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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
DMA Techniques for Personal Computer Data Acquisition
Data acquisition generally involves sampling some set of "real
world" signals at a regular rate, and storing the results for
processing and display. Enhanced with data acquisition hardware,
a personal computer is an excellent vehicle for this sort of
activity. It can contain all the elements of the data acquisition
system--system control, data storage, data manipulation, and
report generation--at low cost. The ubiquitous IBM PC (and
compatibles) is an excellent choice because of the richness of
hardware and software enhancement products available for it.
There are three basic techniques available for accomplishing the
sampling task -- polling, interrupts, and DMA, or Direct Memory
Access. While the main thrust of this discussion is DMA, the
other two techniques deserve mention.
Using the polling technique, the data acquisition system
generates a clock pulse to signal the computer to sample the
data. The clock can either be a stable, regular pulse from a
crystal oscillator, or it can be generated by some external
event. The computer's program is in a loop waiting for this
clock. At each occurrence, it samples and stores the data. This
technique has the advantage of being very simple to implement,
and quite fast (up to 200,000 12-bit samples/sec in a '386 based
machine using assembly language). The major disadvantage of
polling is that it monopolizes the computer during data
acquisition. Even the PC's keyboard and clock interrupts must be
disabled to avoid missing data samples.
Interrupt-driven data acquisition also requires some sort of
clock signal to indicate when it is time to sample and store the
data. In this case, however, the clock signal generates an
interrupt to the PC, and the interrupt handling routine samples
and stores the data. The computer is not in a program loop
waiting for the clock. This overcomes the major disadvantage of
polling -- the computer is free for other tasks as well as data
acquisition. Each time the processor receives an interrupt, it
has to save the contents of all its registers, so that it can
pick up where it left off when it returns. This additional
overhead makes interrupts much slower than polling (around 10000
12-bit samples/sec in a similar machine). An interrupt routine is
also much more difficult to implement in software. Finally, in
order to maintain a gap-free regular data acquisition rate, it
may still be necessary to disable the PC's clock and keyboard
The third data acquisition technique is Direct Memory Access.
Using this technique, the data acquisition hardware sends data to
( or receives data from) the computer's memory directly. DMA also
uses a clock signal as do the other two techniques. In both
polling and interrupt driven data acquisition, however, the data
is retrieved from the hardware and transferred into memory by
computer instructions in the user's program. DMA is a method by
which the hardware takes control of the computer's data, address,
and control busses, and interacts with memory directly without
processor intervention (See Fig. 1). Each time the sample clock
"ticks", data is directly inserted into memory.
Since it proceeds without software intervention, DMA is also a
fast method of acquiring data -- speeds of up to 180,000 12-bit
samples per second can be achieved on a PC/XT. It also has the
advantage of operating as a true background task. Since the
user's program does not have to deal with the business of
acquiring each sample, it is free to perform other tasks. The
computer's keyboard and timer interrupts can remain active since
they will not affect DMA operation.
DMA in Data Acquisition
Personal computers were originally designed to increase
productivity in office automation applications. Among the first
software products to appear were word processors, spreadsheets,
and database managers. The fundamental difference between these
sorts of applications and Data Acquisition is the extent to which
they must react to the "real world."
Office automation software responds to inputs from a human
operator -- generally keystrokes. The potential frequency of
these inputs is very low compared to the processing speed of the
computer, even for the fastest typist in the world. This is not
the case in Data Acquisition.
Consider a system capturing an audio frequency input from an A/D
converter. To achieve a bandwidth of 20 KHz, such a system would
need to sample the input at 40,000 samples/sec, or once every 25
microseconds. If the input is sampled at a frequency lower than
twice the signal frequency, "aliasing" errors will occur. In this
case, higher frequency components of the input waveform
"masquerade" as lower frequency components, causing potentially
significant errors in signal re-construction.
A good typist may enter 5 to 8 characters per second through the
keyboard -- three orders of magnitude in frequency below what
would be required of the data acquisition system. Data
Acquisition, then, is very much a "real time" activity, and speed
of response is a critical concern. DMA is a good way to provide
this speed without seriously taxing the computer's ability to
perform other tasks.
It is not enough, however, to acquire a signal very quickly. In
order to accurately reconstruct a waveform, one must know not
only the value of a signal, but also the time at which the signal
was sampled. The simplest way to know the time at which a sample
was taken is to take all the samples at a regular rate. The time
of any given sample can then be computed by knowing the exact
time between samples.
