of
the program according to the Option choosen. So say i choose
option 2 when ASK was run, the program would goto Label Option2
and continue executing the script from there. This is handy for
making your own lightbar selection for Applications.
1.2.1 - The Color Codes/Keycodes
The list provided below is for the sole purpose of adding color and flexibity
to your scripts...
The Pipe Codes:
Foreground Colors:
|00 - Black |01 - Dark Blue |02 - Dark Green |03 - Dark Cyan
|04 - Dark Red |05 - Dark Purple |06 - Brown |07 - Dark White
|08 - Dark Grey |09 - Bright Blue |10 - Bright Green |11 - Bright Cyan
|12 - Bright Red |13 - Bright Purple |14 - Yellow |15 - Bright White
Background Colors:
|16 - Black |17 - Dark Blue |18 - Dark Green |19 - Dark Cyan
|20 - Dark Red |21 - Dark Purple |22 - Brown |23 - Dark White
|24 - Blinking on |25 - Blinking Off
The "@" Code's
(Please note the "xx"'s must allways be two charecters even tho you could
write 1 as "1", but only "01" would work, etc..)
@CR - Carriage, will go to the next line and set cursor in column 1
@CL - Will clear the current screen
@LS - This will save the current Row and Position.
@LL - This will restore the last save Row and Column
@LRxx - where XX is a number between 01-25, locate's that row on the screen
@LCxx - where XX is a number between 01-80, locate's that column on the screen
@SDxx - where XX is a number between 01-99, delay's xx/100 th's of a second
@SBxx - where XX is a number between 01-80, backspace xx number of spaces
@DA<FileName>% - Displays <Filename> may also be an ANSI file, but make sure
the '%' is after the filename so the program know
what the last charecter of the filename is.