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Documentation for Pbx Scanner v5.0
Of course you should never under any circumstances use this program for
illegal purposes (HaHa!).
To use this program you must have a modem that returns extended result
codes such as "VOICE" "BUSY" and "RINGING". The program itself was
written for a U.S. Robotics 2400 baud modem.
I wrote this program because of the fact that codes are becoming very
hard to come by. With this program you can let your computer scan for
you and have most of the possible pbx's in one file that you can check
using the "Dial from a file" option in the scanner. Most of the
possible PBX's will be in a file called "1RING". Other files that the
program will create are:
"NOCAR"- for more possible PBX's and VMS's
"MODEM"- for those modems you feel like playing with.
"VOICE"- for those numbers that had at least 2 rings then a VOICE code.
"BUSYS"- for the busy numbers of course.
"PAUSE"- tells you what time the scanning was paused and restarted.
and if you save the disconnects-
"DISCN"- for the numbers that had no rings and an immediate VOICE code.
Comport- Defaults to "COM1:2400,N,8,1"- This is simply the comport that
you will be dialing from and the baud rate to open at. You should use
the highest baud rate that your modem can handle.
Scan String- Defaults to "ATE0M0Q0V1X6S7=40S9=6S11=50". This is the
string that will be sent to your modem prior to scanning. Consult your
modem guide to make any changes. With the string as it is set now, on a
US Robotics 2400 baud modem, it will: E0-Turn local echo off. M0-Turn
the modem speaker off. Q0-Send result codes. V1-Send result codes in
words. X6-Set result codes to maximum. S7=40-Wait 40 seconds for
carrier or other result code. S9=6-Say that a carrier must be present
for .6 seconds to be recognized. S11=50-Set the dialing speed to 50
milliseconds per digit.
Listen String- Defaults to "ATE0M3Q1V1X0S7=255S9=255S11=50". This is
the string that will be sent to your modem when using the "Dial from a
file" feature of the program, it will: E0-Turn local echo off. M3-Turn
modem speaker on after dialing is completed. Q1-Suppress result codes.
V1-If result codes were sent (which they aren't) they would be in
words. X0-Set result codes to minimum. S7=255-Wait 255 seconds for
carrier (overridden by key commands). S9=255-Say that a carrier must be
present for 25.5 seconds before it is recognized. S11=50-Set the
dialing speed for 50 milliseconds per digit.
Dial command- Defaults to "ATDT*70". This is the command that you send
your modem to tell it to dial. I have it set also to disable call
Modem reset- Defaults to "2". This is the amount of seconds that your
computer will wait before dialing again. Used for resetting the line
and modem.
Save disconnects- Defaults to "N". Change this to "Y" if you want to
save all the numbers that get a "VOICE" result code without any rings.
Default Prefix- Defaults to "1-602-230". This is the prefix that you
will be scanning. It is changeable when you begin scanning also. As you
can see, you can enter 1-A.C.-Pre or A.C.-Pre or just the Prefix.
Default suffix- Defaults to "0000". This is the beginning suffix to
start scanning at. Starting with version 2.0 it now saves the suffix
that you quit scanning at in this spot so that you don't have to
re-enter it all the time. Saves paper and trees too. This is also
changeable when you begin scanning.
Reset modem command- Defaults to "ATZ". This is the command that will
be sent to your modem to change it back to factory defaults.
Output to DONE- Defaults to "N". Change this to "Y" if you want the
results of the scan saved in a file called "DONE".
Print SCAN.SCN- Defaults to "Y". If you have a printer and set this to
"Y" then, when you [M]ark a number when dialing from a file, the number
will be printed on your printer as well as "SCAN.SCN".
When dialing from a file you have different options while listening,
they are:
[B]ackup- This is used to redial the Last number called. You cannot
backup more than one number though. ie. You hit [Return] a little too
long and the typematic thinks you hit it twice. So you [B]ackup a
number and call the number that was skipped.
[M]ark- This is used to save the current number to a file called
[R]edial- This is used to redial the same number again.
[P]ause- This is used to pause the listening. You can also [Q]uit from
here. The program will automatically start dialing again after 30 min.
[Q]uit- This will stop the listening and save all remaining numbers to
the same filename that they were in in the beginning.
[Return] to continue- This will hang up the current call and move on to
the next call.
If you decide to enter the suffix's instead of using the defaults, and
you mess it up in one way or another, use the "-"(minus) key to go back
and fix it.
Well, that pretty much covers the basics, if you find any problems let
me know. Have Phun.
Great White
Boards that you can find me on:
Lunatic Labs- (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Lunatic Phringe- (xxx) xxx-xxxx
The Pentagon- (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Village Inn- (xxx) xxx-xxxx