This method of sampling depends heavily on the sample rate being
extremely regular. Variations in sample-to-sample timing, or
"jitter", can lead to significant errors. Consider a 1 KHz sine
wave at 20 V peak-to-peak being sampled by a 12-bit A/D converter
with a timing uncertainty of only 1 usec. At worst case (around
0V where the rate of change of the sine wave is highest), the
error generated by such an uncertainty would be:
Error Voltage = 10*SIN(2*pi*f*1 usec) = 62.8 mv
The 12-bit A/D will divide the 20 V full scale input range into
4096 equal parts or "counts". An error of 62.8 mv would
correspond to
.0628 V * (4096 counts / 20 V) = 12.9 counts!
Such an error reduces the system accuracy to about what would be
expected of an eight bit system. Clearly, this could easily be
the most significant error in the system. The maximum timing
jitter allowable that would give 1/2 count or less of error for a
12 bit system would be:
T = ARCSIN(Error Voltage / Volts Full Scale) / 2*pi*f
In this case
T = ARCSIN(.00244 V/10) / 2*pi*1000 = 39 nsec !
The only way to achieve such stability in a computer is to have a
clock derived from a crystal oscillator directly start A/D
conversions. The DMA process would then be paced by the A/D's End
of Convert Signal to ensure that only valid data are transferred.
DMA for data acquisition, then, must be paced by a very regular
Besides being more demanding in terms of frequency than office
automation, data acquisition must also be "event driven" to a
much greater extent. That is, it must respond and synchronize
itself to asynchronous events over which it may have little or no
Often, it is not useful to take a random "snapshot" of 10,000
precisely timed samples of a signal. Often, one would really like
to take a snapshot only of the 10,000 samples which contain some
event of interest. In these cases, the optimal snapshot would
contain data leading up to the event, and data following the
event -- pre- and post-trigger data. The technique for achieving
this is well known, and requires three basic elements -- a
"circular" memory buffer, some sort of hardware trigger, and a
delay counter.
Data is acquired continuously into the circular buffer. When the
buffer is full, it automatically wraps around and begins filling
again, overwriting old data with new. When the hardware trigger
occurs, the delay counter begins counting a pre-programmed number
of additional samples. When the delay counter exhausts its count,
data acquisition stops. The buffer is left with samples taken
both before and after the trigger (Fig. 2). The oldest sample in
the buffer is the one which would have been written next if data
acquisition had continued. The newest sample is the one just
written, and the trigger sample is located by going backwards
through the buffer by the number of samples in the delay.
This capability is partially inherent in the Personal Computer.
Its DMA Controller has an "Autoinitialize Mode", described
below, which can be used to create the required circular buffer.
The hardware trigger and delay counter, however, must be built in
to the data acquisition hardware. The Burr-Brown PCI-20000
Modular Data Acquisition System was the first PC-based data
acquisition system to offer this capability. All major
competitors in this area now offer some capablities like this.
.cp 3
Survey of DMA Techniques
The classical DMA technique which is supported by the IBM family
of PCs is the "device to memory" technique. A single external
device (for data acquisition, normally an A/D or D/A converter)
communicates with the host computer's memory using the
computer's DMA handshaking protocol. Fig. 3 shows a simple block
diagram and memory map of this process.
For purposes of data acquisition, this technique is illustrated
in its simplest form in Fig. 4. An external timing source starts
an A/D conversion directly. When the conversion is complete, the
A/D's data is transmitted directly to memory. While this process
is very fast, it has the disadvantage that only one channel of
analog data is captured and transmitted. There are no provisions
for multiple channels of analog data, or for any other type of
The addition of a multiplexer and programmable counter, as shown
in Fig. 5, allows the acquisition of multiple analog channels.
Conversions are still started by the external timing source. Now,
however, when a conversion starts, the counter advances the
multiplexer to the next channel in the sequence. Advancing the
counter at the start of conversion rather than at the end allows
the multiplexer to settle on the next channel while the current
channel is converting. The sample/hold amplifier stores the value
of the current channel while the current conversion is in
progress. The counter can be made such that it can scan the first
N channels in sequence, or the last N channels. Each time a
conversion starts, a different channel is converted and
transmitted. Some technique similar to this is employed on
virtually all modern DMA-compatible data acquisition boards.
Another level of utility can be achieved by inserting a "list
memory" between the counter and the multiplexer (Fig. 6). Instead
of selecting an analog channel, the counter will select a memory
location in the list memory. This memory location can contain the
code for any channel, as well as the code for a gain, if a
programmable gain amplifier is used in the system. As above, each
time a conversion starts, the counter advances. In this case,
however, it advances to the next memory location, and the
contents of that memory location specify the channel for the next
This technique offers several advantages. The list of channels to
be scanned does not have to be sequential. Any random channel
numbers can be programmed in the list.
