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Documentaion for SBDSP - SoundBlaster APT Demodulation Program
This program and documentation are the property of the Dallas Remote Imaging
Group (BBS 214 394 7438). If it is used on other systems, this copyright
notice must be kept in this documentation. This program may NOT be sold or
marketed in any form. All rights are reserved by the Dallas Remote Imaging
Group (1992).
Dallas Remote Imaging Group
PO BOX 117088
Carrollton, Texas 75011-7088
BBS 214-394-7438
FAX 214-492-7747
Rev DRG5193Beta
The SoundBlaster and SoundBlaster Pro audio I/O cards from Creative
Labs, Inc. are very popular accessories found in many IBM PC compatible
computer systems. Although the boards are usually used only to provide
music and sound output for computer games, they also support audio input
into the computer. The standard SoundBlaster supports mono audio I/O
and is available in the $100 price range. The Pro model supports stereo
and adds a CD/ROM (SCSI) interface. It costs around $250 dollars.
The boards can digitize sound at high speed and, using one of the
computer's DMA (direct memory access) channels, transfer the sound
samples directly into computer memory. Once in memory the sound samples
are written to disk. It is this ability to digitize and record sound
that enables the SoundBlasters to be used for the reception and decoding
of APT satellite signals.
The output of a radio receiver tuned to an APT signal is just a 2400 Hz
audio tone. As the satellite scans the earth and clouds, it varies the
amplitude of the tone in proportion the the brightness of the area that
it is currently observing.
What it does:
If you viewed the contents of the .VOC sample file produced by the
SoundBlaster VREC program with your favorite image processing program,
it would not look at all like a weather satellite photo. The .VOC file
is like an exposed roll of film. Its contents must first be "developed"
before you can view the image. The process of "devloping" the .VOC
file contents into a weather satellite image is called DEMODULATION.
Demodulation converts the recorded values of the samples of the 2400 Hz
APT sine wave into their corresponding pixel values. The desired image
pixel values actually represent the amplitude of each peak in the
APT sine wave signal.
Signal sampling theory states that if you are to do anything meaningful
with a digitally sampled signal then you must sample the signal at least
twice as fast as the highest frequency component of the signal. The
2400 Hz APT signal needs to be sampled at least 4800 times a second.
Because the APT signal is not a constant tone, it has freqency
components much beyind 2400 Hz. Also the laws of thermodynamics (and
life) say that nothing is perfect as theory predicts and you really need
to sample at a higher rate.
If we sample the APT signal at exactly 4 times its 2400 Hz
carrier frequency (i.e at 9600 samples per second), each input sample
will be eactly 90 degrees (360/4) in phase apart from its adjacent
samples. Using the following trigonometry identities it turns out to be
particularly easy to accurately demodulate the APT samples:
cos(x) = sin(90-x)
sin(x)*sin(x) + cos(x)*cos(x) = 1
By substituting the first equation into the last equation we get:
sin(x)*sin(x) + sin(90-x)*sin(90-x) = 1
Because each recorded sample of the 2400 Hz APT sine wave is 90
degrees apart from the next sample we can calculate the pixel value as:
pixel = sqrt((sample[t]*sample[t]) + (sample[t-1]*sample[t-1]))
The demodulation program just needs to read the .VOC sample file, throw
away the file header information, adjust the samples for clock/DMA
rate errors and DC offsets, calculate the pixel values from adjacent
pairs of sample values, scale the results to values from 0 to 255, and
finally write the resulting pixel values to the image file.
This could be a very time consuming process when you consider that a
typical 14 minute capture has about 8 million input samples and that
multiples, adds, and square roots are all operations that take lots
of CPU time. This is particularly true if floating point arithmetic is
To make the demodulation program run very quickly a table of all 65536
possible combinations of adjacent 8-bit sample values is pre-computed
according to the above formula. All the demodulation software then has
to do in order to convert the recorded APT samples into their pixel
values is look up the proper table entry. No time consuming floating
point arithmetic need be used once the demodulator table has been built.
Reading and writing 8 megabyte files is always a time consuming process.
By always reading and writing the sample and image files in multiples of
512 bytes, the demodulation software takes full advantage of the
behavior of the DOS file system.
Problems, problems, problems:
Although the SoundBlaster is quite good at adding a little zip to the
odd computer game, it is far from being a precision signal processing
system. Using the SoundBlaster card for APT reception presents many
problems. Fortunately software techniques may be used to overcome
the problems and yield APT images that rival the best commercial
Using the SoundBlaster for APT demodulation presents two main types
of problems:
1) Sample inaccuacies and offsets
2) Clock rate and missing sample errors
Sampling a perfect sine wave with a perfect board in a perfect world
should yield a series of samples with an average sample value of zero.
