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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Diary of a Hacker Part 3
By:The Blade Cuisinart
Prolouge: You know, after writing this series I witnessed
something real bizzare. A large response. I wrote these
Text so that people would understand what it CAN be like
for Hackers, Phreakers, Etc... I am not saying what we do
is right or good, but I write it so you understand. I wanted
to take a moment to thank all the people who read this. If
it was not for you, these would never have been written.
At any rate, after much thought on the subject, I am here
to offer you all a proposal of the continuance of this
text. There are many things I have done in the world
under the moniter. If the people reading this Text wish
it, I will continue to write these text. I know the
SysOp of the Masquerade who has agreed to post these
Text on his BBS, wants me to, and if you do, I will.
Anyone who wants me to continue, call the Masquerade
708.963.4551 and let the SysOp know. Since Thumper is
planning on putting a NUP soon, if this does not get into
circulation on time, when you get to the Matrix Prompt,
(the logon screen for you rookies) just Format the Hard
Drive. I know, I know, but thats the only way you'll be
able to Apply. ;) Don't you just love the subliminal
So to all of you, I say thanks. And on with the last!
November 24th
Dr.Antristo was out of town with the inmates(family) to visit
other relatives...(more inmates). So I had the Computer to
myself this weekend. After my little stint at Argonne Natl.
Lab, my father had come home and told me about it, he figured
that since I was into computers, I'd like to know they were
having a problem with theirs...namely a Hacker. I laughed and
told him they'd catch him eventually...(Yeah, right) and ate
my dinner. Later in the evening, I juiced up the computer and
dialed out to one of my more preferred Pirate BBS's. I talked
to a few of the others on its Multi-Node chat...(which in that
time was considerbly slower.) and we discussed matters of big
importance...crashing the local school computers. Hmmm, I had
no real input, seeing as I was a Hacker, not a Phreaker, but
I added my two cents anyways. Then later (45Min) some of the
other Hackers came online and began to debate Techniques on
how to get into Military computer systems. I laughed when I
watched them type this all out. I was thinking to myself that
that only happens in the movies..(for those of you who saw
War Games, I know EVERYONE has seen it) but, I was wrong.
These guys were insistant that there was a "Backdoor" to a
Computer in the Department of Energy. I wasn't about to
believe that on the grounds that I didn't believe in secret
codes, or Hidden Back Doors, or anything that made Hacking
look a little less than reality.
After listening to a few guys plead their cases to the rest
of us, I finally told them I would check it out. If only
to shut these guys up. The others agreed.
They asked me if I could gain access to the DOE Central
Computer System. I told them of what I had done earlier in
the month. They were awestruck. I asked the other, more
reality planted Hackers if these guys knew what COMPUTER
really meant...this was the first time I had encountered
the dreaded WaReZgEeK. It is something I never forgot.
I searched in a vain attempt to access the "Backdoor" to this
supposed military computer. I had not, nor have I ever found
it to this day. After looking for almost an hour, the only
thing I found was that my eyes were irritated. I dropped
carrier and returned to the Pirate BBS in [206]. All of my
colleagues were present for me to lecture these two little
chucklefucks about lying. After a browbeating, they admitted
that they made most of it up. The others began phreaking the
houses of the two WaReZgEeKs..(I believe its now called War-
dialing, or something like that) I have no clue how they found
out who they really were, but they must have been better than
I talked to the others for a while, disussing the two chaps
and wondering if there were more coming...(for all of you out
there who have people who sign their names in Ascii and talk
about how "Wasted/Trashed/blitzed" they were, fill their
text or E-Mail with swears, or even how many times they got
laid last night, BOOT THEM OFF YOUR BBS! And for any of you
little shits reading this, what a shame you don't know what
REAL Hackers are....you might have learned something.)
If only us Hackers could predict the future....I can't imagine
what the larger groups, The Humble Guys, RAZOR, FLT, iCE, PE,
UNT, ACiD, NeMeSiS, TDT, Future Crew, >T<>C<?, UNC, must have
to deal with and be going through. But I am getting off the
main theme. Anyways, they left and we heckled them, and had
a good time. Afterwards, I logged off and Dr.Antristo called
me long distance to tell me about the meeting with the Inmates
Thanksgiving....Yummmmm! My dad made Turkey, Peas, Corn,
Mashed Potatoes w/gravey, and Wine. We all feasted, yes the
other inmates graced me with their presence too ;). After our
meal I went down stairs and began to logon other BBS's looking
for typical information. To my surprise I ran across the guy
from the Elite BBS I got my AT&T access codes from. After
talking to him, and relaying/trading information to him, I
told him of the "Secret Backdoor" in the Computer at the DOE.
