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November 29, 1991
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of
Jimmy Ward and Pete Navarro.
The Zone of Silence
and Miscellaneous Related Information
compiled by
P. G. Navarro in collaboration with Jimmy Ward
Phenomena observed in the area known as the Zone of Silence,
which covers an area from San Jose del Central and Mohovano
to the 27th Parallel, including the junction of the states of
Coahuila, Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico. With the center about
26 degrees, 45 minutes North and 103 degrees, 40 minutes West.
(By the Cultural Center of the Laguna de Torreon):
1. In certain parts of this area, propagation of radio waves is
difficult, and sometimes impossible, hence the name given to
the place : The Sierra, or Zone of Silence.
2. There are frequent falls of meteorites in the area.
3. There is an abundance of fossils (some are more than 60
million years old). They can be picked up from the surface
of the ground in sharply defined areas, where crystallized
minerals with strange shapes can also be found.
4. Strong instantaneous concentrations of energy in sporadic
form has been detected, possibly cosmic or neutron rays.
5. Small desert plants with abnormal characteristics are to be
found there. Probably caused by mutations.
6. Other odd phenomena :
Animals are subject to strange behavior. They lose their
sense of direction. For example : Dogs have FITS OF TERROR for
no apparent reason. Turtles turn over on their backs. If they
are placed on their feet they roll over again and remain in this
position till they die.
Other information states that the Zone of Silence is in an area
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located some 225 miles south of the U.S. - Mexico border - 1000
kilometers North of Mexico City. It is N.E. of Ceballos in the
State of Durango. It is near the town of San Jose (a map of Mexico
shows San Jose to be a town N.E. of Ceballos and is known simply as
"San Jose" and NOT San Jose del Central NOR San Jose del Centro,
which might have been its earlier designation).
The 3 X 3 X 3 kilometer area known as the Zone of Silence is
actually about 70 miles to the Southeast of San Jose at the border-
line between the States of Coahuila and Durango. (Some 30 miles
North of the 26th Parallel near the towns of La Campana and
Tlahualilo, Durango).
In the book "Ancient Mysteries of the Mexican and Mayan Pyramids" by
Warren Smith, it is stated that the Zone of Silences was first noted
in 1969 by an engineer of the Mexican Oil Cartel (PEMEX) named Harry
de la Pena, who was prospecting in the area for possible oil-bearing
geological formations. De la Pena found the "Zone of Silence" to be
a TRIANGULAR area measuring 3 X 3 X 3 kilometers. He presumed that
possibly enormous deposits of magnetic iron might be under that
desert area, known as Bolson de Mapimi (The Mapimi Desert or
"Pocket"), which would account for the short-circuiting of
electrical equipment in that location.
There is a branch office or experimental station near that area (at
Ceballos), which is run by the University of Mexico under Carlos
Graef Fernandez to investigate the strange phenomena encountered
It is said that rocks have been found which resemble pieces of
CORRODED METAL (like machine parts).
Mexican investigators have found a METALLIC POWDER in the area that
consisted of MICROSCOPIC HOLLOW SPHERES that seemed to have
CONTAINED A GAS before they burst.
In February, 1969 a Soviet spacecraft which appeared to be on a
collision course with a meteor, was turned to one side
(intentionally deviated from its course) to avoid collision. The
meteor SWERVED TOWARD THE SPACECRAFT but returned to its original
course and fell near the Zone of Silence. Investigators found the
metallic powder in the area where this meteor landed.
On July 11, 1970 an Atlas-Agena rocket was deviated from its course
and fell near Ceballos (in the Zone of Silence). Permission was
given by the Mexican government for U.S. scientists to retrieve the
rocket. It took them several days before they could locate it. For
a number of years the U.S. has shown an interest in this area of the
Mapimi Desert. The search for the lost rocket afforded the
scientists an opportunity to conduct their own investigation of the
area. They took many samples of earth and plants and animal life
from the region and transported it to their laboratories in the U.S.
It was in 1969 that my uncle, Stanley N. was in Mexico visiting
relatives. He was in the town of Sacramento in the State of
Coahuila, which is about 60 miles from the eastern extremities of
the Mapimi Desert. On, or about May 22nd of that year he observed a
strange light (or object) which was moving at a high rate of speed
in a direction from north to south toward the west (toward the area
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of the Mapimi Desert). It was traveling in a straight line but
seemed to suddenly curve down and may have landed in the area of the
Zone of Silence. The object was bluish-green and silent. It was
seen by many residents of the town. The time was about 7 PM but it
was still daylight.