If some channels need to be scanned at higher frequencies than
others, they can be repeated in the list. For example, suppose
channels 7, 2, and 5 were to be scanned, and channel 2 contained
higher frequency information than the other two. A channel list
could be constructed to look like: 2,7,2,5. Channel 2 would be
scanned at twice the rate of the others.
If a programmable gain amplifier is used in the system, and its
control bits are included in the list memory, then each channel
can have a different gain. Normally, this is not possible under
DMA control since gain has to be set with software.
The random-channel scanner first appeared in PC-based data
acquisition products in 1985, again in Burr-Brown's PCI-20000
system. Since that time, it has become available from most
suppliers of such boards.
A New Technique
All of the techniques listed above are available in commercially
available plug-in data acquisition boards. All of these schemes
have one limitation in common, however: they can only monitor a
single A/D converter under DMA control, and no other type of
device at all.
Almost all data acquisition boards have event counters and
digital I/O on board as well as an A/D converter. This is because
most applications involve more than simply monitoring analog
channels. For example, if an application requires correlating
analog inputs with a position signal from an absolute shaft
encoder, then DMA cannot be used. The analog inputs can be
monitored under DMA control, but the digital inputs from the
shaft encoder cannot.
Alternatively, if an application requires simultaneous sampling
from several A/D converters, or to several D/A converters, then
DMA could not be used. Only one of the converters could be under
DMA control.
A technique has been developed that gets around this limitation.
Embodied in the Burr-Brown PCI-20041C Data Acquisition Carrier,
it allows several (up to 64) data acquisition devices to share
the same DMA channel in the PC. Any device in the system can be
used -- A/D converters, digital I/O channels, and/or counters --
and they can be mixed together in the same DMA process.
The scheme involves a technique similar to the random-channel
scanner described above. RAM on the Carrier contains a list of
all items to be transferred under DMA control. Each time a DMA
transfer is requested (by a pacer clock, for example), the
Carrier sends out one "frame" consisting of all the items in the
list to a single DMA channel as fast as the computer will accept
them. This frame can consist of any mixture of items available
on the Carrier or Modules; A/D readings, digital input readings,
and counter data can be intermixed as required (see Fig. 7). Up
to five Carriers can be linked together in a master-slaves
arrangement, allowing data from all five to be under DMA control
The DMA list, or frame map, is contained in a block of 128 bytes
of memory on the Carrier. Each item in the map consists of two
bytes representing the local address of one item to be
transferred under DMA control. There can be up to 64 such items
in the list. The last item in the frame also contains an "End Of
Frame" flag indicating the end of the list (Fig. 8).
During a DMA transfer, the PC's address and control lines are
removed from the Carrier's local bus, and replaced with the
contents of one element from the list. This addresses one byte on
the Carrier, causing its data to be placed on the data bus (or
taken from the data bus, depending on the direction of transfer).
When the transfer of the byte is complete, a counter on the
Carrier advances to the next item in the list for the next
transfer. After the last item is transferred, the counter is
reset, pointing once again to the first list element.
A DMA transfer can be requested by several sources in the system.
Typical sources of transfer requests are the End of Convert
signal from an A/D converter, a pulse from the on-board crystal
controlled Pacer clock, an external TTL input pulse, or an
interrupt from a Trigger circuit.
There are also several triggering methods available to start and
stop sequences of DMA transfers. For data acquisition input
purposes, the method described earlier ( called Start on Command,
Stop on Trigger with Delay) is most useful since it provides
both pre-and post-trigger data. In this case, the trigger can
either be an external TTL pulse, or it can be derived directly
from the analog input signal using a PCI-20020M-1 Trigger/Alarm
For continuous DMA output of analog waveforms or digital
patterns, the "Start on Command, Stop on Command" mode is most
useful. It also involves the use of a circular buffer. An analog
waveform can be constructed in memory, and then continuously
output through a D/A converter module (or several modules if more
than one waveform is desired) at the desired frequency using DMA.
An alternative mode allows the DMA output to begin on a hardware
trigger. During the DMA output, a user's program can acquire
data from the same board using a polling or interrupt technique.
If polled data acquisition is timed by the same clock used to
generate the DMA output, then the two are synchronized. This can
be used to build a stimulus-response system.
DMA is a powerful technique for data acquisition. It allows high
speed data collection, and it makes background operation simple.
When enhanced by specialized data acquisition hardware, it can
transform a Personal Computer into a full-featured Data
Acquisition System with impressive capabilities.