He told me that were such a thing to exist, the military would
have gotten rid of it long ago. He also told me that it would
be almost suicide to hack into the Military Mainframes and the
such. I asked if it could be done. He really didn't know and
said that he wouldn't be a proper judge to say. How nice.
I asked about suggestions that he might have, he said that it
SHOULD be like any other Major Corperation System. After I
listened to him preach about how I would get caught, REAL fast
if I went into the Military Computers, I left the BBS to call
Doc' was in Gary, he told me to come get pick him up.
I hopped into the everfaithful MouseMobile to spring him from
his misery. A few hours later, we were back in my room doing
what we loved most, Hacking. I got into Argonne and fixed me
a new pass, then transferred into the DOE, then with my stolen
Identification, I made another jump past their "Superior"
security systems. I gained access through their system by an
operater who had been monitering the system. After chatting
with him about Physics, and the such,he left me to go in the
Main system. (I told him I was lost. Computer Illerate) The
next thing I knew I was looking at inforamtion on Star Wars
project. Hmmm, how ironic that its really 97% finished.
(Media said it was 37%....B.S.!)
I rummaged around the system for about 10 minutes when the
operater came back online and told me that they were shutting
down for some kinda core dump, he then told me to go to the
#4473 Extention for the next 30 minutes. I asked where that
was, (remember, I am SUPPOSED to be Computer Illerate) he
paused and then said something about a Military Computer
Database then left. I went to check out this Extention...
After a 2 second pause I was introduced to a new screen with
a real bizzare look to it. It was filled with a lot of stuff
and numbers that I have never seen. Dr.Antristo said they
were file numbers, and file extentions.
I had no clue what all this shit was, so I went past it like
it wasn't there. After searching the mainframe, which looked
sorta like a Windows program, I found that the system was
based in the Washington D.C. area. As soon as I figured out
that I was calling there, I unplugged the computer, hung up,
and hid under the covers of my bed.
Dr.Antristo was almost hysterical, he kept screaming that we
were in the Pentagon Computer again and again. I felt like
I was going to be sick. I grabbed all my papers, and Text I
had printed and began to stuff them into the garbage can. I
also ran out to Walgreens to get a REALLY BIG Magnet so I
could run all my Floppies over it, should someone come to
knock on my door.
While I was in the middle of my panicked stupor, I stopped
to catch a brief glimpse of reality. We had still been using
the Loop Numbers. Phew! I told Dr.Antristo that but it took
more coaching to calm him down. After several Jolt Colas we
felt a little better.
The next day at school, after thanksgiving, we kept a weary
eye for men in grey sedans and suits to pay us a visit. We
agreed at lunch to meet at my house and do a little more work
on the subject, and get what we were looking for. Also, we
got the impression we were going through the wrong computer
systems. We needed to find a better place to start. Hmm, I
thought that mabye we could find a better place by going to
one of our original hacks...Jet Propulsion Labrotories. Not
a bad idea, and Dr.Antristo liked that better, at least if
they caught us, we figured, they'd give us a job.;)
After a long dragged out day at school, typical bullies after
me, and 1 test in Algebra, I got home to find a State Troopers
can parked in my driveway. I almost passed out. My fathers
can and my sisters were also there.
I got down on the gravel and almost started to write my will
and bequeath things. I pulled myself togther and walked to
the house, if I was going to be arrested, dammit, I would be
proud of my achivements!
I flung the door open and announced my presence. On the couch
was the good 'ol boy....err..woman. My father entered the
room and wanted me to meet his girlfriend, (my parents had
been divorced for several years). I thought I was going to
faint with relief. My father must have noticed because I
guess I went pale, he helped me to the chairs, she just sat
there and stared at me, like I was a ghost. (guess shes never
seen someone shift colors before her eyes like that...rookie)
After my father gave me some water to sip, I relaxed back into
the chair, the thoughts of being interrogated by CIA ebbing
She introduced herself as Leanna. I introduced myself as..
I left her and my father to bewilder over my strange behavior
and kiss. I went into the basement, and waited for Doc' to
knock on the window well. 4:15, and he finally arrived. Geez
he was visibly shaken, saying he almost wet his pants when he
saw the Cop car in my driveway. Anyways, we got to work, first
we called the Loop Number, then the Bank in the other state,
(if you don't remember which one, read the 1st text again;))
after connecting, we called another Loop number again, to be
sure, then switched on our little box. If we could do anymore
like bounce off satellites, I would have, Just to make it look
After 15 minutes of searching for an opening into the main
system, an operater began to help me with my trouble. He
asked who I was, I told him I was new to the company in the
Data Processing Division. (Data Processing has since changed
its title to Computer Information Systems in that Company)
He asked me for my clearance number, so I told him I had no
clue and that I left it on my desk. I guess he agreed with
that, because he then asked me why I was logging on from out
side the building. I explained that I had unfinished work to
do, and that I left work early due to a nasty fever. He fell
for it, more or less, then asked me what system I was headed
to. Dr.Antristo and I exchanged looks of puzzlement, as we
had no clue what he was talking about. I just blurted out
the Unix Mainframe. He said good luck in finding it to me,
and then left me to my suprise. I wondered what he meant by
that last statement, and paid it no mind.
