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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
The following information file was pulled from the X_Net Node List. I maintain
X_Net here in Austin, TX, but we have netted boards as far and wide as San
Francisco and Washington DC. Currently X_Net is looking to expand by adding
good New Edge/Cyberpunk BBS systems nationwide.
If you run a BBS or know someone who does--and they can run Fido software--
you can contact me at:
And we can discuss X_Net or make arrangements to get you jacked in.
------BEGIN XSCRIPT------
X_Net -- A Cyberpunk Echo Net
X_Net is a New Edge/Cyberpunk echo running on a Fido-compatible network
but on a pirate band. It is not standard-Fido-compatible and X_Net
boards will not appear in the standard Fido nodelist. The current
version of the X_Net nodelist is available on the Zen Wedgie BBS.
It may be possible to run standard Fido echoes AND X_Net echoes
together, but this has not been tested. I'm not too pleased with
the standard Fido echoes, so I don't think I'll pursue this.
If anyone out there buys into the Fido hype and wants to check out
X_Net/Standard Fido compatibility: be my guest. X_Net, however, will
provide a forum for things that would NEVER appear on ''legit'' Fido
echoes. Subjects like hacking, cracking, and illicit drugs most
likely wouldn't find a forum on Fido. So rejoice! X_Net is here!
The following echo areas are currently supported:
General - general discussion
Cracking/Hacking - software protection, computer security issues
Mind Expansion - drugs, nootropics, philosophy, religion
Virtuality - VR, robotics, tech play
Cyberspace - electronic freedom, information access, EFF,
The Net
MONDO 2000 - talk of the magazine and other like-minded zines
Chaotic Discord - chaos theory, discordian theory, other nonsense
Multimedia - anything involving the meshing of several media
Digital Innovation - developing technologies, news on new hardware,
Free Association - general purpose mindless drivel
Sysop - X_Net business and news.
To be a member of X-Net, you must first agree to abide by the following
rules and regulations. Well hold you to these rules, so be aware. Also,
a modified version of this rule list will be posted periodically on the
X-Net General echo for the users to read. Users will have to abide by a
set of regulations also.
X-Net Rules and Regulations
I. To be granted access to X-Net and to retain that access, each sysop
and user person must
read, understand, and abide by all the rules stated here (including
this one.)
II. Use of handles or pseudonyms is allowed, welcomed, and even
appreciated on X-Net.
III. The Sysop of an X-Net board has the right to impose any additional
rules or regulations governing the
use of X-Net on their board. Provided that the addition of any such
rules do not override or negate any of the original rules and
regulations as stated here.
IV. There can be no flaming on the net. Flaming is defined as taking
argument for the sake of argument, or argumentative posting with
intent to incite argument for the sake of argument. Flaming is often
the making of small-minded comments, the taking of cheap shots,
hitting with low blows, and in general being a total nuisance.
There is nothing wrong with a good solid logical argument, but
flaming is forbidden.
V. The Sysop of an X-Net board has the right to revoke any user or
users access to the net without prior consultation or any
justification whatsoever. Don't piss off the Sysops, in other
words--they're an unfed bunch of hungry mongrels.
VI. Posts on X-Net echoes should correspond to the general topic of
the given echo, unless the echo is intended for free-form
posting/yammering. Trash posting on X-Net echoes is not
appreciated, and off-subject posting is irritating. See Rule V.
VII. The use of X-Net for commerical purposes, to raise money for a
business, or to turn a profit from the members of the net for a
commercial enterprise is EXPRESSLY forbidden. This is not to say
that personal items may not be put up for sale on X-Net. A great
distinction is made between items sold personally, and items sold
for a business venture.
VIII.A majority of other X-Net sysops may form a coaltion to force a
given X-Net sysop to change, remove, or modify policy IN REGARD TO
X-NET ONLY. This includes the banning of a given user on said
sysops BBS from X-Net. A 51% or greater vote on the Sysop group
of X-Net is binding. If the sysop in question does not comply with
the determined majority policy, the other sysops have the right to
stop X-Net feeds to that node.
IX. A majority vote of active X-Net sysops is sufficient to add
amendments to the original rules and regulations of X-Net which
apply to all X-Net boards (in contrast to rule III above.) No
amendments may be made which override any of the original rules.
X. In the case where 50%-50% stalemates occur, the issue is dropped
and may not come up again until there is sufficient cause.
XI. Each Sysop on X-Net MUST carry the X-Net Sysopecho group.
----------------- -------
X_Net Topics List 8/21/92
----------------- -------
This is a complete list of the currently supported X_Net echo areas and the
topics of each.
## General #################################################################
## TOPICS: Anything pertaining to X_Net, anything not pertaining to X_Net,
## anything pertaining to New Edge, anything not pertaining to New
## Edge, anything pertaining to things pertaining to things that
## pertain to things.
## Cracking & Hacking ######################################################
## TOPICS: The destruction or circumvention of electronic counter-invasion
## schemes. This can apply to anything where digital or computation
## devices have restricted access. Breaking codes, finding loop-
## holes, deprotecting, foiling security, etc.
## Mind Expansion ##########################################################
## TOPICS: Drugs, nutrients, chemicals, devices, etc. which alter or somehow
## impact the natural human perception of reality should be dis-
## cussed here. Illicit substances, nootropics, health-food, mind-
## toys, brain drinks, and so forth.
## Virtuality ##############################################################
## TOPICS: Virtual Reality, the 'acid' of the 90's. Heralded by many as the
## newest and most unlimited area for mental expansion and creative
## experience. VR issues, Robots, VR/Robotics, Computer Graphics,
## Fractal software, etc.
## CyberSpace ##############################################################
## TOPICS: CyberSpace, the Net, the Internet, FidoNet, X_Net(!), networking,
## anything related to the interconnection of sentient life-forms
## through hardware.
## MONDO 2000 ##############################################################
## TOPICS: 'zines, Mondo 2000, newsletters, social undercurrents, mental
## technology, printed matter
## Chaotic Discord #########################################################
## TOPICS: Chaos Theory, Fractals, Artificial Life, Cellular Automata,
## Discordianism, The Sacred Chao, order and disorder in nature,
## philosophical inquiry, paganism, fundamentalism, etc.
## Multimedia ##############################################################
## TOPICS: Video, Music, Sound, Speech, MIDI, and the combination of any or
## all of these in any sort of digital format.
## Digital Innovation ######################################################
## TOPICS: Computers, Computing Machines, Hardware, Peripherals, PDA's,
## electronic devices. Room here for hardware hackers, robot tech-
## nicians, Computer wizards, and most of all: NEWS on any and all
## of these.
## Free Association #########################################################
## TOPICS: This echo has been established to allow X_Net users to unbolt
## their brains and let flow any sort of gooey residue which might
## be building up around the periphery. It is impossible to post
## off-topic in this sub. Let it flow, let it go.
## Sysop ###################################################################
## TOPICS: This echo sub is for the Sysops of X_Net and for X_Net related
## business. All X_Net related voting will take place on this echo.
## This is moderated by Wras.
------ END XSCRIPT ------
Again, if you're interested in finding out more, signing up, or just shooting
the shit, I can be contacted at:
| ____ | A person's perfections make them interesting, a person's
| | | | imperfections make them intriguing. I think that ultimately
| |____| | intrigue is much more compelling.
| o __ |
|________| ------------------------------------------------------------------
|||||||||| Steve Mariotti -- stevem@cs.utexas.edu - UT Austin CS Undergrad(e)