Unfortunately the SoundBlaster circuitry usually adds a small DC offset
to the recorded sample values. This DC offset can cause noise and
"beat" patterns to appear in the demodulated image file.
To remove the effects of any DC offset in the sample values, the
demodulation software calculates the average sample value in each block
of input samples. This sample bias is then subtracted from each input
The demodulation program is currently a bit paranoid about things and
re-calculates the sample bias for each input block. It would be a
bit faster to calculate the value for only the first block. If the
input level to the SoundBlaster board is properly adjusted, the sample
value offset does not seem to change between blocks.
For easy demodulation of the APT signal we need to sample at 9600
samples per second. If the resulting image is to be properly
synchronized to the satellite data this needs to be EXACTLY 9600 samples
per second. PRECISELY EXACTLY 9600 samples per second. How exact?
A typical fourteen minute satellite pass requires an accuracy of around
one part per 10 million... 9600.0000 samples per second.
Typically a satellite scans one line of pixels every 1/2 second (120
lines per minute). At a sample rate of 9600 samples per second, a 14
minute satellite pass generates about 8 megabytes of data. If the
sample clock rate is only accurate to a mere one part per million, the
resulting image will be skewed 8 pixels from top to bottom. Although 8
pixels of skew across of screen of 4800 pixel lines is only about a .1
percent skew, it is noticeable if you are looking for it or are wanting
to do some quantitative analysis of the satellite orbit from the doppler
How accurate is the SoundBlaster clock you ask? It turns out the
closest that you can set the sample rate is around 9620 samples per
second... an accuracy of around one part in a few hundred... not even
close. To make matters worse the clocks on any two SoundBlaster boards
can easily differ by parts per thousand. Clock errors of this magnitude
cause the image to appear like a TV set that has lost sync. The image
is an unreadable mess of slanted bars.
The DMA circuitry on the SoundBlaster boards can automatically transfer
blocks of up to 32768 signal samples into the computer's memory without
using any CPU time. Once a block of samples has been DMAed into memory,
the recording software starts DMAing the next block of samples into
another memory area. While the second block of samples is being
received, the recording software writes the first block to the
computer's hard disk. The process alternates in a ping-pong fashion
between reading samples into one buffer while writing the other buffer's
data to disk.
Unfortunately a few signal samples are lost in the time between the end
of one DMA block and the startup of the next DMA block. To make matters
worse the number of samples lost depends on the computer system's CPU
type and clock rate. Faster systems loose fewer pixels between blocks.
Also number of pixels lost seems to depend upon whether the block is an
ODD or EVEN numbered block.
Fortunately it is possible to compensate for the errors in the clock
rate and the samples lost between DMA blocks. The demodulation program
compensates for the pixels lost betwwen DMA blocks by duplicating the
last few samples of each DMA block. The user can independently specify
the number of samples to add to (or even remove from) the odd and even
numbered DMA blocks with the /O and /E command line parameters.
The sample clock rate error is compensated for in two stages. The first
stage is the coarse adjustment factor. This factor causes every n'th
input sample to be removed (or duplicated). By throwing away
every 601'st sample, the 9620 samples per second that the SoundBlaster
produces is cut down to ABOUT 9600 samples per second. The coarse
adjustment factor can be changed by using the /C command line parameter.
The second clock rate adjustment factor is the fine tuning factor. It
is used to zero in the exact timing value. It adjusts out any
residual skew in the image caused by variations in individual
SoundBlaster board clock generators. The fine adjustment factor
works just like the coarse adjustment factor. It causes every n'th
input sample to be removed (or duplicated). It may be specified with
the /F command line parameter.
Doing it:
The first step is to connect your satellite receiver to the microphone
input of the SoundBlaster. You must be very careful to set the
amplitude of the receiver output low enough so that it does not
overdrive the SoundBlaster. If you overdrive the card its automatic
gain control (AGC) circuitry will attempt to compensate. This will
cause streaking in the resulting images.
To properly set the receiver level use the VEDIT2 program supplied with
the SoundBlaster card. Select the SCAN INPUT item from the RECORD menu.
This will show a graphical representation of the input signal. While
monitoring a good satellite pass adjust the receiver level until none of
the signal peaks touch the top or bottom margins of the graph. Leave a
little safety margin (1/8 inch) just to be safe.
Once the receiver level has been set, the next step is to record a
satellite pass to disk. This is done with the VREC program supplied
with the SoundBlaster card.
For the SoundBlaster Pro use the command:
vrec c:cap /a:mic /m:mono /f:low /s:9620 /l:15 /t:840
c:cap - is the name of the file that you want to write the samples.
Remember the sample file will be quite large. Around 600 Kb
per minute of recording. In this case the samples will be
written to the file C:\CAP.VOC
/a:mic - selects the MICROPHONE input.
/m:mono - selects MONO recording.
/f:low - sets the LOWPASS recording filter.
