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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
How to crash GBBS ][ boards
We all have that one local board around you that you would really
like to crash! Maybe the sysop did something really bad to you or
something in that nature! Boy he sure would get Mad when he wakes up with
both drives burned out, user file is messed up or something like that!
One thing to remember is when you call the board to crash it, I'd
use a phoney allias name (even another person you want to get revenge
on too!) because they will really get mad about crashing thier board and
will really kick some ass when they find out who did it. Just a warning!
1> Lets say the sysops name to the GBBS board is "Butch Jr.". Call the
place up and when it asks for your last name, type "Jr.". When it asks
for your password, type in what ever you have to type for a new user.
Then it should ask for your first name. Just type " Butch" (1 space
infront of name). This will automaticly put you into sysop command
level and you will be able to delete messages, users, exit the GBBS
program and initalize the disks and ect.....Just about anything your
little heart wants to do! Modify the board and delete the sysop too!
This way for crashing also works when you type in for last name:" Jr."
and first name "Butch". It should do the same thing. The one major
drawback to this way of crashing is that most GBBS boards have thier
oards modified to that you can't do this. They will have it either
hang up after you type it in, Display a nasty message for you, or
just ask for the last name again. Oh well! No body is perfect!
2> Call the board up and log on as a new user. When it asks for the
city/state you live in, type in a few commas like this:
"Tampa,,,,,,,,,,Fla" or ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," will do!
You just have to have more than 2 or 3 commas to do the job right.
This way should kill the passwords on the user file! <ool!!
3> When you leave a message up on the board, save it, and then it says
"Wait" for about 10 seconds. Vry this one: Leave a message on the board
and save it and when it says "Wait", Just do a little "esc-h"
(to hang up in Ascii Express). That way should be writting the message
and when it looses the carrier, it will be off the hook for the night!
You can hang up on either "Wait" (after saving message an` after you
abort into the main command board.
4> When the GBBS asks for a number like board number or something like
that, type in "99E99". This creats and error on the board and might put
you in sysop command level depending on what serial number the GBBS
program is. It will do some other things too.
5> When you log on and it asks for your password, type in a negative
number like "G-99FFF" or "A-01AAA" or some negative number kinda like
that. This should also create an error and might even put you in sysop
command level (you can do anything from there! Believe me!) But
like I said before, Depending on what type of serial number the program
6> Log on as a new user and when it's reading the new user welcome or
just any text file, type "Cntl-s Cntl-p :" and that should make a fatal
error on his part and put you proptly into basic or machine language
with dos loaded and you can work from there!
7> New user reading welcome message and type "Cntl-s Cntl-p *" and
that will bomb the board out also.
8> New user reading welcome message and type "Cntl-s Cntl-p" and start
pounding on the keyboard! That sould fill the buffer up and make a
fatal error and put you into machine language or basic. Work from there!
9> New user reading welcome message and type "Cntl-s" and hold repeat
and "Cntl-p" down and that will also bomb the buffer too and put
you into machine or basic language.