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This 'CHECKOUT' BBS distributes software for the sole purpose
of testing prior to purchase. You've 24 hours to try the software
and determine that it is worth purchasing, then you must destroy
it. The BBS Sysop feels that it is unfair to computer users
that they are unable to evaluate software to see if it suits their
needs. Many users have purchased products by the way the program
'looks' on the box and have been extremely disappointed - and have
therefore wasted their money and (more important) time. Nobody in
their right mind would purchase a car without test driving it
first, or for that matter...purchase clothes without trying
them on, so how can software vendors expect users to buy one
of their products without first testing it? They will send copies
of their software to large corporations to test but seem to forget
there are also other users in the market willing to purchase their
product if it meets their needs. This is where this checkout BBS
comes in. This program is for evaluation only, if you like this
product then go to your local computer store and purchase it,
otherwise PLEASE do not USE or in anyway DISTRIBUTE this product!
There are many advantages to purchasing this product including:
1) Technical Support: Software vendors set up technical support
lines for the purpose of helping their
registered users get the most out of the
product and help with any bug concerns, etc.
It is to your advantage to be able to use
this (and the many features of the program).
2) Manuals: Manuals are a very important part of a
software package. No book or text file can
replace the original manuals, which come
with the product. This enables the user to
get the most out of the package, especially
with the very complex programs of today.
3) Upgrades: With buying the original program, you are
entitled to low priced or free upgrades to
new versions, bug fixes, and 'enhancements'.
4) Legality: Using a program without owning a registered
copy is illegal.
5) Control Of The When companies who create good products
Industry: are supported, it reinforces the need for
good products and helps the company continue
to create more quality products. On the
other hand, companies who create substandard
products have two options; either improve
their products or get out of the industry.
Until companies come up with a better way of allowing users to
test their products before purchasing, 'checkout' BBSs will continue
to make available products for your testing. Companies recently
have started to head in this direction and you can now return some
products to the company if you are not completely satisfied
(Norton, and a few others), but this does not remedy the situation
as the refund/credit takes a long time to get processed and is a BIG
hassle! We feel that under the current software industry standards
of doing business, that evaluating software releases prior to actual
purchase is still the best solution.
Remember...if you decide to use a product, you MUST buy it!
By unzipping this file you agree to abide by all copyright laws of the
United States as found in U.S.C.A., and specifically those sections
regarding non-profit library check-out of software. Once your checkout
period is over you must return or destroy this file. If you do not do so
you will be in violation of Federal Law. If you have any questions
regarding your legal liability please consult U.S.C.A. or your local
attorney. Making copies or distribution of this file is expressly
forbidden by Federal Law. You checkout period is 24 hours. If you can
use this software please purchase it from your local retailer.
This BBS is a non-profit system, which allows you to sample files
before purchasing it. Once you have seen what the product is like, either
purchase the product, or remove it from any and all disks/places of data
storage. Also note, that it is ILLEGAL to copy software, and keep the copy,
without buying the software.
Any uploads transfered to the BBS system, are those that the caller chose to
transfer their right and registration to the product to This BBS.
The uploader takes responsibility for the software, as stated above.
Since the uploader had transfered the software, and all the rights of the
software, to the BBS, he chooses them to be made available as demos, to be
distributed to those under the intention of fully purchasing the software,
or simply to use as a preview only to be disliked, and therefore removed.
WARNING: If you plan on "pirating" this file and its contents, you may be
held accountable, and prosecuted. Remove the files you downloaded
NOW from all data storage units, if this is your intention.
Pirating refers to the act of keeping computer software that someone
else has purchased after you have previewed it, or if you copy the
software and distribute it to others.
Also, do not charge money or trade this software to ANYONE!