/s:9620 - sets the recording sample rate to 9620 samples per second.
Note the if you ask for values less that /S:9619 the VREC
program rounds the value down to around 9500 samples per
second. /S:9620 is the smallest value that actually
selects a sample clock greater than 9600 Hz.
/l:15 - sets the microphone level to full open. Use the receiver
output level control to adjust the recording level.
(I don't think this is what this does or is necessary
any more. It is left over from early attempts to get
rid of hum in the image caused by a bad cable)
/t:840 - says to record for 840 seconds (14 minutes). This value
can be adjusted to whatever length is desired.
After a satellite pass has been recorded and written to disk as a .VOC
sound sample file, the next step is to demodulate the .VOC sample file
into an image file. Use the command:
sbdsp c:cap.voc c:cap.img
This will read the recorded sample file C:CAP.VOC and write the
resulting image to the file C:CAP.IMG (remember that these files will
be about 8 Megabytes EACH). If you do not specify the output file name,
the demodulation program will ask if it is OK to write the output image
over the data in the .VOC file. This is a VERY time consuming process,
but can be useful if you are short on disk space. Note that if you
choose to overwrite the input data file, you cannot experiment with the
various timing adjustments or interrupt the demodulation program.
Once the input file has been demodulated you can use your favorite
image processing program (such as IMDISP, APTCAP, or SATVIEW) to view
the resulting image. The file written by the demodulation program is
raw binary 8-bit gray scale image. Each line is 4800 pixels wide. A 14
minute pass has 1680 scan lines. (Because of the timing adjustments, etc
the output image may be short a few lines).
Tweaking in the timing:
What you should see is the APT image complete with the normal "doppler
bow" curve. The curve in the image is due the speed of light. Since
light travels at 186,000 miles per second, each pixel of image shift in
the doppler bow (1/9600 of a second) represents about 19.4 miles of
satellite movement relative to the receiver.
As the satellite approaches the receiver the radio signal has to travel
less and less distance to reach the receiver. As the satellite moves
away the radio signal takes longer and longer to reach the receiver.
The point in the doppler bow where the curve changes slope
is the closest point of approach of the satellite pass.
In a properly adjusted image, the shape of the doppler bow curve
should appear symmetrical about the closest point of satellite approach.
If the image is slanted more towards the left or right, or appears like
a TV image that has lost sync then you will need to adjust one or
more of the timing adjustment factors.
(For further information, contact the software developers at:
Dallas Remote Imaging Group BBS - 214-394-7438 FAX 214 492 7747
Usually only the fine timing adjustment (/F) needs to be set. To get an
idea of the magnitude of the adjustment needed, count or estimate the
number of pixels that the image slants. (Hint: use the pan and zoom
features of your image display program. If your display program
re-sizes the image to fit the screen, remember to count pixels in the
FILE, not those on the screen). Divide the total file size by the
number of pixels that the image slants from top to bottom.
adjustment factor = (file size / pixels of image slant)
The more the severe image slant is, the SMALLER the timing adjustment
factor value. Subtle image slants are typically corrected with large
valued adjustment factors (say 50,000 - 500,000). Adjustment factors in
the thousands would be used for images that slant a good portion of the
width of the screen. Even more severe slants first should be corrected
by tweaking the /C (coarse) timing adjustment.
Images that slant to the left use a positive adjustment count.
Images that slant to the right use a negative adjustment count.
->| |<- estimate the number of pixels of image slant
| |
| ---------- ----------
| / / \ \
| / image / \ image \
| / / \ \
| ---------- -----------
Use /F+value Use /F-value
The loss of pixels between DMA sample blocks shows up as small
periodic jags in the image of a pixel or so every 6-8 scan lines.
Experiment with the /O and /E command line options may be to minimize
these remaining jaggies. For these options, larger values produce
greater effect. The maximum DMA adjustment factor possible is +/- 255.
Only + values should be needed here. The software supports - values
just in case...
The image may look OK except for one or more large and sudden shifts or
discontinuities. These shifts usually occur on systems with slower hard
drives or CPU's. The cause is usually the excessive time it takes DOS
to extend or otherwise allocate disk space as it writes the .VOC file.
If this occurs in your images, it can usually be fixed by recording the
sample file to a freshly "defragmented" disk. Use a disk optimizer
program like Norton Utilities or PC Tools to pack the sample file hard
disk drive before running the VREC recording program.
Once the proper timing adjustment factors have been determined for a
particular computer, they should not need to be changed (except possibly
for a drift in the SoundBlaster sample clock rate with temperature).
A batch file can be created that will automatically use the appropriate
timing factors.
Development team at:
Dallas Remote Imaging Group
PO BOX 117088
Carrollton, Texas 75011-7088
FAX 214 492 7747
FAX 214-492-7747
VOICE 214-394-7325
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