We looked around for a few more minutes, checking the files
out in the area. I ran into another branch of the computer
which took me into another unclassified area of the computer
where there were files galore. While I stared at the moniter
Dr.Antristo continued to look at the status of our position,
in other words, to make sure we were not being traced.
By this time, I was well on my way to immortality within the
confines of Hackerdom! I accessed a pitifully guarded info
section containing some files on Project XX-12, which at the
time was considered a classified subject. It had nothing to
do with anything. It was about some Chemical Weapons testing
in Nevada, I wouldn't even bother D/L'ing that.
In about 20 minutes I found what I wanted, the government section
on classified weaponary, and ariel technology. Should I have
gotten this, I more than likely would have spread it out, but
to this day I know it would have been a bad decision. In those
few seconds of my life I had never been more scared. Dr.Antristo
had not been watching the Box we created with the 20 second warning
flash. A guy calling himself Lt.Commander Vacek got online and
told me that we were to start answering questions, or face federal
charges of impersonation, invasion of privacy or some shit like
that...I almost strangled Dr.Antristo for not keeping a better look
on the Box. The guy on the other line asked me what I had been
looking for and I told him I was lost...he paused..I had guessed he
didn't like that attitude, so he asked me why I was really there.
I told him I was just looking for some information. That he believed
so he moved on. I was not happy about this, so I asked him to not
do anything, thinking I could get away with it. he told me that
hacking was wrong, and that punishment had to be metted out. I
asked what he was going to do to me, and he simply replied that he
would forget that I was even here, and that I did not exist, IF I
would answer to him what the names of the people were in the Hacking
of the New York Phone Company or some shit like that. I told him I
had no knowledge of that even occuring, (and I still don't...did that
happen? Anyone know?) He remained silent for a little before typing
again, this time he asked me for the names of some of the people in
certin groups...I knew who he was referring to, so I told him I
would make a quick Text of them and upload it to the Computer. This
seemed to satisfy him, so he allowed me to do it. I went shelled
and went into the DOS to whip up a quick batch of the names.
As I typed, I thought to myself, what was I doing, I was becoming
a NARC, and for Feds, or Military...I was about to betray all the
people I hung around with just to save my own miserable ass. I
was about to become what I hated in life the most. A Turncoat.
I finished typing and returned to the comm program, and to an
impatient Lt.Commander. He demanded that I give him the file, so
I did. After the transfer he told me I was free to go, and he then
took the liberty to boot me himself...how generous of the bastard.
Dr.Antristo shut off the computer and looked at me, I could tell
he was furious with me for selling out. He then proceeded to shout
loudly about Honor, Duty, and how I owed it to others that I was
still a Hacker, and if it wasn't for the rest, I would have been
nothing. He then began screaming about the fact that I just became
a NARC and that I would be shunned from every BBS on the Planet,
and that I would be PhReAkEd to death, or to the point of changing
my home phone number. I looked back at him laughing, which seemed
to just piss him off all the more. He wanted to know why I was
laughing at him. I told him why.
I am many things, I am a Hacker, I am a White Collar Criminal, I
am even an Idiot. But! The one thing I am NOT is a NARC.
he demanded to know why it was that I just gave that asshole on
the other side all the names of some of our Co-Hackers.
I told Dr.Antristo that I figured that the guy on the other end
didn't have a clue as to who these people were, but assuming he
did, I altered the names. I wrote instead of my friends, I wrote
my enemies...and NOT from the 'Net. I wrote the names of the
assholes who picked on me at my High School.
When Dr.Antristo heard that he busted out in laughter and quickly
apologized for his misunderstanding. I told him it was VERY
understandable, and that I would have acted no differently.
however, I wanted to make it clear that I was not, and if fact
have never been a NARC.
We both had a good laugh at the fact that the info we gave the
guy was our nastiest enemies. Later that week we found out that
there had been some "Questionings" going on at my school that
involved some Local, State, and "Speciality" Agents. The guys
names I gave had been questioned about some Breaking and Entering
of Government Computers. No one around here has ever heard of
that....................have you?
And I still drink Jolt!
Another Fine Text by
The Masquerade BBS
Dedicated to The Electric Mage
1972 - 1990