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Star-BBS Instructions
Given as puplic domain
Star-BBS is a Micro bbs program written for use on a casette based
Color computer system. The program allows a remote user to log on, select
a passedword, send messeges (E-Mail) to other users, and Chat with the
system's operator(SYSOP). I have also encluded a dice game, and a section
for the Sysop to save and load the E-Mail and The users name and password to tape.
Star-bbs will operate on a disk system but you will need to change the 'PRINT#DV STATEMENTS TO WRITE#DV in lines number 40 and 52.
To get up and running you will need two Files:
1-STARBBS, the main BBS program.
2-COHOST, the BASIC loader for the machine language driver.
Hardware requirements:
1-color comuputer 2 with 64k.
2-Cassette Tape player.
3-RS-232 pak
4-Auto-answer modem.
Before saving STARBBS edit line 15 with your name, pass, and bbs name. Edit line 4000 to the file name of your modem driver.
Fist save COHOST to tape , then save STARBBS to tape. Use the rest of the tape space to save your massege base and users log file.
Optionaly you may save your massege and users log files on a separate data tape.
You will need to insulate pin number 8 on your RS-232 pak to keep the term program from executing itself when you load the driver program. Cut a thin peice of scoth type and place it on pin 8. Pin 8 will be the last pin on the right of the RS-23
Turn off COCO and insert the RS-232 pak in the program pak slot on the right side of COCO.
NOTE: IF you have a MULTI pak interface you can disregard the pin insulating instructions. Just turn off COCO and the Multi Pak , plug
in the RS-232 pak in any of the Multi Pak slots.
Turn on COCO and other equipment. CLOAD"COHOST" and type 'RUN'.
CHOST will poke in the modem driver. next CLOAD "STARBBS". STRABBS will Prompt you to wheather to load the driver. press 'N' sence the driver is already installed.
Star BBS will now go to the stand- by mode to wait for a Caller.
After you get a Few callers loged on , you can log on amd press 'E' at the main menu to get to the sysop workshop.. Here you have the option to save your users name and password and or the message base if any have been left.
During operation all data is keep in COCO's memory. The purpose of the save option is to save a perminent
record on tape in case of system crash or for closeing dowm the system.
Star BBS is very easy to operate and you can be up and running in less time than it takes to read this documentation...
You may address your questions about this program to me by calling
STAR-GATE BBS At 919 488-6631 and
leaving E-MAIL to Sysop(or hit CHAT). You can write to Alvin Cotton / 1005 Bradley ST / Fayetteville NC 28311.
Opotional terminal drivers for use with Star BBS
I have operated STAR-BBS using REMOTE2 and REMOTE232 terminal drivers
which was fetured in Rainbow magazine (Issures:Nov84 & Nov86).
Menu comands
The menu commands are all strightforward but chat may need some
explination. When a user selects'CHAT'
from the main menu , COCO will sound
a tone 10 times to alert The sysop.
The sysop should press
the ' @ ' key to put the system in the ' CHAT ' mode.
To exit the CHAT mode , just type 'BYE' on a blank line.
Note: If you are using the RS-232
pak modem driver you must set the
PAK before loading the driver. To set pack for COHOST.BIN ,
type the following:
POKE 65386,107:POKE 65387,54 FOR (300 bps 7/1/E),
OR : POKE 65386,11:POKE 65387,22 for(300 BPS 8/1/N)