219 lines
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219 lines
9.6 KiB
by Colostomy Bagboy
Don't you just
who think it's cool to
have a callback user verification system?
I have a few methods that can be
used to fuck them over
in their anal retentive attempts
to keep a strangle hold over the
cows who logon their system!
First, lets talk
a little bit about
those lowlife lifeforms who
are so out of touch with the historical
roots of bbsing that they require users to go
through callback verification. I don't need to tell
you what scum these shitpackers are do I? Believe me when
I say that I could go on for a few gigs just on what
buttfaced buttwiping butthugging butts these so
called sysops are. You already know if you
have bothered to read this. Why do theses
little pricks do this? Most have some
fake weenie story about how
they want to keep the
same users from
there is some
bad hacker they
want to keep off
the system or something.
If they know so little about
modems that they don't know how
to deal with hackers then I think
they should just give it up and go back
to playing with their butterfly collections
or whatever it was they did once they got out
of diapers. I swear to gawd that EVERY board that
does this is really just trying to collect information
on users for one reason or another, most likely because
the sysop is a real creep! There are of course other, more
sinister reasons. I have never seen a real hacker or
phreak board with callback verification if you
ever find one that requires this you can
half assume that it is just some FBI
sting*narc board. For christsake
don't feel bad at all about
making life miserable for
this so called lifeform
who just wants to collect
information on the board's users
for their own
please do all
you can to
make their board
a really awful place,
in doing so you will be making
the world as a whole a
better place for all
that is good and descent.
Proceed comrads:
log onto the system
using a phone number that
is from another area code.
Inless the syslop is a total M.R.
the system will not be able to call and
verify a LD number.
Leave sysop an note pleeding that
you live in some stupid rural place and you
want to call LD late at night for some real action.
If they are stupid enough to
allow LD calls, then just call in with the phone number of
the White House or the CIA and let the sysop get in LOADS of
trouble when 427 verification calls are attempted
in the middle of the night!
Enter the phone number
of a line that is ALWAYS BUSY, then try and
verify the line a few times.
This will not work, but after a few days, call
and leave half literate messages about how you've been
trying, but nothing happens. Try a few more times and then
login and ask the sysop if your not being able to verify
correctly MIGHT have something to do with you modem
not being a real hayes compatable modem!
This works every time.
The always busy phone number
assures that they will
fall for it!
This one takes
a bit more work.
First you must do a REAL
auto-verification logon for
the system in question. Pay
attention to all the steps that
are done in the dialback process.
When the system calls, does it require you
to hit any specific keys? Will it allow you to
simply answer the call? If so you are home free in that
all that is reuqired here is that you have the system call
ANY other BBS and you will be validated (by their ATA signal).
If more input is requred, such as hitting the [esc] key,
or answering yes or no to a question, then you must
find a BBS in town that begins with the exact
required characters. If a password is
required you can always change your
password to the opening screen
of another BBS so it will
auto-auto verify
If you have
a laptop, all you
gotta do is pack
it up and go walk around
the nearest college campus or
hospital and find some little room
or hallway with a telephone. Pull
the plug and plug in your own modem.
Check the number on the phone number
on the phone and enter this
as the number for callback
verification. Just follow
the normal callback
procedure from
here on
Aint got no
Laptop? Got a job?
Got a place where youre
getting an education, or got
any other access to anyplace where there are
computers? All you have to do is make up some fucked up
excuse to use someone elses computer, wait until they
want you to fix something for you, or you are doing some sort of
work of them (or wait until some douche bag is home with
a massive hangover or something). Never use your own computer
or line for this because any sysop that is such a motherfucker
that they make you use call backer verification is definetly
so full of black bile tha they will hunt you down, and we
don't want that now do we? If they don't have a modem already
installed in their machine then it is up to you
to bring an external modem and slap that little puppie
in the serial port and get a jammen man!
On some really
primitive systems all you have
to do to get verificaiton is to
enter ANY modem number and the
system will verify you once it has called
a number that answers with
a jolly old
(277)14-12867 Holland Hack Derjoit betritog!
Loads of text files.
Call back verification required.
Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm)
& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845
The Salted Slug Strange 408-454-9368
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102
Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude Finger_Man 415-961-9315
My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078
New Dork Sublime Demented Pimento 415-566-0126
Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality,
insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS.
Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are,
where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.
"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"