Another object, similar to the first one was observed a few days
later. It also moved in a horizontal trajectory, then dropped down
in the same region toward the area of the Mapimi Desert. It should
be noted that Stanley N. had never heard about the Zone of Silence
nor about the strange things occurring in that region, but his
observations pinpointed this particular area as the place where
these objects had presumably landed (or fallen), for there is
definitely something in that area which draws (or attracts) certain
falling objects, including rockets or meteorites.
Another strange thing that Stanley N. observed at that time was that
soon after the appearance of these objects, there was an EPIDEMIC OF
LIZARDS OF A STRANGE VARIETY which suddenly appeared in and near the
town of Sacramento.
One person claimed to have seen an object as large as a coffee table
fall from the sky. Upon investigation it was found to be a
conglomerate of lizards which seemed to be all glued together like a
plastic ball or "like a chunk of ice".
Many of these lizards were also seen at Becerra, Coahuila.
From "Travels in the Interior of Mexico" by Lt. R. W. Hardy of the
British Royal Navy:
"At the town of San Gregorio is an enormous mass of malleable
iron and nickel, perhaps the aerolites which Mr. Humboldt
described as being near the town of Durango. Many attempts have
been made to melt down this mass of iron, but without success.
The iron, in consequence of the admixture of nickel, is so
exceedingly hard that, when cold, no chisel will cut it."
The above was written during the travels of Lt. Hardy through the
area of the Mapimi Desert in 1825-1828.
A more recent account of happenings in the area is the incident
involving a 36-year old American ex-clergyman who allegedly came in
contact with the crew of a UFO which landed in, or near, the Zone of
Silence in 1974.
Near the area of the Zone of Silence is a valley which has been
called the "Valley of Marvels" by the scientists who went there to
investigate an ancient tomb in which were buried some strange,
giant-sized beings, standing up. Some pictographs were found near
the tomb which depicted some oval-shaped objects showing footprints
leading from them toward what appeared to be some hills or mountains
in the distance.
I am inclined to believe that the pictographs were probably made by
these strange beings, who landed (or fell) into that area long ago,
probably attracted by the same thing which attracts objects there
today. (I observed a meteor which passed over Houston, Texas on
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April 6, 1969. It was also observed over Lake Charles, Louisiana.
I saw it break up into two separate pieces. Later, in talking with
the director of Burke Baker Planetarium I learned that one piece had
landed in the Pacific Ocean. The other piece had landed somewhere
in Mexico. If you were to trace the route of this piece of
meteorite which deviated from the large piece I believe you will
find that it landed somewhere in the Zone of Silence.)
I believe that the giant-sized beings found near that area (some of
them were over nine feet tall) used PICTOGRAPHS TO TELL OF THEIR
LANDING because it was the best graphic means to communicate with
the natives of the area, who would not understand their written
symbols. These pictographs are a record of their landing (or crash-
landing) and they also show that at least one of their party left
the landing site and walked toward some mountains in the distance,
(toward the Delicias Mountains, which are in the region of the
Mapimi Desert, close to the Zone of Silence) perhaps attracted by
whatever it is that has attracted others to the area to this day.
There is no doubt that what attracted later visitors to this area
was the silver that is abundant in that area, for there are many
working and worked-up mines spread out throughout the area in the
Northern part of that desert area. Lt. Hardy, in his journal states
that "San Pedro is in a valley, into which several rivulets run and
from whence the water has no escape, except by filtration and
evaporation. A lake of considerable size has formed in consequence.
In a neighboring hillock are the ruins of a small fort, which was
erected at the commencement of the revolution (the revolt against
Spanish rule). The distance from hence to Mapimi is 14 leagues in
an E.N.E. direction, where there are some very valuable mines,
worked by natives. It is said to be the most promising mining
district in the republic."
