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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
;A OUTERNET Nodelist for Tuesday, October 18, 1994 -- Update number 005
,20,Boise's DOOM Connection,Boise_Idaho,Doug_Crosby,344-8264,9600,XA,CM,V32B,V42B
;S The following flags define special operating conditions:
;S Flag Meaning
;S CM Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
;S MO Node does not accept human callers
;S LO Node accepts calls Only from Listed
;S OuterNet addresses
;S The following flags define modem capabilities supported:
;S Flag Meaning
;S V21 CCITT V21 300 bps full duplex
;S V22 CCITT V22 1200 bps full duplex
;S V29 CCITT V29 9600 bps half duplex
;S V32 CCITT V32 9600 bps full duplex
;S V32b CCITT V32bis 14400 bps full duplex
;S V33 CCITT V33
;S V34 CCITT V34
;S V42 LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP
;S V42b CCITT V42bis
;S MNP Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
;S H96 Hayes V9600
;S HST USR Courier HST
;S H14 USR Courier HST 14.4
;S H16 USR Courier HST 16.8
;S MAX Microcom AX/96xx series
;S PEP Packet Ensemble Protocol
;S CSP Compucom Speedmodem
;S ZYX Zyxel series
;S NOTE: Many V22 modems also support Bell 212A.
;S If no modem flag is given, Bell 212A is assumed for 1200 bps
;S systems, CCITT V22bis is assumed for 2400 bps systems.
;S A separate modem capability flag should not be used when it can be
;S determined by the modem flag. For instance, a modem flag of HST
;S implies MNP. V32b implies V32 and V42b implies V42. MNP,HST and
;S V32,V32b and V42,V42b flag pairs are unnecessary.
;S The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
;S packets supported.
;S Flag Meaning
;S MN No compression supported
;S NOTE: The compression method standard in
;S OuterNet is archiving, using the standard PKZIP
;S format, with archive names defined by the
;S specification for PKZIP. The absence of the
;S MN flag indicates that PKZIP compression is
;S supported by this node. Other methods of archiving
;S are supported (ARJ,LHA,etc.) but are not standardized.
;S The following flags indicate the types of
;S file/update requests supported.
;S |--------------------------------------------------|
;S | | Bark | WaZOO |
;S | |---------------------|---------------------|
;S | | File | Update | File | Update |
;S | Flag | Requests | Requests | Requests | Requests |
;S |------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
;S | XA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
;S | XB | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
;S | XC | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
;S | XP | Yes | Yes | No | No |
;S | XR | Yes | No | Yes | No |
;S | XW | No | No | Yes | No |
;S | XX | No | No | Yes | Yes |
;S |--------------------------------------------------|
;S The following software is qualified to
;S use the appropriate file request flag
;S according to information provided by
;S developers:
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | Flag Software Package |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XA Frontdoor 1.99b and lower |
;S | Frontdoor 2.01 and higher |
;S | Dutchie 2.90c |
;S | Binkleyterm 2.1 and higher |
;S | D'Bridge 1.2 and lower |
;S | TIMS |
;S | Portal of Power 0.61+ |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XB Binkleyterm 2.0 |
;S | Dutchie 2.90b |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XC Opus 1.1 |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XP Seadog |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XR Opus 1.03 |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XW Fido 12N and higher |
;S | Tabby |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | XX D'Bridge 1.30 |
;S | Frontdoor 1.99c/2.00 |
;S | InterMail 2.01 |
;S |-----------------------------------|
;S | None QMM |
;S |-----------------------------------|