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Version 3.0
Another 'Adventure in Software' from SuperNova Software
Copyright 1992 by Rich 'Crash' Lewis, Jr.
This program is dedicated to my Mother;
A woman of tremendous wit and generosity,
strength and integrity.
The Hacker Test was written to measure your computer
Hacking experiences and abilities. Like all tests,
treat this one as a game. People should be judged by
what they create and who they are, not by bogus criteria
like test scores or grades.
The idea for a question administering program such
as this came from my friend Curt 'Classic' Tatman's
now legendary _Purity Test_ software. Available
wherever fine software is given away.
I wrote this program to administer the questions listed
in the file HACKER.DAT. Those questions were written by
Felix Lee, John Hayes and Angela Thomas in 1989. Also
in 1989, I received the Hacker Test in the form of a
text file over Internet, and the rest is history.
I've worked hard to maintain the integrity and readability
of the HACKER.DAT file. Take a peek at it, or print it out.
Although the HACKTEST program uses it as a data file, it
is still a human readable text file.
After writing a rough version of the Hacker Test program,
I sent E-Mail to the original authors of the Hacker
Test, and received their permission to freely distribute
it. I then whipped out my trusty Turbo Pascal compiler,
and finished this program using the windowing Units I've
developed. I began the program using Turbo Pascal 4.0,
and by the time it was finished to my satisfaction, the
final compile was in Turbo Pascal 6.0
TRUE Definition of a Hacker
The term Hacker has been terribly distorted and misused
by the American media for the past ten years. Now the
international press has also taken up the use of the
term to refer to *common criminals* who happen to use
computers. These people are NOT Hackers in ANY sense of
the word, and it's tragic that the average person in
America has been exposed only to the corrupted meaning
of the proud Hacker moniker.
This definition of a Hacker was created by my friend
Beth Lamb long ago. She knew from first-hand experience
what Hackers are really all about.
HACKER, n., a term of endearment for someone with talent,
knowledge, intelligence, and ingenuity, esp. concerning
computer operations, networks, security concerns, etc.
The following definition was found in a text file being
distributed internationally through the INTERNET
computer network;
HACKER, n. 1. A person who enjoys learning the details of programming
systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most
users who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who
programs enthusiastically, or who enjoys programming rather than just
theorizing about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating
hack value (q.v.). 4. A person who is good at programming quickly.
Not everything a hacker produces is a hack. 5. An expert at a
particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on
it; example: "A SAIL hacker". (Definitions 1 to 5 are correlated,
and people who fit them congregate.) 6. An inquisitive meddler who
tries to discover information by poking around. Hence "password
hacker", "network hacker".
Note that NO definition defines a Hacker as a criminal.
At their best, Hackers change the very fabric of an
information-based society and advance the flow of
technology. At their worst, Hackers can be mischievous
pranksters or curious explorers. Hackers do NOT write
harmful computer viruses. Sad, insecure, mediocre
programmers do. Harmful viruses are completely against
the Hacker Ethic.
Hacker Ethic
In the book _HACKERS; Heros of the Computer Revolution_,
by Steven Levy the "Hacker Ethic" was first put into
concrete words. This ethic follows;
* Access to computers - and anything which might teach you
something about the way the world works - should be
unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On-Imperative!
* All information should be free.
* Mistrust authority - promote de-centralization.
* Hackers should be judged by their Hacking, not bogus
criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.
* You can create art and beauty on a computer.
* Computers can change your life for the better.
Now... enough teaching/preaching. :-] Here are some
Hacker Test program notes, tips, and tricks.
The program will add 1 to your score for each question
that you can answer YES to. Your score is given in HEX,
unless you score very poorly. Wimps and common Users are
coddled along and given their score in Base 10. :]
If your score is between: You are:
0x000 and 0x010 -> Computer Illiterate
0x011 and 0x040 -> a User
0x041 and 0x080 -> an Operator
0x081 and 0x0C0 -> a Nerd
0x0C1 and 0x100 -> a Hacker
0x101 and 0x180 -> a Guru
0x181 and 0x200 -> a Wizard
Note: If you don't understand the scoring, stop here. :]
Like the best of all software, this program is FREE. Do
with it what you will. Copy it - it wants to travel.
Treat this program with the respect that all software
entities deserve. After all, someday a silicon-based
lifeform may be your best friend - treat its ancestors
with appropriate respect.
Have fun with it.
"The louder the music, the better the code."
- Darren Griffith, Unix Hacker
Fun things to try:
o Hit ESC to quit out of the program prematurely. Maybe.
o Hit F10 during the program to pop up a 'Boss Screen.'
If you are taking the Hacker Test, and your pesky boss
shows up, this screen will look like a word processor
and get you out of trouble...maybe. :]
o Look closely at the screen when taking the test.
Strange things MAY occur. :]
If you find any bugs in this program, please drop me a
note. (BUGS?? What are those??) Actually, I THINK it
won't display correctly on a monochrome monitor...but I
don't really care. :-p
Thanks to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and other electronic
pioneers for their inspiration and entertainment over
the years.
The Author
Rich 'Crash' Lewis is an emergency assault programmer
and free-lance computer software designer, as well as
working a 9 to 5 job as a computer contractor. He is a
Hacker in the VERY best sense of the word.
He loves to talk to fellow Computer Enthusiasts, so drop
him a note!
Via GEnie:
Via Compu$erve:
Via Internet:
Via U.S. mail:
Rich Lewis, Jr.
President: SuperNova Software, Inc.
2490 Royal View Ct.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244
'Happy Hacking!'
- Crash