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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
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March 8, 1992
Hydrostatic Space-Time and Gravitational Monitors
Monitoring Space/Time Stresses
by J.G. Gallimore
The sun has been proven to bend light and magnetic lines of force.
The hypothetical "black hole" is thought to bend space itself.
Space is considered a fabric composed of lines of force which like
light, can be bent, or interferred with. The space fabric is NOT
MATTER, but encloses all matter like water around a fish in the sea.
The measurment of the stress of space is very much like measuring
currents of water. We can use existing currents, or, as herein
The primary location of a stress current is thought to be AROUND
MASS. Any mass should create by it's weight, a STRAIN IN SPACE
which creates curvature of the space/time fabric PROPORTIONAL TO THE
The question of measurement by lineage, time, mass weight, or
distance can be ruled out because the objects or tools used for
measurement WILL THEMSELVES CHANGE in DIMENSIONS proportional to the
space curvature. An iron bar on a space ship traveling many
thousands of miles an hour will have it's LENGTH change.
The measurement aboard the spaceship will have also changed the same
amount, so the iron bar APPEARS to retain the same length. Only a
remote observer out of the actual affect of the phenomena could
measure the foreshortening effect, providing the long-distance,
elaborate equipment was developed and available.
However, we are fortunate that stresses in and around matter produce
phenomena in a localized area of space, which means an observer and
his measurement equipment could exist outside the sphere of
As an example, a Russian researcher (Kozyrev) discovered that a
rubber band (matter) "stressed" (pulled apart) created a stress in
the space/time fabric that would displace a sensitive pendulum
(local mass) sideways. A SMALL ROTATION TORQUE WAS ALSO NOTED, but
the sensitive equipment needed to be very close to the area of space
stressed (within 40 feet).
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While the torque and displacement of the pendulum could be measured,
the fabric of space could not, only it's affects. His discovery
that stress in mass EMITTED or CREATED localized space/time stresses
provided incentive for more research around the world.
The simplified phenomena of space stresses as shown by Kozyrev can
be detailed as follows :
1) A "rubber band" when stressed created a time/space stress.
a. All mass stress will create a time/space stress.
2) A suspended mass in the localized area of time/space
stresses was affected as an affect of stress curvature.
a. A displacement (angle) and a rotation torque was
imparted to a suspended mass in a localized area to
time/space stresses.
The following experiments were conducted (by Gallimore Labs) using
these general parameters :
A. Comparison of dielectrics (rubber band) with equal mass non-
dielectric for stress potential (emission).
B. Comparison of crystalline mass with non-crystalline mass for
stress potential (emission).
C. Comparison of crystal lattice structure mass with non-
organized lattice structure (emission).
The above were tested for emission and absorption of space/time
stresses. Conclusions:
the dielectric (glass, water, etc.), as opposed to the non-
dielectric( (metals) were found TO ABSORB and EMIT more stress
The crystalline mass absorbed and emitted more stress energy than
the non-crystalline. The organized crystal lattice structure
achieved maximum results in storage and emission.
It was at this point in my (Gallimore Labs) research that electrical
stresses in matter were examined for emission and absorption.
Electrical stresses PRODUCED GREAT EMISSIONS of time/space currents,
evidence was found on absorption that "areas of least electrical
charge absorbed the greatest amount" (interior of tube, hollow
solid, etc.).
While information on the physical parameters of space/time stresses
and their abnormalities was achieved, the lack of an electrical
monitor began to be felt often in the lab.
Like the foreshortening of the iron bar, the electrical phenomena
was of a self-compensating nature. The variables associated with
known theory prevented an active stress monitor from being proven.
The limitations were such that ONLY A PASSIVE MONITOR would be
accepted in theory (something acted on WITHOUT ITSELF ACTING).
The passive monitor grew out of the discovery that a high dielectric
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with an organized lattice structure absorbed normal earth stresses,
and was in constant emission of same through the C-axis.
The emission off the C-axis was eventually detected by a
passive/active monitor; a dielectric with AN IMPOSED electrical
charge on each side of it by electrical plates (i.e. a capacitor by
measuring leakage curves).
Test design setup :
A two pound optical grade quartz crystal was placed with it's
natural pointed end (C-axis) pointed at, and almost in (90
degree) contact with a 15V - 15 microfarad capacitor.
A one volt, 100 milliamp regulated direct current charge was
imposed on the capacitor PRIOR to the source crystal contact.
The electrical DC charge was used to define the normal capacitor
curves, then the current charge was switched off a calibrated
waiting time (strain curve).
The source crystal was then placed in contact for four minutes,
and then removed.
