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Twin City Citadels -- Short History
all numbers area code (612)
<updated 4/23/85>
xxxxxxxx SuperComp (acting sysop -- Hue, Sr.)
SuperComp, a Sperry personal computer club, originally ordered Citadel 2.10
from CUG through the instigation of Ray Schneider (aka The White Knight aka
The Conductor). Brought up on a 1655 with an embedded Z80B with 8" disks on
Thanksgiving of '83, the system experienced instant success and quickly became
difficult to get on, despite the fact that the number was never advertised on
local boards. Despite the fact that it was always run on an "open" basis,
serious topics were usually the order of the day, and the digressive, silly
rooms that appeared were actually viewed with relief!
Current status: Down due to severe disk drive problems. Will not come back up
unless the system gets new drives (doubtful) or it is successfully moved to a
431-1107 Test System (syslob -- Hue, Jr.)
Test System, running under MS-DOS 2.13 on a Zenith Z100, came up in the fall
of '84. True to its name, it's a System that one and all are invited to bang
away at, and it frequently crashes, due to programmer incompetency and strange
compiler bugs and the tricks of the gremlins. Nearly functionally equivalent
to the 8 bit TC Citadels, it has not been in heavy use until lately due to the
extremely erratic hours it keeps (Hue, Jr. uses the computer for his own
BBSing and programming). Furthermore, someday it will come down when the sysop
gets a job and moves out, and it's doubtful that he'll bring it back up. But
he might.
Current status: Erratic up times, subject to crashes and sysoporial whims.
Very little serious talk, users encouraged to try to bring system down.
432-7668 Dog House (sysop -- Lucifer)
The Dog House came up about a month after Test System came up, and is also
hosted on a Z100, although this time on the 8 bit CP/M-85 side (8085 chip).
While suffering a number of disk problems due to the unclean environment it
was run in, Lucifer's BBS became very popular for mostly light talk. In
January of '85, Dog House became the first TC Citadel to have both 300/1200
access. In about February of '85, it went 'controlled' (for lack of a better
word) -- new users were still welcome, but they now had to provide names and
voice #s before they could use the system.
Current status: Up and down like a yo-yo. Lucifer is out of town on a
business trip as of this writing, so we don't know precisely what the problem
is, but it appears to be a disk problem again.
423-5048 Terminal Station (sysop -- The Conductor)
About a week after Dog House went up, the Terminal Station joined it, hosted
also on a Z100 on the CP/M-85 side. It instantly became a rather dichotomous
system, hosting both highly serious discussions of Theology, SDI, School
Prayer, etc., as well as incredibly ruggish subjects, and digression became a
raging plague on the system, leading to a room named Digression. It followed
Dog House in getting 300/1200 access, and has the honor of being the only
system that ran a disk so long that when it failed, you could see through it
completely! Terminal Station is an open system.
Current status: Down with a disk controller problem. Projected up date:
459-8095 Just another Citadel (sysop -- Stallion)
Just Another Citadel went up on about 85Apr12, and was instantly welcome due
to the fact that SuperComp and Terminal Station were down, and Dog House was
unstable. It seems to be off to a fine start, and is an open system, being run
on a Digilog 1500 under CP/M-80.
******** Cedar Grove Baptist (sysop -- Bryce)
This system is not yet open, and when it does open, will only be available to
members of Cedar Grove Baptist church. It is going to be run on a Sperry PC
(IBM clone) under MS-DOS 2.11.