418 lines
13 KiB
418 lines
13 KiB
Norm Patriquin
Version 1.5
November 1990
Support BBS -- Patriquin's BBS
714-369-9766 (1200 - 14400 baud)
Copyright 1990 by Patri-Soft
Table of Contents
What is PATTRIBUTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Command Mode Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Problems and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Page 1
What is PATTR
PATTR sets DOS attributes for the files or filename wildcards
you specify. Use it to set or reset archive status on files or
to protect/unprotect files with the readonly attribute.
PATTR's file selection parameters provide you with numerous
options for specifying the files to be deleted. You may select by
directory, file, date, attribute, size, and even starting and
ending filename.
Page 3
Command Parameters
PATTR allows several command parameter switches to be specified
to customize the process. All these parameters are optional.
The command format and switch parameters are described below. A
quick review of command parameters is always available by
entering the PDEL command with no parameters.
PATTR filespec [ (/ switches) ]
filespec Enter a DOS file specification. Pathnames and
standard DOS wildcard characters are allowed.
/SA Select files having the ARCHIVE attribute set.
/SS Select files having the SYSTEM attribute set.
/SH Select files having the HIDDEN attribute set.
/SR Select files having the READONLY attribute set.
/SO Only useful when /SA /SS /SH /SR is also used.
Indicates that files without HIDDEN, SYSTEM,
READONLY attributes are also to be selected.
Page 4
/D:[(]xxx Date. Select files based on the relationship between
[)] their last update date and the date specified. This
[=] parameter includes a date or number of days value.
It may also contain a modifier that reverses or
modifies the use of the date specified.
When xxx contains a date the date is compared to the
last update date of the file. The last update date
of the file is the date contained in its directory
entry. The file is selected if the condition specified
by the condition modifier is met. The condition
modifier meanings are:
'(' = Select files whose date is older than the
date specified.
')' = Select files whose date is newer than the
date specified.
'=' = Select files whose date is equal to the date
If the condition modifier is not specified, ')' is
Date values may be specified in any of the following
12/31/80 12-31-80 31DEC80
If xxx contains a numeric value, that positive number
is used to calculate a date value a number of days
prior to the current date. Then that date is used
as in the calculation above.
/D:(1JAN86 - Process files updated before 1JAN86
/D:)1JAN86 - Process files updated after 1JAN86
/D:=1JAN86 - Process files updated 1JAN86
/D:(5 - Process files modified prior to 5 days ago
/D:)5 - Process files modified within the last 5 days
/D:=5 - Process files modified 5 days ago
Page 5
/F:file First. Indicates that processing is not to start until
the specified full filename is encountered in the
scan of the directory.
/L:file Last. Indicates that processing is to stop after
the specified full filename is encountered in the
scan of the directory. The file specified will be
processed if it matches selection criteria.
/M Stop screen from scrolling from scrolling past the end
without user intervention (MORE).
/O Indicates that all filenames except those matching
the filename specified on the input command are to
be selected for processing.
/P Pause before each file is updated to allow user
to approve or reject the action for each file.
Page 6
/SZ: [(] [)] nnn Select a file based on its size. The
left paren indicates that files less than the
indicated size are to be selected. The right
paren indicates to select files greater than the
size. If right or left paren are not specified,
a left paren is assumed. Following are examples.
/SZ:100 -- Select files less than 100 characters
/SZ:(100 -- Select files less than 100 characters
/SZ:)100 -- Select files greater than 100 characters
/T Test the command. Use this switch when you
would like to test the command entered without
actually updating any files.
Messages will indicate what will happen if the command
is executed without the /T switch.
/AY Set the ARCHIVE attribute for the file on.
/AN Set the ARCHIVE attribute for the file off.
/HY Set the HIDDEN attribute for the file on.
/HN Set the HIDDEN attribute for the file off.
/SY Set the SYSTEM attribute for the file on.
/SN Set the SYSTEM attribute for the file off.
/RY Set the READONLY attribute for the file on.
/RN Set the READONLY attribute for the file off.
Page 7
Show all attributes for files in current directory
Set ARCHIVE attribute off for all *.BAK files on disk
in drive A:
Set READONLY attribute on for all *.SPC files in \SAVE
Set HIDDEN attribute on for all files in \SECRET directory
Reset all attributes for all files in current directory
Page 8
Registering PATTR
PATTR is distributed under the Shareware concept. This makes it
available for anyone to try without obligation. If you decide it
is useful and want to keep it, I ask that you register your use
of it. This will allow for continued support and maintenance of
the program and will help to encourage that more quality software
be made available through this channel. We require all
corporate and government users of this utility register their
To simply register the program, $15 is requested. If you would
like the newest program disk and a copy of the manual send
$30. If you would like to register all the Patriquin utilities,
and receive programs on disk and manuals, send $45.
Send registration requests to:
P.O. Box 8363
San Bernardino, CA 92412
The registration charge is a one time fee that entitles you to
all future versions of the product. These may either be obtained
from normal Shareware sources or directly from me. Any
organization ordering more than 100 copies is also entitled to
telephone support and will be given the technical support number.
Following is a form that may be used to register PATTR.
Page 9
PATTR Registration
Version 1.5
Please Register PATTR to the following person. We will use ____
copies of the program and have enclosed $____ for each copy to
be used.
_____ Registration only.............................. $15.00
_____ Registration, program disk and manual.......... $30.00
_____ Registration of all Patriquin Utilities with
program disks and manuals................... $45.00
_____ Update of newest Patriquin Utility disk with
manual. ................................... $15.00
Name: __________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: ___________
Zip: ______________________
I obtained my copy of PATTR from: ____________________________
If BBS indicate name and number please._________________________
Please register the software under the following name:
Send to:
P.O. Box 8263
San Bernardino, CA 92412
Page 10
Problems and Maintenance
I welcome all comments or enhancement suggestions. Please
document each item clearly and provide printed examples if
possible. Please be sure to include this form with all requests,
it will help to make sure we can provide you with the best
possible service.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________________ State: _______________
Zip: ______________________________
Telephone: _______ / ________________________ (Home / Work)
Date: _________________________
Description of problem or enhancement:
Suggested solution:
Page 11
Program Maintenance:
Version 1.0 October 15, 1986
Version 1.5 November 02, 1990
-- Converted to TurboC
-- Fixed /D problem (wouldn't accept 1990 dates)
-- Improved help