I believe that this member of the party undertook to make this
journey by foot to the Delicias Mountains, which were toward the
northwest. He died in that region, his body (or skeleton) being
discovered in this century by two farmers from near the town of
Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, who went into the mountains on a camping
trip and found the skeleton of a giant-sized man in a cave. (The
Delicias Mountains are west of the road that runs between the towns
of Cuatro Cienegas and San Pedro).
It is possible that this giant being was one of the six who landed
in the Valley of Marvels. He probably died in the mountains due to
the harsh climate and rigorous conditions in the area. The others
may have lived out their lives in the Valley region, probably trying
to make contact with others of their kind, and possibly also trying
to repair their spacecraft. It might even be this ancient spaceship
that is causing some of the strange emanations, or whatever it is,
that is causing the interference with radio waves and electrical
devices, for they may have eventually buried their ship. There is
positive evidence that they died there, for their bodies were found
in a circular tomb, standing up. They were fair-haired and very
tall, and although they had human characteristics, they were still
very different from humans and it is believed that they may have
been extraterrestrial beings.
Other beings of giant proportions have also been discovered near the
town of Tepic, in the State of Nayarit in Mexico. Perhaps these
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were members of the same party, who went south and perished there.
Senor de Valda, in 1938 found some ancient grave-mounds containing
several skeletons of men AND WOMEN. They were all from eight to
nine feet tall. (From Mysteries of Ancient America, by Wilkins)
Other theories connected with the giant-sized beings of the Valley
of Marvels and some recent findings in an area about 160 miles to
the North of Tepic. This concerns a coastal area near the town of
Dimas, in the State of Sinaloa, where a large assortment of carved
rocks cover a large area of the beach. It is a very inaccessible
and deserted stretch of rock and pebble-strewn beach where even the
residents of the town of Dimas do not usually go because of its
inaccessibility, and because of the sharks, which discourage
swimming in the area. Thus the place is hardly ever visited.
According to the authors of an article in CONTACTOS EXTRATERRESTRES,
a Mexican publication, they had gone into that area to investigate
and take pictures of the rocks with their fascinating drawings and
carvings. (They are Hector Chavarria Liu and Pablo Latapi Ortega).
They are of the opinion that these rocks contain geometric designs
which may be a "message" or "book" left by unknown denizens of the
area perhaps thousands of years ago. Could these carved rocks have
any connection with the beings who landed near the Zone of Silence
and later journeyed to Tepic?
This place is not too far from the tourist town of Mazatlan.
According to the authors of the article, the designs inscribed and
cut in the rocks....the intentions of the artist (who made them)
seem to have been to perpetuate the memory of an extraterrestrial
visit....so long ago that no history records it". Only the rocks
with their obscure messages remain.
In Biografia de Mexico, in a chapter entitled "Magnetismo Terrestre"
is to be found : In Coahuila, Minerales Ferricos in Bolson de
Mapimi. They include Magnetite and Hematite.
"Desde antes de nuestra era se conocia la existencia de un
mineral que atraia particulares de hierro" (Page 321)
Translation :
"Even before our era, it was known of the existence of a
mineral (in the area) which attracted particles of iron."
There is also mention of large concentrations of iron in the area of
Durango, which contain magnetite and hematite, with a high anomaly
of "horizontal intensity". There are also other minerals in the
area of the Mapimi Desert containing "masa de magnetita", or
magnetic mass.
There is also a large mass of iron and other minerals in the area
near Tepic, in Nayarit, although no mention is made of any magnetic
ore there.
In "Gravimetria", published in 1936 is an account of the "Anomalias
de la Gravedad" in the Republic of Mexico. It states that zero
point in the iso-anomaly (points of magnetic variation) reaching
negative and positive readings, is to be found ONLY TO THE WEST,
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near the coast along a line from the area of the Mapimi Desert and
I do not presume to know what the meaning of the above is all about,
but it is informationg pertaining to the area that we are interested
in and I include it here for all it's worth.
Peter G. Navarro
Vangard note...
We are in contact with Jimmy Ward and Pete Navarro regarding a
wide range of information. If you have information relating to
the Zone of Silence which you think Pete and Jim might find of
use, you can either send it to the KeelyNet address or upload
the KeelyNet. If you wish to correspond with them directly, you
may write :
Jimmy Ward
1511 Summer St.
Houston, TX 77007
Please reference KeelyNet or Vangard Sciences so they will know
how you found out about their work. Thanks....
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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