The capacitor was again switched on electrically and the current
absorption curve noted.
The result was the capacitor curve changed, for that test
duration and the next seven tests as well.
The stress energy absorbed in the capacitor dielectric
(internal) produced effects LASTING 34 MINUTES.
A computer analysis which was done afterwards showed the capacitor
had CHANGED it's electrical value of capacitance. It also changed
from a PARABOLIC curve of current absorption to a CUBIC curve.
The dielectric between the metal plates had temporarily changed it's
dielectric constant upwards to a higher constant. The capacitance
value increased accordingly. The metallic plates were unaffected.
The computer verified the test curves, as ALTERED, NOT ERRORS. The
test is acceptable to physics and mathematics in that the test is
REPEATABLE, and the results defined and predictable once known.
Vangard Notes...
This fascinating paper is a result of massive investigations
carried out by Jerry Gallimore into the phenomena of various
energies. Jerry had the unique ability to see patterns across
vast bodies of information which helped him to determine
universal principles applicable to both energy and mass.
In the last few years of his life, we kept in touch through
occasional phone calls. Jerry said that if we established a
fixed building he would donate ALL his research notes, papers
and equipment to help others carry on the effort. We have yet
to setup a research/library facility though we are actively
working on it this year.
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The purpose of this comment is an interesting field of thought
still not accepted by "formal" science, that is the concept of
PUSH GRAVITY as outlined in the file WRIGHT1.ASC on KeelyNet.
A very brief synopsis of the PUSH GRAVITY concept is that
gravity is a result of energy streaming INTO all planetary
bodies (indeed, according to Keely into ALL MASSES). This
streaming force not only holds mass together but in its flow is
interferred with to CREATE the slowed down energy we term mass.
If Newtonian gravity is accurate in stating that ALL MASSES
ATTRACT, then why isn't the entire universe a "clump of grapes"
to use Walter Wright's phrase. There is not a single physical
experiment to PROVE the truth of Newtonian PULL gravity although
Walter Wright has produced DOZENS OF PHYSICAL MODELS to PROVE
the PUSH gravity concept.
He has also made hundreds of challenges to scientists,
government agencies and higher bodies of education (colleges and
universities) to PROVE the Newtonian PULL gravity theory (taught
as absolute truth) and DISPROVE his PUSH gravity theory and ALL
Other researchers in numerous fields, particularly dowsing and
radionics have noted a DOWNPOURING of force which flows at right
angles to the surface of the planet. A NORMALLY LINEAR wind of
One of the most interesting researchers of Radionic phenomena
was aircraft engineer Darrell Butcher. We have very little
information regarding this man or details of his work, but the
following comment in Mr. Butcher's own words is quite
interesting :
"We are going to discuss the DOWNPOURING first. This is a
known force. It has been given MANY NAMES. I am of the
personal opinion that it IS ALWAYS WITH US. And that it does
come down VERTICALLY under normal circumstances and this can
only be made use of if we abide by the LAWS OF LIGHT, one of
which states that :
"Vibrations of the ether take place, NOT in the
to it, and the latter are called 'transversal
"This is from Ganot's Physics."
The point here is that this force necessarily PENETRATES all
mass as it moves downward and when encountering the patterns
which make up "mass" forms ripples at right angles. These
ripples are the Chladni vibrations as seen when a flat flexible
plate with sand sprinkled on it, is vibrated to form complex
patterns which are as stable as the sustaining energy.
Mass creates these stress waves (read interference patterns) as
the energy flows through, interferes with and sustains the
structure of the mass itself. Another file on KeelyNet
discussing this is PZT1.ASC.
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As anyone with an electronics background knows, if you can
detect a wave, you can create that same type of wave with higher
power versions of the same equipment. That is why such research
as this is so important.
The claims that it is a GRAVITATIONAL wave might be incorrect
since the Aether spectrum as mentioned in NEUTRAL1.ASC shows
gravity to be but a "frequency or band of frequencies" within
the Aether flow.
Proof of this would be an anti-gravity effect as could be
generated by an intense (probably coherent beam) of this energy.
Rather than "create" it, redirecting it would be the most
efficient means of demonstrating that it is truly a
gravitational force.
The flow as detected by the researcher in GRAV3.ASC as well as
in Gallimore's capacitor tests might be something entirely OTHER
than gravity itself. The results are far from in and we will
keep you as informed as we can based on how much "public"
information is shared with us.
Gallimore claimed in a press release that he had built a GRAVITY
LASER as partially described in GRAV9.ASC on KeelyNet.
Additional information as to circuits using op-amps to
pick up gravity waves can be found in GRAV3.ASC on KeelyNet
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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